Why does a child hurt? How can you treat pain in children?

Why does a child hurt? How can you treat pain in children?

In children, ears often hurt, which is associated with the structure of the ear canals. The article reveals the causes of ear pain in children and examines treatment options for various causes of pain.

Ears in children are sick quite often, approximately 75% of children in childhood tolerate this disease. During illness, children become moody, behave restlessly, sleep is disturbed, and can refuse food.

Aurog pain is not only unpleasant, but it is also very dangerous. If you do not apply effective treatment, then the child may lose hearing. In particularly severe cases, death may occur.

Why does the child have a lot of ear? The causes of ear pain in the child

In children, the ear is underdeveloped. Eustakhiev’s pipe, through which the infection penetrates, is short and wide and practically does not prevent the penetration of microbes. Children's ears do not withstand mechanical stresses that may occur, for example, with chiha. Therefore, ear pain in children is much more often than in adults.

Causes of ear pain:

  • otite is the most formidable and dangerous, even for life, the reason. This is an inflammation of the inner, middle or outer ear. The cause of otitis media may be a bacterial or viral infection
  • otomicosis is a fungal lesion of the outer or middle ear, while the head can hurt a lot, boils appear, pus stands out
  • the blockage of the Eustachian pipe is more often a complication from various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, can cause inflammation of the middle ear. In this case, a headache is felt, the ears are laid
  • sulfur plug - appears with excessive functioning of the ear glands. Excessive sulfur does not have time to leave and blocks the auditory passage. The child feels the congestion and pain in the ear, the hearing worsens
  • bacterial, viral lesions of the body with colds, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, adenoids, when infection through blood, lymph enters the ear. The pain is caused by an inflammatory process due to the infection that has caught or overstrain and increased pressure in the middle ear
  • inflammation of parotid lymph nodes - lymphadenitis. Health worsens, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lymph node you feel pain where there are many nerve endings
  • the trigeminal neuralgia is the pathological irritation of the facial nerve, which provides the sensitivity of the jaws and gums. The pain that arose in these areas may respond in the ears
  • meningitis - inflammation of the shells of the brain can lead to bacterial infection of the inner ear (labyrinth), which may lead to complete hearing loss
  • mastoiditis is an inflammation of the special process, which is located behind the auricle and has the form of a bone protrusion. The infection here gets with blood flow or with injury. In this case, pulsating pain in the ear and in this process are felt, temperature rises, discharge appears from the ears, hearing decreases

  • epidemic mumps - pig. Lymph nodes are inflamed, pain can be given in the ears
  • chickenpox - with an increase in lymph nodes in the ears, pain is felt
  • diciad - inflammation of the salivary gland located in front of the auricle under the skin of the salivary gland as a result of germs with blood, lymph, from a sick tooth
  • neoplasms in the ear (furunculus, e.g.) causing an inflammatory process
  • mechanical injuries of the skull, jaws
  • teething, gum inflammation, head and neck diseases can be given to ear pain
  • in case of circulatory violation in the vessels of the head and neck, which provokes an increase in blood pressure, the pain can be given in the ears
  • ear injuries - insect bite, blow, damage to the eardrum, burn, hypothermia, barotaurum (when shooting a gun, very loud sounds, ears, in the plane at a pressure drop)
  • a foreign body that children independently stick in the ear. Do not pull it out on your own if it is deeply stuck
  • water in the ear that falls when bathing can cause edema, increased pressure in the middle ear and pain. If the water is in the ear for a long time, then the middle ear may begin. Also, the liquid can fall into the middle ear through the nasopharynx during eating
  • allergic reactions that cause edema of the ear tissues and increased pressure in the middle ear
  • long -term exposure to the ear of cold wind provokes the occurrence of a painful bruise. The auricle and the skin around become bluish and hurt. This condition passes on its own

What to do if a child has an ear with otitis media?

If the ear hurts with otitis media, the child needs to be shown to the doctor immediately, as the opportunity will appear. This is done without fail, even if preliminary measures brought the effect, so that the process does not remain treated.

To instill something in the ear is prohibited, even boron alcohol. The fact is that if the eardrum is damaged, then alcohol will penetrate the eardrum and will cause complications.

  • First of all, drip your child vasodilating children's drops in the nose. Any that are at home. Drops will remove swelling in the nose and in the ear channel, into which they will fall along the auditory pipe between the ear and nose. The pressure exerted by the air on the eardrum is leveled, which will partially or completely relieve the pain syndrome
  • If the pain has just appeared, there is no temperature or any purulent secretions from the ear, then the pain can be calm down with an alcohol or warm compress of salt, sand. If there is pus and temperature, then any compress is prohibited
  • Alcohol compress: Warrant a bandage, gauze, x/b fabric in vodka, moonshine or alcohol (alcohol ratio with water 1: 2)

    doctor Measoring Temperature Cute Baby Girl Isolated on White Background
  • Put the fabric around the auricle so that the auditory passage is open (cut the hole where you stick the ear sink). The second layer has cellophane, the third is a piece of cotton wool to enhance the warming effect. Hold the compress for two hours while the warming effect lasts
  • Compress from salt or sand. In a pan, you warm the salt/sand degrees up to 60, no more. Pour in the bag and apply to your ear. The temperature of the bag should be about 50 ° C. Tie on top with a warm scarf, also hold it as long as he heats up, also about 2 hours
  • Give me an antipyretic and analgesic drugs: Nurofen, Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Ibuprofen
  • If there is a 100% confidence that there is no rupture of the eardrum (as a rule, mothers know this whose children were sick more than once), then they are buried with drugs that relieve inflammation: boron alcohol, otepax, otinum, garazon, sofradex

All the doctor’s recommendations must be observed strictly, to cancel the drugs in the deadline, and especially antibiotics. The pain syndrome passes earlier than inflammation, so the abolition of drugs can cause complications or lead to a chronic form.

Acute otitis media in children, treatment

Acute otitis media of the middle ear is an inflammatory process with the subsequent accumulation of in the middle ear of liquid, exudate. Acute otitis media can be caused by streptococci, staphylococci, viruses, mushrooms.

  • Immediately show the child to the otolaryngologist. The doctor will determine the cause of pain, whether there are purulent formations, or is it only an inflammatory process
  • The treatment process, its duration, the types of medicines used will depend on this examination
  • Otite treatment lasts about 10 days, although in severe forms it is possible longer. The patient needs absolute peace and bed rest. This measure will prevent complications. You can’t walk with severe cold, wind on the street. It is allowed to go outside only after normalizing the condition of the child and the cessation of pain
  • Anti -inflammatory drugs are used, antibiotics can be prescribed (although many experts consider them inappropriate in some cases). It is also imperative to drip vasoconstrictor drops in the nose and use antihistamines that relieve swelling and facilitate the condition
  • The doctor can additionally prescribe heating with a blue lamp, compresses
  • If after 3 months the exudate is not absorbed or frequent relapses, then the puncture of the eardrum can be used to release the liquid and insert drainage tubes. These tubes fall on their own after 6-12 months. In 80% of cases, after such a procedure, otitis media is not renewed

Purulent otitis media in children, treatment

After the development of the inflammatory process and the accumulation of exudate, the second stage of acute otitis media begins - purulent otitis media. This phase is characterized by the formation and accumulation of pus in the middle ear, followed by perforation (rupture) of the eardrum and pus flow from the ear.

  • With the rupture of the membrane, there is a sudden severe pain and noise in the ear, dizziness, and hearing loss.
  • It is necessary to give the child an antipyretic and analgesic. You can’t bury or warm the ear. Immediately take the child to the doctor. Processing is fraught with deafness and even death, since the infection can spread to the brain
  • If the pus has already begun to gather, the doctor can make an incision on the eardrum to facilitate and accelerate the leakage of pus. This must be done, since the inflammatory process can switch to the bone tissue of the temporal department, which is more difficult to treat. The procedure is quite painful and thin, therefore it is often carried out in children under anesthesia
  • After the puncture, the turunda is taken from cotton wool, 70%alcohol and glycerol 1: 1 are wetted in the solution and inserted into the auditory passage. This turunda is changed to a cotton ball with children's cream, which is placed 2 hours several times. Such procedures remove swelling
  • The doctor prescribes anti -inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. Tablet antibiotics: flammclave, flameaxin Solutab, digital, amoxiclav, cephasolin, ceftriaxone, as well as in drops: otipax, Sofradex. Drops in the nose and antihistamines are also needed, often the same as with acute otitis media. Treatment can last more than 2 weeks
  • After the puncture, carefully follow the hygiene of the cavity of the outer ear. Remove pus and mucus. Use not matches or ready -made ear sticks with which you can damage the skin and bring the infection into the outer ear, and cotton harnesses. Pre-moisten them 3%hydrogen peroxide or 0.9%sodium chloride
  • It is advisable to use thermal physiotherapy: UHF-therapy, UFO (ultraviolet radiation), mud, laser radiation
  • After recovery, the child needs to carry out a restorative and absorbable therapy that the attending physician prescribes

Why do ears in a child hurt at high temperature?

High temperature is a sign of a strong inflammatory process. The temperature and pain in the ear can be with inflammation in the internal (the most dangerous appearance), medium or outer ear, omstoid.

Since the mouth, nose and ears are interconnected systems, pain can be given in the ears, with such diseases with high temperature:

  • angina
  • diphtheria
  • corey
  • windspiece
  • scarlatin
  • tubotitis
  • acute pharyngitis

The temperature is accompanied by such ear inflammation:

  • external otitis media provoked by a boil. The hair follicle is most often affected by golden staphylococcus. The temperature usually does not exceed 38 ° C, the duration of the pathology is about a week
  • purulent perichondritis of the auricle is a damage to the sink of the sink, in which the cartilage is melted with pus. The skin of the ear becomes hot, first has a reddish tint, then changes to a bluish one. The auricle gradually wrinkles and loses its shape. Temperature 37 ° C-39 ° C
  • acute purulent otitis media-purulent inflammation of the middle ear, temperature 38 ° C-40 ° C
  • mastoiditis-inflammation of the bone tissue of the special process behind the ear, temperature 37 ° C-38 ° C

Against the background of viral diseases, the pain in the ear appears after the mucus from the nose along the auditory canal enters the ear and begins to exert pressure on the drum membrane. If, through this mucus, the ear cavities do not infect, then the pain passes on its own.

Why does a child have ears hurt after SARS?

In children, after SARS, acute average otitis media may occur as a complication. More often this disease occurs in weakened children: often sick, premature, and artificial feeding.

An infection through a short and wide auditory pipe enters the middle ear from the nasopharynx. This is especially true for the smallest, since they often lie horizontally, which complicates the outflow of mucus and promotes the multiplication of microbes.

What to do if a child has an ear and head?

It is necessary to understand the causes of pain. Often head and auricle are manifested due to the fact that the traumatic brain nerves suffer, usually in an acute inflammatory process.

  • If this is a viral infection, which gives into the ear and the pain is not intense, periodic, then drip drops in the nose and give the child antipyretic drugs. If there is no temperature, make a compress. There is a great probability that there will be no complications. If the pain is expressed and does not pass, then this is otitis
  • If this is otitis media, otomycosis, lymphadenitis, mastoiditis, purulent labyrinth (inflammation of the inner ear) - facilitate the patient's condition and at the first opportunity, without delay, visit the doctor
  • If it is meningitis, diphtheria, tonsillitis, measles - give painkillers to relieve pain and call an ambulance
  • If the pain is caused by a blow to the ear or head, especially if the child has lost consciousness, call an ambulance. If blood comes from the ear, then the ear must be closed with cotton with a campfolded alcohol, and apply a bandage on top. Before the arrival of the ambulance, put the child in bed, and attach ice on the injured part of the head
  • If there is a rupture of the tympanic membrane, which is characterized by a sharp pain, noise in the ears, short -term disorientation, distortion of sound, then close the passage with sterile cotton wool, apply a bandage and go to the doctor

What to do if a child has an ear without temperature?

If there is no temperature, then the cause of pain can be a foreign object or water in the ear, teething, allergic reactions, lymphadenitis, sulfur plug or the beginning of the inflammatory process in the ear (otitis media, boil).

Inspect the child carefully. Then eliminate the root causes: give antihistamines, painkillers, clean your ears, make a compress. If you are confident in their actions and there is no possibility of examining the ENT doctor, conduct drug treatment with drops. If the ear continues to hurt, it is better to contact a specialist.

What to do if a child has a neck and ear?

The neck and ear can hurt with lymphadenitis. In this case, the lymph nodes are inflamed not only on the neck, but also behind the auricle, and the pain is given in the ears. It is necessary to provide first aid and go to the otolaryngologist, who will not only prescribe treatment, but also reveal the root cause.

Also, the neck and head hurt with impaired blood circulation of the vessels of the head and neck. If such a condition is often repeated, then the process must be controlled, passing vessels, visit a neuropathologist.

The causes of pain in the ears in the child: tips and reviews

  • If the child has an ear, but the pain is not acute or periodic, and the child is active, then they advise you to observe 48 hours for children from 1 year old. If the condition does not improve, then a visit to an otolaryngologist is required
  • After otitis media do not swim and dive to avoid relapse
  • Folk medicine in the treatment of otitis media can be used after consulting an ENT doctor specified with him, otherwise the consequences of self-medication can be catastrophic
  • You can not throw treatment after the pain is fraught with complications: the transition to a chronic form, partial hearing loss


When I fly on vacation with children on an airplane, I drip vasodilating drops in my nose before the flight, and Otipax or Otinum in the ears to endure the pressure difference. Before she began to use this method, when planting and ups, she felt not just congestion, but directly pain. Chewing and swallowing movements did not help. Now easier.


Some small bug crawled to the child in the ear at 3 years old. I saw him, but I could not get it. There was a day off. Then I boiled the refined sunflower oil (there was simply no petroleum jelly at that moment) and poured into my ear to kill the insect. After 5 minutes, I turned my daughter's head so that the oil could easily leak. It leaked along with the bug. The next day, we turned to Laura, she said that we did everything right.

Video: Otite in a child. Otite treatment

Video: Otit - School of Dr. Komarovsky


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