Paracetamol - instructions for use

Paracetamol - instructions for use

"Paracetamol" a drug that is very often used to reduce hyperthermia. We discuss its application and contraindications.

"Paracetamol" Instructions for use

This is a widely used medicine, which is taken to reduce increased body temperature. This tool has the properties of analgesic, antipyretic and a weak anti -inflammatory property. The effect of the drug is aimed at the center of temperature regulation of the brain, while the medicine also inhibits the process of synthesis of mediators inflammation-prolandins.

The substance is actively absorbed already in the initial parts of the intestine and spreads through all tissues of the body. The paracetamol metabolism stage takes place in the liver, and is displayed, in its main part, with the help of kidneys.

The greatest concentration of the drug in the body is determined 40 minutes after taking the product. The temperature reduction occurs after 2 hours, on average. Half of the dose of the taken medicine is excreted after about 3 hours.

"Paracetamol" has a toxic effect on the liver with its prolonged use.

"Paracetamol" form of release

"Paracetamol" form of release

This substance is widely used in people of various ages-with infant and to senile and has a variety of forms of release:

• tablet form in different dosage of 0.2 g, 0.325 g, 0.5g
• Syrup with the concentration of the active substance 0.120 g/5 ml of syrup and 0.125 g/5 ml of syrup
• Capsules at 0.325 g
• suspensions for rectal use of 0.08 g, 0.17 g and 0.33 g of substance
• Suspension for oral reception with a concentration of 120 mg per 5 ml of suspension

Forms of the release of the drug are diverse and are intended for administration in individual dosage.

"Paracetamol" indications for use

"Paracetamol" indications for use

The drug is prescribed for symptomatic therapy for inflammatory diseases to reduce body temperature and relieve pain as an analgesic:

• inflammation and tooth pain
• Headache
• painful menstruation
• joint pain
• Neuralgia
• muscle pain

"Paracetamol" dosage

"Paracetamol" dosage

1. The tablet form is recommended for taking orally in a single dose up to 1.5 g up to 4 times a day. It is recommended to take paracetamol after eating and drink a lot of water

2. Suspensions for rectal use for adults with a weighing of more than 60 kg are used in a dosage up to 1.5 g maximum up to 4 times a day

3. The syrup is recommended to take 25-40 ml
This section presents doses for adults and children of adolescence with a mass body exceeding 60 kilograms

"Paracetamol" to children

"Paracetamol" to children

Medicine not contraindicated to children and not It has age restrictions.

• Tablets. Due to the fact that small d6ttes cannot swallow the tablet and it does not have A pleasant taste, this form in small children is not used. Children aged 3 years to 6 are recommended a dose of up to 2 grams in a daily dose (0.06 g on 1 kilogram of body weight) in an amount up to 4 times a day. At the age of 12 years a day, you can also take no more than 2 grams

• The syrup is the most used form of paracetamol in children and it can be used from 3 months of age, up to a year, the dose is 2.5 or 5 ml of syrup (up to 120 mg). From a year to 5 years, up to 10 ml and up to 12 years to 20 ml of syrup are used

• Suspensions for rectal use are used in babies from 1 month to three years in a dose of a substance of 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight up to 4 times a day. Up to 6 years 60 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight of the child up to 4 times a day. Up to 12 years, the dose per day is up to 2 grams

"Paracetamol" side effects

"Paracetamol" side effects

States with which a lot of medicine is complicated:
• thrombocytopenia
• anemic state
• renal colic
• increased excitability or sleepy condition
• Violation in the work of the heart muscle
• pain in the stomach and nausea
• skin manifestation of an allergic reaction

"Paracetamol" contraindications

  • As for other drugs, taking medication is contraindicated in manifestations of an allergic reaction, as well as with kidney problems or liver
  • In the presence of inflammation or damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum, the use of rectal suspensions is also contraindicated
  • With great caution, "paracetamol" can be used during pregnancy and during feeding the baby

"Paracetamol" overdose

Exceeding the required dose of a substance can lead to toxic effects on the patient’s liver, which manifests itself as a state of drowsiness, skin and mucous membranes become pale. The patient begins to feel sick, vomiting may open, the head begins to spin. Many symptoms develop during the first day.

When such symptoms are manifested, it is necessary to seek medical help, because urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

"Paracetamol" special instructions

Do not combine the intake of paracetamol with drugs that also contain a substance of this action, as this can provoke an overdose of the substance. When using paracetamol for more than a week, you need to closely control the indicators peripheral blood and monitor the adequate function of the liver.

The drug can distort blood tests when passing the analysis of sugar.



Video: when paracetamol does not help - Dr. Komarovsky

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