How to determine what type of diabetes mellitus without tests?

How to determine what type of diabetes mellitus without tests?

Ways to determine the type of diabetes mellitus without symptoms.

Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous systemic disease that causes many undesirable symptoms and general deterioration in health. In this article, we will tell you how to determine the second type of diabetes mellitus without analyzes and contacting the hospital. 

How to determine diabetes at home?

In general, the symptoms of diabetes of type 1 and 2 mellitus are almost the same, but there are still categories of the population that are more susceptible to type 1 diabetes, and people who have type 2 diabetes.

How to determine diabetes at home:

  • Basically, insulin -dependent diabetes is most often diagnosed in children, as well as in young people under 30 years old. In this case, in the pancreas, an insufficient amount of hormone is produced for splitting glucose.
  • With type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, so there is no need to introduce it. In this case, the cells of the body simply do not perceive this insulin, and are not sensitive to it.
  • Therefore, first of all, treatment is carried out to reduce symptoms, as well as minimize deviations.

How to determine type 2 diabetes?

The most interesting thing is that at the initial stage, there are practically no symptoms of diabetes of the second type. It does not develop sharply, the disease manifests itself gradually and the symptoms intensify over time.

How to determine type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  • That is, at the very beginning, a person does not feel any specific signs of the disease. Basically, at the very beginning of the disease, the patient feels dizziness, constant weakness, as well as muscle pain.
  • Accordingly, these symptoms can be confused with any other ailment, and it is to turn for stress or a large amount of work, overwork. But over time, the situation exacerbates and the symptoms become more pronounced.
  • Next, rashes or boils on the skin appear. Indeed, people with type 2 diabetes very often suffer from skin ailments, including atopic dermatitis, furunculosis, can act as acne, despite the fact that the age is no longer teenage.

What are the signs to determine diabetes mellitus?

Men can observe sexual weakness, that is, a decrease in erection, and in women itching in the genital organs and fungus. Indeed, with type 2 diabetes, the state of health worsens, protective functions are reducedorganism, therefore, a fungus may appear in the genital area, women usually have a thrush.

On what signs to determine diabetes mellitus:

  • The gums and mucous membrane of the oral cavity often suffer. A sick person can suffer from periodontal disease, stomatitis, and a thrush of mucous membranes in the mouth.
  • Often in a person with type 2 diabetes, a runny nose develops, and colds. This indicates a decrease in immunity, which very often happens with insulin -dependent diabetes. 
  • Type 2 diabetes is a disease that can be inherited. That is why children of sick parents need to be careful and adhere to a diet. The main cause of this diabetes is improper nutrition with the consumption of a large number of simple carbohydrates and sugar.
Diabetes prevention
Diabetes prevention

How to determine which type of diabetes mellitus?

At an early stage in men, the most basic symptoms of type 2 diabetes is inflammation of the foreskin. Indeed, the most striking, obvious symptoms of diabetes are constant thirst, as well as frequent urination.

How to determine what type of diabetes mellitus:

  • However, if with diabetes of type 1 mellitus, symptoms arise very bright and unexpectedly suddenly, then diabetes of the second type develops gradually.
  • That is why diabetes, which is treated with insulin, is much easier to determine due to brighter symptoms,which develop very rapidly. It is also worth paying attention to neoplasms on the skin.
  • With type 2 diabetes, yellow growths very often occur on the skin, which indicate that the skin cells work incorrectly and layering occurs.

How to determine the symptoms of diabetes?

It is worth paying attention to the legs on the legs. With diabetes mellitus, mycosis of the feet often develops, the fungus of the legs, and it affects almost all the nails that are very thickened, become dense, thick and brown, gray.

ToaK determine the symptoms of diabetes:

  • With diabetes mellitus, the sensitivity of the legs may decrease, observetingling, and convulsions in the calf muscles. This happens both at night and during the day. 
  • Therefore, if you have any of the above symptoms, we advise you to check with the doctor. Now a similar analysis is carried out in the most ordinary clinic,results We'll have to wait only one day.
  • In addition, many family doctors have a special test strips with which you can determine an increase in blood sugar. Usually such devices can be found in diabetics.
Signs of the disease
Signs of the disease

In order to improve health, and not miss the disease, try to undergo medical examinations annually, and do not ignore even the most banal symptoms. 

Video: Determine the type of diabetes mellitus

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Comments K. article

  1. I think you can’t do without a doctor .... This is how diabetes was given to me. But by the way, not everything is as scary as it seems. I just take Olidim and adhere to low -carbon dies .... So I manage to keep sugar in normal)

  2. I also doubt that it’s worth solving such important issues without a doctor. There are suspicions - go take the tests! And it’s better not to pull with this. I reached 2 types of diabetes. Fortunately, there are now many drugs that help to cope with anything! In addition to the diet, I drink Difosulin, and thank the guys who create such drugs.

  3. Yes, I also consider diabetes a serious ailment. There is a lot about the symptoms written, but we all usually ignore. But my mother lived with him for many years, but in the end she died of cancer.

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