Blood biochemistry - deciphering results in adults, men, women, children, during pregnancy: the norm in the table. How to prepare and take a blood test for biochemistry correctly, how many days is it done in the clinic?

Blood biochemistry - deciphering results in adults, men, women, children, during pregnancy: the norm in the table. How to prepare and take a blood test for biochemistry correctly, how many days is it done in the clinic?

Deciphering a biochemical blood test in women, men and children.


Perhaps blood can be called the most unique element of the human body. Its main feature is that in different quantities it is present in absolutely all organs and tissues. Traveling through the body, she collects information about how the body systems function.

If any organ begins to work incorrectly, then this immediately affects the composition of the blood. For this reason, doctors consider biochemical analysis the most accurate indicator of diseases.

Why are they donating blood for biochemistry?

Blood test for biochemistry

A biochemical test of blood is a special laboratory examination, with the help of which a specialist can find out in what condition the human body is. With its help, you can evaluate how correctly the kidneys, spleen, pancreas work, and also understand which trace elements do not have enough for a person.

In addition, a properly made biochemical blood test will give accurate information about all metabolic processes taking place in the body of a man or woman. This study can be prescribed both for diagnosing pathologies and simply for preventive purposes.

Blood biochemistry - deciphering results in adults, men, women, children, during pregnancy: the norm in the table

Blood biochemistry - deciphering results

In order for you to have a more complete idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a biochemical blood test is, we bring to your attention a table in which the norm indicators are indicated. Comparing them with your analyzes, you can understand if you have any deviations.

But teach that this information is presented on our website exclusively for introductory purposes, so it will be better if you decide if you have a pathology or not, there will be a qualified specialist.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is residual nitrogen: norm and deviation

Residual nitrogen: norm and deviation

Biochemical analysis implies that the total number of trace elements in the blood will be taken into account during the study. As for nitrogen, its amount in plasma is measured only after protein compounds are completely removed from it. This indicator is called residual nitrogen in the blood.

As a rule, with the help of this indicator, they try to find out if there are chronic diseases in the human body and at what stage they are. If a man or woman is completely healthy, then this indicator will stay at the mark of 14.3 to 28.5 mmol/liter. In view of this, if the indicator rises above 29.5 mmol/liter, then this may indicate that a person develops, for example, hydronephrosis or polycystic.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is general protein: norm and deviation

General protein - This is nothing but protein compounds in the blood. If all the body systems work correctly, its indicators stay within 66-83 g/l. If a powerful inflammatory process begins in the body, the total protein can increase even to 86-93 g/l.

As a rule, this happens against the background of the development of blood, kidneys and liver diseases. If these organs begin to work for wear, then the protein begins to come out of urine. In some difficult cases, it can be seen with the naked eye (a small -sized white flakes will be observed in the urine).

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is Alt and AST: norm and deviation

ALT and AST: Norm and deviations

ALT and AST - These are specific enzymes that the human liver produces. In a healthy person, most of them are always in hepatocytes, and only a very small amount enters the blood directly. But if the liver is tired or damaged, the hepatic cells begin to intensively collapse and, as a result, the indicators of ALT and AST begin to increase rapidly.

AST indicators: norm
Women - up to 31 units/l
Men - up to 37 units/l

AST indicators: deviation
Women - from 34 units/l
Men - from 40 units/l

Indicators Alt: Norm
Women - up to 34 units/l
Men - up to 45 units/l

AST indicators: deviation
Women - from 36 units/l
Men - from 47 units/l

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is creatinine: norm and deviation with pyelonephritis

Detailed biochemical blood test - creatinine

Creatine It is an indispensable substance for muscle mass and tissues of the body. He takes part in energy exchange and helps the human body cope with heavy loads. Creatine is excreted from the body exclusively by the kidneys.

Therefore, if laboratory studies show that the indicator of this substance has increased sharply, then this indicates that a person develops pyelonephritis. And to say easier, the kidneys are so inflamed so that they ceased to remove creatine from the body, and it began to accumulate in them.

Creatine is normal:
Women - 53 - 97 μmol/l
Men - 62 - 115 μmol/l

Creatine for pyelonephritis:
Women - from 100 μmol/l
Men - from 120 μmol/l

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is uric acid (Uric acid): norm and deviation

Uric acid It is the final product of the processing of protein compounds and, as well as creatine, is removed from organs and systems using kidneys. That is why an increase in this indicator in the blood indicates that a person has obvious problems with this organ. As a rule, uric acid increases if a person develops urolithiasis.

The norm of uric acid in the blood:
Women - 150 - 350 μmol/l.
Men - 210 - 420 μmol/l

If the maximum boundary indicators increase even by several positions is a signal that a person urgently needs to engage in the examination and treatment of kidneys.

Blood biochemistry - iron indicators: norm and deviation in pancreatitis

Blood biochemistry - iron indicators

Such an element as iron is simply vital for our body. It is it that is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and helps to transport oxygen to organs and tissues. Normally, the level of iron in the body should not exceed 30.43 μmol/l and drop below 8.95 μmol. If there is a deviation in one direction or another, then this indicates that the body failed.

As for the indicators of iron for pancreatitis, it can definitely be said that with the development of this disease, its indicators fall. As a result, the patient has a deficiency of iron, which provokes a sharp decrease in hemoglobin (this pathology is most often observed in patients with this disease). With pancreatitis, the level of iron in the blood can drop to 6.5 μmol.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is LDL: norm and deviation

LDL: Norm and deviations

LDL or lipoproteins - These are nothing more than protein compounds that are used by blood for the transfer of cholesterol. The human liver forms these substances, so if their number rises, then the problem is sought primarily in this organ. LDL refers to harmful compounds, which, with strong accumulation, form plaques, interfering with the blood system to work correctly.

As a rule, if this happens, a person develops a pathology called atherosclerosis. Normally, LDL indicators do not exceed 3.5 mmol/l. If they rise to 4.5 mmol/l, this is already considered a deviation, and a person has to undergo a more thorough examination.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is SRB: norm and deviation

SRB - This is the so -called reactive protein, which reacts faster than others to the appearance of an inflammatory process. An increase in its amount in the blood begins as soon as pathogenic bacteria and viruses enter the body. A person may not even feel any unpleasant symptoms, and his body will already try to fight the problem.

Also, by its number, experts can find out how much the disease exacerbates. The more aggressive it will behave, the higher the indicator of the CRB in the blood. It is believed that normal indicators reactively protein should be no more than 5 mg/l. If they rise to 8 5 mg/l, then this indicates the development of the inflammatory process.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is triglycerides (TGL): norm and deviation

TGL: Norm and deviations

TGL - These are lipid fats that are always in blood plasma. With their help, experts will learn about how lipid metabolism goes in the body. If it does not pass as it should, then all processes associated with metabolism are immediately violated in the body.

As a result, the body ceases to correctly break down and transport harmful fats. TGLs are considered to be 0.41-1.8 mmol/l. If in your analyzes you saw great values, then this is already a deviation from the norm.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is glucose: norm and deviation in diabetes mellitus

Glucose: norm and deviations in diabetes mellitus

When conducting a biochemical blood test, they also necessarily look at glucose indicators. If they are too high (more than 6.38 mmol/l), then this indicates that a person develops diabetes. If the glucose level is lowered below 3.33 mmol/l, then this is already a clear symptom of problems with the endocrine system and liver.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is alkaline phosphatase: norm and deviation

Alkaline phosphatase - This is another important enzyme, which in different quantities is present in all tissues of the body and in the inert, including. For laboratory assistants, phosphatase is of greatest importance, which is located in the liver and in the human skeleton.

If she rises, then with confidence we can say that pathological changes occur in these parts of the body. Normally, phosphatase can fluctuate from 30 to 120 units/l. Everything that is below or higher than these indicators is considered a deviation.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is calcium: norm and deviation

Calcium: norm and deviation

Such an element as calcium is simply indispensable for our body. It makes our skeleton strong, helps to work correctly to the heart and takes part in the transfer of absolutely all impulses to the cerebral cortex.

In view of this, it can be said for sure that if its indicators in the blood are omitted or rise above normal, then this immediately affects the well -being of a person. It is considered the norm if calcium in the blood ranges from 2.15 to 1.5 mmol/l.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is amylase: norm and deviation

Amylase - This is a biologically active element that is directly related to metabolism. And more precisely, he is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. For the most part, amylase produces the pancreas, so any deviation from the norm indicates that a person has a problem with this particular part of the body.

This element helps specialists learn whether their patient is sick with pancreatitis or diabetes. The norm of amylase for all representatives of the stronger and weaker sex is from 25 to 125 units. Higher indicators indicate the presence of pancreatic pathology.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is bilirubin (tbil): the norm and deviations for hepatitis

Bilirubin (TBIL): Norm and deviations for hepatitis

If we talk about the bilirubin, then this element is directly related to our liver. These yellow bodies appear when hemoglobin breaks up or when the destruction of the liver cells begins. As a rule, pathologies such as anemia, cirrhosis or gallstone disease become the cause of these processes.

Normally, bilirubin should not rise above 17.1 μmol/l. If this indicator exceeds 20.1 μmol/l, then even without additional studies we can say that a person, at least, has developed hepatitis.

Detailed biochemical blood test - what is sialic acids: norm and deviations

Sialic acids are compounds that in small quantities can be found in all tissues, saliva, secrets of mucous membranes and, of course, in the blood. But despite all this, it is very difficult to find them in a pure form in the body.

For the time being, they remain an auxiliary element of other substances and begin to increase in the blood only if the human body meets with any specific virus or infection. Indicators of sialic acid norm: 2.00-2.36 mmol/l. Deviation is considered to be exceeding 4.36 mmol/l.

What indicators of blood biochemistry indicate oncology, HIV?

Indicators of blood biochemistry during oncology and HIV

As you probably already understood the biochemical test of blood, provided that it is done correctly, can give the most complete picture of what is happening inside the human body. Therefore, if you do it at least once every six months, then you can avoid the severe development of diseases such as HIV and malignant tumors.

With the development of oncological pathologies in biochemical analysis, they will be increased:
Uric acid

With the development of HIV in biochemical analysis, they will be increased:

How to prepare and take a blood test for biochemistry correctly?

Preparation for testing

For a biochemical analysis of blood, as well as for any other study, you need to prepare correctly. After all, if a person, for example, will take alcohol before diagnosing, then the result is unlikely to be reliable.

Also, in this case, it is extremely important to warn the laboratory assistant about taking medicines. This must be done, because even the most harmless drugs can affect the composition of the blood, and therefore the result of the tests.

If you want to get the right result, then before the analysis:
Do not eat late in the evening
Do not eat fatty, fried and spicy food
Do not smoke cigarettes and hookah
Do not play sports
In no case do not be nervous and do not worry

Biochemical blood test: on an empty stomach or not, is it possible to drink water before blood donation?

I immediately want to say that it is strictly forbidden to eat before a biochemical analysis of blood as it can quite distort the result. Ideally, 12 hours should pass between meals and blood fence.

But still, some doctors allow their patients to eat 8 hours before the analysis. As for water, you can drink it, but still in this case there are restrictions. It is allowed to use liquid without gas, sugar and taste additives.

How many days is a biochemical blood test in the clinic?

Decryption of tests in the clinic

If we talk about how much time a biochemical blood test is done in the clinic, then everything will depend on what equipment it has. If it is modern, then the laboratory assistant will take no more than an hour to decrypt data.

If the clinic uses outdated devices for processing data, then it will take at least 3 hours. But despite the fact that, if desired, the result of the analysis can be obtained very quickly, most clinics officially do this study for one day.

Video: Biochemical blood test - decryption, table and norm

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