What to make from the residues of dough dumplings: recipes, tips

What to make from the residues of dough dumplings: recipes, tips

Use the remnants of dumplings for dumplings when preparing delicious and delicious dishes. Making them simply and quickly.

What to do if the filling for dumplings ended, and the dough remains? The dough dough consists of the following ingredients: water, flour, egg, sunflower oiland Salt to taste. Adding oil is not necessary, but without it the dough will not be elastic. It is advisable to use the highest quality with a high content of gluten. Take the cold filtered water. If there is no water water, use bottled.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "What dough can be prepared from the remains of mayonnaise?". You will find dough recipes with the addition of mayonnaise.

Below you will find universal recipes for products that will allow the use of dough dumplings at your discretion. An experienced hostess can prepare more than one original dish from the residues of the dough. It can be both second dishes, and desserts or blanks for soups. Read further.

How to store dumplings for dumplings: tips

From the remnants of dough doughs, you can cook original dishes. You can please their family and friends. In the food prepared on his own, the hostess puts not only her culinary skills, but also a piece of the soul. But it happens that there is no time at all, but the dough is left. Then just save the remaining blanks in the refrigerator. At a temperature +5 ° C The dough can be stored from 9 to 36 hours. After this time, the product loses its suitability for use.

If you are not going to use the dough in the near future, it is better to freeze it. To do this, do the following - tips:

  • For freezing, the workpiece must be placed in a dense plastic bag, without damage.
  • If the packaging has integrity defects, the dough can dry and absorb the smells of other products.
  • The workpiece in the freezer can be stored for up to six months.
  • It is necessary to defrost gradually: first, place the dough on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for several hours. After that, feel free to take it out of the refrigerator and expect the final defrosting of the product.
  • When defrosting, it does not lose its properties, it remains as elastic and tasty.

However, repeated freezing for such a workpiece is not recommended. In this case, the product loses its taste and good dishes will not work out of it.

So, we offer options for dishes that are very tasty of the residues of dumplings for dumplings. Read further.

Vafel dough from dumplings dough: recipe

Waffles from dumplings dough residues
Waffles from dumplings dough residues

Rarely home gatherings do without sweets. It can be chocolate, cookies, cakes. And it’s just sometimes pleasant to intercept a piece of cake on the run. But one hundred times it seems tastier when you cooked dessert yourself. This can be done from the residues of dough doughs. For example, cook waffles.

The most remarkable thing is that you do not need to add anything to the remaining dough. For preparation, you need only a wafel. Here is the prescription:

  • Roll the dough thoroughly in two thin circles, with a diameter for a cup of wafflers, usually from 15 to 20 cm.
  • Place the first circle in a waffle box. Put the filling. As a filling, you can use honey, condensed milk, jam of your favorite taste. Take care so that there are not too many fillings, otherwise it will spread.
  • Cover the second circle of dough and bake until cooked.

You can diversify the taste of a waffle with the addition of finely dull nuts, sesame seeds, a lobster of a banana. Waffles are crispy and tasty. You can apply for breakfast or have a bite to eat in the evening.

What to make from the residues of dough dumplings - brushwood: recipe

Brushwood from dumplings dough residues
Brushwood from dumplings dough residues

If you have the question of what to make from the residues of the dough for dumplings, then bake brushwood. There are many recipes for this delicacy. But the one that will be described below is characterized by simplicity and speed of cooking. Here is a description of the stages:

  • Roll the dough remains in small stripes 2 cm wideand 10 cm long.
  • In the middle make an incision and turn the dough with a spiral.
  • Lower the resulting spirals into a well -heated sunflower oil.
  • Fry until golden color.
  • Sprinkle abundantly with powdered sugar.
  • Powder can be purchased both in the finished form, and do it yourself. Change sugar in a coffee grinder and voila - the sugar powder is ready.

The absence of a coffee grinder in everyday life is not a reason to deny yourself the preparation of this delicacy. Pour half a glass of sugar into a plastic bag. Distribute sugar evenly over the entire surface. With the help of a rolling pin, with effort, grind sugar until a powder mass is obtained. The resulting mixture must be sifted through a small sieve to remove large particles. Sugar powder for sprinkling brushwood is ready.

Sugar roses from the remnants of a non -cheerful dough for dumplings: Recipe

Sugar roses from the remnants of a non -cheerful dough for dumplings
Sugar roses from the remnants of a non -cheerful dough for dumplings

Another recipe for original and tasty pastries. Let's make sugar roses from the remnants of a non -freezing dumplings dough:

  • Roll the remaining dough into a thin layer.
  • Lubricate the workpiece with sunflower oil or a piece of margarine.
  • Sprinkle abundantly sugar.
  • Roll the roll from the dough and cut it into slices 1.5-2 centimeters thickness.
  • Fry the resulting slices in a preheated pan with the addition of a small amount of sunflower oil.

Under the influence of heating, granulated sugar is caramelized and a very tasty and unusual dessert will turn out. If desired, you can decorate with berries or fruits.

Ears of dumplings dough residues: recipe

Ears of dumplings dough residues
Ears of dumplings dough residues

The fastest and most light of the above desserts. The ears from the remnants of dough dumplings are easy to make. Here is the prescription:

  • You form the remaining dough into mugs, as in the modeling of dumplings.
  • Wrap in the shape of an ears or bow, spirals. The form actually does not matter, the main thing is that you like it.
  • Boil products in the water until cooked - 3-5 minutes.

Hot ears Pour with sour cream and jam. The latter can be replaced with sugar or your favorite jam. This dish will not refuse not only children, but also adults.

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Homemade pizza from dumplings dough residues: recipe

Homemade pizza from dumplings dough residues
Homemade pizza from dumplings dough residues

Hot dishes occupy the main place on kitchen tables. Lunches and dinners are an integral part of the life of every person. I want something new, but easy to prepare? The remnants of dough dough will come to your aid. Let's make homemade pizza from dumplings dough.

It should be noted right away that the types of fillings for cooking pizza are diverse. You can cook vegetarian, meat, with seafood and even sweet pastries. In the recipes described below, consider the methods of preparing three types of pizza: classic meat, with chicken and sweet.

For cooking you will need:

  • Dough
  • One carrot
  • One onion
  • 200 gr. Boiled sausages
  • 200 gr. sausages
  • Two pickled cucumbers
  • Two fresh tomatoes
  • Tomato paste - two tablespoons
  • 200 gr. cheese
  • Mayonnaise - a little

Do this:

  • Finely chop the peeled onions and carrots and fry in sunflower oil 5-7 minutes.
  • Gold sausage, sausages and cucumbers with small slices, tomatoes in thin circles.
  • Pre -rolled to the required shape of the dough, place on a baking sheet.
  • Lubricate the dough with tomato paste, put on it on onions and carrots on it.
  • Next, the circles of the tomato and distribute the rest of the filling evenly over the entire surface.
  • Smoke a small amount of mayonnaise and sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese.
  • Bake pizza in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees, 15-20 minutes.

If desired, the filling can be replaced. For example, on boiled chicken, olives and pineapple:

  • The roasting of carrots and onions remains.
  • Put it on it in a previously boiled and finely chopped chicken breast.
  • Cut olives without bones in circles, pineapple with small cubes.
  • Put on the frying, smear with mayonnaise.
  • The final step is grated cheese, and in the oven for 10-20 minutes (t ° 150 degrees).
  • The finished pizza, if desired, can be decorated with finely chopped dill or parsley.

If you want something unusual, feel free to replace the tomato paste with any other sauce: pesto and lecho-they will do perfectly. You can also use any cheese. The most common Mozarella. It stretches perfectly and gives an additional highlight to the dish.

You will need to make sweet pizza:

  • Butter - 30 gr.
  • Dark chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 100 gr.
  • Any berries

Do this:

  • Lubricate the thinly rolled up the dough layer with melted oil.
  • Rub the chocolate and distribute it on the pizza with a thin layer.
  • Smoke with condensed milk on top and decorate with berries (raspberries, strawberries or any other).
  • In preheated to 180 degrees Bake the oven 10 minutes. Do not forget to check the degree of readiness!

You can serve any type of pizza for tea, coffee or any other drink - juice, fruit drink, etc.

Chebureks from dumplings dough residues: recipe

Chebureks from dumplings dough residues
Chebureks from dumplings dough residues

Chebureks are delicious pastries with meat. It is popular with the eastern peoples. Chebureks are also prepared in Russia, and such baking even more attachs a meaning than ordinary pies.

For the filling you will need:

  • Minced meat - 350 gr.
  • Two small bulbs
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste

Do this:

  • Add finely chopped onions to the minced meat and the remaining indicated ingredients. Everything is thoroughly mixed, closed with cling film for half an hour.
  • At this time, subtly roll out the dough to the desired size of the Cheburs.
  • Put the minced meat with a thin layer on the dough, after which the edges are carefully weed.
  • For the reliability of fastening the dough, smear the edges with an egg or just water. Beautiful edges can be obtained if you press them slightly with a fork. You will get a neat pattern.
  • In the sunflower oil heated in a pan - optimal up to 160 degrees, Lower the chebureks and fry until cooked on both sides.
  • It is ideal to fry capections in fruit so that they do not touch the bottom.

In this method, they are crispy. If you want something new, intervene in minced meat finely chopped greens or garlic ( 1-2 slices half a kilogram). To obtain an unusual taste to the minced meat, add a little grated cheese. To make the Cheburex one size, cut the shape under them with a glass. The edges can be trimmed with a knife.

Croats from dumplings dough residues: recipe

Croats from dumplings dough residues
Croats from dumplings dough residues

You probably have not tried such a dish. The twists are very tasty. Make them out of dumplings dough.

You will need to prepare this hot and hearty dish:

  • Any meat on a bone-400-500 gr.
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Garlic-4-6 lobules
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • The remnants of your test

Do this:

  • First of all, boil the broth based on meat.
  • Roll the dough with a thin layer and grease with sunflower oil.
  • Sprinkle with finely chopped onions and garlic.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.
  • Roll the dough with a roll, tightly cringing the edge.
  • Cut the roll into slices approximately in 1 centimeter thick.
  • Remove the meat from the broth, cut it into pieces and lower it back into the pan.
  • Gently send the roulette slices there.
  • Run in a pan neatly one roll, constantly stirring the broth.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • It is necessary to cook the twists 7-10 minutes.

Before serving, you can add chopped greens (dill, parsley). Enjoy your meal!

Lazy pies from dumplings dough residues: recipe

Lazy pies from dumplings dough residues
Lazy pies from dumplings dough residues

The principle of preparing lazy pies is similar to twist. However, you get a completely different dish. Here is a recipe for the manufacture of lazy pies from dumplings dough residues:

  • Roll the dough layer thick no more than 5 millimeters And evenly lay out the filling.
  • The filling can be almost any - potato mashed potatoes with greens or grated cheese, chicken with mushrooms (first must be fried in small pieces).
  • Roll the roll and cut it with slices approximately 1.5-2 centimeters.
  • Roll them in flour to close the end cuts, and lower them into preheated oil.
  • Fry on both sides 5-8 minutes, before receiving a crisp.

Serve to tea or the first dish instead of bread.

Dummies from dumplings dough residues: recipe

Such a dessert is loved by children. Preparing it is simple, especially if you have the remaining dough doughs. Here is a recipe for delicious dummy:

  • Roll up small stages.
  • Then blind them in the form of bows or converters.
  • Lower to cook in slightly salted water for 5-7 minutes.

It is advisable to serve the products hot on the table - with sour cream or any sauce. As a gas station, you can use sunflower oil, it turns out tasty and unusual.

Lapsha soup from dumplings dough: recipe

Lapsha soup from dumplings dough residues
Lapsha soup from dumplings dough residues

Lapsha soup with chicken is one of the most popular dishes. Cooking is easy, but there is delicious. If you use home noodles when cooking, then your soup will sparkle with new colors. For preparation, you will need flour and dough doughs. Roll the dough as thin as possible. Watch it well with flour and cut it into thin strips - 3-5 mm wide. The noodles are ready and it can be launched into the soup. Further recipe for soup:

You will need to make a soup:

  • Chicken meat (lower legs, breast, hips)
  • One carrot
  • One onion
  • Potato
  • Greens to taste
  • Noodles
  • Salt

Do this:

  • Before cooking the broth, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the chicken with running water. Put it to cook on medium fire for 20-30 minutes.
  • Cut the carrots and onions in small pieces and fry in sunflower oil until golden.
  • Cut the potatoes with slices.
  • Remove the finished meat and separate it from the bones, return it to the pan.
  • Salt the resulting broth with meat and add onions, carrots, potatoes and noodles to it.
  • Before serving, you can decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

It is worth noting that potatoes in this recipe are an optional ingredient. It is believed that without adding the last noodles it turns out more rich and fragrant.

Rolls with vegetables from dumplings dough residues: Recipe

Rolls with vegetables from dumplings dough residues
Rolls with vegetables from dumplings dough residues

Tasty and light dish. If you do not want to use meat broth when preparing, then you can pour just water or vegetable decoction in which cleaned carrots, onions and other vegetables were prepared. Here is a recipe for rolls with vegetables from dough dough residues:

You will need you to prepare this dish:

  • Dough - 300 gr.
  • Carrots and onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • 200 grams of cabbage (it is better to use white)
  • Champignons - 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Pepper and salt - to taste
  • 300 gr. broth

Do this:

  • Cook the broth from any type of meat (poultry, beef, pork). Do not forget to remove the foam so that the broth is transparent. You can make it, as mentioned above, from vegetables.
  • In a preheated frying pan, fry pre -crushed onions, carrots, mushrooms, garlic and cabbage. Fry until the softness of the ingredients.
  • Salt and pepper the filling to your taste. Do not forget that the frying time of the products is different and you must add them in the above order.
  • Roll the dough in several identical rectangles and put the filling on them.
  • Form rolling roulettics, clinging the edges tightly.
  • Put the finished rolls in a baking dish and pour a broth. The broth should cover the products completely.
  • Wrap the shape with foil and send it to the oven, warmed up up to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.
Rolls with vegetables from dumplings dough residues
Rolls with vegetables from dumplings dough residues

You can use such rolls as a side dish for meat or as an independent dish.

Cakes from dumplings dough residues: recipe

Cakes from dumplings dough residues
Cakes from dumplings dough residues

You can cook not just cakes from the residues of dough dumplings, but make a real Kystyby. This is a traditional Tatar dish that we love in Russia. Here is the prescription:

  • Roll the remaining dough into small cakes, thick about 5 ml.
  • Fry such cakes in a dry pan until golden crust is obtained.
  • You can use both a finished dish, and as a component, for example, as a Kystyby.
  • In order to cook Kystyby (stuffing tortillas) you need potato mashed potatoes.
  • To prepare it, take the required amount of peeled potatoes. The tubers should have approximately the same size. If you could not find the same tubers, do not be upset: just bring them to the same size by dividing into pieces.
  • Pour the potatoes with water so that it is all loaded into the liquid.
  • Salt and set to cook on medium heat. Cooking time on average 20-30 minutes.
  • You can check the readiness of the potatoes with a toothpick - if the tuber and potatoes easily pierce the product, then the product is ready for use.
  • Drain the water and add melted butter to the finished potatoes - 100 gr.
  • Mash the potatoes and gradually introduce heated milk - 200 ml. If there was no milk, then replace it with water in which potatoes were cooked. The filling for Kystyby is ready.
  • Turn the cake in half. Put the filling for one half, close the second half. To diversify the filling, add crushed greens or fried mushrooms in mashed potatoes.
  • Serve such cakes to coffee or tea. Suitable for soup or any other stew.

As you can see, from the residues of those for dumplings you can cook many different dishes. All of them are tasty and appetizing. Follow the cooking recipe and please your family and friends with unique tastes. Be sure, they will definitely ask for an additive. Enjoy your meal!

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