Aloe children. How to treat a runny nose and cough with aloe? Recipes of traditional medicine with aloe for children

Aloe children. How to treat a runny nose and cough with aloe? Recipes of traditional medicine with aloe for children

This article is intended for those who want to help children get rid of cough and runny nose with the help of traditional medicine. Here you can find out about the composition and beneficial properties of aloe, as well as recipes for means from colds.

One of the most effective folk anti -industrial equipment is aloe. For hundreds of years now he has been given to children from a runny nose and cough.

Medicinal aloe

The benefits of Aloe (centenary)

Aloe is a beloved indoor flower for many. At home, two species of plants that have the most pronounced therapeutic and decorative properties are most often grown:

  1. Aloe tree (Aloe arboroscens, he is also called a centenary). Its unique properties were used by the healers of ancient Egypt and ancient Rome. It was especially popular to treat SARS in children in Soviet times.
  2. Aloe vera (Aloe Vera). As a room flower and medicinal raw materials in Eastern Europe, it is used relatively recently. It is more often used in dermatology and cosmetology.

Aloe tree juice has a unique composition, rich in biologically active components. He contains:

  • minerals: iodine, iron, potassium, silicon, manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc, others;
  • vitamins: A, C, E, almost the entire group B;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • phytoncides;
  • resins;
  • a number of essential oils;
  • other.

Important: this unique composition endows the tabletop with pronounced bactericidal, antifungal, antiseptic, anti -inflammatory, wound healing properties.

Plant juice is used for normalization of metabolism, treatment of diseases digestive organs and genitourinary system, healing of wounds and burns, detoxification of the body.

The sheets of the acting is cut and applied to places on the skin, affected by eczema, psoriasis, herpes or seborrhea. Its pulp and juice are consumed inside with gastritis and peptic ulcer, liver and gall bladder diseases. Decoctions with the juice of a centenary in the composition are drunk as a sedative in nervous disorders.

The pharmacological properties of the plant are proved by science. Aloe extract is part of various medications for external, oral and injection.

Aloe as a remedy for colds and coughing in children

Due to the age -related anatomical characteristics of the respiratory system and not fully formed immunity, children very often “grab” SARS and do not always easily tolerate them. Three of the four patients of the children's clinic are treated there with the symptoms of the disease of ENT organs, bronchi and lungs. In addition to the pharmacological preparations prescribed by the pediatrician, they can be given aloe juice to cure a runny nose and/or coughing that accompany:

  • rhinitis
  • sinusitis (frontal, sinusitis)
  • angina
  • pharyngitis
  • tonsillitis
  • laryngitis
  • tracheitis
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia

Important: before you start treating a cold aloe, his parents should understand an important thing: not a single means of traditional medicine, no matter how effective it is, can completely replace antibiotics, antiviral and anti -inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Otherwise, unwanted consequences may occur in the form of aggravation of the disease, its chronic or the development of various kinds of complications. Aloe can be used exclusively as an auxiliary tool that facilitates the symptoms of a cold in a child and contributes to his speedy recovery.

How to get aloe juice (centenary)?

The finished drug can be bought at the pharmacy. If at home a completely unpretentious aloe flower grows, a gel from it can be obtained independently:

  • cut off lower leaves with a length of more than 15 cm;
  • a gel immediately appears on the leaves, it must be squeezed out;
  • the gel with a blender is mixed with cold boiled water in equal proportions;
  • the resulting juice is stored for no more than 4 days.

How to prepare a medicine from aloe for children? Recipes of traditional medicine

It makes sense for children to use folk remedies for burying the nose, which includes aloe juice, since:

  1. They really effectively relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, kill the pathogenic microflora that multiplied there, and contribute to liquefaction and excretion of mucus.
  2. Due to age or health status, not all pharmacy drops and sprays suit them.

Aloe composition to drip a child in his nose

From a runny nose, aloe juice is buried in a pure form or as part of multicomponent drops.

Recipe No. 1: To treat a runny nose in children, aloe juice is diluted from at room temperature with boiled water (1 part of the juice and 3 part of the water). Three times a day, the baby’s nose is washed with saline, after which 1-2 drops of a plant drug are buried in each nostril. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Recipe No. 2: You can prepare complex drops with a hundred -year -old, honey and a broth of celandine. Attention! The child should not have an allergy to beekeeping products! In enameled dishes, 500 ml of water are boiled, 2 tablespoons of pharmacy celandine are added to it, and continued to boil over minimum heat. Leave for half an hour to cool and brew. In a glass bowl, 2 tablespoons of a strained decoction of celandine, fresh liquid honey and aloe juice are diluted. Building in the nose of the child is carried out three times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.

Recipe No. 3: If the child was 12 years old, he was found sinusitis, you can try to make a compress with a hundred -year -old juice, Kalanchoe and onions, honey, fat milk, grated and household soap melted in a water bath. Within five days, such a procedure is carried out: cotton turundas are impregnated in the mixture, the child’s nose is thoroughly washed, in each nasal passage is inserted along a cotton round. After 10 minutes they are taken out. The mucus or pus accumulated in the maxillary sinuses should be kindled and exit. Sometimes, thanks to such procedures, the child manages to avoid puncture.

Aloe juice recipes with honey with coughing in children

Used inward with colds, aloe juice acts in several directions at once:

  • increases the resistance of the child's body, helps it to fight a viral or bacterial infection;
  • calms the mucous membrane;
  • has antimicrobial and antiviral local effects;
  • promotes liquefaction and discharge of sputum.


Plant juice inside children in this form:

Recipe No. 1: In equal quantities, aloe juice and honey are mixed, for 12 hours the mixture is insisted and 1 teaspoon is given it three times a day.

Recipe No. 2: If the child has bronchitis, he is prepared for an expectorant with butter, honey and hundred -year juice. For 2 tablespoons of aloe, they take 100 g of fresh butter and honey, which did not have time to snatch. The oil is drowned in a water bath and mixed with honey, after add a tabletop. The child should drink the product twice a day an hour before or an hour after eating, washing it with warm water or milk. If the baby does not like such a medicine in taste, you can add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to it.

Recipe No. 3: In acute bronchitis or pneumonia, a child can help a child with black radish juice, hundred -year -old, carrots and cabbage. Radish, carrots and cabbage are rubbing. The liquid squeezed through gauze is mixed with aloe juice, all components are taken in equal quantities. The child accepts the product three times a day half an hour after eating.

Is it possible for a child Aloe? Contraindications

Although the hundred -anchor plant is considered a hundred -allergenic plant, some children have individual intolerance to it. Treatment with a vegetable drug is contraindicated to them.

Important: before using any product with aloe, the child needs to conduct an allergot test at the fold of the elbow.
Preparations according to the prescriptions described above are contraindicated in babies up to 3 months, children under a year are used under the supervision of a doctor.
It is impossible to use juice inside in its pure form.
It is forbidden to exceed the doses of drugs with aloe.

Aloe children: tips and reviews

In the reviews of mothers, they say that drugs with aloe are very effective for children: drops in the nose eliminate congestion, coughing products reduce the manifestation of this symptom.

Important: if the treatment of a runny nose and cough does not produce a positive effect within 3-5 days, an urgent consultation of a doctor is necessary. Perhaps the condition of the child has worsened, another, more serious treatment is needed.

Colds, accompanied by a runny nose and cough, literally persecute children of preschool and school age. With the help of drops in the nose and inward products with aloe juice, you can help the child quickly cope with the disease.

Video: aloe in folk medicine, best recipes, treatment application

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Comments K. article

  1. We are now at sea with children and aloe here just nowhere to look for. And both of them are laid and in my opinion a cold begins. What is effective advise?

  2. Jeanne, folk remedies generally help us well, so I never even bother at the expense of them. I liked how the patch of breath acts, so he helped the sea well when my kittens also got sick. You just glue it into the clothes in the chest area and the baby inhales essential oils, the nose breaks through. Cool thing, try!

  3. Yes, the sea is so often. A slightly cold wind and immediately strangles ((

  4. Unfortunately, children in the first days at sea are often with a runny nose. Just do not immediately panic and drip drops. Better, as Anna said to do, a patch - breathe a child to glue on the clothes. Let him walk, breathe. Yes, and it will become easier to breathe if the nose is laid.

  5. And I always smear the child with a runny nose, the ointment of evamenol always smear, and you know well. Direct a thin layer in the nose, and relief occurs. This is an order of magnitude better than using vasoconstrictor drops. Ointment without chemistry in the composition.

  6. A salty air and a patch is not needed at sea.

  7. Mom told me when the son was coughed, let's treat the scarlet. But I was somehow afraid to give it to the child, we are 3.5 years old. I went to the hospital, the pediatrician said that you should not resort to self -medication, it is better to drink bronchobos syrup. She said that with him a runny nose will pass faster and without complications. I liked the effect

  8. I haven’t drunk drops from a cold for a long time, I glue a snot - it helps. Inhalation from it is good, quickly a runny nose passes, the nose breathes right away. And as a prevention is effective.

  9. I am growing at home specially even for treatment, I like its effective properties without chemistry. I also started yodangin cocoa oil (it is possible in a reduced dose from 7 years), it is completely natural and there is vitamin A and e in the composition that are needed to strengthen immunity.

  10. I somehow tried to squeeze droplets with aloe and treat a runny nose in a child ... But something somehow didn’t go, frankly ... The usual warmings helped in this regard (the salt was heated in a pan, poured into a rag, tied it up and so She was warming the nose)+cammer with aquamaster. All together and helped ... so I also advise you to try if anyone has such problems

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