Children's gift for dad on February 23, Dad Day, Valentine, Birthday, New Year for children of preschool children, nursery, younger, middle, senior, preparatory group of kindergarten, primary school schoolchildren with their own hands: Best Ideas, Master classes, photos

Children's gift for dad on February 23, Dad Day, Valentine, Birthday, New Year for children of preschool children, nursery, younger, middle, senior, preparatory group of kindergarten, primary school schoolchildren with their own hands: Best Ideas, Master classes, photos

Ideas are original and beautiful gifts for dad. 7777


Any person, regardless of age, position in society and well -being, loves to receive gifts. The main thing is that they are interesting and donated from the heart. It is doubly pleasant to receive a present from relatives if it is made with caring hands.

In this article, we will introduce you a lot of simple master classes with which preschoolers and older children will be able to make an original gift to their closest person-dad.

Application as a gift dad from cotton pads: Master class

Cotton wheels can be an excellent material for creating a gift application. In order to make a surprise for a loved one, you will need only a few things. A dense paper base on which discs will be glued, PVA glue and, if desired, paints for coloring.

If you want a child’s gift to look as presentable as possible, then you can insert it into the frame. A little lower we will present to your attention a master class on making cute kittens, which even a very small child can make.


Materials for the manufacture of presentation

To get started, prepare all the necessary material and carefully put it on the table

Preparation of the material

Color and cut the discs as shown in the picture

Glueing discs to the base

Lubricate the discs with glue and fix them on the basis as shown in the figure. At this stage, also attach a pile of a mustache and a tail of threads.

Ready kittens

Attach to kittens contrasting eyes and ears, and the gift of the dad will be ready

Postcard as a gift to dad

Any child will like the manufacture of this gift. Since in this case there are no strict rules, the baby can do postcard As he sees her. Try not to intervene in this process and help only when the child asks you about it.

For example, you can help cut out complex elements or carefully fix them on a cardboard basis. If your baby already knows how to write, suggest supplementing the gift for dad with pleasant and warm words. Below we present to you several ideas for a festive presentation.

Idea No. 1
Idea No. 2
Idea No. 3

Origami shirt as a gift dad

Initially, it may seem that it is difficult to make a shirt in the technique of origami. But if you approach this issue as scrupulous as possible, then you can make such a gift to dad easily. The only thing you should remember is that this is better important that all lines are as even and clear as possible. If at least one line will not be postponed as it should, as a result, the finished present will not look very presentable. Below you can see how you can make a shirt in the technique of origami.

Origami shirt as a gift dad

Plasticine tank as a gift to dad

A plasticine tank will be an excellent present for February 23. In the master class, located below, you can see how to easily make a tank. If you wish, you can move a little from the rules and make it any other color, as well as supplement with modern guns, plasticine tankers.


Paper aircraft as a gift to dad

If your child is very small, then you can invite him to make as a gift to dad the simplest paper aircraft. And in order for such a present to look more bright, it can be made of colored paper or simply painted in an original way.

The main thing is to remember that in order for the finished product to have the right forum, your baby should put the bends lines as accurately as possible. In view of this, if you see that he doesn’t succeed, then be sure to help him do it. Below you can see master classes on making a simple and more complex aircraft as a gift to dad.

A simple plane
Complex option

A ship from cardboard and paper as a gift to dad

Another surprise that dad will surely appears - a paper or cardboard boat. It can also be done both in a simpler version and in a more complex one. True, in this case, the child will definitely not be able to do without the help of adults.

Regardless of which option he will choose, he will have to cut out the details, and then, importantly, to glue them correctly. Below we offer you a few interesting templates that you can easily transfer to paper, and then help your child cut them out and glue them correctly.

Boat as a gift to dad
Sailboat as a gift to dad

Papa rocket as a gift to dad

Absolutely every child will be able to make a rocket as a gift. Perhaps this is exactly the craft that even preschoolers can easily cope with ease. In this case, your task will be to buy bright thick paper, from which the child can make his craft.

In addition, prepare glue, scissors and pencil for your child. The latter will be needed to draw circles on paper, which will subsequently imitate the porthole.

Production recommendations

Paper mug as a gift to dad

In principle, if desired, the child can make a mug in the form of an application and simply decorate it with paper flowers and a festive inscription. But if the baby wants to surprise his loved one for real, then it will be better if he tries to make a voluminous mug of thick paper. Such a gift can be used in the future as a stand for handles and pencils. True, this will need to be foreseen at the manufacturing stage and be sure to strengthen the bottom of the product.

Template number 1
Template No. 2
Template number 3

Pencil from improvised materials as a gift to dad

Those who have small children at home are probably familiar with the problem of scattered pencils and pens. You can solve it quite simply - make a pencil from improvised materials. And if you decorate it with bows, inscriptions and cute congratulations, it can be a great gift for dad for birthday, February 23 or New Year.

Ideas for creating pencils as a gift to dad:

Pencil from the book
Pencil of tubes

Medal from cardboard and paper as a gift to dad

A cardboard medal can be a wonderful present for February 23. With such a gift, the baby will be able to emphasize the masculinity of the pope and show that he is a defender, support and a reliable friend for him. You can make a medal in two ways. You can make a round medal or in the form of a five -pointed star.

Cutting template
Ready medal

Cloves from corrugated paper as a gift to dad

This craft can be a wonderful present for the birthday, and for the New Year and February 23. If you wish, you can make cloves not only red, but also pink, burgundy, and then make a bright festive bouquet of them.

You can make a leg for such a flower from ordinary wire and the same corrugated paper, but green. The paper will need to be cut into thin strips and wrap them with a wire. In order for the paper to hold, the steel base can be previously lubricated with glue.

Manufacturing cloves from corrugated paper

How to make a heart from napkins as a gift to dad?

The child will not spend a lot of time on the manufacture of hearts from napkins. The main thing is to help him prepare an improvised material and, if necessary, cut the heart of the right size. By improvised material is meant glue, white and scarlet napkins and a simple pencil. When the heart is cut out, attach the child’s handle on it and circle it with a pencil.

In the future, the crumbs of the crumbs can be sealed with white napkins, and the rest of the heart is red. Such a contrast will make the present more vivid and sincere. It will also be better if you help your son or daughter prepare napkins. They will need to be torn or cut into small pieces, and then crumpled thoroughly. If you do everything right, then in the end you will get the wrong balls. So they will glue the heart.

Recommendations for the manufacture of hearts from napkins

How to make a hedgehog from pasta as a gift to dad?

The easiest way to make a hedgehog from pasta, to blind the base of plasticine. In this case, the child will even be able to cope with the task. Initially, he will need to blind the body of a hedgehog from plasticine, and then stick pasta into it. In this case, preference is best given to spaghetti.

If you have time to help your baby, then cut the body of foam crafts. On such a basis, pasta will have to fix the terminal and wait until everything dries well. But in the end, the finished product can be additionally painted and treated with varnish. Such a craft can even become an interior decoration.

Hedgehog from plasticine
Hedgehog from foam

The best children's gifts to dad on February 14: ideas, photos

The symbol of February 14 is a red heart. It is with its help, most often, people show attachment and love for their closest person. Moreover, making such a gift to dad is very simple. All that will be needed for this is a dense paper of red, scissors and glue.


Idea No. 1
Idea No. 2
Idea No. 3

The best children's gifts to dad on February 23: ideas, photos

On February 23, it is best to present to the dad as a gift the so -called men's presentations. It will be better if the baby makes a five -pointed star, cap or car out of paper. All these products can be done in the technique of origami.

And in order for you to get a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bsuch presentations, we bring to your attention several simple schemes that even small children can cope with.

Star in the technique of origami
Pilot in the technique of origami


Origami machine

Light children's gifts to dad from a daughter and son of a nursery group of DOW: Ideas, photos

As a rule, children at this age still cannot do complex things, so in this case it is best to opt for the simplest crafts, for example, on all kinds of applications. In this case, you can help the baby, having previously cut out all the details.

After that, the son or daughter will remain to fix them on the basis with the help of glue. At this stage, give the child complete freedom. Let him decide where this or that workpiece will be glued. Also let the baby choose a color scheme for dad for your own.


Birthday application
Application for February 23
New Year's Application

The best children's gifts to dad from the daughter and son of the younger group of DOW: Ideas, photos

At this age, children can already cut and glue quite tolerably, so you can offer your baby to make a frame with a dad a frame for a photo or a cardboard box in which he can fold small things. As for the frame, it can have different shape and size.

So, the child can make a small one for one photo or make a frame into which you can insert several family photos. Below will be presented a master class on making the simplest frame, but on the same principle you can make a more complex option.

Simple frame made of thick paper
Frame decorated with improvised material
Cardboard box

The best children's gifts to dad from the daughter and son of the middle group of DOW: Ideas, photos

Children of the middle group of DOW can make even more complex crafts, however, in this case, it is necessary to give preference to the most simple materials - paper and cardboard. If the child does not succeed the first time, he will be able to safely take new blanks and start a surprise from the very beginning.

Bright caterpillar from paper
Paper stork
Christmas tree made of paper
A snowman made of paper

Beautiful children's gifts to dad from the daughter and son of the senior group of DOW: Ideas, photos

The older the child becomes, the more complex tasks you can set him. So, children from the older group of DOW can offer to make a gift for a dad made of threads. Initially, children may seem that nothing can be done from this material, so at the initial stage you will have to help your son or daughter understand a little in the nuances of this kind of needlework. But believe me, as soon as your baby makes his first craft of threads, it will not be possible to tear it off from this lesson.

Funny little men from bright threads
Horse from threads as a gift to dad
Sparrow from threads

Interesting children's gifts to the dad from the daughter and son of the preparatory group of the kindergarten of the DOW group: ideas, photos

Above, we have already introduced you to a large number of simple, but very interesting master classes on making presentations for the closest person. But now we will surprise you even more and teach you your children to make original crafts from such improvised materials as cotton sticks and cotton wool. With their help, you can create various toys, New Year's attributes and even flowers.

Cotton wool
New Year's gift to dad
Flowers from cotton sticks

Original children's gifts to dad from the daughter and son of primary school schoolchildren of the DOW group: ideas, photos

An original gift is not always something very expensive. Since this will be a gift to dad, the baby can try to make it on his own. It can be a toy of pompons, a craft of cones or just a beautiful picture of multi -colored buttons. All these things are done simply and quickly, and most importantly, they do not require large financial costs.

Original picture of buttons as a gift to dad
Dog from pompons
Forest residents from cones and carrots

What kind of children's gift to make a military dad: ideas, photos

You can also surprise the military dad. For example, a child can present Pope Tank from his favorite chocolate sweets. In order to facilitate the child to create a gift for a dad, make the basis on which he can fix sweets. You can make the basis of foam or the most dense cardboard

Chocolate tank

Also, if desired, you can make a military machine made of felt for dad. In this case, you will have to stock up on the felt of the desired colors, cotton or synthetic winterizer, scissors, contrasting threads and a needle. To begin with, you will need to apply the outline of the future machine to the felt, cut out two exactly the same blanks and carefully sew them together.

But remember that it is not necessary to finish the workpiece to the end. You will definitely need to leave a small hole through which the filler can be laid inside the crafts. When this is done, it will be possible to finish the craft to the end.

Fetter machines templates
Finished products made of felt

Poems as a gift to dad from son and daughter: words

Whatever beautiful gift for dad was made, it is best supplemented with warm words. Since it is very difficult for small children to improvise on the topic of congratulations, it will be better if you pick up a verse for crumbs in advance. A child can learn it and tell his father when handing a gift or just write it on a leaf and attach it to a festive present.

Words for congratulations:

Congratulations on February 23
Happy Birthday
Verse as a gift to dad

Song as a gift to dad from his son and daughter: words

And finally, we want to offer you several songs about the most daring, strong and reliable people on Earth - our dads.

Song about dad
Song-congratulation for dad on February 23

Video: How to make an original gift with your own hands? We make a simple and beautiful gift with our own hands

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