What is histology? What can show an analysis of histology, how the process itself occurs, how is the preparation of histological technology of the study, the timing of histological examination. Can a histological examination be erroneous?

What is histology? What can show an analysis of histology, how the process itself occurs, how is the preparation of histological technology of the study, the timing of histological examination. Can a histological examination be erroneous?

Analysis for histology is very important and informative. In more detail about this type of research, you can learn in the article.

A histological examination makes it possible to accurately determine whether dangerous cells or neoplasms are present. Histology is carried out in order to carefully study the tissues of various systems and internal organs. Distinctive features of the examination from other methods are as follows - as a result, you can get the most accurate results.

Modern studies of the body are carried out using different methods: the patient is examined by a doctor, the doctor takes analyzes from the patient and makes him an ultrasound. However, in all cases, these methods make it possible to accurately determine the diagnosis, or find dangerous cells, new formations. It was for such cases that the method was invented, which gives the most accurate results - this is histology. You probably heard about a smear on histology, but you have no idea what it is. The histological method of examination makes it possible to study carefully cells with tissues, detect a pathology of growth of diseases. This method is often used in gynecology and other medical areas.

You would like to know what the examination of histology means, how is it carried out and what can show? Read our material carefully.

What is histology?

This science is considered very important, as it studies all the tissues of living organisms. Fabric is a set of cells and structures between cells, combined into one single system. This system performs certain life functions. The human body consists of 5 main types of tissues:

  • Epithelial
  • Muscle
  • Nervous
  • Connective
  • Blood

Each type has its own signs of structure, growth during the process of life. Science of histology allows doctors to normally study the structure of the listed tissues, and therefore it is considered an obligatory knowledge of each doctor of any direction.

Pathological histology - This is a special science that studies tissues during various diseases and conditions that are not normal. Deep knowledge of the normal state of each cell and human organ enables doctors and pathomorphologist to detect pathology, after which the desired diagnosis.

An important analysis
An important analysis

Today in medicine this science is considered one of the most important among other methods of examination. Laboratory that are engaged in histological examinations is in almost any medical center.

Examinations for histology Often they are carried out in surgical departments, in obstetrics, as well as in gynecology. The examination by this method of tissues after the death of the person himself is considered to establish the cause of death, to determine the presence of diseases.

Besides, a histological method of examination It helps to establish a reliable diagnosis if death is associated with crime. Using this method, the exact time of injuries is set. The statute of limitations of the Russian Academy of Sciences is set. Such processes are carried out in special laboratories with people who have an appropriate education. The data obtained help law enforcement agencies to investigate a crime.

What can show a histology analysis?

With help histological examination The doctor can consider the tissue or organ at the cell level.

This method makes it possible to detect the following processes in the body:

  • Inflammatory processes in acute or in chronic form.
  • Find hemorrhages, blood clots and other disorders associated with the circulatory system.
  • Find new formations, find out what they are: benign or malignant.
  • Determine the level of malignant education if the doctors notice a cancer tumor.
You can find different processes
You can find different processes

Thanks to this examination, you can find out whether foreign bacteria, parasites and other extraneous bodies are present in the fabric. This is only a small list of what possibilities the histology has.

Very often, an examination of a scraping of the surface of the uterus allows you to determine the presence of some changes on various days of menstruation. The results obtained during such examinations allow you to find out how the ovaries work. And this, in person, is very important data that make it possible to cure many diseases, for example, female infertility.

When examining the cervix with this method, you can detect diseases that have just begun to develop if the final, conservative treatment did not bring positive results.

Histological analysis: How is the process itself?

Many people do not even know how to pass the analysis of histology. The examination has nothing to do with other familiar ways. Depending on the body under study, the form of adoption of the analysis has some differences. The patient can take:

  • Smear
  • Class from fabric
  • Film from the fabric
  • Print

The process of taking should always be carried out carefully, and the doctor himself fulfills clear examination rules. As soon as the doctor receives a piece of fabric, he puts it in dishes with formalin or ethanol, makes a thin cut and stains it using a special drug. Methods of painting fabric sections also have some differences. It is often used for such procedures of hematoxylin or an EOZIN tool. After the drug begins to act on tissue, they change their own color.

For example, due to hematoxin, nucleic acids acquire a bluish color. But the proteins after contact in this drug are blushed. After the doctor performs all the procedures, he begins to examine the resulting sample. For work, he takes an electron microscope with which he is looking for pathogenic and very dangerous cells.

There is also another method of histology. Sometimes fabric sections are placed in balm.

Conducting research
Conducting research

An examination is carried out using different microscopes. With help:

  • Light microscope
  • Scanning microscope
  • Electron microscope
  • Luminescent microscope and so on

When a phase-contract microscope is used, doctors can consider those samples that cannot be studied using ordinary technology. The selection of the desired sample is carried out using a special puncture needle, trapezoidal bone or aspiration.

How is the preparation of histological research technology?

The manufacture of such equipment is a very complex process. It includes the following stages:

  • Fixation. It is used in order to preserve the intravital structure of tissues and each cell. It does not allow them to decompose bacterial, digesting cell enzymes. For this stage, a fixing liquid is required, for example, formalin.
  • Wiring. Dehydration of tissues that are prepared for the subsequent stage, that is, for filling. The tissue and fixing fluid is removed, and then the tissue is impregnated with paraffin, becomes much harder. This is necessary so that the tissue cutting is better. If the fabric remains soft, it can be crumpled, as a result of which it will be difficult to detect the pathology. Previously, the wiring was done in several stages and manually. Today, this process has been significantly improved.
  • Pouring. It is needed in order to create a solid block, which is then cut. The fabric is poured with paraffin in small cassettes. As a result, a small block of paraffin is formed.
  • Cutting. Thin sections are made using microtoms. These devices have thin and very sharp blades.
  • Coloring. In order to carry out microscopy of tissue, it is painted. Before this, the cut is placed on a special glass, straightened. For an additional examination, a huge number of staining methods have been developed. The most ideal method is selected by the doctor himself. It all depends on the purpose of the examination. It is painted is carried out using machine guns or manually.
The technique is very complicated
The technique is very complicated
  • Conclusion. The final stage is the room of a painted piece for glass. They do this with a special tool that has a transparent structure and has the ability to refract light. This stage makes it possible to preserve the fabric for several years unchanged. This is necessary, for example, in order to resume the investigation after 1 year, 2 years and so on.

The histological method of examination is considered accessible, giving accurate information. It allows you to detect a large number of diseases, determine the nature of the disease and the level of severity. As a result, the attending doctor may prescribe the necessary treatment.

In what time is a histological examination?

The duration of the examination depends on several important factors. If the laboratory has an old technique, then the analysis is carried out for a long time. But there is no such medical institution that could give accurate results after 7 days. As a rule, the average period for the examination is 10 days.

The deadline for obtaining results is 7-10 days
The deadline for obtaining results is 7-10 days
  • Other factors sometimes affect terms. For example, the professionalism of medical staff, the delivery time for the studied fabric, the quality of the reagents used.
  • If the institution where the fabric is planned to be carried out is equipped with its laboratory, then the survey dates are very reduced. In the event that the examination of the fabric is planned to be carried out in a completely different city, then the time increases by several days.
  • There is the only method that allows you to conduct an examination in the shortest possible time-this is an express study. This examination is carried out with surgery, if the doctor needs to make the right decision.
  • As a rule, ultrasound or CT helps to detect and identify the nature of the neoplasm. Therefore, doctors already give a presumptive conclusion how the operation will take place. But sometimes during a tissue cut, the neoplasm that has arisen does not correspond to the previously delivered forecast.
  • Express research - A method that quickly determines in the tissues the presence of cancer cells. When they are detected, the surgical intervention zone is expanded, since in this case there are tissues that control with the neoplasm.

Can a histological examination be erroneous?

People who receive the conclusion of the examination, which indicates the presence of a cancer tumor, dream that it has a mistake. It is unfortunate, but there are never errors in such a study. If this happens, but very rarely.

This method is considered the most accurate, and therefore it allows you to detect cancer cells and the causes from which they arose. Despite the fact that the method is the most accurate, doctors claim that there is a small percentage of erroneous, wrong results. But with proper observance of taking the sample and the survey process, such errors are simply excluded.

Video: conducting histological analysis

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