How to determine the blood type without tests: methods, signs

How to determine the blood type without tests: methods, signs

Several ways to determine the blood type without laboratory tests.

Each person has a certain set of physiological indicators that distinguish him from other people and make it a unique individual. These include the coloring of the hair, eye, physique, certain characteristics of the body, such as metabolism, tendency to complete, etc., as well as weight and height. One of the most important characteristics of the body is a blood group and Rh factor, which determine its basic properties.

But many young people and those who never lay in hospitals often do not have this information. If for some reason you do not want to contact a medical institution for testing, then after reading our article to the end, you will learn how to independently determine the blood group at home.

Image 1. We determine the blood group on our own.
Image 1. We determine the blood group on our own.

Why do you need to know your blood type?

As already mentioned, a blood type is a determining factor in the individual properties of the human body and its type is inherited, regardless of gender, age or nationality. There is a total 4 blood groups, which are distinguished by specific groups of carbohydrates and proteins and have different degrees of compatibility with each other.

Why do you need to know your blood type? Knowledge of your blood type can be useful in the following cases:

  • Transfusion. Unfortunately, everyone can fall into a situation where he or his loved ones may need an emergency blood transfusion, and there will be no opportunity or time or time. It is under such circumstances that it is very important to know your blood group, because any minute of delay can cost the injured life.
Image 2. Table of compatibility of blood groups during transfusion.
Image 2. Table of compatibility of blood groups during transfusion.
  • Paternity test or family ties. As already mentioned, a blood group is inherited to a person and in a genetic examination, information about the blood group is also required. If you are afraid of needles, it is better to know her in advance.
  • Pregnancy planning. When planning pregnancy, it is also extremely important to know your spouse’s blood and blood group. Or rather, their Rh factor. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father has a positive one, then the pregnant woman risks facing the development of Rh conflict, which threatens the serious consequences for the health of the fetus.
Image 3. What is Rh conflict?
Image 3. What is Rh conflict?

How to determine a blood group at home?

Today there are quite a few people among young people who refuse to go to clinics or hospitals to determine the blood group and are looking for ways to do it on their own. The reasons for everyone are different. Someone is afraid of needles, someone does not have time to visit these institutions, and someone is just too lazy. Fortunately for such people, there are several ways to determine the blood group and its Rh factor at home. However, it is worth saying right away that not every of them can guarantee you the accuracy of information by 100%.

View medical documents

  • Perhaps the easiest, affordable and reliable way to determine the blood type is to view your medical documents. If you ever lay in the hospital and you took blood for analysis, then your blood type must be indicated in the extract.
  • If not, then you are probably attached to the district clinic and this information is indicated in your medical record. You can get it in your hands in the registry and find your own blood group yourself, or call there, dictate your medical policy number and request the results of previously conducted tests.
  • Also, some people may have an appropriate mark in the passport. Despite the fact that such a practice has already been a thing of the past, some institutions (for example, a registry office), at the request of a citizen, can put a seal with a blood group on the 18th page of the document.

Ask your parents

  • If the search for this information in medical documents did not give results, then in another reliable way to find out their blood group will be an appeal to their parents. As a rule, employees of the maternity hospital on the first birthday of the child inform his mother, height and blood group.


We remind you that the blood type is inherited and if you know the blood group of your parents, then, based on this information, you can calculate your own. However, there are two problems:

  • If you do not know your blood type, then you are unlikely to know what kind of parents it has. Perhaps they themselves do not know;
  • In the reliability of information, you can be 100% sure if both of your parents have the first group. Then you also have the first. If parents have different blood groups, then the theory of probability begins to work here. The probability table can look at the image below.
Image 4. The probability table of the blood group in the child.
Image 4. The probability table of the blood group in the child.

Using express tests

  • If the reason why you cannot pass a normal analysis in a medical institution is associated with a lack of free time, then you can purchase a special express test intended to determine the blood group in the pharmacy. It is a special strip-indicator, on which you need to drip a little blood and after a few seconds get the result.
  • There are several types of such indicator strips. Some of them are sold separately, and some complete with a special device (glucometer), which is often used by diabetics.
Image 5. An example of strips for a glucometer.
Image 5. An example of strips for a glucometer.

By type of character

  • This method of determining the blood type can be called absurd or even fantastic. However, quite a few people believe in it, as in astrology. It is assumed that people with the first blood group have a firm and rude character.
  • The second blood type is present in peace -loving and soft people. Representatives of mankind with the third group always show excessive activity and sociability, and the fourth blood group went to versatile and multifaceted people.
  • It is unlikely that you have to talk about the reliability of this “analysis”. However, this theory also has the right to exist at the expense of a large number of its supporters.

Video: blood group inheritance

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