What to cook from pizza dough residues: recipes, tips

What to cook from pizza dough residues: recipes, tips

Do not know what to cook from the residues of pizza dough? Look for recipes in the article.

Pizza is an open pie, on top with filling and melted cheese. The Italian dish has become very popular all over the world. In order for the pizza to be tasty, it is necessary to make a good test workpiece and high -quality filling.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to cook from the remains of a non -annoyed dough?". You will find recipes for pies, pies, croissants, cake.

First of all, the dough is prepared. It can be yeast or nonsense. The test workpiece is made thick or thin. The simplest pizza at home is made of sausage and cheese, from mushrooms, chicken and cheese, chicken and cheese. There are many recipes for cooking pizza, it all depends on taste preferences. You can experiment with different fillings. When the yeast dough remains from cooking pizza or pie, you must immediately cook it or save it somehow. The dough contains liquids, so it lends itself well to freezing. From this article you will learn what to cook from the residues of pizza dough. Read further.

How to save the remnants of pizza dough longer: tips

Pizza can be done even in a pan, this is one of the simplest recipes. The dough without yeast is made faster, but the real pizza is baked from a yeast blank. The classic pizza dough is kneaded from these products:

  • Yeast
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Olive oil
  • Salt

Many add eggs or milk to such a blank. Therefore, the dough becomes universal and you can cook other dishes from it. If the blanks are very many, you need to put it in a bag or a closed container and remove it on the upper shelf of the refrigerator. SDOU can be stored in this way no more than 48 hours.

Living organisms that roam with water and sugar at a warm temperature are involved in the yeast test. If the temperature decreases, then fermentation in the test slows down. Therefore, it becomes possible to cook pies or buns after a while. During this time, the fermentation process does not stop. It is forbidden to leave test workpiece for a longer period. After that, it can only be thrown out. To prepare a blank from the refrigerator, for a start, it is necessary to heat it at room temperature. And then it will be possible to prepare your favorite pastries from it.

If you need a yeast blank for pizza longer, then it can be frozen. To do this, you need to purchase special storage packages in the freezer. In the freezer, the dough can be stored up to three months. For defrosting it should be held at a comfortable room temperature. It perfectly retains all its properties and taste.

It is worth knowing: The dough after frost becomes different. Its quality becomes much better. Before cooking, the workpiece should be distracted, after that it will be soft and lush.

From the residues of the yeast test blank, you can cook products without filling. It can be a variety of buns, cuckolds or rolls. The most delicious pastries are made from a butter. Very tasty rolls are obtained with poppy seeds and chocolate.

Video: just perfect pizza on a very tasty test

Pies in the oven from the residues of yeast dough on pizza milk: Recipe

Pies in the oven from the residues of yeast dough in pizza milk
Pies in the oven from the residues of yeast dough in pizza milk

The most homely and tasty food in the world is domestic pies. While the pies are in the oven, the aroma of baking fills the whole house. If you have the remains of yeast dough in pizza milk, then bake the pies in the oven. Here is the prescription:

For pies you will need:

  • Ready yeast test workpiece for pizza in milk
  • 1 egg for lubrication of pie

For the filling, buy the following products:

  • 1 head of young cabbage weighing about 800 g
  • 150 g of smoked brisket
  • 1 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3-5 tablespoons of panir. crackers
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard
  • 1 bundle of green onions
  • 2 eggs
  • Sugar and salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil

For the filling, you need to cut smoked brisket in small pieces. You can use any other smoked meat to taste.

Make pies like this:

  • In vegetable oil, fry the brisket for several minutes until a golden hue. Transfer to a plate.
  • Peel the onions and garlic, cut into small pieces.
  • Put in the pan - first onions, salt, fry for a few minutes until yellow. Add garlic right away and fry for about a minute.
  • Beat the eggs with salt.
  • Cabbage must be cut into thin pieces.
  • Add onions with garlic, pieces of meat.
  • Pour breadcrumbs, sugar, mustard, black pepper, greens.
  • Pour whipped eggs and mix well.
  • Put the dough into the table greased with vegetable oil, divide it into small parts.
  • Form balls, straighten them with your hands to get a cake.
  • Put the filling in the middle and pinch the edges. Lubricate the pies with a beaten egg.

So that the pies rise well, they can be covered with a towel and leave for 20 min. During this time, they will have time to rise. Heat the oven up to 200 degreesPut the stove at 60 min.

What to cook from the residues of pizza dough: sausages in the test in the oven

Sausages in the test in the oven from pizza dough residues
Sausages in the test in the oven from pizza dough residues

Sausages in the test are loved by adults and children. This is a wonderful snack or dish for a children's holiday. So what to cook from the residues of pizza dough? Turn on the oven - we will prepare the sausages in the test. For preparation, you will need yeast test workpiece and sausages. To lubricate the product, you need to take 1 yolk and 2 table. tablespoons of milk. You can sprinkle on top sesame seeds.

Do this:

  • First, divide the test workpiece into parts 70 g.
  • Roll out on the table sprinkled with flour.
  • It is best to take small sausages. Put on each rolled cake on the sausage.
  • Wrap and press the edges well with your fingers.
  • Make buns with sausage, leave to brew for 15 minutes.
  • Put the baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and grease the yolk and milk with a mixture of the yolk and milk on top.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds.

Bake 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Brushwood from pizza dough on sour cream - very tasty: proven recipe

Brushwood from pizza dough residues on sour cream
Brushwood from pizza dough residues on sour cream

Cronging fried brushwood knows everything from childhood. There are many recipes for cooking, but if there are remains of the finished pizza dough on sour cream, you can immediately cook your favorite treat. It will turn out a very tasty dessert. Here is a proven recipe:

  • You need to take the finished dough, divide into pieces and subtly roll out on the table.
  • Cut into the strips with a knife, in the middle of each, make cuts.
  • Turn out once or twice.
  • Pour oil into a deep pan and fry brushwood to a beautiful golden hue about 2 minutes.
  • Then take it out and sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

It is worth noting that from the residues of the yeast test workpiece you can cook any products without filling. It can be diverse bunks, cuckolds or crends. The most delicious pastries are made from a butter. Riles with poppy seeds and chocolate will be very tasty. Read further.

Roulettics in chocolate glaze from pizza dough residues: Recipe

Roulettics in chocolate glaze from pizza dough residues
Roulettics in chocolate glaze from pizza dough residues

To prepare such buns, you will need any yeast test workpiece. Therefore, you can use it from the store or if there is part of the dough after baking pizza or pies. Rolls are very appetizing and neat, such a dish can be put even on the festive table. Here is a recipe for such buns to chocolate glaze from pizza dough residues:

For manufacture you will need:

  • 300 g of yeast test workpiece
  • 3 table. tablespoons of poppy
  • 50 g of chocolate
  • 1 table. spoon of honey
  • 1 table. a spoonful of milk
  • 50 g of water

Do this:

  • Put the poppy in a deep pan, add water there so that the poppy is completely under water. You need to cook it until moisture is completely evaporated. I must turn the poppy into a soft mass.
  • Roll the dough in the form of a circle, cut into triangles.
  • The easiest way to do this is with a pizza knife.
  • Mack mix with honey and distribute it on all products.
  • Further, test blanks are wrapped in rolls from the wide edge, and laid out on a baking sheet.
  • Heat the oven up to 200 degrees and bake them for 10-15 minutes.

For the preparation of chocolate glaze:

  • Break chocolate tiles into pieces and pour milk.
  • Warm up in a water bath or in the microwave.
  • After the rolls are ready, they are watered with chocolate icing.

If there is a pizza dough, then the simplest solution is to cook fried pies in a pan. This universal homemade pastries will like everyone. Read further.

Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms from pizza dough residue: recipe

Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms from pizza dough residue
Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms from pizza dough residue

A high -quality filling should be made for delicious pies. Therefore, pay it to cooking a lot of attention. Here is a recipe for fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms from the rest of the pizza dough:

  • First, clean and cook potatoes 25 minutes After boiling.
  • Peel the beam, cut into small cubes.
  • Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden.
  • Grind the mushrooms, put on a dry pan and simmer until all the liquid evaporates.
  • Then you need to add there 2 tablespoons vegetable oil and fry to beautiful brown.
  • Drain all the water from potatoes, open in mashed potatoes.
  • Add fried onions with butter, knead.
  • Put the mushrooms, mix the filling thoroughly, leave for cooling.
  • The filling is already ready for use, so only the dough is necessary to bring to readiness.
  • It should rise well before work.
  • Put the finished dough on the table greased with vegetable oil, divide it for 15 pieces. A ball should be sprouted from each part.
  • Put the pan on the burner with an average temperature, pour enough oil there.
  • At this moment, you need to take each ball, knead in the palm of your hand.
  • Put a full spoonful of filling into the middle. Turn over the test on the overlap and pinch carefully the edges of the pies. Put them with tucks up on the table.
  • When the oil heats up, reduce the fire a little. Add each pie and gently put in the pan with a seam down.
  • You need to fry approximately 1-2 minutes from each side.
  • As soon as the lower part is browned, the pie should be carefully turned over. And fry on the other side.
  • It is most convenient to get the pies with a slotted spoon, so fat remains in a pan.
  • First put them on paper towels, and then beautifully transfer them to the plate. If the oils are not enough, then you can gradually add a little. The pies are very tasty and high -calorie.

If there is nothing to make the filling from, and you need to cook something from the dough, then you can make buns in a pan. Read further.

Buns in a pan from the remnants of pizza dough: recipe

For baking such products you will need a pizza dough, vanilla. Sugar, vegetable oil. Such baking is perfect for morning tea drinking. Here is a recipe for buns in a pan from the remnants of pizza dough:

  • A little flour must be poured onto the even surface, divide the test workpiece into small parts, roll into balls.
  • Roll each piece in thickness no more 1 cm.
  • In the middle of the tortilla, pour vanilla sugar and form Cheburek.
  • Along the edge of the connection, make cuts with a knife. Thus blind all other buns.
  • Heat the pan with vegetable oil, put the buns there.
  • Fry in a pan on both sides until golden.

Put the products in a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Yeast cake with feta cheese and greens from the rest of the pizza dough: Recipe

Yeast cake with feta cheese and greens from the rest of the pizza dough
Yeast cake with feta cheese and greens from the rest of the pizza dough

You can cook from the remainder of the finished pizza dough - buns with Brynza. The filling will consist of a cap of dill, and the pie itself in the shape of a round ruddy pie. Separately, form each bun with filling and tightly put in a pie. It will not even need to be cut then, as it is perfectly divided into separate pieces-boobs. You can break off your favorite piece with your hands. Brynza goes well with different herbs. The pie is perfect for any holiday table. So, here is the recipe for a yeast cake with a broom and herbs from the rest of the pizza dough:

For the product you will need remains of the finished yeast test workpiece. For the filling, take:

  • 250 g of Brynzes
  • 1 bunch of dill greens

In order to decorate - 1 egg, sesame seeds.

Do this:

  • Turn on the oven 170 degrees And you can do the preparation of the fillings.
  • Brush the brinz into small pieces, finely chop the dill, mix.
  • Divide the test workpiece into several pieces of the same size.
  • Roll the pieces in balls.
  • Make a cake from each, put one tablespoon of filling in the central part.
  • Fix the edges of the cakes so as to form a boat with an eyebrow in the center. Thus blind the rest of the pie.
  • Take a round baking dish, grease with vegetable oil.
  • Fold the boats at a short distance and leave for a while to come.
  • Beat the egg, gently grease the pie with a brush, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for about an hour in the oven. It turns out a very beautiful fragrant pie.

In a pan, you can fry delicious large cakes. Read further.

Sakes in a pan from the rest of the pizza dough: Recipe

The finished yeast dough is perfect for baking such products. Such cakes are obtained with a crisp. You do not need to spend time on preparing the dough, so you can immediately get a pan. Here is a recipe for cakes in a pan from the rest of the pizza dough:

  • For manufacturing, it is necessary to pour flour on the table surface, put the workpiece.
  • Form sausages from it, which in the future must be cut into parts.
  • Make balls, leave them on the surface approximately for 5 minutes.
  • While the balls rise, you need to put the pan on medium heat.
  • Pour a small amount of vegetable oil there.
  • Roll up the cake and fry on both sides over low heat until rosy crust.
  • While one cake is fried, at this time you can roll out another.

Put the finished cakes on a paper towel so that excessive oil is absorbed. After you can put them on a plate and serve them to tea or soup. The cakes are very fragrant and crispy. You can warm the kettle and brew your favorite tea.

Pies with cabbage from pizza dough residues: recipe

Pies with cabbage from pizza dough residues
Pies with cabbage from pizza dough residues

As mentioned above, the most appetizing and tasty food in the world is domestic pies. While the product is in the oven, the aroma of pastries fills the whole house. Let's make a pizza dough for pizza with cabbage:

For such baking you will need:

  • Ready -made yeast test workpiece
  • 1 Egg for lubrication

For the filling you need:

  • 1 head of young cabbage weighing about 800 g
  • 150 g of smoked brisket
  • 1 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3-5 tablespoons of breading crackers
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard
  • 1 bundle of green onions
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina
  • Sugar and salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - a little

Do this:

  • For the filling, you need to cut smoked brisket in small pieces. You can take any other smoked meat to taste.
  • In vegetable oil, fry the brisket for several minutes until a golden hue. Transfer to a plate.
  • Peel the onions and garlic, cut into small pieces.
  • Put the onion first on the pan, salt, fry for a few minutes until yellow. Add garlic right away and fry for about a minute.
  • Beat the eggs with salt.
  • Cut the cabbage into thin pieces, add a beam with garlic, pieces of meat.
  • Pour breadcrumbs, sugar, mustard, black pepper, greens.
  • Pour whipped eggs and stir well.
  • On a lubricated plant. Put a test workpiece with an oil table, divide it into two parts.
  • Roll one of them subtly and put in a baking dish, a lubricated plant. oil.
  • At the bottom of the pie, you need to pour semolina so that it absorbs the fluid from the filling when baking.
  • Put the filling prepared for the product on the dough.
  • It is best to take the form with high sides.
  • Subtle the test workpiece.
  • If part of the filling remains, it can be used for fried pies.
  • Roll the rest of the dough and cover the pie on top. Connect the gratings of the dough tightly.
  • You can try and make a decor for the future pie. Read in another article on our website, how to beautifully decorate the pie with the remains of dough. You will find ways and tips from hostesses.
  • Lubricate the egg with a beaten egg and make holes so that steam comes out of the pie with cabbage.
  • So that the pie rises well, cover with a rag cloth and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, he will have time to rise.

Heat the oven up to 200 degreesPut a bake for 60 minutes. The finished pie should be cooled and then cut into pieces.

Ossetian pie with beef from pizza dough residues: Recipe

Ossetian pie with beef from pizza dough residues
Ossetian pie with beef from pizza dough residues

You can prepare a meat pie according to traditional Ossetian technology. Such products are juicy because the filling is between the layers of the dough. Here is a recipe for Ossetian pie with beef from pizza dough residues:

For preparation, you will need - remains of yeast test workpiece. For meat filling, prepare the following products:

  • 0.5 kg of fresh beef
  • 200 g of greenery (dill, parsley, cilantro) - to your taste
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

To cook the Ossetian pie with beef will have to work a little:

  • Twist the beef through a meat-knit with greens, add salt, pepper and combine all products well with mixing.
  • The pie can be made one whole or somewhat small. Children like a small baking more. It turns out a portion.
  • The dough should be laid out on a surface sprinkled with flour.
  • Roll it subtly.
  • We lay out the workpiece on a lubricated plant. The baking sheet and in the middle we put the meat filling in the middle.
  • On top you need to pull the edges of the test workpiece and pinch.
  • Make a hole in the middle so that steam comes out when baking.
  • We put the oven 200 degrees, Lay a baking sheet with a pie for 25 min. When he is ready, you need to get it and grease the drain well. oil.

Instead of beef, in Ossetian pies you can put the filling of potatoes and other types of meat, cabbage, cheese and even mushrooms. Such pastries are very tasty, and always quickly disappears from the table.

Turkish-pide boat from pizza dough residues: Recipe

Turkish-pide boat from pizza dough residues
Turkish-pide boat from pizza dough residues

There is one national dish of Turkey, it looks like pizza or pie. Called - pid. It is prepared from yeast dough, a very tasty and bright dish. PIDE is made in the shape of a boat, inside it has a stuffing made of minced meat, fresh vegetables and a large amount of greens. For the best and richer taste, cheese is added to the product.

  • In Turkey, there are different cakes with the filling - Hevelem, Lahmadzhun and Pid. The latter differs in shape from Lahmadzhun. The taste is very delicate, there are many filling options.
  • Pido is prepared with cheese, meat and vegetables, or with cheese in any other variations. Any can be added - to taste. You can put tomato paste or sauces.
  • Olives are well suited, the taste is unforgettable. This is a wonderful dish for the holiday.
  • It will become a decoration of the table and will certainly like the guests. PIDE is very juicy and delicious pastries.

Here is a recipe for a Turkish boat-pide from pizza dough residues:

For the filling you will need:

Do this:

  • First you need to finely chop the beam.
  • Put a frying pan on the burner with medium fire, put a piece of drain in it. Oils, add a beam.
  • Put the chicken minced chicken on top, salt and pepper.
  • Fry it over low heat 15 minutes.
  • Wash the tomato and pepper, cut into small cubes.
  • Mix the cooled minced meat with chopped greens and lemon juice.
  • Bull the oven with parchment, lay out the test workpiece.
  • Sprinkle with flour and form a large oval from the workpiece.
  • Lubricate the olive pid. oil.
  • At the bottom, apply a tomato. Paste.
  • Put a lot of minced meat in the middle.
  • Put pepper and tomato on top.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  • Make a boat shape from the workpiece. Make a barrel olive. oil.
  • Bake pid 30 minutes at t ° 200 degrees.
  • When the pid is ready, you need to get it and sprinkle with herbs. The dish attracts with its bright appearance.

It is not necessary to throw away the dough if it remains after the preparation of another baking. You can easily prepare something tasty and unusual for your family. The yeast dough for pizza is universal, it is suitable for baking pies and cakes. Everyone loves home dishes, it is very tasty and appetizing.

Video: Stunning ideas for baking from yeast dough. No. 5 - just divine!

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Video: Home mini pizza from childhood! School pizza is a very tasty and simple recipe!

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