100 reasons and 101 reasons why I love you: a list, template for a girl, wife, beloved. How to make and arrange 100 reasons for you to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a girl, wife, beloved

100 reasons and 101 reasons why I love you: a list, template for a girl, wife, beloved. How to make and arrange 100 reasons for you to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a girl, wife, beloved

How to make an original gift “Hundred reasons why I love you” with my own hands/

If you want to make your girlfriend or wife pleasantly, then such a jar of “a hundred reasons why I love you” is one of the best surprises. After all, listening to loves and compliments is pleasant to everyone, without exception, and thanks to such a gift, tender words on the notes will be possible not only to read, but also to leave as a keepsake.

Box with notes a hundred reasons why I love you
Box with notes "Hundred reasons why I love you"

100 and 1 reason why I love you: a list, template for a girl, wife, beloved

It can be difficult to sit down and write a hundred confessions in love for your girlfriend, so we will try to help you, and list our options.

Love has a lot of manifestations and list a hundred causes of his love, every guy will be able to if desired
Love has a lot of manifestations and list a hundred causes of his love, every guy will be able to if desired

Of course, they can be left unchanged, but it is better to add something that characterizes your relationship. For example, “I love when you water your cactus,” or “I like to play with you in the sea battle,” or “I want to be in one volleyball team with you.”

Manifestations of love are a lot
Manifestations of love are a lot

So, here are our “hundred reasons why I love you” for a guy who wants to make a pleasant girl:

  1. Your voice is the most pleasant in the world
  2. I like to touch your hair
  3. I love to wake up and see you
  4. I love you, for your unpredictability
  5. You are the most beautiful in the world
  6. I love you just like that
  7. When you kiss me, I forget everything about everything
  8. I like to do business with you
  9. I love to walk with you
  10. I drown in your gray (brown, green, blue) eyes
  11. We have become relatives with you
  12. You are the best and most interesting of all my friends
  13. I love to walk, holding your hand
  14. If you are far away, then I really miss
  15. Your smile is like a ray of sun
  16. When my phone calls, I hope it is you
  17. It is impossible to resist your spell
  18. You endure when I turn on the program that you don't like
  19. I am very pleased to touch your silky skin
  20. You are a princess
  21. When I give you gifts, you rejoice like little
  22. I love to walk with you in the rain
  23. You are my friend
  24. You always look like a Hollywood star
  25. You warm me when I'm cold
  26. The food you have cooked is the most delicious
  27. When I go with you, all men envy me
  28. I am proud that such a luxurious girl next to me
  29. Birds chirped about you, water murmures and sings the wind
  30. You help me choose the most beautiful shirt
  31. I can't fall asleep if you don't wish me good night
  32. You have a nice body
  33. When I take a bath, I want you to be in it with me
  34. I like to ride you on a bicycle
  35. You are indignant when I pick you up
  36. For your sake I want to get better
  37. You are small and defenseless
  38. I like your smile
  39. You are unique
  40. I don't know how to take offense at you for a long time
  41. My best memories are about you
  42. We are happy together
  43. We are the most beautiful couple
  44. We complement each other
  45. We are together because the stars decided so
  46. When we are together, the sun shines brighter
  47. When we are together - we are a hundred times stronger
  48. You alone managed to conquer me
  49. Next to you, I become calm and home
  50. Together we know how to come off in full
  51. No girl in the world can compare with you
  52. You have eyebrows like a film actress
  53. You understand me, but I understand you
  54. You and I are a single whole
  55. You are the most seductive
  56. You my sun
  57. You believe in me and constantly think about me
  58. If you smile, I smile back
  59. When I hear songs about love, I think this is about us
  60. The melody that you love has settled in my head
  61. I like to talk to you
  62. I like to be silent with you
  63. You have a kind, sensual, trembling, gentle, big, hot and clean heart
  64. Your lips are sweet, alluring and affectionate
  65. You have unearthly, bottomless, beautiful, bewitching and inspiring eyes
  66. You have a graceful gait
  67. You give others good and smiles
  68. Do you like children
  69. I like how your hair smells
  70. I don't want to give you to anyone
  71. I am jealous of you to your (mine) cat
  72. You don't like it when I'm without a hat in winter
  73. Your kisses relieve fatigue
  74. You suggest that I hide under my umbrella when it rains
  75. When you are tired, you sleep on my shoulder
  76. You trust me the most secret secrets
  77. You know how to see beauty in ordinary things
  78. Thanks to you, I can look at the world differently
  79. You are all the time asking how I care
  80. When you and I met, I only thought about you in my studies (work) for three days
  81. I am sad when you leave
  82. You kiss me goodbye when you go somewhere
  83. Do you remember when my relatives are birthdays (unlike me)
  84. I like your legs
  85. I like to kiss your every finger
  86. I want to purr when you touch my hair
  87. You are reading my mind
  88. Sometimes I offend you and you forgive me for it
  89. I love you with makeup, but without it you are more beautiful
  90. I love to walk around the city with you, holding your hand
  91. You regret homeless cats and dogs
  92. I give you a jacket when you are cold
  93. We love to dream together
  94. You and I are very different
  95. We're very similiar
  96. Without me, you cannot repair the crane and tighten the screw
  97. You are very worried if I saw you in home clothes and without makeup
  98. Cockroaches in my head voted for you
  99. I want to fall asleep, hugging you
  100. I want to wake up next to you
  101. Not a single poet has written poems about such love as you and me

The girl is ready to listen to the words of love at least until the morning
The girl is ready to listen to the words of love at least until the morning

How to make and arrange 100 reasons for you to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a girl, wife, beloved

If you want to make a surprise for a girl for a birthday, list 100 reasons why you love her. Such a gift will remain as a keepsake, and will be able to warm the soul in minutes of sadness and sadness.

Poster 100 reasons why I love you
Poster "100 reasons why I love you"

The easiest way to make a poster “Hundred reasons why I love you” and write on it all the reasons in order. Of course, this will take time and efforts to beautifully withdraw every letter, but precisely thanks to the efforts spent, such a gift will be very dear to its heart.

One hundred reasons why I love you can turn into 200 or even 1,000
“Hundred reasons why I love you” can turn into 200 or even 1,000

However, you can arrange your “100 reasons” and more original, for example, having folded them in a beautiful box or make not only a pleasant, but also a delicious gift, wrapping sweets from the candy wrapper with pleasant words. We will tell you about how beautifully to design “a hundred reasons why I love you”.

Beautiful box with confessions for a girl
Beautiful box with confessions for a girl

A jar with wishes, notes with your own hands 100 reasons for love for a girl, wife, beloved

To make such a beautiful jar is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to buy all the necessary materials, and the work itself is simple and should take no more than an hour.

A jar of notes
A jar of notes

So you will need:

  1. Glass jar with a lid
  2. White lace tape 30-40 cm long (depending on the width of the jar)
  3. Red and white felt to make hearts
  4. Silk ribbons: 3 meters of white ribbons to tie notes and hang hearts on the lid, 0.5 meters of red wide tape to cover the jar under the lace and o, 5 meters of green tape to make leaflets for rose
  5. "Superclles", two tubes should be enough
  6. Label and notes
How to make a beautiful jar of a hundred reasons why I love you
How to make a beautiful jar of "a hundred reasons why I love you"
  • We start working with the fact that we glue on the jar of the tape.
  • Then we cut out of the felt of the heart and glue them.
  • We make roses. In needlework stores, ready -made flowers are often sold, but if you are not lucky enough to buy them, try making roses from satin ribbons. Detailed master classes are in this article.
  • We tie the ribbons and glue super adhesive decorative elements. The jar is ready!

Box with wishes, notes with your own hands 100 reasons for love for a girl, wife, beloved

You can glue the finished box with a beautiful paper or make a box-bust according to this scheme:

How to make a box a hundred reasons why I love you?
How to make a box “Hundred reasons, why I love you”?

The box with the lid is made according to the following scheme:

This is the box itself
This is the box itself
And this is a lid for her
And this is a lid for her

The dimensions of the box, if desired, can be changed. Jewelry can be made of cards, felt, beads or flowers.

Box with pleasant words for a girl
Box with pleasant words for a girl
Box with an angel
Box with an angel
Box with arrows
Box with arrows

There are several original ideas for the design of the gift.

Sweets with homemade candy wrappers are a hundred reasons why I love you
Sweets with homemade candy wrappers "Hundred reasons why I love you"
And a whole card file with admission to love
And a whole card file with admission to love

Video: How to make a gift "Hundred reasons why I love you"

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