How to beautifully decorate the pie with the remains of dough: methods, tips from housewives

How to beautifully decorate the pie with the remains of dough: methods, tips from housewives

Few housewives will guess to decorate the pie with the remains of the dough. To do it is simple, the methods are described in the article.

Each cooking wants his dish to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, causing appetite and delight. For this, the product must be decorated.

Read on our website an article on the topic: “How to blind and beautifully pinch the pies of oval, round, square, triangular, karaite, in the form of a rose, envelope, pigtails, openwork?”. You will learn how to beautifully decorate closed pies with a layer of dough, stripes, turning, cutting the roll - ideas, photos.

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, a yeast pie is quite easy to decorate with the help of dough residues. Look for methods in this article below. Read further.

How to make a pie beautiful: tips from housewives

 To make the pie beautiful, only jewelry is not enough. The finished product should be even, without cracks and flaws, a beautiful rosy color that gives the pies a delicious look. To make the pie just so and very beautiful, you can use simple tips from the housewives:

  • Cool the dough before laying in shape

Thanks to this, it will “rest”, will become supple and elastic. The best option is to leave it for a short while in the freezer. But do not overeat, otherwise it will be difficult to work with such a workpiece.

  • Shit of yeast dough may come in handy

For example, for the final formation of the product. During cooking, it is often necessary to align the edges by cutting off excess. Do not throw these scraps. From the pieces you can make a “patch” in time if the edges immediately begin to settle in the oven or the top of the pie begins to blur. Also, using these scraps, you can create a beautiful design for a yeast pie.

  • Baking forms should be with high walls

If they are low, difficulties may appear in the process. SDOBA will not rise as it should be in a container with low edges, the way she will have little space for this. Also, only a small amount of filling can be accommodated in a small form.

  • Decorating the pie, you need to rotate it all the time

This is much more convenient to work, and the jewelry will turn out to be more even, correct, which is very important.

  • Before sending the formed workpiece to the oven, it is worth placing it again in the freezer

In order for the crust of the pie to come out more ruddy and not cracked, the temperature of the dough before cooking should be as low as possible.

  • Lubricate with yolk

Baked products will be more appetizing if in 5-10 minutes. Before sending to the oven, grease them with yolk or an egg beaten into a homogeneous mass. Then the surface of the finished products will be glossy.

Armed with these techniques, any cook can create an ideal, beautiful and delicious pie.

How to beautifully decorate the pie with the remains of dough: Ways

Ordinary residues of the dough will help to make the pie beautiful. Do not throw them out. They will make excellent jewelry - flowers, leaves, figures and even a pigtail. Creating such jewelry is quite simple, you only need suitable tools and fantasy of the cook. The decor will give the products of the highlight, grace and completeness. The recipes given below will help to do this.

  • Here are given methods that are most suitable for yeast dough, since it becomes magnificent when baking and holds the shape well.
  • But you should also try to decorate the dough and sand pies. Flat jewelry is well suited for this.
  • At the same time, it is worth considering that cooled finished products from sand dough, during cutting very easily crack.
  • Therefore, it is better to cut them while they are hot.
  • So that jewelry from sand dough does not crack during baking, you should strip them with a fork.

There are a great many options for decorating yeast products with the remains of dough. You can decorate them with the help of curly excavations for the dough, cut beautiful details with a knife - curly or ordinary, or you can use your fingers and imagination. It will simply decorate only the center of the pie, or arrange only the edges, or you can combine different methods. So, how to beautifully decorate the pie with the remains of dough is described below. Read further.

Figure molds: simple decoration of the pie

Figure molds: simple decoration of the pie
Figure molds: simple decoration of the pie

It is excellent if there are such devices at hand as molds with recesses for the dough. With their help, it is easy to cut quite a lot of figures and details, decorate with them any pie. It will turn out beautiful and delicious. This is one of the simplest decorations of pies.

Using fantasy, it is quite easy to arrange patterns from the recesses in any order - on top of the filling, or on top of a closed pie.

Pies decorating leaves

Pies decorating leaves
Pies decorating leaves

You can decorate the pie only with leaves, but the composition of the leaves with flowers will also look great.

Stars for decorating a pie

Stars for decorating a pie
Stars for decorating a pie

On confectionery, they will look great. The scattering of stars in the plate will definitely please anyone. Such a decoration of the pie is easy to do. You need to have only special cutting forms.

Hearts for decorating a pie

Hearts for decorating a pie
Hearts for decorating a pie

With the help of cakes decorated with hearts, you can build a real recognition of love. Preparing such a pie is very simple, and the effect will be amazing! Cut the hearts with a special mold, and put the products themselves in a chaotic order on top of the pie.

Dough ribbons in the decoration of the pie

Dough tapes in jewelry
Dough tapes in jewelry

For the manufacture of ribbons, simple strips - no recesses or special tools are needed. They are very easy to cut with a sharp knife. It is also one of the simplest jewelry from the dough.

From the tapes you can create a simple manufacturing, but a very spectacular braid. Such a jewelry can be called a classic option appropriate in the design of compass both on weekdays and on holidays.

  • First, cut a large number of strips from the remaining mass.
  • The edges of such tapes can be made even or curly.
  • Lay the strips parallel to each other at the same distance from each other over the filling, fixing all the ribbons on one side.
  • Next, lift the strips through one and put the transverse parts of the braid.
  • Then you should change the location of the longitudinal stripes and lay out the following until the entire surface of the pie is closed with a braid.

If the pie is rectangular, then you can make a braid with "squares", or you can "rhombics". In addition, both the width of the tapes and the distance between them can vary.

Spiral for decorating a pie

A spiral on the pie
A spiral on the pie

This is also a very simple option for decorating pies. It is great to come in handy if you suddenly urgently need to cook something tasty and very beautiful in appearance. You can make a spiral like this:

  • Roll out with an even thin layer the remaining test mass in a large layer and cut into strips 1-1.5 cm wide.
  • The stripes should turn out as long as possible without connections.
  • It remains only to arrange a pie with them. This should be done from the center, twisting the strip with your fingers and very carefully laying out a circle around the center, until the twisted strip reaches the edges of the product.

This jewelry is perfect for round pies.

Flower for beautiful decoration of the pie

Flower on the pie
Flower on the pie

This version of the beautiful decoration of the cake is also very easy to manufacture and complement the product well. This task is on the shoulder to any culinary specialist, even to the most inexperienced. Make a flower like this:

  • For the design, the remaining piece of test mass is useful, or a sufficient amount of dough should be separated in advance.
  • From it, cut out narrow or wide petals, or both of them, as well as a core in the form of a small circle.
  • On top of the filling to the center, or as you like more, lay a circle from the dough, and from it in one row or several in a circle - petals.

If the pie is sweet, then the finished sdba can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Roses in decoration of the pie

Roses in decoration
Roses in decoration

 Making such roses to decorate the pie is easy:

  • Roll out the remaining dough.
  • From a rolled blank, cut the mugs of the same size and thickness, forming with your fingers or using a shape.
  • Lay the circles in a row, applying the edge of the next circle to the previous one.
Roses for decoration
Roses for decoration
  • Twist the resulting row in a roll.
  • Cut the resulting workpiece exactly in the middle to get two identical halves. Bend the edges of both halves slightly.

Thus, two roses should turn out. It remains only to supplement them with leaves and lay them on top of the filling of the pie or on top of the closed product.  

Decoration of the edges of the pie

There are many different options for designing the edges of baking. Again, this will depend on the fantasy of the baker and the time, which he can distinguish to decorate his culinary masterpiece - a pie from yeast or sand dough.

  • Kosichka
Decoration of the edges
Decoration of the edges

First, it is required to make strips of dough - long, but not very wide. After that, weave a not too thick braid from them. Next, you should carefully lay it out along the edge of the product, which in advance lubricate with yolk, or moisten with water. Then such a decor will not fit tightly, will not slide.

  • Squares
Decoration of the edges
Decoration of the edges

Everything is extremely simple here. From the remaining dough, cut the squares and put in a circle on the pie so that the edges of the squares come a little onto each other. You can also do with any other figures. And even easier - it is to cut the test workpiece laid in the mold with scissors to make square squares.  

  • Leaflets
Decoration of the edges
Decoration of the edges

An excellent decoration from the residues of yeast dough for any butter. Before you start decorating pastries in this simple way, the test mass should be divided. To begin with, roll it into a thin wide layer, and then cut the leaves from it with a mold.

Another option is to roll the balls equal to the size of the dough. Then press them by cherishing the flat circles, and form the leaves from them. After that, you can make the notch with a knife, imitating the patterns on the leaves, or carefully cut the edges. They need to be laid out, as in the option with a pigtail, on the edge of the pie, or a lubricated with yolk.

  • Crescent

The recess for the test, or with a knife, you need to cut the figures in the form of a crescent, then lay them out along the edge of the pie. Not forgetting to moisten with water, or grease with yellow.

  • Circles
Circles for cake decor
Circles for cake decor

Just as in the previous version, only using a round mold, or forming circles with your hands. In this technique, the choice of products is very diverse. There is also an unlimited number of such molds.

Of course, all these jewelry can be combined. But it is better not to use more than three different ways at the same time, so as not to overdo it with the composition. Also, these methods do not limit imagination, on their basis you can come up with something of your own. After all, a real cook is also an artist. Invent and create your culinary masterpieces. Enjoy your meal!

Video: How to decorate the pie beautifully?

Video: TOP 3 ways to decorate the pies beautifully. Sand pies

Video: flowers from dough for decorating pies

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