Glycine - instructions for use

Glycine - instructions for use

The article will talk about the drug "Glycin". About the simplest amino acid having a sedative effect.

"Glycin" Instructions for use

Glycine is a replaceable simple amino acid of the aliphatic series. Normally, it is produced in every healthy human body. When digesting the digestive system enters the system, the amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, where it is subsequently used to build the necessary protein structures.

"Glycin" Instructions for use

When using the drug under the tongue, glycine passes the phase of intestinal passage and with blood flow enters directly to the brain. Getting to the structures of the brain, glycine acts as neurotransmitteraffecting brain receptors. Under the influence of amino acids, the brain begins to produce excitement mediators in a smaller amount, and increases the production of the GABA, which has the effect of inhibition.

"Glycine" effect on the body
  • Glycine has emotional and mental stress, reduces conflict and aggressive mood, helps to increase adaptive activity in society. Glycine also helps to bring sleep back and facilitates falling asleep
  • The amino acid helps to improve mood and activates brain activity, increasing performance. People suffering vegeto-vascular dystonia, helps normalize the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Glycine helps to reduce manifestations of brain disorders with ischemic stroke or CMT. Also reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain and other products that adversely affect the central nervous system

"Glycin" indications for use

Indications for the use of this amino acid follow from the above effects.

Such indications are:

• Emotional and mental tension during stressful situations
• Reducing mental ability to work
Hyperactive Investigation of adolescence children
• A history of ischemic brain damage
• diseases of the nervous system associated with increased excitability, nervousness, disorder vegeto-vascular systems

It should be understood that the effectiveness of the drug is manifested not at once, but acts on the addition of accumulation.

"Glycin" contraindications

There are no certain contraindications to the receipt of the elected amino acid. Because glycine is a substance that is normally present in the human body, the drug is well tolerated and not contraindicated not In age categories, not pregnant.

The only restriction on the intake of glycine is poor tolerance of the medicine by a person.

"Glycin" to children

"Glycin" to children

Glycine is one of not many drugs that not contraindicated for use in childhood and not It can cause any side effects in the child, provided that there is no individual intolerance.

it non-pharmaceutical-synthetic drug and not sedatives of plant origin, and natural-primely The amino acid of the body.

"Glycin" side effects

  • The plus of this proposed tool is the absence of bright and pronounced side effects
    Their manifestation can only be observed if allergic reactions to the drug
  • Symptoms of allergies in this case classic- In the form of urticaria or hyperemia of the skin, itching is possible or a slight increase in body temperature
  • All of the listed symptoms independently disappears with a decrease in the dose or the abolition of the drug

"Glycin" dosage

Of course, the dosage of the drug depends on the disease and age of the patient. But the principle of taking the medicine is the same for everyone.

"Glycin" dosage
  • Glycine is prescribed to be taken sublingvalo, that is, under the language. The tablet is left in the sublingual fossa until it is completely dissolved.
  • In the case of emotional and mental overload, memory disorders, lowering performance and in hyperactivity Glycine adolescents are prescribed at a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day. In this case, the course of treatment should be at least two weeks, but not exceed the duration of more than a month
  • With increased excitability, which is of organic or functional disorders, or with apathetic and sleep rhythm disorders, also at the age of less than 3 years the medicine is prescribed at a dose of 0.05 g to 3 times a day. The course is up to 14 days, then the daily dosage is reduced to a single reception
  • If the age of the child is more than 3 years, then the dose corresponds to adult calculations
  • In case of sleep rhythm disturbances, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before bedtime at a dose from 0.5 to 1 tablet
  • If there is an ischemic brain damage in the history, then the medicine is prescribed in a large dose Put 10 tablets by the cheek and pour 1 tsp. water in an acute state of brain ischemia (the first 6 hours), then leave the same dose for another 5 days, after 5 days the dose is reduced to 2 tablets 3 times a day for a month
  • The drug is used in narcology as a means of increasing mental performance, with psychological problems and manifestations of pathologies of brain activity at a dose of 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month

"Glycin" interaction with other drugs

"Glycin" interaction with other drugs

The amino acid has a weakening effect when using antipsychotics, antidepressants drugs , anxiolytic funds, sleeping pills and anticonvulsants.


• Structural analogues of the active substance:
• glycine ozone
• Glycine Forte
• Glycine Forte Evalar
• Glycine-bio
• Glycine canon

"Glycin" reviews

This is not an expensive drug and at the same time quite effective. It should be noted that at the beginning of the reception, a strongly sleeping effect is noted, but it passes after a short adaptation time.
A big plus is that the tool can be used in young children and the lack of manifestations of the side effect of the drug.

Video: Glycine amino acid. Real effects. Sedation

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Comments K. article

  1. I buy Evalarovsky Glycin Forte. It is now produced as part with B: B1, B6 and B12 vitamins. Glycine helps me well in mental stress. When the closing of the quarter or the annual report is at work, you have to work quite a few with your head. Towards the end of the day, experience strong fatigue. And with glycine intake is much easier.

  2. I take glycine D3, it is hissing, on a hen per day, very convenient and effective, since the sparkling shape is quickly absorbed, it acts for a long time. Only glycine, along with vitamin D3, give the maximum effect for the brain, so I always drink this with the course

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