Figures from balloons with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, photo. How to make figures from long balloons for a child, girls, boy, women, men, September 1, February 14, 23, March 8, graduation in kindergarten, discharge from the hospital: ideas, photos

Figures from balloons with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, photo. How to make figures from long balloons for a child, girls, boy, women, men, September 1, February 14, 23, March 8, graduation in kindergarten, discharge from the hospital: ideas, photos

In this article, we will consider the creation of figures from balloons.

What a holiday without decoration from balloons. Their variety today is simply huge, starting from the color scheme (by the way, balls can be not only matte, but also mother -of -pearl) and ending with inscriptions and various figures.

But children from balloons cause the greatest delight among children. Remember, in childhood, such an action was equated with magic. Therefore, we want to give you some instructions that will help to create it yourself.

Figures from balloons with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, photo

If you find out all the nuances (which, by the way, are not so significant), then you will easily master the lessons of skill with balloons. You need to start with the simplest figures. By the way, the easiest way to work with one ball (for the first time). Therefore, even inexperienced beginners, even with two balls, will be hard, which is quite natural.

Small secrets.

  • You can’t inflate the ball completely! Be sure to leave the tail of at least 5 cm. And keep in mind the more complicated the figure, the longer this tail should be.
  • Start to inflate (or in other words, the workflow) only from the tied tail. Again, if you carefully reflect, it becomes quite natural - the air moves to your free space and evenly fill the space.
  • It is desirable to twist in one direction. This is not a strict rule, just more aesthetic wish. In general, if desired, you can carry out data manipulations in any direction.
  • And another little advice - pay attention to your manicure or clothing items. Especially if the balls often burst. Sharp objects, long nails or burrs can act as a reason for them. By the way, you also need to be neat with jewelry, and ideally you can take them off at all (while you work with balls).
  • And now you need to talk about pouting. Yes, such a procedure can be carried out by the usual and old method - inflated with the mouth. But, if you are fond of or often prepare unusual holiday jewelry to your pranks, then buy a pump. This is faster and more convenient.

IMPORTANT: You can use the usual bicycle pump. Just get a nipple cap.

  • The technology is the same in all cases. First of all, you need to rub the ball in the palms. This will help warm its surface, which will serve the laid pouting. And by the way, the chance is reduced that the ball will burst.
  • You need to inflate gradually. If you work with a pump then, try to smoothly perform all movements. If you inflate your mouth, then try to conduct action in the largest areas, gradually moving along the surface of the ball.

Now let's talk about the main elements.

  • The main technique in such a case is twist. I think the children have already guessed what was the secret. You just need to retreat on a distance (as shown in the instructions) and wrap in a direction convenient for you. By the way, if you are right -handed, then all actions are carried out with your right hand. Lefts, of course, come the other way around.

IMPORTANT: If you let go of the twisted area, then it is dealt with, so pay attention to the so -called "castle".

  • Or fixing twisting. It is necessary to make 2 more two segments. Then, holding the two segments well well with the left hand, lay them parallel to each other. Do scroll three times. Now your parts of the ball will not break up.
  • Conquest. An important and final stage. In principle, you need to do according to a similar scheme of a regular nodule. That is, they pulled the extreme tail of the ball, circled around the index finger and extended the free end into the formed loop. As completion, tightly tighten the knot.

And now, the easiest way is a flower:

  • Yes, for such a craft you will need two colors - green (it will be a stem) and red or yellow (orange, blue and any other). Naturally, this will be the flower itself.
  • It is necessary to inflate a green ball and twist it in the middle (having made 4 fragments). Those that are smaller, bend in half and fixing the “lock” we make petals. They should resemble an eight or an infinity sign.
  • Now the end of the ball is near the tail, you need to twist it again, retreating a short distance.
  • The petals can be done in a matter of minutes. Even a beginner will cope with this. Connect the ball into the ring. Now bend it in half and fix it with eight. Now turn each soul mate again.
  • And in conclusion, it remains only to put our petals on the stem (on that small piece, which is near the tail).

But the child will be able to make a sword even on his own:

  • They took any color ball. From the tail retreated a distance equal to your palm. They made a twist.
  • Now we retreat exactly half the resulting segment. Visually draw a strip where it turns out that the bent area is at the same level with the first section. Wrap it in the same bent state.
  • Carry the same manipulation by making another ring.
  • Now turn the details in the shape of a sword.

How to make cubes from inflatable columber balls: diagram, description, photo

In principle, a cube of balloons is even easier to make than a flower or a well -known dog.

  • You need to bend the ball (twist) in three places so that even halves come out.
  • And then simply connect them with a “lock” to get the shape of a cube.
  • If you want to complicate the task a little, then take two balls and combine (fixing the scraping) all eight parts. In this version, the cube will turn out to be more voluminous and will also include different colors.

How to make animal figures: schemes, description, photo

Animals can be done absolutely any, as they say, what is enough for your imagination. And our recommendations and schemes will help bring them to life.

Classics of the genre - dog:

  • It is necessary to inflate the ball, leaving 10 cm free.
  • Now we make a muzzle. Its dimensions should be at least 7 cm. Twisted. By the way, the tail also acts as a nose of the animal.
  • Then they made ears and fastened them with the muzzle of the "castle". Their size should be 5 cm. If you decide to make the muzzle longer (for example, 10 cm), then the ears can be slightly increased in size.
  • We make the neck in a simple spin, 5-7 cm long.
  • Now you need to twist two more segments (they should be 2-3 cm longer than the neck), and secure them together with fixing the twist.
  • Next, the line is for the body. Calculate how much you have a ball. But its length should be at least the size of the paws.
  • We make paws again (according to the previous version), only it will already be hind legs.
  • The tail requires only fixing from the opposite side of the head. Its length can be arbitrary (depending on how much the ball remains at the disposal).

Swan is another simple scheme:

  • They inflated the ball, leaving also 10 centimeters not inflated.
  • They left their neck with a free end (how much you considered it necessary), and fasten the rest of the ring with a long tail.
  • Now twist this ring in half. But one circle should be slightly smaller (literally a couple of centimeters). It needs to be put on another circle.
  • Now it remains only to correctly lay out the details. Spread the wings and plant the swan, arched a little neck.
  • If desired, you can decorate him with a muzzle and even draw feathers. And for this, use the help of ordinary felt -tip pens.

How to make figures of Masha and the Bear: diagrams, description, photo

This technique already belongs to a complex category. Yes, it looks insanely beautiful. And the kids will be delighted at all.

First of all, let's start the implementation of Masha.


  • red balls - 9 pcs.
  • white balls need 2 units
  • and 1 gold
  • you also need matte balls of the “peach” color - 1 pc.
  • and 1 "peach" ball with mother of pearl
  • for a scarf, we need red fabric or a multiple
  • well, and also, bilateral tape, glue, ribbons and markers
  • and self -adhesive paper

We make the torso:

  • We make hands from the white ball. It is necessary to fix three fragments (in the middle it should be slightly less). It will be fingers.
  • Now proceed to the legs. We also make them white. We make a wrapped section and a small tail. The shoe and heel should turn out.
  • Combines these two balls between themselves (in the center) in the form of the letter "X".
  • Now inflate a peach ball. It will be our head, so immediately keep in mind in size. We fasten to the center of the structure.

We proceed to the dress:

  • The dress is the most painstaking activity in this matter. We inflate all the red balls, but leave 10-12 cm tails.
  • We make fragments - there are 4. Two each 7 cm - these will be sides, a section is a little larger ahead - 10 cm, and at all 12 cm from behind.
  • We tie them around the legs, fix and cut off the excess.
  • But now you need to be very careful. They tied two balls from the back to the bottom of the sundress. We circle the ball around the handles (make the strap) and fix it in front in the corners.
  • You should get 4 free ends. So we make a dress with them, going down. By the way, technology, as with weaving a basket. That is, we go according to the scheme (as below), but between the sides and the back (front) we make small balls (twisting).

IMPORTANT: We do the sides of it 7 cm, but before and the back you need to increase in each row by 1-2 cm.

  • We go down to the very bottom, fix it. As a result, 7 rows should come out. If desired, you can still put a series of beads (red) at the very bottom. But even without them, the outfit looks interesting.

Final strokes:

  • We need a golden ball for beads. Yes, to make them elementary - just twist a lot of small bubbles, just make sure that they are the same size. They wound around the neck and fixed. By the way, you can use not the whole ball, then one strip of beads will come out.
  • We cut the bangs and attach it to a double -sided tape.

IMPORTANT: By the way, for a stencil you can use the teeth of the fork.

  • They attached it to the forehead and tied a scarf (we remind you, it has a triangular shape).
  • From a peach ball with a pearl shine we make a nose and glue it.
  • Separately on paper, you need to draw your eyes and mouth. In conclusion, they also need to be glued. If desired, you can hand in a flower or basket in handles.
Masha and the Bear
Masha and the Bear
Masha and the Bear

Now we start the bear:

It is not so difficult to do it. The main thing is to take the right colors as a basis - dark - brown and beige. And also do not forget about the black ball for the ears. We will not describe the whole process, since it is easier to understand visually.

  • But I would only like to add that it is easier to make the base from the paws, like Masha.
  • And then the weaving technique, twist the body of the bear. The main thing, does not forget to make the belly and paws (their middle) beige.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the muzzle. It can also be drawn and glued. But it will not be so spectacular.
  • Therefore, it is advisable to highlight the nose. But your eyes and mouth can be drawn.
  • The ears can be made of a black ball, and added to the core on a beige pompon.

What figures to make from balloons on the boy’s birthday: ideas, schemes, photos

Any animal is suitable for the boy (we indicated some examples above), he will be insanely glad of such a craft. But then a saber, a sword or a gun will bring him in full delight. We want to go even further and make a machine gun.

For him you need two balls - black and brown.

  • We inflate a black ball by 75 cm. Now carefully! Press the tail inside and twist (that is, an apple comes out).
  • They puffed out a brown ball to 80 cm. And make a bubble with 4 fingers and one bubble for 2 fingers. So it needs to be fixed, bending the parts.
  • They made another bubble with 4 fingers and secured two parts. We continue, another bubble. Further, a similar scheme.
  • But now you need to carefully connect the two halves, fixing the two bubbles. Put aside.
  • In a black ball, we make a bubble of 5 fingers. Now the “muzzle” needs to be clamped between two brown bubbles. The rest must be inserted between the brown "basket".
  • Again, a bubble of five to six fingers on a black ball. Then a small bubble and again the same bubble. Twisted parts among themselves. We conducted a similar operation and did another twist. But the end must be wrapped around the brown ball. Then let the air to the very end.
  • Now this tail must be put between the two parts and fix the bubbles (to keep the structure). And now, having squeezed the air, we pass a brown ball between black details.
  • And we bend the end of the black ball and get a lever.
  • We divide the remaining brown ball in half. We make a bubble on 4 fingers in the middle and at the end. And now we place it between black bubbles to get a handle. We circle around the structure and put it in the right position.
Automatic machines for a boy
Automatic machines for a boy
Boy from balls
Funny animals

What figures to make from balloons on the girl’s birthday: ideas, schemes, photos

Well, girls no less (and even more) boys love animals. And flowers are not at all a replaceable attribute for any holiday. And it doesn’t matter how old a girl is 10 or 35. We bring to your attention a crown. For a real princess.

  • They inflated the ball, leaving 8-9 cm tail. They made a bubble of 15 cm in size, and followed by a small bubble (2 cm). Fastened.
  • We make a bubble 12 cm and again a bubble. So we do it twice. As a result, we make a bubble so that the ends become the same size and fasten them.
  • We take a ball of a different color (the same size) and fasten to the first ball 2 cm.
  • We measure 10 cm, bubble. Now fix it with the base (the second bubble).
  • Now we make a bubble of 15 cm, the “castle” and again 15 cm. We fixed between the third bubble. And then already according to the previous point (10 cm each).
  • They raised up the teeth and can be worn on the princess.

What figures to make a man’s birthday from balloons: ideas, schemes, photos

For a man, all those crafts are suitable as for a boy. Indeed, after all, a man even at 40 remains a child. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves, because you can use the above schemes. But we want to give one idea that every guy and a man will certainly appreciate.

  • Large beer mug:
    • It is done by the type of "basket". That is, it alternates in a circle of large and small bubbles. The size can be taken arbitrary - it can be just a large size, and maybe in all human height. Color, of course, is golden.
    • Attached a pen. It can be done not voluminous.
    • Perform a foam in a derived manner (from small bubbles) of white color.
  • As an option, you can make a motorcycle or even a car.
  • And you can make a snack for beer in the form of cancer or fish.
Beer mug

What figures to make from balloons on a woman’s birthday: ideas, schemes, photos

A woman can also be pleased with such a “air” gift. Yes, you can use the above ideas, because they will all convey a festive mood. But take a note and such options.

  • Of course, there should be flowers. The technique of their execution is the most different, choose the one that you like.
  • You can make a bouquet of flowers, tied them with a beautiful ribbon and decorating them with a large bow.
  • And you can make a whole basket of floral beauty.
  • And you can add a gift with beautiful numbers that correspond to the date.
    • The numbers are very simple, it is enough to twist the bubbles of the corresponding size.
    • And naturally, do not forget to make "locks" in the places of fold and in corners.
  • On a note! Make a chest, and put the Raphaello box inside. Any woman melts before such a gift.
Basket of flowers
Basket of flowers
Basket of flowers
Basket of flowers
Basket of flowers
Basket of flowers

What figures to make from balloons on September 1: ideas, schemes, photos

You can make for such a holiday the inscription “September 1” or “Happy holiday”. The inscriptions are as simply done as numbers. The main thing is to make them the same size. Also, the composition can be decorated with flowers or their bouquets.

Decoration by September 1
Decoration by September 1
Decoration by September 1
Decoration by September 1
Decoration by September 1
Decoration by September 1

If the gift is planned for a particular class, then you can lay it out with balls and its name.

What figures to make from balloons on February 14: ideas, schemes, photos

On such a holiday, you can not do without a huge (and not very) heart. You can make it in a classic red color, or you can combine several colors. By the way, the hearts can be done in pairs and even attach pens and eyes to them.

  • If we talk about the simplest option, then you just need to bother the ball in half, and connect the ends (for example, with tape or flower).
  • You can also perform a kiss. That is, give the ball the shape of the lips.
  • And if you already owns this technique well, then you can even make a cupid.
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers
By the Day of Lovers

What figures to make from balloons on February 23: ideas, schemes, photos

Well, here traditionally you need to use the number "23". And further decorations can be completely different. By the way, it is not necessary to use only balls, you can thus decorate the gift (which is hidden inside the balls).

  • A tank will look very interesting. Let it be small, but it will fully correspond to this topic.
  • And if desired, you can even make a soldier. By the principle of how Masha did.
  • By the way, pistols, machine guns and grenades will also not be superfluous. Moreover, they do not carry any danger.
  • You can make epaulets with stars.
  • And you can also make the flag of your country.
To the male day
To the male day

What figures to make from balloons on March 8: ideas, schemes, photos

On March 8, of course, you need to make the number of eight itself. It is even possible without an inscription, but it will not be superfluous. And there should be many - many colors. Any shape, size and color. Moreover, the more there are, the better.

By the way, you can easily and quickly make the number according to the following principle:

  • take three balls of the same color and one ball of contrast
  • after starting them, just turn off in a spiral
  • for a large and beautiful inscription, you need to make numbers from halves
  • by the way, the joints can be decorated with beads of balls, flowers or ribbons
March 8
March 8
March 8
March 8
March 8
March 8

What figures to make from balloons on graduation in kindergarten: ideas, diagrams, photos

In this regard, fantasy can be given complete freedom. As they say, any figures will be to the place. Children of this age have balls, and even more so, crafts from them will cause great delight.

  • It can be various animals.
  • You can make a prince and princess.
  • Or a gentleman and a lady.
  • Do not forget about flowers, other plants and trees.
  • Or take animated heroes as a basis.
Decoration for the garden
Decoration for the garden
Decoration for the garden
Decoration for the garden
Decoration for the garden
Decoration for the garden

What figures to make from balloons for discharge from the hospital: ideas, schemes, photos

For discharge from the hospital, a woman needs, of course, to give flowers. But who said that they should be real. After all, you can make a bouquet of balls. It will not only be beautiful and festive, but also original.

  • And you can supplement such a bouquet with a child in an envelope. By the way, the color needs to be chosen one that will correspond to the sex of the baby.
  • Or make a big dummy.
  • You can even more stand out and create a huge stork that carries a baby.
  • And you can make such a surprise on the handicap of a huge heart.
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge
For discharge

What figures to make from balloons for the New Year: ideas, schemes, photos

Well, the simplest and most unusual will be that you will make a Christmas tree of balls. Yes, it must be done on the principle of twisting and a “castle”. By the way, decorations themselves can also be made from balls. But as a garland you can use beads from balls. You just need to do small bubbles of the same size. And so that the garland is long and multi -colored, combine several balls with each other.

  • By the way, who forbade decorating the room with garlands and balls of balloons.

IMPORTANT: But do not hang such jewelry on a real Christmas tree. The exception is except an artificial beauty.

  • You can make snowflakes or stars. They will be large and voluminous.
  • Yes, and to make them very simple - they made five bubbles of the same size, and bent them with the help of small bubbles. At the end you need to fix everything.
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration
Christmas decoration

The best figures from balloons for a child for 1 year: Photo

Of course, such a holiday will not do without the number "1". It can be performed using both long balls and large round balls. And you can completely combine them with each other.

  • If we talk about figures, then you can make the sun. After all, a small child appears to them. He illuminates everything around with his smile.
  • Various animals will give the baby indescribable joy. Starting from cats and dogs, and ending with giraffes and crocodiles.
  • Consider the theme of the holiday itself. You can make sabers and pirate hats, or you can make a decoration in the form of a ship.
  • By the way, beloved heroes from the cartoons "Smeshariki" or "Luntik" will delight even adults.
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year
Congratulations on the year

Give the will of imagination and imagination, and also consider the interests of the baby. And we hope that our tips and ideas will inspire you to work.

Video: figures from balloons. How to make a chamomile from balloons?

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