The temperature of the child: what to do? How to knock down high and is it necessary to knock down a small temperature?

The temperature of the child: what to do? How to knock down high and is it necessary to knock down a small temperature?

By increasing temperature, the children's body reacts to the appearance of infections, overheating and even stress. Why do you need a temperature? Are there any benefits from its increase?

Important: the fever includes the body's protective mechanisms and helps the production of interferon - a protein that fights the pathogens of infections.

Therefore, even the most caring parents should not grab the first -aid kit, as soon as the cheek was puzzled by the beloved child and the lobby burned out. Emergency actions and medical care are not always required. In most cases, it is enough to provide the child with comfortable conditions and try to avoid active games. But first things first.

Types of fever in a child

The fever is of varying degrees and depends on the cause of the malaise, the age of the patient and the state of his health. The child’s body temperature can be:

  • normal (36.6 - 37 OS)
  • subfebril (37.1 - 38 ° C)
  • moderate (38.1 - 39 OS)
  • high (39.1 - 41 OS)
  • hyperpyrtic or excessive (above 41.1 OS).

Important: the greatest danger to the child is high and excessive temperature. At its appearance, the normal functioning of internal organs becomes impossible, and the metabolic processes of the body are violated.

Pace2Causes and symptoms of fever in a child

Important: the most commonplace and at the same time the most common cause of increasing body temperature in the child is ordinary overheating.

Whether it is an overly long stay of the baby on the scorching sun or excessive “wrapping”, the result is predictable - most likely, the temperature of the child’s body will increase. This is due to the imperfection of the thermoregulation mechanism in children.

The perpetrators of the deviation of the mercury column of the thermometer are often often viral, intestinal and bacterial diseases. In children, they take place with pronounced symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, stool disorder, sore throat and ears.

Much less often, increased body temperature can indicate the presence of endocrine diseases, the course of allergic reactions, tumors, nervous disorders and shocks.

Symptoms of elevated temperature in a child are rapid fatigue, refusal of food, tearfulness and anxiety. Visually, you can note the gloss of the eyes and redness of the skin of the face. Depending on the cause and type of fever, the child’s arms and legs can be very cold or, conversely, hot. In children up to a year, with a significant increase in temperature, convulsions may appear.

What to do if the child has an increase in temperature?

Parents should be remembered: no matter how high the child’s temperature is, you can’t panic and nervous in any case. Firstly, the fright and nervousness of parents will be easily conveyed to the baby, and secondly, the actions of a panicing person are rarely correct.

Important: first, we determine what temperature the child has. If the thermometer shows from 37 to 38 degrees and the child feels normally, medications should not be used to reduce it.

It will be enough to ventilate the rooms well, remove excess clothes, diapers from the baby, drink warm tea, compote or water. Set the child next to you, play calm games together or read the book.

Important: the child who is on breastfeeding should offer the breast as often as possible.

You can wipe the face, arms and legs of the child with a damp warm towel. If the fault of the body temperature was overheating, then such actions will help to see normal values \u200b\u200bon the thermometer in the speed.
The appearance of a higher temperature should alert parents. In this case, rubbing alone may not be enough.

IMPORTANT: If the child normally tolerates the temperature, it is not worth resorting to antipyretic drugs earlier than the thermometer will show 38.3 - 38.5 OS. Do not forget that during the increase in temperature, the child body is active in the fight against the infection and, removing heat, you can interfere with this struggle.

Another thing is when the child has a neurological disease, prone to the appearance of seizures or greatly weakens from the disease. Then you need to knock down even 37.5 OS.

Why at high temperatures a child has cold arms and legs and a hot head?

Usually this condition is accompanied by a violation of heat transfer and spasm of the vessels of the child. In this state, do not rush to give the child a potent antipyretic, this will only strengthen spasm. That's why

Important: first of all, it is necessary to give an antispasmodic " No-shpa»Paul tablets or a quarter of the tablet depending on age, and only then antipyretic.

The child needs to be undressed by cooling the body, and warm the pens and legs with a heating pad or rubbing. Give the child a warm drink, because In this state, there is not enough fluid in the body, blood flours and does not flow well in the limbs, and circulates mainly around the internal organs, overheating them.
In no case do not use cooling wiping, this will enhance spasm. It is enough to divide the child and gave an antispasmodic " No-shpa"And after half an hour antipyretic.

Important: a violation of heat transfer and spasm indicate the seriousness of the disease and it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

How to knock down the temperature of the child?

To knock down the heat of the child, you will have to choose one of two drugs: paracetamol or ibuprofen. These active substances are based on most antipyretic drugs proposed in the pharmacy. Moreover, the names of the drugs can be very diverse.

Paracetamol can be used for children from 2 months old. It is produced in the form of tablets, candles and syrups. The most convenient ones are considered to be Ceeps and Panadol Baby syrup. To avoid overdose, the drug must be used strictly following the instructions. It is noteworthy that drugs with paracetamol do not act or have a short effect in serious diseases, such as otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Ibuprofen It is the active substance of Nurofen - a drug allowed for use by children from three months. Nurofen syrups have a pleasant strawberry or orange taste, and the effect of the drug itself is not limited to getting rid of fever alone. Ibuprofen helps to get rid of the pain in the ears, throat, as well as aches in the muscles. The disadvantage of Nurofen -Yirop is the presence of dyes and sweeteners in its composition, which can cause allergic reactions in a child. The use of Nurofen in candles will avoid possible allergic manifestations.

Important: choosing the form of the drug (syrup, candles, tablets, microx), it is necessary to take into account the time through which the medicine will begin to act. When using syrup, the temperature will begin to decrease after 25 - 35 minutes, and after the introduction of a candle - after 45 - 55 minutes.

The effect of the use of candles is slightly longer than from syrups, but at a very high temperature, the candle may not work soon, or not at all. Also, do not forget about the characteristics of the child's body. If a child can tear out from sweet syrup, then you should use the candles. If he is inclined to constipation and at the time of the introduction of the candle did not empty the intestines - choose a syrup.

Pace5If the child’s body temperature crossed the mark of 40 OS, and the used antipyretic drug has no effect, it is necessary to apply the medicine with another active substance in a different form. For example,

Important: if the child was given a Nurofen syrup and an hour later - a half temperature not only did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased, you need to put a candle of paracetamol.

Important: if the temperature does not go astray at all or is knocked down for a very short period of time, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

The arrived brigade will not only establish the exact cause of the appearance of the heat, but also make a special fast -acting antipyretic injection. Also, the urgent assistance of doctors cannot be avoided when increasing the temperature if:

  • the child has convulsions
  • hallucinations occur
  • delirium, clouding of consciousness
  • there was vomiting or diarrhea
  • the stomach fell ill
  • the skin turned blue
  • it became difficult for the child to breathe

What can not be done in any case at temperature in children?

By knocking down the heat of the child, parents should know that there are actions that are in no case unacceptable. And no matter what grandparents say, referring to their life experience, you can’t never:

• Wipe the child’s body with vinegar or alcohol solutions. These actions can cause more troubles than good. Poisoning with acetic acid or alcohol will also be added to general ailment;
• Apply ice or other very cold objects to the skin of the temperature. At this time, the skin temperature is possible and will decrease, but the temperature of the internal organs will reach dangerous critical values;
• Use cold wet sheet, cold wiping - this is fraught with the occurrence of the same vascular spasm;
• Apply aspirin and drugs containing it. It can provoke the occurrence of a child of the Ray syndrome - a state of confused consciousness, accompanied by vomiting and intestinal disorder.

Even if the temperature managed to safely knock down, the child will have to observe some time. Perhaps an increase in temperature will repeat through time. Then it will be most correct to consult a doctor who will help establish the cause of the fever, prescribe appropriate treatment and will help restore the child’s health after high temperature.

Video: What temperature should be shot down? Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    First of all, before moving on to drug treatment, limit your baby from unnecessary body movements. The more the child moves, the more difficult it is to knock down the temperature of the baby. Having limited his mobility, you will help to remove heat

  2. There is nothing wrong with the temperature, in fact. All this symptoms are temperature, cough, runny nose is a sign that the body is fighting and starting to recover. Of course, we help him in this case with the reception of vitamins of Immuno and then give them a course when the child recovers. We like them, because they like the child to taste and are 100%sure of the benefits. More than once helped to strengthen immunity.

  3. I was always afraid of temperatures ... The feeling that the child is suffered directly. Therefore, I knock down right away. And, of course, a bold attack to strengthen immunity. Herbal teas with sea buckthorn and raspberries, Mishka Evalar Immunity is required (they are with natural fruits), hardening. This quickly brings the child to his senses ... And I feel calmer.

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