Alkaline phosphatase in blood test: what does this mean, what is the norm in healthy men, women, pregnant women, children, after 50 years old?

Alkaline phosphatase in blood test: what does this mean, what is the norm in healthy men, women, pregnant women, children, after 50 years old?

In this article you will learn what alkaline phosphatase is, as well as what norms of this enzyme and what to do if the indicators are increased or lowered.

The human body has many different enzymes that play a large role in its functioning. Alkaline phosphatase (SCF) is found in all tissues and cells. Without it, metabolism does not pass, and this enzyme is necessary for phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Analysis for alkaline phosphatase is prescribed if you need to find out information about the state of a particular system of the body or diagnose oncology. Read more below.

Alkaline phosphatase in a biochemical blood test: what does this mean, what shows?

Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase

If a person treats a doctor with any symptoms of malaise, weakness, increased sweating, pain in some part of the body, then the doctor will certainly prescribe a biochemical blood test for alkaline phosphatase. What does this mean what such an enzyme shows? Here's the answer:

  • Increased or vice versa, the low level of alkaline phosfatase indicates the presence of pathology in the body.
  • Even if the symptoms are completely absent or lubricated, then by the level of such enzyme enzymes in the blood test, the doctor will be able to establish a preliminary diagnosis and direct it to additional diagnosis.
  • The measurement of the level of alkali-phosfatase is also used to diagnose deviations in the liver, gall bladder and bones.
  • If the number is increased, then most often there is a suspicion of the presence of malignant education in the body.

Remember: Even if you have passed the analysis, and you have deviations in the indicators, you do not need to make a preliminary diagnosis for yourself. Only a doctor will be able to correctly evaluate the result, prescribe additional diagnostic measures and make the correct diagnosis.

What is the norm of alkaline phosphatase in healthy men, women, children, after 50 years: table

The amount of this fermented enzymes will vary depending on the gender and age indicators. In children, it is much higher than in older people. The relationship of this is traced in the intensive growth of the child, enhanced metabolic processes. With age, closer to 70 years, the level increases again, since the bones become fragile and there is a constant release of fermented cells into the blood.

What is the norm of alkaline phosphatase in children? Here is a table with maximum permissible indicators:

Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase

At 12-17, the indicators will be different, since the teenage child is restructured by the body, hormonal surge and metabolism changes. Here is the norm for teenagers:

Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase

Here are the signs with the norms of the SCF in healthy men, women at a young age, older and after 50 years:

Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase

If a person has pathological changes in the kidneys, liver, endocrine system and there are malfunctions in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, then he must be prescribed biochemistry of blood on the SCF. It is important to note that the results will be more informative if the analysis is carried out fraud. But such analysis is carried out on expensive equipment, which is only in private clinics. Therefore, in budget hospitals, blood biochemistry is prescribed, but such a diagnosis will also be informative.

The norm of alkaline phosphatase in pregnant women: why are there level deviations?

The norm of alkali-phoswoods of a non-acquired woman should be in the range of 80-140 units/l. But as soon as the conception of the egg occurs, the level of alkaline phosphatase begins to increase to 240 units/l and this is the norm. All this is explained by the fact that in the placenta, which begins to develop rapidly in the woman’s uterus, there are many ShCF enzymes. Why are the level deviations appear?

If a pregnant woman in a level rises more acceptable values:

  • This indicates damage to the liver, pancreas or bones.
  • In order for the diagnosis to be more accurate, the content of the ECF enzymes with other enzymes should be interpreted - ALT and AST.
  • If their indicators are also higher than the norm, then it can be argued about the pathology of the liver, namely, the presence of severe gestosis of pregnant women.

If the level of the ShHF is low:

  • It is worth evaluating the degree of development of the placenta.
  • The disadvantage of the enzyme suggests that the placenta develops weakly and this can threaten spontaneous termination of pregnancy.
  • Sometimes low indicators indicate deviations in the thyroid gland.

Therefore, the doctor who observes the pregnant woman must consider everything in order to exclude all kinds of risks when interpreting the results of the analysis.

High activity of alkaline phosphatase in the analysis of blood in adults: reasons, what does it mean, in what diseases an increase in the level occurs?

Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase

With an increase in the indicators of alkaline phosfatase, doctors always know a preliminary diagnosis. But to make an accurate diagnosis, additional diagnosis is prescribed, since a slight excess of the norm may indicate specific conditions of the patient. If pathologies are excluded, then what does the high activity of alkaline phosphatase in the blood test in adults mean:

  • Pregnancy-usually in the 2-3rd trimester.
  • Meno-Pausa, post-dopausa in women. In this period, the bones acquire a more fragile structure and therefore enzyme molecules enter the bloodstream.
  • The age period of rapid bone growth in children.
  • The period when healing of injuries and broken bones occurs.
  • Reception of hormones in women (contraceptives and for treatment).
  • Disadvantage in the body of calcium and phosphates.

What diseases are an increase in the level? If the above conditions are excluded, then here are the reasons:

  • Diseases of the liver and bile-overthrows-cholecystitis, tumors, stones, exacerbations, infections, toxic lesions and so on.
  • Reception of injections, tablets, capsules and medicinal drops that increase the SCF - ascorbin, magnesia, antidepressants, hormones, antibacterial drugs, non -steroidal drugs and others. If the drug affects the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, then the fermented substances of phosfatase in the blood will necessarily be increased.
  • Changing the bone structure - fractures, malignant neoplasms of bones, osteomulation, osteoporosis, myeloma and others.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Renal heart attack, as well as myocardial and lung.
  • Tumors of the kidneys, lungs.
  • Hyperparathyroidism is an increased function of the thyroid gland, in which a parathormone is produced in abundance and calcium metabolism is disturbed.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Intestinal diseases - colitis and so on.

Remember: Only the doctor should interpret the results. It is dangerous to make a diagnosis on your own and prescribing treatment!

Alkaline phosphatase is increased, reduced in a child: causes

Alkaline phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase

The norms of alkaline phosphatase children were described above. They are much higher than in adults, since the child has active metabolism and rapid bone growth. However, if the indicators are increased, then you should look for the cause. Most often it can be such diseases and conditions:

  • The physiological increase in the SCF in premature babies is considered the norm and is associated with the active restoration growth of the body.
  • The abnormal development of the gall bladder or its inflammation, stones, violation of patency of the bile ducts.
  • Discinesia ZhVP.
  • The presence of helminthic invasions in the body.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis.
  • Leukemia.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Rachite is a disease that develops in infancy due to a lack of vitamin D.

A strong low level of SCF is often an error of the laboratory. However, if the indicators are the same during repeated analysis, then the diagnosis of “hypophosphatasia” is made. This is a severe congenital pathology with low activity of the SCF.

How to reduce alkaline phosphatase folk remedies?

Immortals for the treatment of increased alkaline phosphatase
Immortals for the treatment of increased alkaline phosphatase

From the foregoing, it is clear that in order to reduce the indicators of the SCF, it is necessary to identify and treat the underlying disease. After all, increased alkaline phosphatase is a separate symptom, not an independent disease. With adequate treatment, the indicators will come to normal for 1-3 months, depending on the severity of the pathology.

You can help the body with the use of natural decoctions and infusions. Here's how to reduce alkaline phosphatase folk remedies:

  • For diseases of the liver, you can drink liver fees. They are sold in pharmacies. A good woman, artichoke, dandelion helps.
  • With pathologies of the biliary tract, the decoction of immortality, St. John's wort, chamomile will help.
  • In the diseases of the kidneys - a lover, thyme, chicory, lemon balm, strawberry leaves.
  • With brittle bones, especially in old age, Yarutka, Fir and Jerusalem artichoke will help. Moreover, it is Jerusalem artichoke that is used by the whole plant: root, leaves and flowers.

Remember: Medicinal herbs are not used in the form of monotherapy. Infusions and decoctions can only be an addition to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor. In addition, before taking traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Increased indicators of alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT: Causes

Indicators of alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT
Indicators of alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT

The liver samples of AST and ALT are prescribed to identify pathologies in the digestive organs. If you interpret the results of the SCF and these indicators, then we can say about the presence of various diseases in the body. These are the causes of increased indicators of alkaline phosphatase, AST and ALT:

  • Poor outflow of bile against the background of obesity, low motor activity, malignant neoplasms, cirrhosis and so on.
  • Diabetes.
  • Increasing the level of triglycerides.
  • Taking ethyl alcohol, drugs, strong drugs.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Fat hepatosis.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

Hepatic tests are an excellent diagnosis of stagnation of bile and changes in the liver as a result of a negative factor. But to make an accurate diagnosis, an additional examination and consultation of the doctor will be needed.

Reduced alkaline phosphatase: Reasons, what does this mean?

Lack of vitamins with reduced alkaline phosphatase
Lack of vitamins with reduced alkaline phosphatase

A small number of this enzymes indicates the presence of pathology in different areas of the human body and internal organs. What does it mean? This means that the outbreak of the disease can be located in any organ. Diseases can have a connection with the development of the placental membrane in a pregnant woman, with damage to the bone system, metabolism, diseases of the thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels. These are the reasons for reduced alkaline phosphatase:

  • Far heartbeat-this pathology may appear against the background of some underlying disease.
  • Constant low level of hemoglobin-indicates the presence of malignant new education.
  • Cretinism.
  • Myocardial hypertrophy.
  • Hypotheraosis.
  • Scurvy.
  • Climacteric period in women.
  • Deficiency of vitamin C and vitamins of group V.
  • Phosphorus deficiency in the body.

In addition to all these conditions, a reduced level of this enzyme can be observed in donors in patients who had blood transfusion. With such temporary phenomena, any special therapy is not required.

Determination of alkaline phosphatase in dogs: norm

Determination of alkaline phosphatase in dogs
Determination of alkaline phosphatase in dogs

If the condition of a four -legged friend worsened, lethargy appear, wool falls out, a voice loss occurs, then the veterinarian can prescribe a biochemical blood test to obtain a picture of an existing disease.

The determination of alkaline phosphatase in dogs is performed in special veterinary laboratories. The norm of this enzyme is from 24 to 124 units/l. The dog may also have deviations in the indicators of this enzymes. What conditions and pathologies indicate this, read below.

Causes of increased or reduced phosphatase in dogs: what to do to have the norm?

Phosphatase in dogs
Phosphatase in dogs

It is difficult to carry out diagnostics in the dog, and some veterinarians begin to treat the alleged diseases, while others offer to do a second analysis after a while. If the indicators have not decreased, then the animal is carefully inspected for the presence of fractures and other injuries. The presence of parasites or fungi on the skin is excluded by examination, as well as an ultrasound of the peritoneal organs.

Different states and pathologies may include the causes of increased or decreased phosphatase:

  • The rapid growth of the body in puppies.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Injuries, bone fractures.
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Tumor pathologies (osteosarcomes and others).
  • Kushing Syndrome.

Together with the treatment prescribed by a veterinarian with a particular pathology, the dog is recommended for proper nutrition, avoiding stress, serious loads and even reducing walks. Talk to your animal, do not scream and do not scold the dog. Peace, proper nutrition and drugs, will help to cope with the animal with the disease, and the indicators of the SCF will return to normal.

Video: alkaline phosphatase in the blood - designation, norms, what does it show?


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