What to make from the remnants of the sand dough - what to cook: recipes, tips

What to make from the remnants of the sand dough - what to cook: recipes, tips

If you have the remains of sand dough, then prepare delicious desserts from it. Look for recipes in the article.

Sand dough - An excellent workpiece for cookies, cakes, tartlets, open and closed pies with berries and fruits. Many housewives like to cook pastries from this type of dough. It is easy to knead and simply “fly out” of beautiful and delicious products from it.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to beautifully decorate the pie with the remains of dough?". You will find ways and tips from hostesses.

It happens that a lot of the test was laid, but I don’t want to do the same baking. From this article you will learn what to do with the remnants of sand cookies, what can be made from it. You will be surprised, but from this type of workpiece, you can post a lot of delicious dishes. Look for recipes below. Read further.

There was a non -annoyed sand dough: what to cook?

From the remains of fresh non -cheerful sand dough, you can also prepare various tasty pastries:

  • Meat pies
  • Mushroom pies
  • Vegetarian pastries
  • Samsu
  • Pizza

To pamper children, you can cut out the mugs, make them eyes from raisins, drops of melted chocolate and jamming smiles. Children quickly grab ready -made emoticons, and maybe they will help in their creation and offer their options.

You can roll a ball from different remnants and scraps of sand dough, thinly roll it and arbitrarily cut it with different figures. Then mix the cinnamon with sugar and sprinkle on top cookies - beautifully and appetizing.

If you do not want to crush the dough once again, worsening its texture, put it on a baking sheet and bake the scraps as they are. If the pieces are thick, roll out with a rolling pin. When the baking cooks and cools down, break and fly in sour cream. It can be sucked if the dough was unsweetened. The dessert will be ready in a couple of hours when it is saturated.

If your dough does not work out, then watch the video below. The confectioner shows and tells how to prepare the sand dough correctly. There are several tricks.

Video: Sand dough. Very tasty recipe. Cooking secrets

Sanding cookies with jam and grated remaining dough: Recipe

Sanding cookies with jam and grated remaining dough
Sanding cookies with jam and grated remaining dough

Sometimes it’s hard to please the household, each has their own taste preferences. But before the classic version of Viennese cookies, no one will remain indifferent. During cooking, it is advisable to follow the instructions and dosages in order to get the perfect scattered cookies. It is important to choose a jam with sourness, combined with sweet dough, you will get the perfect harmony of taste. If it is too liquid, it is enough to add starch for thickening. Here is a recipe for sand cookies on margarine with jam and grated dough:

The dessert recipe includes:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 250 g of margarine
  • Sugar glasses
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • A pair of vanillas of vanillin
  • A glass of jam

Do this:

  • An hour before cooking, take the margarine from the refrigerator. When it softens, pour sugar, vanillin, break the eggs. Rub all this well and divide it into two parts.
  • Put the first part in the volume of prepared flour to a homogeneous mass, give the shape of a ball.
  • Add flour mixed with cocoa to the second half. Knead and both parts send to cool into the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Roll the first ball in the form of a baking sheet and lay it in it.
  • Distribute jam on the surface of the dough evenly.
  • Sprinkle with wiped chocolate dough with chips.
  • During 15 minutes Warm up the oven at temperature 200 degrees and send a pie bake for 30 minutes or before the formation of crispy crust.
  • Cut the finished pie into small pieces of cookies. Let me cool, dry out and you can get treated.

It will turn out to be unusual, if instead of a classic raspberry or cherry, use jars of yellow plum. It is more fragrant peach or apricot and such cookies are eaten by children and adults, not having time to cool.

What to make from the remains of sand dough: a recipe for cookies with a finite filling

If you want an unusual filling in your baking, then dates are one of the exotic options. It is necessary to remove the seeds from dried fruits, grind in a blender, add a little vegetable or olive oil, a pinch of salt. You can add anise or cardamom to taste.

Form with your hands from small pieces of cake dough, put the filling and climb. Lay the cookies, slightly and put on a baking sheet, bake until golden at an average temperature of the oven. This recipe is good because you do not need to add sugar, the dates themselves are a very sweet product.

Belyashi from the remnants of fresh sand dough: recipe

Belyashi from the remnants of fresh sand dough
Belyashi from the remnants of fresh sand dough

If there is no time to mix the dough, you can use the remains of fresh sand for cooking whites. Here is the prescription:

  • First you need to prepare the minced meat, mixing the twisted meat, grated cheese, chopped greens, onions, salt and pepper to taste.
  • In your hands, open the balls of the dough, place the finished minced meat inside, pinch, leaving a little ajar.
  • Fry in fruit or bake in the oven over medium heat, sprinkling with cheese.

Such whites can be eaten during a break at work. Both tasty and satisfying.

Cookies from the remnants of the sand dough "Triangles on buttons": Recipe

This cookies are prepared very simply and quickly. It looks very interesting and appetizing. Here is a recipe for cookies from sand dough "Triangles on buttons":


  • 500 g of sand dough
  • The glass of raisins
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of margarine or butter
  • Egg

Do this:

  • Prepare raisins first: pour boiling water for a few minutes, rinse and remove the tails.
  • Take the finished sand dough, roll out 5 mm thick.
  • Cut small triangles out of it with a knife.
  • Then each triangle must be greased with an egg and sprinkled with raisins.
  • Put the cookies on a baking sheet lubricated with butter or margarine and bake.

Sand triangles with raisins are ready. You can have a goodhouse.

Cookies from the remnants of the sand dough "Lemon pleasure": recipe

Lemon adds a piquancy and unique test in taste. There is such baking - this is really a pleasure. Here is a recipe for cookies from sand dough "Lemon pleasure":

For cookies you will need:

  • About half a pound of finished sand
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of margarine or butter
  • 3 lemon
  • Water glasses
  • 1/2 cup sugar

Cook like this:

  • Rinse the lemons well, clean the peel, seeds and pass through the meat grinder.
  • Prepare sugar syrup: pour sugar with water, cook over low heat until white foam is formed.
  • Combine lemon mass with sugar syrup and put on a small fire, stirring constantly.
  • From sand dough, rolled up to 3 mmCut the shape of the heart.
  • Put the cookies to a baking sheet and bake.

Stick the finished hearts with a lemon jam. Serve to the table to coffee or tea.

Pumpkin pie from sand dough residues: recipe

Pumpkin pie from the remains of sand dough
Pumpkin pie from the remains of sand dough

This method of preparing dessert is quick and easy to prepare. The pumpkin will give an incredible aroma and taste, especially in hot form. If it remains 400-450 g Sweet sand dough, only the filling for the pumpkin cake remains to cook. Here is the prescription:

She needs:

  • 300 g of pumpkin
  • 20 g of sugar
  • Half of the orange
  • Ground cinnamon to taste

Do this:

  • Before starting the filling, 2/3 of the test Rent and lay in shape.
  • The remaining sand and the form itself is still taken into the refrigerator.
  • Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peels, cut into small pieces.
  • Then grate, mix with orange juice and zest, sprinkle a little cinnamon.
  • Mix everything well. The grinding process will be faster if you use a blender.
  • Remove the dough in shape from the refrigerator, put the resulting filling on it. Wipe the second part of the chilled grater and sprinkle on top.
  • Put the oven in medium heat preheated on medium heat for 30 minutes.
  • When the pie has cooled, carefully transfer it to a suitable plate.

More tender and juicy will turn out to be a pie if you make dry sand dough.

  • You need to mix 150 g of flour, 20 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder.
  • Right in this dry mixture 100 g butter (from the freezer) and quickly knead the dough.
  • Add a little vinegar and 2 egg yolks.
  • Now rub the dough until it stops sticking out if you squeeze in your hand.

As you can see, there are a lot of baking options for pies. You can make from the remains of sand cookies, or from another test that you will do separately. And from the residues, make a pouring cake with mushrooms. You will find the recipe below. Read further.

Pour pie with mushrooms, ham and cheese of sand dough residues: Recipe

Pouring cake with mushrooms, ham and cheese from the remains of sand dough
Pouring cake with mushrooms, ham and cheese from the remains of sand dough

This dish combines satiety, delicate and juicy taste. The question may arise: "How to make a pouring dough from sand?" We will answer immediately: we will make the flood mass separately, and the sand dough will serve as the basis. So, here is the recipe for a pouring cake with mushrooms, ham and cheese from the remains of sand dough:

  • About 400 g A non -external ugly sand dough is quite enough to prepare this pie.

For the filling, take:

  • 400 g of champignons
  • 2 bulbs
  • 300 g of ham
  • 200 g of solid cheese
  • Greens
  • Spices

Composition of filling:

  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour
  • 250 g of fat sour cream
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • Spices and a mixture of Provencal herbs - to taste

Do this:

  • Clean, grind the onion and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil.
  • Rinse the mushrooms, dry on a paper towel and chop with plates.
  • Reduce the fire under the pan and throw champignons to the bow.
  • Stew until moisture is evaporated.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Cut the ham with cubes and also send it to the pan.
  • Fry again 5 minutesstirring.
  • Then put in a bowl, after cooling, mix with herbs.
  • Chop the cheese with slices of medium size.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet or mold with butter, tightly distribute the rolled dough over the sides and the bottom.
  • Remove the protruding edges, they will come in handy later for decoration. Put the fried mushrooms, onions, ham, put the cheese on top.
  • Mix products for pouring, season at will with Provencal herbs or any aromatic herbs.
  • Pour evenly the measured mixture into the filling, equally distributing from all sides.
  • Collect the testing of the dough together, roll out, cut and put it on the pie arbitrarily.
  • Bake at an average temperature about 45 minutes.
  • So that the finished pie does not fall apart, let it cool a little and only then take it out of the baking sheet.
  • The pie will not lose in taste and after cooling.

It is easy to choose any other filling for the pie. For example, replace the ham - minced meat or add sharpness of burning pepper.

Piery cabbage pie from sand dough residues: Recipe

Piery cabbage pie from the remnants of sand dough
Piery cabbage pie from the remnants of sand dough

Baking with cabbage has always been a favorite delicacy. Many people who grew up in the village have memories from childhood: a Russian stove, coals are puffed with heat and grandmother takes out light, lush pies with cabbage, potatoes with sniffings and sweet with a nightshade. Make a pie with Beijing cabbage from the remains of sand dough. This vegetable often remains after you cut the salad or made cabbage rolls. Therefore, let's save, and use the remaining sand dough and bee. Here is the prescription:

First, the filling is prepared:

  • In a pan in the sunflower oil, slightly fry the finely chopped onion.
  • Then send chopped cabbage there. Salt and pepper, mix.
  • Continue to extinguish at an average temperature, add a little soy sauce.

Lubricate the shape well with butter. The bottom can be covered with parchment so that the ends are longer than the side sides. When the pie is baked, you will not need to wait for it to cool down to get it, but just pull the paper. If the dough is dried up at the edges, then when rolling, just tear these pieces and put in the middle. Gently transfer the cake into the shape, winding onto the rolling pin and unwinding it over the container. Cut the excess dough with a knife. It is important that the cake tightly fit the walls, so that it does not break when baking.

  • Make frequent punctures in the cake with a fork.
  • Cover the bottom of the shape with foil, put the load (beans, peas) to level the bottom.
  • Put 10 minutes for 180 degrees in the oven.
  • During this time, mix for filling grated cheese, eggs, pepper, salt.
  • Pull out the shape from the oven, remove the foil with cereal.
  • Put the cabbage with onions and pour the egg-sized mixture.
  • Bake 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

The pie is incredibly tender and juicy.

Tartlets from the remains of sand dough with cream caramel: Recipe

Tartlets from the remains of sand dough with cream caramel
Tartlets from the remains of sand dough with cream caramel

Such a dessert is suitable even for the festive table. The remains of sweet sand dough are useful. It remains to cook the filling. Here is a recipe for cream caramel tartletlets:


  • 200 g of sugar
  • 50 g of water
  • 10 g of honey
  • 80 g of fat cream
  • 120 g of butter
  • 300g of different nuts in their preference

Make it like this:

  • First you need to mix in a small pan water, sugar and honey. Rede over medium heat until amber color. It is advisable not to digest so that the mass does not acquire the color of the burnt dark sugar, otherwise it will be bitter.
  • In another saucepan, heat the cream and pour it into the first container.
  • In order not to burn caramel during cooking, you need to choose a pan with high walls.
  • Continue to cook, stirring, over medium heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained without lumps.
  • Strain caramel through a sieve, mix in a blender with butter.
  • Prepare nuts: sort out, rinse, dry within 10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. Cool and cut largely.
  • Roll the dough thick 4 mm, cut the future baskets with a round mold and make the strips with a knife in the height of the molds with a knife.
  • Put the molds on the baking sheet, in them - cut out mugs and attach the sides, pierce the dough several times with a fork.
  • Put the temperature in the oven 160 degrees and bake 10 minutes Or to golden color.
  • Cool the baskets, pour in the bottom of each a small amount of soft caramel. Mix the rest with nuts and put the mixture on tartlets.

Before serving to the table, let it brew a couple of hours. So tartlets will have time to soak and soften. This is the case when the view, aroma and taste make a special impression.

Board preparation tips from sand dough

If you sometimes do not get baking of sand dough, then perhaps you make the dough incorrectly. This time it also turned out - firm and tasteless products? Read below the baking tips from this type of dough. After all, if you do not correct the shortcomings in cooking, then you will not succeed either.

  • Cookies, cakes, cakes are prepared from sand dough. It is enough to mix oil, eggs, sugar and flour to obtain a crumbly fragrant texture.
  • So that the dough is not dense, it is forbidden to crush it for a long time. Distracts him and excess flour.
  • Reducing the amount of fats is a bad idea, because stiffness will increase and the dough will lose its "sand".
  • But part of the eggs can be replaced with water or milk, because additional airiness will not hurt the dough. If you do not want to do this, then beat the proteins with a mixer to foam. They will give airiness products and will not upset the workpiece during baking.
  • The dough can be called lemon, vanilla, almond, depending on the added taste ingredients. If you plan a cake with filling, it is better to abandon flavorings.
  • It is best that the temperature is not higher than 20 degreesOtherwise, the dough will be compacted.
  • Sand dough may not bake if it is rolled up 5-8 mm thicker.
  • Before using the dough, cool.

The sand dough has a bunch of nuances in preparation. Due to its texture, it is associated primarily with cookies. But skillful hands and courage in experiments will allow real culinary masterpieces worthy of the festive table. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Incredible yummy for tea!

Video: To make the pie, take ice oil! An ideal sand dough pie with jam!

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