What to cook on Valentine's Day? Ideas of dishes, salads, sweets, snacks, baking for breakfast and a romantic dinner for the day of lovers February 14

What to cook on Valentine's Day? Ideas of dishes, salads, sweets, snacks, baking for breakfast and a romantic dinner for the day of lovers February 14

Surprise and please a loved one on February 14th not only with gifts, but also with a delicious treat. The article offers you the ideas of designing and preparing a romantic dinner for the holiday of Valentine.

What to cook on Valentine's Day: Ideas for dishes

It is customary to meet the holiday of “all lovers” not only with gifts, valentines, congratulations and recognition of love, but also delicious treats, sweets, beautiful breakfasts and romantic dinners. The symbol of the holiday is the heart, which is literally present in everything: cards, gift packaging, balls, jewelry and, of course, food!

Any dish can be prepared for your "second half" and Put it on a plate aesthetically (in the shape of a heart). However, resourceful cooks came up not only the beautiful design of dishes, but also original preparation. So, with the help of simple tips, you can give an unusual breakfast than to surprise and please your loved one.

Ideas of unusual dishes and treats:

The easiest recipe is "Heart" toasts with jam or nut oil. It is very simple to cook them: first cut the heart from a slice of bread with a knife, and then fry it in a toaster or in a pan without oil. Link the finished toast with the selected jam and beautifully put on a plate. To such a dish must a cup of coffee should be added.

Toasts for Valentine's Day

If you are not strong in cooking or you simply do not have time to cook unusual dishes, you can go in a simple way - just purchase in advance dishes for feeding in the form of a heart. It is it that you can fill with sweets, fruits or berries. This will not only “delight the eye”, but also give your loved one pleasant emotions.

Moreover, such dishes can serve as a gift and used in the future in everyday life.

Fruit salad
Unusual feed

You can give a heart uniform to almost any dish. The most popular: spaghetti with sauce, pizza, sandwiches, a variety of cereals and salads, snacks.

Spaghetti in the shape of a heart and sauce
Salad with vegetables carved in the shape of a heart
Mini-pizza with different additives
Egg toast for a holiday

To help you come not only dishes, but also a special kitchen utensils. In modern stores, you can find unusual molds for cooking and frying eggs, which, instead of ordinary, will give the egg the shape of the heart.

Heart -shaped salad

Prepare pizza for Valentine's Day very simple. You do not have to hiccup some special recipe, you can use any: familiar, simple without yeast or yeast. As a basis, the same puff pastry is suitable, cut it in advance so that the base takes the shape of the heart.

DIY pizza in the shape of a heart
Simple homemade pizza with sausages

If you are strong in baking, then this can “play your hands”, as they say. You can congratulate your loved one with sweet cookies, delicious buns, sweets, marmalade and chocolate. A person can eat such treats all day than to cheer up himself and get pleasant emotions.

Delicious baking heart
Simple sand cookies with puffs in the form of hearts
Heart buns

Menu for a romantic dinner for lovers Day

Romantic dinner It is necessary in order to bring the hearts in love closer, give them the magic of tender feelings and delight them with joint minutes. Romantic dinner should be beautiful and tasty. Do not cook many dishes, because you should not overeat (you will be useful for the night at night).

It is best to do light salad and a hearty dish of meat or fishAugered by an unusual sauce. You can also add fruits and sweets, because they will certainly bring pleasure, during drinking wine or champagne. Fruit cuts can be given the shape of the heart, sprinkling them through a sieve sugar powder, and from sweets they are suitable cakes, cakes or chocolate cerebells.

Important: a home romantic dinner will allow you to spend time with benefit and not as expensive as in a restaurant. You can cook any food, turn on the film about love and drink a light alcoholic drink.

Home romantic dinner

Ideas for a romantic dinner:

Fish salad in the shape of a heart from a canned tuna
Hot appetizer with shrimp and cherry tomatoes for a romantic dinner
An unusual salad with admission to love for a holiday
A romantic dinner at home
Fruit salad in half pineapple
Spaghetti and salad for a romantic dinner
Baked fish or a piece of meat for a romantic dinner

Important: in the design of the festive table for a romantic dinner, the main thing is not to be too lazy to decorate the table with elegant dishes and glasses, buy the necessary paraphernalia, candles and flowers.

Beautiful design of a romantic dinner
Festive food and paraphernalia
Simple but "sincere" dinner for two

A dish such as sushi. This food is often present at the tables of modern couples at dinner, especially to romantic. Prepare sushi and rolls You can independently, but you can Order in a restaurant. This is significant save your strength and time.

Such food can be very beautifully decorate on serving plates, put in the shape of a heart or write a word. Besides, sushi and rolls - Food prepared from seafood, which in turn very well affect potency (like aphrodisiacs). Such an advantage of dinner will allow the couple to spend the night very sensually.

Romantic dinner with Japanese cuisine
Sushi formed in the form of a heart for a festive dinner
Rolles laid out in the form of a heart
Rolls for a festive romantic dinner
Festive decoration of the table with rolls for a romantic dinner

Salads for a romantic dinner on love day

As already mentioned, romantic Dinner should not be "heavy" And a light salad is the best than you can feed your “second soul mate”. Of course you can use a recipe for any festive and everyday salad, the main thing is to give it unusual and solemn.

The most popular "romantic" salad is considered to be Caesar with chicken breast. The dish has many delicious ingredients, unusual sauce, freshness of vegetables and satisfaction. It goes well with white, red and sparkling wines.

You will need:

  • Chicken breast - 2 pcs. (not large, can be replaced with a piece of turkey pier).
  • Salad leaves - 1 bundle (can be replaced with Peking cabbage leaves without a hard part).
  • Cherry tomatoes -8-10 pcs. (can be replaced with any tomatoes cut not by large slices).
  • Bread - 2 slices of white wheat loaf (useful for grenok).
  • Boiled egg - 2 pcs. (can be replaced with several pcs of quail eggs, also boiled). You also need one raw yolk!
  • Cheese Parmesan - 100 g (can be replaced with Grano Padano or any cheese from a series of solid and fat).
  • Garlic - 1 tooth
  • Mustard - 1 tsp (If mustard is acute, you can use a smaller amount, or replace with Dijon).
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.


  • First of all, it follows prepare croutons: Cut the bread pulp with cubes and send to dry into the oven. Make sure that they do not burn. Crings can first be sprinkled with salt.
  • The chicken breast is rubbed with salt and pepper, it can be baked in the oven, fry in a pan or boil in water if you do not eat fried food. Make sure that the breast does not become dry. Cool the finished breast.
  • On the bottom of the serving dish, salad leaves are laid out, or Beijing cabbage without a hard part (head of head).
  • Chicken breast should be cut with slices, gently lay out on top of the leaves.
  • Prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise, yolk, mustard and crushed clove of garlic. Mix thoroughly. Pour the chicken pieces with the resulting sauce.
  • Cut the cheese on a special grater with a knife for thin “ribbons”. If the cheese crumbles, make a baby and sprinkle the meat. Even simple rubbing on a coarse grater is also suitable.
  • Cherry and egg tomatoes should be cut into halves and gently laid out at all at a festive salad. The dish is ready!

CAREZE SALAT In turn, it differs in the simplicity of cooking and a set of simple ingredients. The salad looks visually, like a cheese-vegetable cut. It is convenient to eat salad, it goes well with any wines. Not "heavy" for the stomach and very tasty.

You will need:

  • Mozzarella -180 (harvest cheese yourself or purchase in a store. Choose not large balls of Mozarella or Baby-Motsarella).
  • Cherry tomatoes -150-200 (can be replaced with any other small tomatoes).
  • Maslins - 1 bank (you need black olives without a bone and additives).
  • Olive oil - several tbsp. for refueling salad.
  • A mixture of Italian herbs: dried basil, oregano, marjoran, etc.


  • Mozarella is cut into circles
  • A dry part of the leg is removed from the tomato, it is cut into slices in the size of the chopped cheese.
  • On the serving dish, you can, if desired, lay out the leaves of the salad, cheese and tomato are carefully laid out on top, alternating each other.
  • On top, the pledged ingredients are decorated with black olives.
  • The salad can be salt to taste (it is best to choose sea salt) and poured with olive oil.
  • On top of the salad should be sprinkled with a seasoning of natural “Italian” herbs.
  • Garnish green basil leaves

Nisuaz salad - This is a delicious and hearty dish, perfect for a romantic evening. It is not difficult to cook it.

You will need:

  • Conducted tuna - 1 bank (with the estate of fresh fish, replace with a slightly fried tuna).
  • Black olives - a handful of
  • Anchovies - 50 g (810 pcs. Enough enough)
  • Green beans -100-150 g.
  • Egg - 2 pcs. (You can use chicken or quail. Depending on preferences).
  • Tomato - A few pcs. Cherry or one ordinary
  • Salad leaves for serving dishes decor
  • Onion - 5 g. Green onions
  • Garlic - 1 tooth
  • Olive oil (for refueling) and 2 tbsp. wine vinegar.

Important: before you start preparing a salad, you must already have a prepared sauce. To do this, mix olive oil, vinegar, garlic and salt to taste.


  • Serving dish is covered with salad leaves
  • Boil eggs and patch beans in advance
  • Chop on the leaves of the salad or pour on the onion feathers. Pour a pair of spoons of sauce.
  • Eggs and tomatoes are cut into slices, along with olives are laid out in a circle of plates.
  • A slope of the patch beans is placed in the center of the plate
  • The jar with the tuna opens, the oil merges. Tripted, not large pieces, fish are laid out on top of the beans.
  • On top of the tuna, several anchovy fish should be laid out.
  • The dish is abundantly watered with the sauce before serving.

Hot dishes for a romantic dinner for lovers Day

Important: a romantic dinner suggests that you will prepare original and unusual dishes that you can surprise and please your “second soul mate”.

Duck breast in caramel sauce:

You will need:

  • Large chicken breast - 2 pcs. (for two portions)
  • Soy sauce - 1 bottle of 250 ml.
  • Natural honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Lemon - Half of the citrus
  • Spices for pickling to taste
  • For the decor of the finished dish, you can use black olives, grape berries or capers (which you like more), as well as fresh greens.


  • The breast is cleaned of excess films and fat, part of the skin should be left so that when frying, a beautiful fried crust appears on it.
  • Prepare the breast marinating sauce: Mix soy sauce in the bowl with the juice of the limon, add pepper to taste (ground or mixture), squeeze the garlic and add liquid honey. Mix the sauce and place a duck in it chopped by large cubes.
  • Marinated breast should be at least an hour.
  • After that, split the pan. Fry the meat without oil. The remaining fat layer on the duck will highlight the necessary smell for frying.
  • Fry the pieces of meat for about 5 minutes, while do not forget to shake the pan or turn the pieces on the other side with a spoon.
  • After cooking, put the pieces of meat on the serving plates. Add a small amount of marinade to the remaining fat in a pan, melt it and wait until it becomes thicker. Prepare the sauce for no more than three minutes.
  • Pour the meat with the finished sauce
  • Decorate the dish with berries or olives, decorate with greens before serving.
Caramel duck breast

Dores in the oven with vegetables:

You will need:

  • Fish - 2 pcs. (Dorada or any other, not too large fish, for example carp).
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • Onion - 1 PC. Large onion
  • Pepper - 1 PC. Sweet (any)
  • Olive oil or any vegetable (several st.l.).
  • Sea salt (to taste)
  • Garlic - 1 tooth


  • Onions should be cut with neat and not thick half rings.
  • After that, start cooking fish. Remove the eyes and insides from the fish, wash the carcass thoroughly with a cut tummy.
  • In the cut tummy, put the tomato chopped with slices, half of the fried onion and several pepper rings. Add garlic.
  • The fish is watered with a small amount of oil, it should be pierced and salt (you can in a small amount, to taste).
  • Put the fish on a baking sheet and send it to the oven.
  • Fish is baked for half an hour, while the temperature of the oven should be about 200 degrees.
Baked dorada

Snacks for a romantic dinner on love day

Snacks for a romantic dinner can serve as a full -fledged dish, as they may include a wide variety of ingredients: cheese, vegetables, fruits, meat. They should be beautifully designed, prepared canapes or tartlets.

Fish salad in small portions with red caviar: beautiful feed
Kapreze salad in miniature on skewers in the form of a snack
Flooded meat with cheese and vegetables: snack
Vegetable skewers with boiled shrimp
Sandwiches with caviar and olives
Fresh salad with tomato and cheese on a snack
Cheese canapes with nuts and grapes
Baked tartlets with cheese: snack
Mini Canap for a snack for a romantic dinner
Puff pastor dough with a tomato

The best snack for a romantic dinner - cheese fondue. Fondu is a pot heated by a candle in which the cheese sauce is located. Using skewers or special forks, you should string any piece of slices (ham, vegetables, nuts, potatoes, shrimp, croutons) and dip in hot sauce.

Cheese fondue

Sweets for a romantic dinner on the day of lovers

Sweets play a very large role for the "holiday of all lovers." They are They set a good mood, delight with their taste, complement a romantic dinner. It is not necessary to cook sweets on your own, because any confectionery store certainly offers a huge amount of desserts and delicacies for the holiday.

You can choose sweetness for every taste: chocolate sweets, cakes in the form of heart, glazing cookies, gingerbread cookies with artistic painting, cakes, truffle, marmalade, jelly and much more. Having bought a dessert, you certainly save your personal time to prepare for the holiday.

Important: modern housewives often offer homemade pastries for sale. Cakes, muffins, muffins and handmade gingerbread with painting glaze, marzipan and sugar figures are very popular.

Sweets for February 14:

Muffins for the holiday
Capcakes with marzipan and mastic
Cookies with icing
Caramel candies in the form of hearts
Gingerbread gingerbread
February 14 cakes
Macaroons in the form of hearts
Homemade cookies on February 14

If you follow the figure or just do not want to buy sweets for the holiday in the store, you can do fruit cut with berries. You can decorate such a cut with fresh mint leaves, powdered sugar, cinnamon and stem chocolate.

Important: it is very popular as a dessert on February 14 chocolate fondue. You can dip a banana, orange, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple into it. If you do not want a hot fund, chocolate strawberries can be prepared in advance.

Chocolate fondue
Strawberry in chocolate
Strawberry in chocolate with chocolate and nuts

Baking to a romantic dinner on the day of lovers

To cook sweet pastries for Valentine's Day is quite real. In your power to make delicious cakes and cakes from biscuit and cream. To make a delicious and magnificent biscuit is very simple.

You will need:

  • Sugar - 1 cup (measured). If you follow the figure, use less sugar.
  • Flour - 1 cup (rough grinding and higher grade, replace with any other if desired).
  • Eggs - 4 things. large chicken
  • Salt - A pinch


  • Egg proteins should be separated from yolks. Pour proteins into a separate bowl and beat with a mixer (blender) with a small pinch of salt for 5-10 minutes. You have to get a lush foam - This is the key to a good biscuit.
  • After that, gradually add sugar and continue to beat until you succeed elastic protein mass.
  • Without stopping whipping, add the yolks, gradually intervene the flour.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet or deco, pour the dough. Bake a biscuit about 25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick.

Important: from the cooled biscuit you can cook cakes or cake, lubricating the cakes with any cream (bought or cooked independently). If you want to bake a chocolate biscuit, just add a little cocoa to the dough.

February 14 cake

You can also please the “second half” with your own hands, panakota (cream or chocolate). It is not difficult to make it sugar, gelatin and cream.

Panakota for February 14
Biscuit carved by hearts in chocolate glaze

Important: if you have a special waffle tank, on February 14 you can have tasty waffle hearts and supplement them with any sauce.

February 14 waffle hearts

Breakfast ideas for February 14 - Valentine's Day

You can surprise your loved one in the morning by preparing him a delicious and unusual breakfast. It will be unusual only because you will arrange it in an original way by adding the symbols of the holiday - heart.

Ideas of unusual breakfasts on February 14:

Toasts with eggs for a festive breakfast
Eggs with sausages for breakfast for loved
Breakfast ideas for February 14 to a loved one
Pancakes in the shape of a heart
Toasts with jam
Boiled eggs "hearts"
Unusual pancakes
Original breakfast

Video: “Simple breakfast for St. Valentine "

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