Headache in children. Why does the child have a headache? Headache with and without

Headache in children. Why does the child have a headache? Headache with and without

Why does children hurt the head? The causes of headache in children. How to help a child and what to do - we will help you understand this article.

The head can hurt not only in adults, kids also suffer from this ailment for various reasons. And if adults can describe the nature of pain, then this is given to children with great difficulty. Often they do not understand and cannot explain what hurts them. And their suffering is transmitted through facial expressions, grimaces, whims and crying.

Why does a high temperature and headache occur in a child?

The baby is crying
Headache in a child: a child cries

After complaints about abdominal pain, headache (medical term - Cephalgia) is in second place among all children's ailments. A headache is painful manifestations from eyebrows and nose bridges to the back of the head.

Infectious processes, as a rule, cause an increase in temperature and severe headache. The disease develops rapidly and gradually affects the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs.

Important: an increase in temperature is a protective signal notifying that there was a failure in the body and all protective systems should be mobilized to eliminate problems.

Fever is accompanied by headache
An increase in temperature in a child is accompanied by a headache

During an increase in temperature, blood circulation and metabolic processes are increased, intracranial pressure may increase. As a rule, a headache appears that signals a malfunction in physiologically established work of the body.

Influenza, SARS and other colds. Headache, weakness, elevated temperature, difficulty breathing, cough, runny nose, muscle pains are characteristic symptoms of seasonal colds. The occurrence of headaches in these diseases is typical and accompanies infectious processes.

IMPORTANT: Heat bodies (above 38 degrees), severe headache, a sharp deterioration in the child’s well -being are factors in which compulsory medical care is required. This is especially true for kids of the first year of life.

The boy drinks water
The boy drinks water in a headache

Headache without temperature in a child, reason

Periodic headaches occur in children most often due to a psycho-emotional state: experiences, fear, stressful situations, a splash of emotions. Such pain sensations are localized in the occipital region and are not accompanied by an increase in temperature and, as a rule, pass on their own.

In such cases, it is enough to change the situation, calm the child, let him relax and drink a little water. A walk in the fresh air and a dream will help eliminate the headache that has arisen.

Stressful situations that can cause a headache in a child:

  • the death of a loved one or a pet
  • divorce of parents
  • visiting a new children's institution (kindergarten, school, sports section, children's studio)
  • moving to a new apartment
  • the beginning of the heating season
  • conflict situations with friends
A stable psycho -emotional state of the child is the key to good health
A stable psycho -emotional state of the child is the key to good health

What is the headache in the temples in children?

Headache of tension Most often causes pain in the temples. Such pains are found in 75% of cases. Stress, stuffy room, excitement and fears, hunger, a change in the usual rhythm of life, weather conditions - factors contributing to the occurrence of a headache.

In the mechanism of pain lies the tension of the muscles and vessels of the head. At first, the pain takes on a moderate character, then intensifies. The child complains of squeezing the head. Such pain usually occurs in the afternoon.

What does a headache in the child’s headache mean?

The headache in the forehead is most often caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Sinusitis: sinusitis, frontal - diseases accompanied by pain in the frontal part of the head. In this case, yellow-green discharge from the nose occurs, indicating a protracted inflammatory process.

Sinusitis. The disease is associated with inflammation of the subordinate sinuses. Most often arises as a complication after colds of infectious diseases. There is heaviness and pain in the forehead, fever and thick discharge from the nose. Treatment is reduced to drainage of the nasal cavities and drug treatment of infection.

Dizziness for headache
Dizziness for headache

Sinusitis - A variety of sinusitis, in which the maxillary sinuses are inflamed. The child complains of nasal congestion, severe headaches in the upper part of the head and heaviness when tilting the head and torso.

Frontitis. The disease is associated with inflammation of the frontal subordinate sinuses. Kids tolerate severe pain in the forehead. It is possible to weaken the pain using an outflow (drainage) of accumulations from the nasal sinuses.

Why does a headache and dizziness occur in a child?

Hodo-brain injuries Often accompanied by dizziness and severe headaches. This may be the result of damage to soft tissues, tendons, muscles, and more serious consequences, such as internal brain hemorrhages.

Important: for the exact staging of the cause of the headache after a traumatic brain injury, it is recommended to conduct a special examination of the brain (neuroimaging). The method of magnetic resonance imaging can be detected by hemorrhages and possible changes in the structure of the brain.

Study of the brain using tomography
Study of the brain using tomography

Causes of headache and vomiting in a child

Meningitis. Sudden severe headaches, accompanied by vomiting, can be caused by infectious processes in the brain. Viral and bacterial inflammation of the shells of the brain, the so -called meningitis, can cause not only severe long headache, but also bouts of vomiting.

Important: the main symptoms of infectious meningitis: acute headache, tension of the occipital muscles, vomiting, high temperature, photophobia.

With such severe symptoms, the child should immediately be hospitalized and prescribed proper and timely treatment.

Migraine. Unilateral severe headaches of paroxysmal nature. The disease is associated with a hereditary predisposition. The attack is long: from half an hour to 5 hours.

The pain is localized in the occipital, parietal or frontal region. Dizziness, lethargy, fainting - characteristic symptoms of migraines.

Brain concussion. Children often fall and often get craniocre injuries. The consequence of the blows of the head may be a concussion. The main symptoms of this form of injuries are short -term loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness and noise in the ears.

Important: traumatic brain injuries are dangerous to the life of the baby, require emergency assistance and consultation of specialists.

Migraine - severe bouts of headache
Migraine - severe bouts of headache in a child

Why does the child have headache and drowsiness?

Headache and drowsiness often accompany each other and are important symptoms of some serious pathologies:

  • cranial injuries with edema and intracranial hematomas
  • sharp toxic poisoning (botulism, narcotic and drug intoxication, poisoning by household chemicals)
  • renal and hepatic coma
  • hypothermia (freezing of the body)

If the child began to complain about headaches and at the same time shows weakness, lethargy, drowsiness - this should alert parents. Such symptoms require a doctor’s consultation, as they are harbingers of some diseases.

Headache in a child is a harbinger of many diseases
Headache in a child is a harbinger of many diseases

Nervous exhaustion or asthenic syndrome It comes from excessive load on the nervous system of the child. Increased fatigue, overwhelming physical and mental overstrain, lack of sleep, inferior nutrition, long -flowing chronic diseases quickly lead to depletion of a weak child's nervous system.

Brain hypoxia Or oxygen brain failure can be associated with a lack of fresh air in the room where the child is located. Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases can also cause oxygen deficiency and lead to headache.

Vegetes -vascular dystonia associated with vascular disorders. Lethargy, drowsiness, moderate headache, increased irritability, dizziness are the main symptoms of the disease.

Acute lesions of the central nervous system accompanied by headache, inhibition of consciousness and increased drowsiness. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the patient may fall into a coma, in a complete unconscious condition.

A sharp headache can be the onset of a serious disease
A sharp headache can be the onset of a serious disease

What is a sharp headache in a child?

A sudden sharp headache should alert parents. We must try to find out the cause of the pain by asking in detail the baby. A severe sudden headache can often serve as an initial symptom of serious disorders in the child's body.

Diseases accompanied by a sharp headache:

  • fluand other infectious diseases
  • hodo-brain injuries
  • diseases of the cervical spine
  • brain tumor
  • meningitis
  • migraine
  • sinusites
  • inflammatory processes c ears
  • dental diseases

Important: if the child complained of a sharp headache that arose suddenly with good health, you should observe the child and try to figure out what could be the cause of pain. With a deterioration in the child’s well -being, urgent help should be caused.

Children's medicines
Children's medicines

Head pain for children

With moderate headaches, a child can alleviate the condition and offer medicines to relieve pain. What medicines and in what cases to use analgesics and antispasmodics in headaches are described in detail in the article “What to give a child from a headache? Drugs and drugs for headaches for children ".

Important: with minor headaches, the following over -the -counter drugs should be used: ibuprofen and Paracetamol. These medications can be used in the form of tablets, liquid syrups and suspensions, rectal suppositories. All other anti -inflammatory and analgesic drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Healthy child
Healthy child

What to do when a child has a headache?

  • If the child complained of headache, you should reassure it and put it in bed
  • Warm sweet tea will help relieve moderate headache
  • The baby can let the drug dissolve GlycineThe so -called "Brain Vitamin." 1-2 tablets relieve spasm of the vessels of the brain and facilitate the condition of the child
  • Wet napkin on the forehead of the baby will help reduce pain and improve well -being
  • Light massage of the “collar zone” (from the base of the skull to the shoulders) will increase blood circulation and improve the condition of the baby

Important: severe and sharp headaches require immediate medical care.

In the end, we will give several useful tips to parents how to avoid headaches in children and how to help overcome them.

Healthy lifestyle - Prevention of diseases
Healthy lifestyle - disease prevention

How to relieve headache without medication?

  • Try to independently find out the cause of the headache in the child. According to statistics, 80% of cases of headache can be cured independently by analyzing the situation of pain
  • Distract the child’s attention from the problem of headache, take him with calm and favorite activities
  • Often headache occurs due to a lack of glucose in the blood. Snacks with fruits, berries, sandwiches during school changes will eliminate headaches of this nature
  • Eliminate from baby foodproducts containing various “fucking”: sweets, chips, sweet soda water, fast food. Additives contained in these products can be the cause of the baby's headache
  • Episodic headaches without acute manifestation can be removed by walking in the fresh air
  • If a headache appeared when watching a TV or a long sitting at a computer, protect a child from this technique of knowledge and games
  • Establish the correct diet, sleep and rest of the child

Important: unexplained causes of headache in a child require qualified medical care. Pain can cause foreign bodies in the ear, in the nasal cavity. Increasing arterial And intracranial pressure, renal or vascular pathology, brain tumors - diseases accompanied by headache.

All about child pain and medicines, advises Dr. Komarovsky, video

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Comments K. article

  1. We have neglected this symptom, but it turns out, it was slightly slightly, but still elevated temperature. So the body fought with constantly incoming viruses and bacteria, immunity is weak. On the advice of the pediatrician, they began to give vitamins of Immuno. They have a price ratio is the best, as it seems to me. Headaches have passed, the baby is strong and less often began to hurt in general.

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