Influenza and SARS: symptoms in adults, children, pregnant women, complications, treatment with folk remedies, prevention. Symptoms of intestinal flu in adults: Description

Influenza and SARS: symptoms in adults, children, pregnant women, complications, treatment with folk remedies, prevention. Symptoms of intestinal flu in adults: Description

The expectation of winter is different. Children are impatiently waiting for the holidays, New Year's gifts, winter games. And adults freeze in anticipation of endless colds and new flu strains. How to enjoy the charms of winter without prejudice to health, we will try to understand this article.

The main winter diagnoses:
• ARI - acute respiratory disease
• SARS-acute respiratory viral infection, variety of acute respiratory infections
• influenza - a variety of SARS caused by the influenza virus

Important: the treatment of respiratory diseases requires attention and certain literacy. A correctly selected treatment algorithm will help protect yourself from complications.

SARS: Symptoms in adults

Science knows more than 200 ARVI excituators.


Different viral groups are different symptoms.

Viruses, symptoms

Important: adults are most susceptible to rhinoviruses.

Acute respiratory viral infection in children: symptoms

Children are most often affected by paragraph and respiratory syncitial infection.

With paragraphippe, a moderate intoxication syndrome is observed, which lasts about 6 days (the peak of the disease-3rd day). In a severe course of the disease, nausea, vomiting, meningal symptoms may appear.

The main symptom respiratory syncytial infection - Dry paroxysmal cough.

Important: characteristic complications for SARS in children (especially infants): obstructive bronchitis, respiratory failure.

How to treat ARVI in adults and children?

Unfortunately, no matter what miraculous healing the pharmaceutical companies promise us, the treatment of SARS is symptomatic. Such treatment only relieves unpleasant symptoms. At high temperatures, you will be discharged antipyretic, and with a nasal congestion - vasoconstrictor drops.

At the same time, the antipyretic or vasoconstrictor drug will not in any way affect the pace of recovery and will not become a prevention of possible complications.

Accordingly, to the question "Do you need antibiotics for viral influenza?" An unambiguous answer is not.

Antibiotics are prescribed only in case of bacterial complications.

It is advisable to use as an antipyretic paracetamol (in any dosage form) or ibuprofen.

Important: paracetamol has a high degree of effectiveness precisely with SARS. The action of paracetamol is reduced or absent with bacterial infections or with ARVI complications. If paracetamol did not work, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

For all its relative safety, paracetamol remains a medicine: it must be taken in strict accordance with the doctor’s prescription.

Important: reception Aspirin During SARS, a disease can provoke a disease in which the liver and brain are affected.

Video: ORVI Treatment. How to treat SARS with 100% effect

Video: How to treat ARVI in children? - Dr. Komarovsky

Treatment of SARS during pregnancy

For quick recovery, you need:

Clean cool wet air in the room (temperature-up to 20 ° C, humidity-50-70%). Dry air is harmful to health. If you do not have a special device moisturizing the air, you can use such an elementary design.


Abundant drink (up to 3-4 liters per day). It is recommended to drink lingonberry, cranberry, orange fruit drinks containing a large amount of vitamin C. General relief brings warm tea with raspberries, honey and lemon.

Important: the temperature of the fluid should correspond to body temperature.

Inhalation with alkaline mineral waterSince viruses are afraid of alkalis.
Washing the nose In order to avoid drying out the mucosa. The dry the room, the more often the mucous membrane is processed.

A solution for moisturizing the mucosa can be done at home:
1 teaspoon of table salt should be dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water.

Symptomatic therapy It may look as follows

Video: how to quickly cook cranberry fruit drinks from a cold

ARVI Prevention in adults and children

The virus is transmitted from person to person. During the period of epidemics of SARS, it follows

• Limit your stay in places of a large accumulation of people
• make a lot of hiking
• often ventilate the room
• regularly carry out wet cleaning with soap-base solution
• often and thoroughly wash your hands with soap
• Moisten the mucous membrane of the nose with special saline solutions for administration into nasal passages or pharmacy physiological solution
• treat the nasal mucosa oxolin ointment
• regularly rinse the mouth with saline (1 tsp. Gathered salt per 1 liter of boiled water). You can also rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula or eucalyptus.
• Rest fully
• Eat properly

Folk methods of prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections

Viruses have been living next to us since time immemorial. And all this time, humanity is conducting an incessant struggle with them. As a result, in the arsenal of our grandparents an incredible number of recipes and methods of prevention, the treatment of many ailments, including viral infections, have been accumulated. Here is some of them:

Inhalation with potato steam

  • For inhalations, only potatoes are used in uniforms: it is in the potato peel that all the beneficial substances are located: potassium, chlorogen, coffee, gallic acid, finonutrients, polyphenols
  • Wet potato steam can burn the mucous membrane. The water in which the potatoes were cooked necessarily merges. You need to breathe warm steam that goes directly from potatoes
  • You can not use green potatoes. Its skin contains a solanine toxic substance

Video: cough. Folk remedies from a doctor

Important: children under 5 years of age are done only on the recommendation of a doctor!

Hot milk with honey with cough

Recipe: Mix 1 cup of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Important: with viral and bacterial infections, hot drinks are contraindicated! The temperature of the drink should correspond to body temperature!

Milk with figs for coughing

Suitable for everyone: children, adults, expectant mothers. The only contraindication: individual intolerance to one of the components of the mixture.


  • For 1 liter of milk (the fatter the milk, the better) 5 figs of figs are taken (you can use dried fruits). Milk is brought to a boil and boiled over low heat by about one third
  • The mixture requires constant stirring. After boiling, the saucepan must be wrapped well and leave to languish for at least 3 hours. As a result, a honey fluid is obtained, in consistency resembling a syrup
  • You need to store the mixture in the refrigerator. Use half a glass 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. Before use, it is advisable to heat the mixture. Perfectly suitable as a preventive restorative

Enhanced intake of vitamin C

The average daily vitamin C is contained in:

  • 200 g of white cabbage
  • 40 g of currants
  • 80 g of dill
  • 50 g of sea buckthorn
  • 80 g of Brussels cabbage
  • 150 g kiwi
  • 150 g of any citrus fruits

Enough one of these products daily, and your body will always receive the required amount of vitamin C. Do not forget about other vitamins.

Video: ORVI Treatment. Folk treatment of SARS

Video: Vitamin mixture

The difference between symptoms of colds, ARVI from influenza in adults and children

Important: the presence of a flu virus in the body can only identify a blood test.

The difference between symptoms of colds, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are indicated below in the picture.

How does the influenza virus in adults begin? General symptoms of influenza

In adults, the main symptoms of influenza are a sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, chills. Intoxication manifests itself in the form of headaches in the frontal region, muscle pain, pain in the joints, bones, soreness during the movement of eyeballs, nasal congestion, dry throat, and general weakness.

Symptoms of influenza
Symptoms of influenza

In a severe course of the disease, various types of bleeding, rash, multiple vomiting, liquid stool, etc. are possible.

What are the symptoms of flu in children, infants?

In the first hours of the flu disease, the child is shitty. He is looking for heat: he is pressed against you or climbing under the blanket. There is a state of drowsiness. The temperature rises sharply.

In children under three months in the first hours of the disease, the temperature may not increase at all or increase slightly. But the baby’s behavior differs from the usual: he is capricious, becomes tearful, noisily sniffles, and a loss of appetite is observed.

Is there a flu without temperature?

The flu is always accompanied by high temperature! High temperature is a human immunity reaction to the virus. Lack of temperature may indicate a weakening of immunity. It is very dangerous!

Important: any deviation from normal well-being, even without increasing temperature, requires attentive observation within 2-3 days. If the symptoms have not improved, you should immediately consult a doctor!

What can be complications after the flu, and what are their symptoms?

Complication after influenza: pneumonia, bronchitis, lung abscess

• temperature 39-40 degrees
• dry cough, sometimes with blood discharge
• increased sweating

Complication after influenza: sinusitis

• dense nasal congestion
• thick mucous discharge from the nose
• headache
• toothache
• Painful sensations when pressed in the forehead and cheeks

Complication after influenza: otitis media

• shooting pain in the ear
• purulent discharge from the ear

Complication after influenza: Heart

• severe pain in the heart
• shortness of breath

Complication after influenza: diseases of the nervous system

• bursting headache
• nausea
• vomit
• photophobia
• dizziness

Symptoms of intestinal flu in adults

• General malaise
• headache
• increased fatigue
• Deterioration of appetite or its complete absence
• Absolute sensations in the abdomen, constant rumbling
• Enterminitability of milk and dairy products may be observed
• nausea, vomiting
• diarrhea
• an increase in temperature at the onset of the disease is not always observed
• In the midst of the disease, the temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees
• sometimes a runny nose or nasal congestion, cough, pain in the throat are observed

The same symptoms of intestinal flu and children.

Video: rotavirus infection: symptoms and treatment

Influenza viral preparations and for influenza prevention

The treatment of influenza is, first of all, the creation of such conditions when the body itself can cope with the virus that attacked it.

Video: influenza preparations that do not treat (part 1)

Influenza and SARS: tips and reviews

The best protection against influenza and SARS - we ourselves. To enjoy in winter without disease, you should adhere to simple rules that you see in the picture below.

Video: rotavirus infection. Influenza or not flu?

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Comments K. article

  1. It is easy to distinguish the influenza from the cold. The flu-sparkle flow, the cold gradually begins. The temperature with the influenza is above 38, with a cold 37. Well, the flu is treated with antiviral drugs accordingly, I drink reaperon lipin, but when cold it is not necessary.

    1. Mila, thank you for your attention to the article and your comment.

  2. With influenza and SARS, the symptoms are almost the same. I honestly say, I don’t want to go to the doctor with such complaints, I just have no time, I’m being treated myself. I buy an antifungal from the nature of the product and it puts me on my feet in a few days. Plus, what I still like this drug, that it contains, unlike the rinse and teraflu, there is no phenylefrin, not a very good component that affects the work of the heart negatively. And as a rule, all these diseases are transferred on the legs, then this is generally an important point. Well, for me personally for sure.

    1. Maria, thank you for your attention to the article and your comment.

  3. Girls that would not get prevention and only prevention. All different means are used, but for me personally, this is the ointment of evamenol. In fact, it just helps gorgeous. We spread in the nose and do not worry, it works on the principle of oxolinka, that is, it protects from all kinds of viruses.

  4. I agree, prevention is a good thing, but it is best to conduct it with folk remedies, not pills. And how you read the reviews, the people of Ingavirin accept for prevention, and the dosage does not even bother anyone, although the same as for sick people. And what will happen to immunity after such a prevention is not known, because the effectiveness of Ingavirin is not proven. It is better to eat lemons, honey, garlic and onions, their benefits have been proven for more than one decade.

  5. Of all the antivirals, it was necessary to be treated only by Ingavirin, but it was after this treatment that I was disappointed in these drugs. He does not heal the cold, he does not heal, only relieves the symptoms of the disease, thereby misleading a false recovery, and this is fraught with consequences. My cold ended with pneumonia. Since then, I don’t buy Ingavirin anymore.

  6. Ksenia, found what to be treated, inhavirin. This is the functions that does not heal from anything. The manufacturer himself writes that it is not determined in the blood after use, and does not have an overdose, which he can cure at all?!

  7. I would never give Ingavirin to a child, one active substance is worth it. With the same active substance, only with a different name (savagebamin) treat cancer patients. What kind of treatment can be discussed in general, especially in children.

  8. Dear, advertised garbage. In general, it does not help either with prevention or the treatment of colds.

  9. What benefit can be expected from Ingavirin if the instruction to the drug constantly changes and nothing more, the composition is the same, the dosage and intake also. Personally, I do not cause confidence, so I do not buy such funds.

  10. I usually in the very first symptoms begin to drink tea with jam, washing my nose and culminating with an aquamaster. As a rule, nothing worsens further .... The cost of the flu does not develop ... Yes, and I quickly get rid of the cold quite quickly ... And this is just my first bell at SARS. So, in my opinion, the key to success is treated)

  11. I have not had a flu since childhood, but the cold is a faithful companion) I can catch a cold even in the summer. I’m very difficult to carry even the most seemingly light shape. Previously, at least it was. Now everything is much easier. I buy anti -agippin, from the natural product - it contains 3 active components: antipyretic, antihistamine and vitamin C. From the very first days, well -being is facilitated. The forms of release, by the way, are also pleasing - there are powders and sparkles. However, like the tastes of the medicine-grapefruit, raspberries, medical lemon, fruit (children), chamomile. Any suitable option will find any suitable option.

  12. My husband and I regularly tincture of Eleutherococcus take, we increase the immunity of immunity. And we give the child immuno vitamins and sea buckthorn teas. Ugh ugh, it seems to really help ... In any case, that we are, that a child is rare)

  13. I immediately start to be treated, I do not tighten it, otherwise if you tighten it, you can get even stronger. By the way, the last time I took a good antiviruska - it is called Tilors. And the price of this tool is not high, and the effectiveness is good. By the way, it has an immunomodulating effect.

  14. I also directly feel that I began to get sick (I must be treated.

  15. Irina, of course it is necessary. I read about the titlors when I started to get sick, well, I also decided to buy and accept this tool. His price is normal. Yes, and I want to note that I accept the second day is an antiviral agent, but I feel much better)

  16. I immediately begins the aches in the joints, headache, fever. And in order to reduce all these unpleasant symptoms, I begin to use antifungal from the nature of the product. Cool, and most importantly an effective tool.

  17. I usually have a throat first of all begins to hurt (

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