Migraine in women men, children, pregnant women: symptoms, signs, causes, treatment, prevention. Medication, drugs, migraine tablets in humans: a list of effective means from headache

Migraine in women men, children, pregnant women: symptoms, signs, causes, treatment, prevention. Medication, drugs, migraine tablets in humans: a list of effective means from headache

The article describes the causes and symptoms of migraines, as well as ways to get rid of headache.

Migrainethis is strong head pain, which wears throbbing character. Refers to diseases of a neurological nature. Distinctive signhurts, how rule, only one side heads.

Why does migraine appear?

Migraine pain propagation scheme
Migraine pain propagation scheme

The reasons occurrence diseases very varied. Each person has its own provoking factors. Installed, what migraine arises more often u of people, involved intellectual activity. Can mark also the following the reasons:

  • wrong food. Binge eating and especially starvation contribute occurrence head pain
  • dehydration
  • some products also provoke migraine
  • violation of the sleep regime. Too long sleep, or vice versa, lack of sleep, contributes to the appearance of migraines
  • in stuffy rooms
  • a sharp change in the weather
  • nervous overstrain
  • changing the clock belt
  • excessive physical activity
  • taking hormonal drugs
  • PMS in women
  • hereditary predisposition

How migraine manifests itself in women, men and children: migraine phases

It is well known that migraine in women appears 3 times more often than in men. Migraine most often worries in young reproductive age.

Puberty, menstrual cycle, period of pregnancy and lactation, menopause - all this causes fluctuations in the hormonal background, which causes migraine.

4 stages of migraine development are distinguished, however, in each individual, the disease proceeds individually and may not include all stages.

The time of continuation of migraine
The time of continuation of migraine
  • Protest (phase of harbingers of migraine). Approximately half of the patients have this phase. It manifests itself in a decrease in performance, depression or irritability. Some, on the contrary, have increased activity; Some of the patients simply feel the approach of a migraine attack. Prodest can occur in a few hours and even a few days before the onset of headache.
  • Aura - The second phase. As a rule, it manifests itself in auditory and visual hallucinations: noise or ringing in the ears, light flashes, “blind” spots, a multi -colored zigzag line, etc. Tactile and olfactory hallucinations can occur less often. Difficulty speech and difficulties in selecting words are also varieties of aura manifestation. Aura occurs in a third of patients, 10-30 minutes before migraine.
  • Phase of the headache. The headache lasts from several hours to several days. The pain is very severe, localized in one half of the head, but can spread to the whole head. A headache can cause nausea and vomiting. Bright light and loud sounds also cause unpleasant sensations. The patient is best left alone, in a cool, quiet darkened place.
  • Phase of resolution. After a headache, the patient can feel fatigue, depression, irritability for some time. The fourth phase can last up to several days. After that, a person feels completely healthy.

Features of teenage migraine

In adolescents, the disease manifests itself as in adults. If the attacks are often manifested, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only the doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

However, you do not need to focus on the child’s illness, this can lead to the fact that the teenager will begin to feel inferior.

What types of migraines exist?

Varieties of migraines
Varieties of migraines

There are several types of migraines. The most common types are classic and ordinary migraines.

  • classic It is accompanied by the appearance of aura
  • ordinary has no harbinger and headache occurs immediately

Other types of migraines that are more rarely found can be distinguished:

  • migrainerelated to menstruation - occurs in the first half of menstruation, proceeds without aura
  • abdominal - characterized by bouts of abdominal pain, accompanied by cramps of the abdominal muscles and severe headaches
  • basic - It is accompanied by various neurological disorders, in particular, vision loss, paralysis of the limbs, double in the eyes, loss of consciousness can occur
  • hemiplegic - accompanied by hemiplegia, i.e. the patient loses the opportunity to arbitrarily move his hand and foot on one side of the body
  • ophthalmological - characterized by pain around one eye, may be accompanied by visual hallucinations or temporary loss of vision

Ways to combat migraine: how to treat migraine at home?

Folk remedies in the fight against migraine
Folk remedies in the fight against migraine

Before rushing to the pharmacy to buy expensive drugs designed to treat migraines, you can try to cure the disease at home.

There are a large number of herbs that can have an excellent preventive effect or stop the pain that has already occurred. However, it is also not worthwhile to thoughtlessly engage in the treatment of migraines with the help of traditional medicine.

Almost any herbal infusion has contraindications that should be taken into account. Preventive agents include:

  • decoction clover meadow
  • a decoction of flowers buzins Siberian
  • tea from berries kizila

Means that are able to relieve or even get rid of pain belong:

  • infusion from raspberry leaves
  • a decoction of willow root
  • infusion from oregano
  • fresh juice potatoes
  • juice from viburnum or currants
  • fresh leaves can be applied to the sore spot cabbage, lilacs or fresh crust lemon
  • etheric mint oil or melissa
  • great remedy - strong green tea

There are a lot of folk remedies, so you need to look for suitable for a particular individual.

Cold compress, head massage, sleep will also help get rid of headache.

Video: Treatment of migraines with folk methods

What tea will help from migraines?

As noted above, strong green tea is an excellent remedy for migraine. Drink tea 3-4 times a day.

What should be nutrition for migraine? Diet with migraines

A set of products for a migraine diet
A set of products for a migraine diet

To prevent migraine attacks, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition. This applies to both food mode and the choice of products:

The main rule is in power mode: do not overeat, but also not to walk hungry. You can eat often (5 times a day), but the size of the portion must be limited to the size of your palm.

  • In their diet, products that can provoke migraine should be avoided. These are products containing tiamine(vitamin AT 1): chicken liver, nuts, buckwheat and oatmeal, solid cheese.
  • aspartam: dietary carbonated beverages, yogurts, culinary sauces.
  • T akzhe should avoid use painted meat products (ham, sausages  and etc..), citrus fruits, fat dairy products, chocolate, nuts  and, certainly, alcohol (beer, champagne, wine).

How to remove the migraine attack quickly?

Scheme for the provision of first emergency care for migraine
Scheme for the provision of first emergency care for migraine
  • Contrast shower or hot bath will help to quickly remove the migraine attack
  • Washing the head is also capable of having a positive effect
  • Take a pill No-shpa
  • The best tool is sleep

However, all of the above can only help with a slight headache.

Drugs and tablets from migraine: List of effective products

If the pain is unbearable, it is necessary to take the medicine: either a drug of traditional medicine, or a finished pharmacy.

Most choose the second option. You should start with drugs that are sold without a doctor's prescription:

If these drugs do not help, then you cannot do without going to the doctor.

Migraine in pregnant women: norm or pathology?

Migraine in pregnant women
Migraine in pregnant women

Migraine in pregnant women is a common occurrence. Usually it occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, but can bother throughout the entire period. Any manifestations of headache must be informed for the doctor.

It is important to remember that self -medication during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. Many means of traditional medicine, which at first glance seem harmless, can harm the future mother and fetus, up to the miscarriage.

A pregnant woman needs to avoid those reasons that contribute to the onset of migraines. Necessary:

  • rest more often
  • get enough sleep
  • walk in the fresh air more often
  • keep a diet with migraines
  • you can do yoga or fitness under the guidance of an experienced coach

Migraine treatment at home: tips and reviews

If you suffer from migraine, it is best to try to prevent new attacks. For this:

  • it is necessary to avoid stressful situations, monitor sleep and rest, try to eat right, move more
Migraine prevention
Migraine prevention
  • you need to avoid smoked and stuffy rooms, well ventilate the room where you spend a lot of time

  • it will be useful to acquire acuper massage skills
Scheme of acupressure for migraine
Scheme of acupressure for migraine
  • you can do auto -training or yoga, this events will help to relax
Yoga with migraines - as a means of prevention
Yoga with migraines - as a means of prevention

If migraine attacks bother you regularly, it is necessary to take preventive agents.

Here teas from the collection of various herbs and berries will help.

Olga, 25 years old
I used to periodically suffer from migraine. The pains were very severe, and after an attack, she did not go for several days. Now, at the first signs of migraine, I take a raw egg, fill it with boiling milk, interfere and drink it. In addition, I try to drink liquids more, especially green tea. It helps me.

Natalia, 29 years old
I walk a lot around the fresh air and always ventilate the office, because The stuffiness causes me a migraine. If I feel that the pain is approaching, I leave everything and try to rest well. I brew myself an infusion of chamomile and rosehips and drink in small sips.

Tatyana, 30 years old
I am saved from migraine with freshly squeezed potato juice. I drink 1/4 cup 2 times a day.

Video: How to treat migraines?

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Comments K. article

  1. I know what this is not firsthand, I myself suffered for a long time, the whole reason was poor blood circulation in the brain, I advised me to resemble a massage of the cervical-borrhna zone and additionally drink the ginkoma, so the blood circulation improved and pain left, there are, of course, but much less often!

  2. Yes, the massage of the collar zone is very good for those who suffer from migraines. It will also be necessary to go to the hospital and try to go to the physio office for free. Recently, my head was very ill, I thought the sling with migraine, but she took a dialrapid, at work they recommended painkillers, and everything was removed like a hand. Pah-pah, but my head was no longer sick, I feel good. Thank you for reminded about massage, we need to deal with this issue.

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