What is pulpitis? Symptoms and signs of pulpitis. Treatment and prevention of pulpit

What is pulpitis? Symptoms and signs of pulpitis. Treatment and prevention of pulpit

Most often, we turn to the dentist after the disease after the disease makes itself acute pain. Most often, pulpitis occurs as a complication with caries. If you do not examine your teeth in time and do not eliminate this problem, then you will have to treat not caries, but pulpitis. If you also start it, then most likely you will have to remove the sick tooth.

What is pulpitis? A photo

The tooth consists of dentin, enamel and a layer of soft tissues located under them. Pulpit is inflammation of these tissues. This dangerous problem, which is fraught with tooth loss. Moreover, this disease can lead to a violation of the structure of the jaw bones, diseases of the stomach and intestines and even cause death.

Damage to soft tissues

Causes of pulpit of teeth

  • Most often, the cause of this proof is neglected caries. Starting as a defeat of the upper part of the enamel of the tooth Caries quickly spreads inside into deeper fabrics. When the lesion reaches soft tissues, pulpitis may occur
  • Pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms quickly destroy enamel and move inside the tooth. If you do not provide medication in time, then cariesogenic microorganisms will begin their inflammatory process in the pulp
  • There are other reasons for this problem. One of them is the insufficient cleaning of tissues by a dentist from carious bacteria when installing a seal. In this case, bacteria will continue their pernicious effect and if it enters the pulp, they will cause its inflammation
  • Pulp inflammation can lead to darling of the tooth cavity before sealing, the thermal burn during drilling the affected tissues, due to injuries, temperature and other irritants, blood poisoning and when inflammation of the periodontal

Important: pulp is an important part of the tooth. It is she who helps us feel cold, hot and pressure on the tooth. Without it, the tooth becomes "dead." Unfortunately, soft tissue inflammation is often treated with pulp removal. Until today it was impossible to restore it. But, thanks to Dr. Misako Kamasima from the National Center for Geriatrian and Gerontology in the Foe (Japan), the soft tissues of the tooth will soon be restored using stem cells. The first experiments were successful.

Symptoms and signs of pulpit

Dentist will help with problems with teeth

This disease has both acute and chronic forms. A characteristic cause of the acute form of pulpitis is paroxysmal pain. Such pain can have a cutting and shooting character. It brings strong torment, which can be rid of which only with the help of strong painkillers.

The pain can be provoked by external stimuli (cold and hot food), but unlike caries, it does not subside even after eliminating the stimulus.

Pain can be designed for one tooth or radiate along the branches of the nerve. It can be given to the temple, ear and nape (lower teeth) or into the cheekbones and the area of \u200b\u200bthe head of the head (upper teeth).

IMPORTANT: some forms of pulpit are passing without pain. Only a specialist can be diagnosed with such a dental disease after examining the oral cavity.

What varieties of pulpit exist? Types of pulpitis

  • At the moment, there are several classifications of this disease. Not all of them are used by practicing dentists. Most often they classify pulpitis by origin
  • Infectious pulpitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the nerve canal of the tooth as a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms. In 90% of cases, this problem develops when bacteria gets from the carious cavity along dentin tubules deep into the pulp
  • Less commonly, bacteria fall into the pulp through the hole in the root (retrograde pulpitis)
  • Even less often in dental practice is a hematogenous pulpitis. It is characterized by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into pulp through blood (hematogenous pulpitis)
  • In a healthy tooth, pulp is reliably protected behind hard tissues and enamel. With a tooth injury, the pulp camera can open. Bacteria from the oral cavity, falling into an easily accessible place, lead to inflammation of the pulp (traumatic pulpitis)

Important: unfortunately, such a variety of the described problem often arises not due to the fault of the patient, but through the fault of the dentist. With improper treatment of a sore tooth, it can overheat the toothpower or not sufficiently remove the affected tissue. Which over time will lead to a traumatic pulpit.

Non -infectious origin has a concrete pulpitis. It causes metabolic disorders in the vascular-nervous bundle. Such violations are most often caused by formations that squeeze the vessels. This leads to a deterioration in the flow of blood and the formation of edema. Which, in turn, can flow into inflammation.

Tooth diseases
Tooth diseases
  • In 1968, the Pulpita classification, developed by the Doctor of Medical Sciences Platonov, was proposed by practicing dentists. This classification has its drawbacks, but is still used by specialists
  • The professor proposed to highlight three versions of pulpitis: acute, chronic and exacerbation of chronic pulpitis. And in an acute variety of this disease, Platonov identified two varieties: focal and diffuse. In the first case, the patient can definitely determine the place of pain, and in the second, it flows from the tooth to the ear, eye and other places of the head. Which often makes it difficult to find a sick tooth
  • The World Health Organization also presented its classification of this disease. It is called MKB-10.

This classification highlights:

  • the initial pulpitis or hyperemia of the pulp is translated as “deep caries” (K04.00)
  • acute pulpitis - means "sharp focal" (K04.01)
  • purulent pulpitis, pulpar abscess - characterizes acute diffuse pulpitis, etc. (K04.02 - K04.09)

Important: many dentists using this classification in order not to “complicate” their lives put up to their coding to04.00. What does just have a disease mean.

Purulent pulpitis, diagnosis

If the acute inflammation of the pulp is accompanied by the presence of purulent foci, then such a disease is called purulent pulpitis. In the patient suffering from such a disease, severe bouts of toothache can be observed. It often is pulsating and can give to various parts of the head. With such a variety of pulpitis, often the body temperature rises to 39 degrees.

The affected tooth can react sharply to sweet, sour, cold and hot. The pain is most often intensified in the evening. Near the affected tooth may appear swelling of the mucosa.

Pulp defeat
Pulp defeat
  • In order to verify the presence of an inflammatory process, the dentist must prescribe tooth x -rays
  • Modern dentistry can offer two types of treatment of purulent pulpitis: vital and devital. In the first case, the removal of the pulp and sealing the diseased tooth is carried out without preliminary killing of the nerve. Usually in one reception the patient can completely get rid of his problem and get a seized tooth
  • The devital method involves killing the nerve using a special pasta (for example, "Devit") and the installation of a temporary seal. When you visit, the dentist removes the temporary seal and affected and pulp. Then he cleans the nerve channels and seals them
  • Both of these methods of treating purulent pulpitis have their positive and negative points. Therefore, the decision on which method of treatment to use to lie on the shoulders of a specialist after it is examined by the oral cavity

Important: the success in the treatment of this disease depends not only on the professionalism of the dentist, but also on the implementation of the rules that the specialist will establish after all the necessary actions with the affected tooth.

Acute pulpitis, diagnosis

Penetration of infection into soft tissue
Penetration of infection into soft tissue
  • The acute inflammatory reaction of the tooth pulp to external stimuli is called acute pulpitis. At the same time, stimuli can have both infectious and other character. The infection can fall into the tissues of the pulp through the carious cavity. It can be caused by foci of periodontitis, periodontitis, sinusitis and other infectious diseases. Not rarely, the acute phase of this disease occurs during tooth injuries
  • Acute pulpitis is characterized by severe toothache. It can occur from food particles into a tooth defect, when eating hot and cold food, etc. Acute pulpitis can flow into chronic or purulent
  • Treatment of this disease depends on the stage and variety. Methods of treatment are divided into conservative and surgical. In the first case, inflammation is eliminated without elimination of the pulp. In this case, the patient prescribes special pastes, proteolytic enzymes, physiotherapeutic treatment, preparations based on calcium hydroxide, temporary or permanent seal
  • Surgical methods for treating such a variety of pulpises involve a complete or partial removal of the affected pulp. As in the case of purulent pulpitis, vital and devical amputation is used to remove pulp

Pulpit in children

Health of children's teeth
Health of children's teeth
  • The described disease can occur both in adults and in children. Symptoms of such a disease of the teeth are similar to the symptoms of pulpitis in adults. The pulp defeat can lead to pain sensations or occur asymptomatic. Often, such a disease provokes an increase in temperature, inflammation of the lymph nodes and swelling in the place of the affected tooth
  • It is very difficult to diagnose pulpitis in young children due to the fact that they cannot always convey their sensations to adults. In children under three years of age, the risk of pulpit applies to the front teeth. Nine -year -old children are more likely to observe the incisions of the incisors
  • To diagnose this problem, the same methods are often used as in diagnosing this problem in adults: visual examination, radiological examination and palpation. Since children usually behave with such procedures, they may require the reception of tranquilizers. It can be Sibazon and MEBIKAR
  • Children's pulpitis is treated in several ways. Most often, pulp is covered with special anti -inflammatory therapeutic paste. To treat this problem, partial or complete removal of the pulp may be required. In the first case, the affected area is removed, and the wound is closed with a specially restoring material. With devital extirpation, the pulp is completely removed

Pulpitis with non -formed roots

  • Unfortunately, you can still hear the opinion that milk teeth can not be treated. Why, if they fall out of time? Of course, milk teeth need to be treated. Be it caries, and even more so pulpit
  • The idea that milk teeth do not need to be treated is very dangerous. Often pulpitis in a child develops precisely because the parents “decided” that a temporary tooth affected by caries will fall out and the problem with him to eliminate it
  • Milk temporary teeth, affected by pulpitis, hurt just like moist teeth. And they cause no less torment than constant teeth. It is not always possible to remove this problem with various sedatives due to the age of the child

Important: in the medical literature there are cases when blood was infected due to the pulpit of the milk tooth and the child died. The complications of this disease, due to weak childhood immunity, can bear very serious problems. It was not rare from the first pain to severe edema of the face that a few hours passed.

  • Teeth with non -formed roots are more often susceptible to chronic pulpitis. As for the acute form of this disease, it is divided into a serous and purulent type of pulpitis
  • With a serous variety of this disease, the inflammatory process blocks oxygen access to the pulp. As a result, a serous fluid is formed and fills the channels of the tooth. After 5-6 hours, serous pulpitis goes into the purulent stage

Important: pulpitis of a milk tooth can affect the rudiment of a permanent tooth. Therefore, at the first signs of this problem, the child needs to urgently contact the dentist.

  • In municipal dental offices, most often the doctor chooses a devital way to solve the problem. He puts a special paste on the open “nerve”, which leads to his withering away
  • On the next visit to the dental cabinet, a special resorcin-formalin mixture is pumped into the cavity of a temporary tooth with a pulpite (which, by the way, is prohibited in a number of countries due to its harmful effects on the body). A seal on such a tooth is put on only 3-4 visits to the dentist
  • In paid dental offices, more modern methods of treatment of pulpitis are used in children. From the teeth with non -formed roots, the affected pulp is removed. The cavity is subjected to sterile processing and pumped into it with a special paste with an anti -inflammatory effect (for example, “Magipex”)

How to treat pulpitis medication?

At the dentist
At the dentist
  • The traditional methods of treating this tooth disease are described above. But dentistry does not stand still and every year offers patients new methods and treatment tools. And the most modern of them is the effect on the pulp laser affected by bacteria
  • The laser is most often used in the treatment of focal pulpitis. The laser has an anti -inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative effect. After such irradiation, the pain begins to gradually leave and after a day should disappear completely. Laser exposure activates metabolic processes and triggers the regeneration of pulp cells
  • No less popular is such a modern method of treatment with pulpit as depopoporesis. Using this method, you can remove inflammation in the tooth channels and prevent complications. With the help of an electric field, pathogenic microorganisms in an infected tooth are destroyed. At the same time, hydroxide of the media is supplied to the channels, which stimulates the formation of bone tissue
  • The solution to the problem of a sick tooth with the help of modern techniques is over an order of magnitude higher than traditional methods of treatment. But, firstly, many procedures are painless. And, secondly, modern methods of treatment of pulpis allow time to win. In a few hours, you can achieve a result, which, with traditional methods, can be achieved in a few days

Pulpit treatment errors

Fear of dental treatment
Fear of dental treatment
  • Errors with this disease can occur at different stages of its treatment. A dentist can make an incorrect diagnosis or choose a non -optimal treatment method
  • An incorrectly made diagnosis with such a disease of the teeth is quite common. The thing is that chronic fibrous pulpitis is similar to ordinary caries. And the dentist that defined this disease as a caries chooses the wrong treatment method. Moreover, he can accidentally open the pulp horn or leave the open pulp unnoticed
  • It is very important to correctly determine the type of pulpitis. In a tooth with gangrenous pulp, you can not lay arsenic paste. This can lead to arsenic periodontitis. And the presence of such a pasta on the perforation of the carious cavity in the tooth neck can lead to osteomyelitis with the rejection of sequestrations for a long time after the tooth was removed
  • Also often chronic fibrous pulpitis is mistakenly diagnosed as acute focal. And choose the wrong method of its treatment

Complications of pulpit treatment

A complication of this disease is the spread of infection outside the root canal. Which leads to apical periodontitis, osteomyelitis of the jaw, abscess and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region.

Also, complications of this problem can cause unskilled actions of the dentist during treatment. The most common of them is the breakdown of the tool and its abandonment in the channels of the tooth. It may require additional operations to extract it.

Another complication during the treatment of pulpitis is poor -quality sealing. If the material goes beyond the apical hole, then this can cause a negative reaction of the fabric to such an intervention.

What is the danger of pulpitis during pregnancy?

Dental treatment during pregnancy
Dental treatment during pregnancy
  • All the pulpitis are subject to pregnant women are no exceptions. However, many of them believe that it is impossible to treat this tooth disease during pregnancy. In their opinion, this can harm the child. This is not true. Rather, not quite so. Yes, outdated methods of treatment of pulpitis, which were used a few years ago, could harm the child. But, modern treatment methods make it possible to exclude the risk of threat to the fetus
  • If a pulpit occurs in a pregnant woman, the disease should not be launched. The infection in the pulp can go into the blood and transmit to the child. And it can be very dangerous
  • In the treatment of a sick tooth during pregnancy, the dentist will eliminate arsenic and other potent drugs. In order for the child to be injured when visiting the dental office, it is necessary to tell the doctor about the gestational age, possible allergies to drugs and answer other questions. After receiving the answers, the specialist will be able to choose the course of treatment of pulpitis, which will be held for the child without consequences

Important: it is impossible to refuse the treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy. Tooth pain with this disease can affect not only the health of a woman, but also on her future child.

Pulpit prevention

  • Prevention of this problem is not only daily brushing with special tools. Type and sweet food, as well as too hot and cold food, can negatively affect the occurrence of pulp. Therefore, it is desirable to exclude it
  • In addition, it is necessary to periodically visit the dental office for a preventive examination. Pulpit most often this is a consequence of neglected caries or mechanical tooth injury
  • If there is a risk of developing this disease, it is advisable to include more products containing calcium in your diet, fluorine and vitamin C. To ensure the intake of a sufficient number of nutrients in the body, you can use vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements from the pharmacy

Pulpita treatment: tips and reviews

Oleg. I do not advise you to launch your teeth. And I know this by myself. At first, Karies ignored, and then the matter reached Pulpita. Firstly, very acute pain at least on the wall climb. And, secondly, the treatment procedure itself is long and exhausting. First, open the cavity, then put the medicine for removing the nerve, then clean the channels. By the way, in one of the purges they left a file in my tooth. This is such a dental device for purges. They could not get it. He still remained in the tooth. Although it does not bother, but you never know what? So value your teeth and run for examination.

Kseniya. Of course, you need to immediately contact the dentist with pain. But, I was on vacation at sea and this problem “grabbed” me there. I decided to endure home. I called my mother, she advised me to make a temporary garlic seal. Garlic needs to be chopped and mixed with wax. Then you need to roll the ball and place it in the carious cavity. Such a "seal" must be periodically changed.

Video: Elena Malysheva about pulpit

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