How to determine anemia yourself without analyzes: Test. What analysis should be taken for anemia?

How to determine anemia yourself without analyzes: Test. What analysis should be taken for anemia?

Signs and symptoms of anemia in adults.

Anemia is a lack of red blood cells in the blood. It is worth noting that the ailment can be determined not only by a blood test, but also by indirect signs. In the article we will tell you how to determine the presence of anemia without analyzes, using tests. 

How to recognize anemia in an adult?

In order to determine the ailment, it is necessary to adequately and honestly answer several questions. 

How to recognize anemia in an adult:

  • For people who suffer from anemia, pale skin are characteristic. Sometimes they can be with a blue tint. Even in people who are distinguished by dark skin, there is a very painful shade, can be grayish, or even with a blue tint. Such people usually do not have a natural blush. 
  • Frequent headaches and dizziness. Sometimes it happens that a person with a disease cannot get out of bed, feels weak enough. This happens not only after a hard working day, but also in the morning, when a personnot yet I went to work and did not engage in physical exertion. 
  • Constantly cold limbs of arms and legs. The cold in the hands and legs is very often provoked by circulatory disorders. Which in turn is often provoked by a lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells. It is with their low concentration that cold limbs are observed. Very often it reaches the chills, so such people put on warm socks, even when summer is on the street, warm enough.
  • Another symptom of anemia is the lack of appetite and weakness. A person may not want to eat anything at all, while a weight loss is observed. However, this is possible only in the later stages of anemia, at the very initial stage there are usually no problems with appetite. 
Signs of anemia
Signs of anemia

Signs and symptoms of anemia

If you often sit on a diet, while there is poor well -being, dizziness, weakness, perhaps this speaks of anemia. In women who often practice diets, including protein ones, there may be anemia due to a deficiency of iron that does not enter.

Signs and symptoms of anemia:

  • Superficial breathing. Usually in people suffering from low hemoglobin, superficial breathing is observed. That is, a very short breath and exhale. There are practically no deep breaths, when trying to breathe deeply, pain or unpleasant sensations can be observed. After several attempts to take a deep breath, breathing again becomes superficial. This is due to the lack of hemoglobin in the blood, so that oxygen is very poorly carried inside the body. All systems are forced to save oxygen, so a person does not inhale deep enough. 
  • Pay attention to the skin, hair and nails. Usually, if anemia is observed, the nails become brittle and even embossed. Often you can see their concavity according to the principle of a spoon. Hair also begins to grow poorly and falls out. Regarding the skin, it does not acquire a natural shade, it can be yellow or even blue. Pay attention to menstruation.
  • Sometimes anemia can talk about unusual, frequent, also abundant menstruation. Often a woman who has abundant menstruation suffers from anemia. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and indicates diseases of the female system. In which case, anemia is only a consequence and symptom of some more serious disease. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and be examined. In general, during menstruation, on average, a woman loses 80 ml of blood. If the monthly is plentiful, then this figure is much higher. In this case, there is anemia. Very often, such women, after the periods pass, feel devastated. This is due to the loss of iron.
  • See how many times this year they had a cold. In addition, think about what drugs you used to eliminate symptoms. Some of the drugs may reduce iron level. Frequent colds also indicate possible anemia. Please note that antibiotics and sulfonamides reduce iron level, which leads to anemia. 
Red blood cells
Red blood cells

What analysis should I take on anemia, how to determine the type of anemia by blood test?

Now in the arsenal, modern doctors have a huge number of tests that allow you to identify anemia. However, it should be understood that there are several options for anemia. They differ in their structure, as well as reasons for the appearance. Initially, the most simple study is a biochemical blood test that shows the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin. An additional parameter is the form, as well as the value of red blood cells. Cells and their dimensions, forms can talk about a lot, or rather the presence of iron deficiency anemia.

Pdink confirmation, the doctor may be directed to additional studies. To determine the type of anemia by blood tests, you can undergo an examination for ferritin, as well as serum iron. The fact is thatferritin - This is one of the types of iron that transfers oxygen. By the amount of this blood component, it is possible to find out whether a person really has iron deficiency anemia or the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood is reduced for another reason.

If ferritin is low, then anemia provoked by iron deficiency really takes place. If the level is increased, or normal, then most likely the reason is not a deficiency of iron, but in chronic diseases.Ferritin It is a tumor marker, and may indicate inflammation in the body. If it is increased, then there is inflammation or serious chronic ailments, perhaps even cancer, which provoked a decrease in hemoglobin. 

Food with anemia
Food with anemia

The choice of the drug depending on the type of anemia

Please note that with iron deficiency, preparations that contain two -glued iron are often prescribed. They are well absorbed, and replenishes its deficiency. If there is a serious degree and lack of hemoglobin, then it is impossible to fill it with a diet. Drug treatment is shown. The most difficult thing is with vegetarians, since mainly in plant foods there is a trivalent iron that is poorly absorbed. Some products that are rich in this metal are also absorbed to a slight extent, so their reception is useless.

Among these products, it is worth mentioning the liver. It has a lot of iron, however, most is not absorbed by the body. In contrast, in the veal, iron beef is much smaller, but it is better absorbed. Therefore, the use of red meat will be more appropriate than offal and liver. Vegetarians are recommended to take medications, as well as include vegetables containing iron in their diet.


As many years of experience of specialists who understand this area shows, the iron contained in plants is absorbed much worse than animal origin. 

Video: Symptoms and signs of anemia

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