List of prohibited products for children. Child nutrition for illness

List of prohibited products for children. Child nutrition for illness

What products cannot eat for children with different diseases?

The alarming mood of parents is often associated with the problem of poor appetite of their native child. Moms and dads are concerned: how to feed the child so that he would eat with appetite and, God forbid, do not emaciate. But most problems arise with feeding the baby when he has detected health problems and there are hard restrictions on nutrition. What food can not be consumed by children with a particular disease?

Forbidden products for children


A small organism is growing rapidly and proper and balanced nutrition is required to develop it. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, macro- and trace elements are the necessary substances for the normal physiological development of muscle and bone tissue, brain, the correct formation of internal organs: heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver.

His subsequent health and the possibility of realizing himself in adulthood depends on the proper nutrition of the child in the first years of life. Therefore, it is important from an early age to lay the foundation of proper nutrition in order to avoid health problems in the future.

What can not be eaten for children up to a year?

Most pediatricians came to the conclusion: children on breastfeeding should not receive whole cow and goat milk in any form. If the child is deprived of the opportunity to receive mother's milk, then adapted milk mixtures for breast milk milk are recommended to such children.


Cow and goat milk

Cow's milk is considered heavy food for the crumbs. It contains a large amount of proteins, fats, mineral salts. The kidneys of the child begin to work with great effort, which leads to their overload. The liquid is excreted in more quantities than it is necessary by the physiological norm, which leads to the thirst for the baby. He receives a new portion of milk, so the “closed ring” is created.

Cow's milk does not contain enough iron necessary for the growing organism of the child. In goat milk, vitamin A is less than in the cow, although in other indicators it is closest to breast milk.

The use of cow's milk in the early period of life can lead to the development of diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, allergic diseases.


In addition, in babies, up to two years old, enzymes have not yet formed that can split the food components of cow's milk. As a rule, cow's milk is not completely absorbed by the children's body.

Important: children under a year are not recommended to give kefir, since it has high acidity and contains alcohol.

What can not be eaten up to 3 years old?




Sugar and salt

Salt and sugar should not be given to children, at least until you can do without it. And it is best not to give these products up to three years of age. Since the addition of salt and sugar is considered traditional in cooking, the baby will sooner or later get acquainted with the taste of salted and sweet food in kindergarten or school.

IMPORTANT: as Roscontrol showed: many children's sour -milk products contain a large percentage of sugar. Therefore, kids should give ugly and not very sour natural sour -milk products with a short shelf life.



The times passed when semolina was considered an indispensable product for baby food. It turns out that semolina contains gliadine - one of the components of gluten that makes it difficult to work of the children's intestines. Fitin is another ingredient in semolina, inhibits the absorption of vitamin D and calcium.

Gluten decoration can cause allergic manifestations in a child in the form of red itching spots. Excessive feeding semolina often leads to overweight children, which is difficult to get rid of later.


Juices or mashed potatoes?

Many pediatricians diverge in the opinion: is it possible to give children industrial production and their own preparation? Some allow the kids to give juice to the kids, other doctors do not recommend drinking crumbs for up to one and a half years, but insist on the use of fruit and vegetable puree. Their motivation is based on that such nutrition is rich in plant fiber and favorably affects the baby's intestines.

What can not be eaten by children 4-5 years old?

Parents often transfer babies at the age of 4-5 years to adult nutrition.

Important: dairy and dairy products made according to general production standards, and not according to special baby food technology, are particularly dangerous for children.

Mashed potatoes


Honey is a healthy natural product containing many biologically active components, macro- and trace elements, vitamins. But this product of beekeeping is able to cause allergic manifestations. In early childhood, it is better to abandon honey and with caution introduce it into baby food subsequently.

Sausages and sausages

Sausage and sausage products are allowed to give children after three years of age prepared using special technology for baby food. Labels on such products are usually equipped with inscriptions from what age this product can be used. There will be no much harm to the health of the child if he takes children's sausages no more than once every two weeks.


Important: Roskontrol does not recommend giving to young children sausage products intended for adult nutrition. These products contain many ingredients that are harmful to the children's organism: preservatives, taste amplifiers, phosphates, nitrites and other harmful “Eshka”.



Sweet treats should not be given to the kids for a number of reasons:

  • chocolate contains sugar
  • cocoa powder can provoke an allergy
  • cocoa oil is heavily digested by the gastrointestinal tract of the child

Sea and red caviar products

Sea products and red caviar are healthy foods containing a lot of full protein and other useful components. But this is not food for children of the younger age category. The ingredients of marine products are very allergenic, in addition, the products of the sea and red caviar are processed by many preservatives and have a tightly salty taste, which is unacceptable in baby food.


Strawberries, citrus fruits and other exotic fruits

Beautiful and delicious exotic fruits and fruits: kiwi, avocados, citrus fruits, pineapple, are able to cause strong allergic skin manifestations not only in babies, but also in older children. Strawberries, strawberries, raspberries also contain allergens, it is better not to give them to children, especially located to allergic reactions.

What categorically cannot eat children?

For kids of the first years of life, there are prohibited food:

  • whole milk
  • honey
  • mushrooms
  • nuts
  • black and green tea
  • coffee
  • chocolate
  • fast food


In the industrial production of children's food, there is a list of products unacceptable to children:

  • vinegar
  • ethyl alcohol with a concentration of more than 0.2%
  • apricot kernels
  • sweeteners (except for special for diet and baby food)
  • artificial flavors
  • benzone and sorbic acids (they are used as preservatives)
  • sharp and burning spices: pepper, mustard, horseradish
  • red meat, fish and poultry after repeated freezing
  • trans-fats and hydrogenated oils
  • diffusion concentrates for juices
  • food supplements (a variety of e, not permitted in Russia for the production of baby food)


Forbidden products for children with different diseases

Children's diseases are a test not only for the child's body, but also for parents. Only by the joint efforts of the doctor and loving mothers and dads can the child recovery can accelerate, and these are: drug treatment, proper regimen and hygiene, full nutrition, excluding individual products from the diet for various diseases.

With lactability in children, what can not be eaten?

Lactase deficiency is associated with the absence or insufficient amount of the enzyme that can split milk sugar - lactose entering the body with dairy products.


With this disease, children have disorders from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea or constipation, weight loss, fetid, foamy stools, regurgitation, vomiting, colic, bloating.

In case of suspicion of lactate deficiency of babies, they are transferred to a lactic or low -lactic diet. After the diagnosis and treatment of the disease that caused lactase deficiency, the child undergoes control tests. With positive dynamics, the doctor can give permission to gradually introduce sour milk products into the diet.

Important: lactose is contained not only in milk and dairy products, it is used in the production of medicines, margarine, candies, bread products, ham and sausages. Before buying certain products, you should carefully read their composition on the label


What can not be for children with tonsillitis?

Angina is a disease caused by viruses and bacteria. It is characterized by severe sore throat and high temperature. During illness, the child’s appetite is usually absent and this very much worries parents.

During the acute course of the disease, the baby should not be forcibly feed. Lack of appetite is a protective reaction of the body to disease. After a few days, the child will begin to recover and the desire to eat again will appear.

Children with tonsillitis should not give hard food. Food should be well crushed, preferably to the puree state. The inflamed throat is contraindicated in sour drinks, hot and cold dishes. Food should be warm and pleasant taste.


What can not be eaten with allergies to children?

Allergic manifestations in children are caused by many reasons: food intolerance, medicinal, allergies for dust, animal hair, plant pollen, etc. During allergic manifestations, it is very important to adhere to the correct diet and completely exclude the products that provoke the appearance allergies.


  • cow's milk
  • chicken eggs
  • bakery and pasta containing gluten
  • honey
  • chocolate
  • citrus fruit
  • red berries: strawberries, strawberries, raspberries
  • chicken meat
  • seafood and some fish varieties


What can not be eaten with chickenpox for children?

Chickenpox is an infectious viral disease that is sick from almost all children attending preschool or school institutions. The acute period of the disease is associated with raising temperature, headache, skin itching rashes in the form of bubbles filled with liquid.

To help the child cope with the disease and go to the recovery stage faster, you need to observe the correct diet consisting of useful and full -fledged products. During the illness, food should be excluded, which is difficult to absorb by the child's body and can cause a number of complications from the gastrointestinal tract.


A sick child is not recommended to feed fatty, spicy, salty, acidic and fried food. Food should be balanced, light, soft consistency, warm. The child is contraindicated too hot and cold food.

Products that need to be excluded during chickenpox:

  • milk
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • citrus
  • red meat


What can not be eaten with dysbiosis for children?

Dysbiosis is a disease associated with disorders in the normal microflora of the body. Violation of the balance between “useful bacteria” and pathogenic causes incorrect work of the intestine.

The child is worried:

  • violation of intestinal motility (constipation or diarrhea)
  • stomach ache
  • vomit
  • bloating
  • apathy and lethargy
  • lack of appetite

The causes of dysbiosis in children are different:

  • the consequences of antibiotic therapy
  • improper nutrition
  • lack of vitamins

Junk food

Important: the correct diet with dysbiosis and the exclusion of unacceptable products contribute to the rapid recovery of the baby.

Products that need to be avoided with dysbiosis:

  • sour berries and fruits (cherries, sour apples, cranberries, grenade, tangerines)
  • raw vegetables and fruits
  • products that cause fermentation in the intestines (grapes, cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks)
  • sweets
  • canned food
  • smoked meats
  • fast food dishes

What can not be eaten with colic in a child?


Colic often accompany the little man in the first months of life. The kid is born with a sterile intestine and an immature gastrointestinal tract. In the body of the child, there are still not enough enzymes that can fully split food. That is why a nursing mother should pay great importance to her nutrition.

Products that should not enter the diet of a nursing mother

  • whole milk
  • cabbage
  • sparkling water
  • store vegetable and fruit juices
  • sweets and sdoba
  • chocolate
  • fat foods
  • legumes

To prevent colic in a child, the diet of a nursing mother should consist of steamed dishes, boiled or baked products. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits with green color. With further growing up the child and the disappearance of colic, the choice of food for nutrition can be expanded based on the recommendations of the doctor.

What can not be eaten with diarrhea for a child?

  • Diary in a child can be caused by various reasons. These are poisoning, viral and infectious diseases, teeth teething, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. But whatever the appearance of the digestive tract disorder is associated with, the key to successful restoration of the body is properly prescribed nutrition for the disease
  • With the diarrhea of \u200b\u200binfants on breastfeeding, one should not stop breastfeed. Pediatricians recommend increasing the number of feedings, but reduce the dose of milk to avoid overfeeding and reduce the load on the baby’s gastrointestinal tract
  • Children for artificial feeding should be fed in a similar way. That is, reduce the dose of the milk mixture in one feeding, but increase the frequency of feeding. At the same time, it is recommended to use adapted sour -milk and low -lacked mixtures
  • For older children who switched to “adult food”, a special diet should also be developed by a doctor. In this case, food should be prepared according to certain rules

Foods that are heavily digested and cause fermentation processes in the intestine should be refused. It is recommended to boil food, bake, steam. Products for dishes should be chopped with a blender or wip through a sieve. You can not eat fatty foods. Porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) should be boiled on water without adding milk.

Products prohibited during diarrhea in children

  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries
  • fat meat
  • fresh bread
  • acake products
  • carbonated drinks
  • concentrated meat broths
  • milk


What can not be eaten under Rotovirus for children?

Rotavirus infection has the name "intestinal flu". The disease is transmitted by viruses through food, especially milk. The infection with a viral infection is most often exposed to babies from 6 months to 2 years.

Intoxication of the child's body leads to an increase in temperature, intestinal colic, liquid diarrhea, dehydration.

Important: dehydration of small children proceeds very quickly. With intestinal influenza, a loss of 10% fluid can affect the health of the baby, and in some cases even leading to death.

If the child is sick with rotavirus infection and refuses food, do not insist and feed the baby forcibly. But you often need to drink a child in small portions of water every half hour. This is an important and strict requirement that should be fulfilled to avoid fluid loss.


With intestinal flu in children, you should adhere to the recommendations:

  1. In the acute period of infection, accompanied by high temperature and vomiting, it is better not to feed the child, but to give him saline rehydration solutions and drinking water
  2. Infants should give breast milk a little, and in the intervals between feedings - water
  3. Babies who are on artificial feeding should switch to lactose mixtures for a period of illness, according to a consultation with a pediatrician.
  4. Exclude products that irritate the intestines from the diet: fried, salted, canned dishes, food containing rough fiber
  5. The baby should often be fed in small portions
  6. Food should be boiled and given in chopped or puree state
  7. During the recovery period, weeped silent cereals, weak meat and vegetable broths should be prepared, give puree from fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products

Mashed potatoes

Important: before normalizing the chair, it should be excluded from the child’s nutrition: whole milk, juices, fresh fruits and vegetables

What can not be eaten with stomatitis in children?

Stomatitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the oral mucosa. The disease causes the child suffering in the form of pain, high temperature, the inability to eat due to sores in the oral cavity. It is extremely difficult to feed a child with such a disease. This circumstance is very worried about parents.

Recommendations for the nutrition of a child with stomatitis

  1. It is not allowed to feed the child with sharp, sour and salty dishes that can irritate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity
  2. The temperature of the dishes should be warm, comfortable for consumption. Hot and cold foods are not suitable for feeding a child
  3. Excluded from the cocoa menu, chocolate, sweet products are limited as much as possible
  4. A hard consistency of food is not suitable for nutrition. Food should be in the form of mashed potatoes, soups, liquid cereals
  5. It is not recommended to consume dry bread and bakery products of coarse grinding
  6. Tomatoes, sour berries and fruits, citrus fruits are excluded from food.
  7. Garlic, onions, radishes, spices, irritating the mucous membrane of the mouth are not acceptable in the diet


That you can’t eat at a temperature for a child

High temperature is a protective reaction of the body. Lack of appetite and unwillingness to eat in the early days of the disease is normal. You cannot forcefully force a child at this time.

At high temperatures for children It is preferable to give abundant drink in the form of sweetened teas, fruit drinks, compotes with dried fruits, jelly. Such drinks are rich in vitamins in which a sick child really needs.

Important: at high temperatures, all dairy products should be excluded from the child’s diet: whole milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cheese. It is not recommended to eat porridge cooked in milk.

Milk protein (casein) at high temperature is practically not digested. Products containing milk in the stomach of the child are lost in a rubber -like mass. When the temperature drops, the risk of acetonymic syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting, is great.


What can not be eaten after the mantu child

Mantoux test is carried out with the aim of diagnosing the disease in children - tuberculosis. The examination is carried out by intradermal administration of tuberculin, which is a set of filtrates of the dead during heating mycobacteria.

Tuberculin is a strong allergen that can cause an allergic reaction in children prone to allergies.


Important: in order not to distort the true reaction of the child to the manti test, products can be excluded from his diet that can cause an allergic reaction.

Allergens products that are not allowed to be consumed before and after the Mantoux test:

  • cow's milk
  • fish
  • sea products (shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, oysters)
  • red caviar
  • eggs
  • chicken and broth
  • chocolate
  • nuts
  • citrus and exotic fruits (pineapples, persimmon, mangoes)
  • fruits and berries with a predominance of red and bright orange pigment (strawberries, raspberries, red apples, apricots)
  • canned products
  • sweets
  • driving products of industrial production with food additives (chips, crackers)
  • fast food


What can not eat a child with constipation?

Due to the imperfection of the children's gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, insufficient water consumption and many other factors in children, constipation can develop from time to time.

A dense and solid chair with pain, difficulties in defecation - all these signs of poor intestinal motility cause great suffering to the kids.

Children's doctors are engaged in clarifying the causes of constipation and treatment of this ailment. Often constipation occurs with improper nutrition of the child and early transition to “adult food”.

Products that are excluded from food during constipation

  • fresh white bread and pastries
  • pasta
  • semolina
  • mucous soups
  • blueberry
  • jelly
  • strong tea, cocoa, coffee


Video: Chips - harmful food for children

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Comments K. article

  1. But I don’t think that the kids should somehow be limited. We only try to give less sweets and fried to maintain the health of the tummy, well, we have a regular bio -based vitamshka, of course. So with appetite everything has been working out, and the stomach does not hurt ... without any hard restrictions))

  2. As for products containing gluten. They cannot be given if gluten is not perceived by the body. This is an unpleasant, but not so frequent case.
    But in this case, you can use gluten -free products. Fortunately, we do not have such a diagnosis, but I periodically buy a gluten Barilov paste. It is simply healthy, a lot of protein in the composition, you can cook various delicious dishes. And for those who need a gluten -free diet, such products are a very good way out.

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