The most tender confessions to a man in love in his own words to tears. What should be recognition of love when appropriate? Words to a beloved man - what is the best way to present in your own words in order to move him to tears?

The most tender confessions to a man in love in his own words to tears. What should be recognition of love when appropriate? Words to a beloved man - what is the best way to present in your own words in order to move him to tears?

In this article you will find a lot of trembling and tender confessions in love to a man to tears. Thanks to them, your fate may change for the better.

Not all women approve of the desire of others to admit their beloved man in their feelings. The most conservative of them think that it is the man who should take the initiative in his own hands in this matter. When the candy-bouquet period is completed, it is generally not necessary to express your experiences so brightly. Beloved, so, will understand everything. After all, she takes care of him, makes his life better.

However, not all such conservatives. And not only women, but also men. A strong floor is no less than the girls likes to listen to pleasant words addressed to him. Thanks to them, the couple can again wake up by past feelings, the severity of experiences will return, or a second youth will open.

A man in his own words to tears - what should be recognition of love?

If the girl still decided to make a recognition, then this should be prepared in advance. It is necessary to choose words, intonation, to unite it together so that everything happens sincerely, from the heart. And this fiery confession affected his heart. Make recognitions those that you like (short, long), praise, extol your chosen one.

Love recognition
Love recognition

Maybe you are not ready for such words. My conversation may seem incredible to you, but do not be scared. I have long wanted to frankly talk, to share that it is so torn out of my heart. I can't keep it in myself anymore. Remember the moment when you saw me for the first time and spoke to me. Even then, I realized that you conquered me. Your bold look struck me. I could not stand it, because I was embarrassed. Then it already became clear to me that a bright future awaits us. It may seem strange to you, but please - don’t interrupt, it’s hard for me to express in words what I feel in relation to you. When you spoke to me for the first time, I was so worried that I did not even understand what was at stake. I was so happy, everything was shouting inside - it was him! After that, my life changed, I enjoyed every second to communicate with you. But there was fear when I understood that I could lose you. I am grateful to the fate that she and you and me. You are the best gift in my life! Love you!

Modern psychologists recommend that women not arrange scenes of jealousy if you suspect that the partner is cheating on you. It is better to try to admit love to his beloved man to tears, so that he again feels the attraction to you, remembers all the vivid moments of life together. Recognition should be thought out in advance, for its implementation it is necessary to choose the right moment. It’s good if it looks like an unexpected impulse of feelings or you insert it into the text of it, something personal from the memories of how good you were together.

My boiling feeling because of passion for you simply tears my soul into small parts! I really want to survive again those moments when I counted the seconds before meeting you, I want to feel you with every cell. I can’t live without a feeling of the aroma of your body even a minute. All the moments that I spend without you look like eternity! How I love every wrinkle on your face!

When are beautiful words to a man to tears, spoken in his own words?

Women are able to choose the necessary moments for serious conversations with their partners. But in order to confess love, one must also know when the words will be on the case. The conversation will be by the way, if:

  1. A man for a long time does not see an object in a woman for passionate relationships.
  2. The guy is interested, but on his part there is no action on rapprochement.
  3. The girl dreams of becoming a beloved famous personality.
  4. Women are trying to push their indecisive chosen one to register family relations.
  5. The wife wants to bring some notes of passion, freshness in relations into a monotonous family life.

The following words are suitable for such recognition:

After the first meeting, I realized that I lost my peace, I could not sleep all nights long, and during the day I forget about the necessary business. I seemed to have lost my mind, all thoughts and dreams of you and me. Only you are able to cure me from the illness that is called - love. My soul bloomed like in the spring of nature. I feel that only you can show me the world of passion, the most tender caresses of your strong hands, still unknown to me. And only you can protect and protect me from all adversity. I will be the most tender, affectionate and caring for you. No one can love you as devotedly, sincerely all your life, like me. I can make you happy, bring you to your house a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, hope. Love you!

Appeal to a beloved man
Appeal to a beloved man

Words to a beloved man - what is the best way to present in your own words in order to move him to tears?

Having said the far -fetched aloud, the woman will be able to bring her chosen one to tears. Indeed, in direct communication, you can see how it is worried, it can straighten her hair, looks directly into the eyes - all these actions cause certain sensations, which cannot be achieved by simply written recognition. Moreover, if you decided to write it to a person who has not shown any interest in your person before. The written message will not be able to compare with the said aloud. The young man after this most likely refuses the girl and does not want to continue communication with her. Therefore, try to speak the words of love only out loud.

I want to meet all the dawn only with you. I dream to wake up in the morning in the arms of your strong hands. You are my happiness! I feel how damn you attract me, I can’t even think about anything when you are near!

I pray to all the angels the keepers so that they protect your life, and you have not died before me. Otherwise, I can’t live without you for a second.

Nobody will love you stronger than me, I am ready to step even into the abyss if you find yourself there. I do not need any wealth of the world if you are not next to me. I am grateful to God for meeting you, now I will only belong to you for centuries!

Recognition in verses to a beloved man
Recognition in verses to a beloved man

The most tender confessions to a man in love

Tender confessions should go only from the heart. Only then will they become sincere, touching. Tell your soul mate about love only in your own words. And so that they touch his heart, they should not delay the speech, otherwise it will cause irritation, or maybe even a dream.

Contact your beloved only by name. Do not teach statuses, or other sayings in books, the Internet. Words should be simple, intelligible. Do not be shy in any case, do not mumble. It is better when your diction is similar to the murmur of a stream and you speak slightly excitedly, but without stuttering.

A love message to her husband
A love message to her husband

In recognition, observe the logical chain. Start with the ties, continue the main part (content), and at the end, make out the conclusion from all that has been said. At the very beginning of the text, start talking about speeches that will interest your beloved so that he will listen to you carefully. A good example of this beginning is a question. But do not let him answer, immediately proceed to the main content.

Do you remember what day today? I could not even think that I would find everything I wanted to find for a harmonious existence. When I met you for the first time, I felt an incredible feeling, it instantly destroyed all my plans for the back that were before. I forgot what I dreamed about before, it turned out - it was all such nonsense compared to what I experienced in the moments of our acquaintance. Thanks to you, it became clear what the goal of my life was. Only now I can tell you that my soul belongs to you. You, my dear, the meaning of my whole life! I love you so much!

If you are trying to get closer to your indecisive friend, then do not try to ask him why he still has not made you recognition, despite the visible sympathy for you. Circumstances are different, unwillingness to take responsibility, he may have credit debts or simply a difficult financial situation-such factors repel thoughts about any relationship. The only thing that will help you get a sincere answer in such a situation is your recognition of love.

Tell me how long to restrain my feelings for me, which I can no longer curb, they grow like an avalanche. Maybe my recognition will shock you, do not say right away - no. I can wait for you as much as you need.

No woman on earth will say that she is as happy as I am. But I'm happy only thanks to you. I just have to be next to you, to see how you smile. Even on the most gloomy and rainy day, I am always light and comfortable with you. Thank you for having you.

If you decide to tell your chosen one about strong feelings, and he has long been your friend, then do not overdo it with stormy passions. In order not to frighten your loved one. Say the words from yourself without too loud and emotional phrases.

And you know, I still did not dare to ... I wanted to say that I have been suffering with one problem for a long time. And despite the fact that we have known each other for a long time, we know each other well. Hard to say. Although I can’t hide it. Love you!

Poems to a man
Poems to a man

Of course, ordinary words are very difficult to convey to the chosen one everything that you experience in relation to him. Therefore, to recognizes in love, a man can still add delicate hugs, kisses. Thanks to this, the beloved will understand what important role he occupies in your fate.

Video: recognition of love to a man

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