The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women and men after 50 years: a table by age. Causes of increase in cholesterol in the analysis of blood and methods of reducing it: Description

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women and men after 50 years: a table by age. Causes of increase in cholesterol in the analysis of blood and methods of reducing it: Description

An integral part of biochemical processes in the body is the natural substance cholesterol. The widely known term in most people is associated with adverse factors.

A fat -like substance can bring both benefits and harm to the body. It all depends on the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

Cholesterol functions

Cholesterol performs several basic functions in the body:

  • Cholesterol is strengthening material for the walls of blood vessels, providing protection against external influences.
  • Cholesterol interaction At the cellular level contributes to normal metabolism.
  • Cholesterol is involved in synthesizing sex hormones Testosterone and estrogen.
  • Enters the composition of the hormone stress cortisol that regulates excessive loads on the body.
  • Provides a favorable impact on the immune system.
  • Participates in the synthesization of vitamin D necessary for the absorption of calcium.
  • Based on the beneficial properties of cholesterol, it is obvious that both a high and low percentage of the content of a substance poses a threat to the body.
  • The main production of cholesterol It occurs using the liver. Only a fifth of the substance enters the body along with the products used.

Interaction of cholesterol with transport proteins

  • Easy movement cholesterol According to blood vessels in the body, they provide Transport proteins. The amount of fat -like substance affects the density of organic compounds - lipoproteins.
  • High density lipoproteins perform the functions of good cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is responsible for elimination of plaques and ensuring high -quality blood flow. The normal content of good cholesterol helps to protect the body from heart disease.
From plaques
From plaques
  • Lipoproteins of low density are attributed to poor cholesterol. Increased cholesterol contributes to the formation of plaques that block the movement of blood flow. Plasticity and patency of blood vessels are violated.
  • The accumulation of poor cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, a threat to life appears.

Blood cholesterol in women and men after 50 years: Age table

The norm of total cholesterol for different ages and floors has its own range of values. The average cholesterol for all ages is 5 mmol/l, for low density lipoproteins, value is permissible 4 mmol/l.

  • According to scientific research after 50 years in the body, the number of low density lipoproteins increases and the number of high density lipoproteins decreases.
  • For the female, the permissible range of cholesterol values \u200b\u200bis slightly higher than for men.
  • Female sex hormones Promotes to reduce the accumulations of poor cholesterol.
  • The period of pregnancy has a positive effect.

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women after 50 years: a table by age

Female age Cholesterol norm
40-50 years From 3.81 to 6.86
50-55 years From 4.20 to 7.38
55-60 years From 4.45 to 7.77
60-65 years From 4.45 to 7.69
65-70 years From 4.43 to 7.85
More than 70 years From 4.48 to 7.25

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in men after 50 years: a table by age

In men, increased cholesterol is found at an earlier age - after 35 years. A negative effect has a wrong lifestyle - harmful food and pernicious habits.

Male age Cholesterol, mmol/l
40-50 years From 3.91 to 7.15
50-55 years From 4.09 to 7.17
55-60 years From 4.04 to 7.15
60-65 years From 4.12 to 7.15
65-70 years From 4.09 to 7.10
More than 70 years From 3.73 to 6.86

Causes of high cholesterol after 50 years

  • Increased cholesterol It occurs as a result of a number of diseases. The concentration of the natural substance depends on the state of the thyroid gland.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland leads to a reduced production of hormones. Consequently the norm of cholesterol is increasing.
  • The amount of cholesterol in a certain way is affected by weather conditions. The cool temperature on the street provokes jumps of normal indicators.
  • Crossing the menstrual cycle women often lead to a sharp increase in cholesterol. Therefore, it is necessary to control the indicators annually and consult a doctor.
  • Heart diseases, impaired blood circulation, excess glucose in the blood require a decrease in cholesterol below the boundary permissible values. The weak organism should have a quantitative level of level to the upper boundary of the norm, which avoids a sharp increase in low density lipoproteins (poor cholesterol).

Viral diseases lead to a decrease in blood cholesterol indicators. Systematically control the level of cholesterol under the following conditions:

  • Women from the moment of menopause.
  • Men after 40 years old.
  • Excess glucose in the blood.
  • Overweight.
  • Transferred strokes or heart attacks.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Long -term smoking.
  • Inactive lifestyle.

Increased cholesterol: how to lower?

  • Cholesterol norm It is regulated by drug therapy and adjustment of lifestyle. The indicators in blood tests reflect a human lifestyle. According to analyzes, doctors prescribe medicines.
  • Effective drugs include group fibratov and satin. Among such drugs, one can distinguish Lovastatin, Fluvastatin, Rosuvastatin. In combination with these drugs, vitamins, antihistamines, blood thinning, diuretics, Q10 are taken.
  • No less effective non -drug treatment. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle. Balance the diet. To begin to adhere to a diet with the right set of products, use the correct preparation technique, use a large amount of fiber that cleanses the body and removes excess non -necessary cholesterol.
  • The main menu should be vegetables and fruits. The refusal of fatty products must be reinforced with regular drinking clean water, and not tea and other drinks.
  • Also maintain a healthy intestinal microflora, which improves cholesterol metabolism. There are a lot of drugs with bacteria microflora. They can be selected with a doctor or a pharmacist in a pharmacy will advise you.
  • Reduces cholesterol and Omega-3 together with vitamin e, as well as licitin.
  • Do not abuse dairy products. Cream oil is replaced by vegetable if possible. Fat varieties of meat should be replaced with fish, seafood, salads.
  • The distribution of physical activity is important. Sports helps to bring many indicators of the body to normal, including reducing cholesterol. Load the body gradually.

Blood donation for cholesterol: preparation for analysis

  • With normal well -being cholesterol in the blood It is checked no more than 1-2 times a year. A blood test from the vein is on an empty stomach.
  • In the evening it is better refrain from eating fatty and spicy foods. Try to exclude external stimuli that can lead you out of balance.
  • Per day before leaving the analysis for cholesterol It is necessary to stop taking all drugs. Any innocent drug has a significant effect on the distortion of the result.

Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol after 50 years

  • In the fight against excess cholesterol A certain result can be achieved using traditional medicine. Take the habit of adding flax seeds to salads and juices. Swing cereals with linseed oil.
  • It is necessary to brew grass with choleretic effect. These include st. John's wort, barberry, lingonberry. Regarding the use of herbs, you need to get a consultation of the attending physician.
  • You can reduce cholesterol levels using bioded -based dietary supplements solodes, dioscorea, Sinyukha.
  • Decoctions are recommended to use no more than 2 weeks, take a break and repeat again. Folk remedies have a mild action.
  • The most effective tool in the fight against cholesterol There is a comprehensive effect on the body of folk remedies and drug therapy.

Video: What do you need to lower cholesterol?

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  1. The norm is different for everyone, of course ... But her husband recently had a clearly increased cholesterol. Fortunately, I managed to normalize it. Took atherfite bio and infusions on sage. Now everything is in order. But for the purpose of prevention for food, it began to follow it better)

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