100 reasons and 101 reasons why I love you: a list, a template to a guy, husband, man, beloved. How to make and arrange 100 reasons to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a guy, husband, man, loved

100 reasons and 101 reasons why I love you: a list, a template to a guy, husband, man, beloved. How to make and arrange 100 reasons to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a guy, husband, man, loved

Express your feelings for a guy, man, husband with the help of a special gift - jars or boxes with notes “100 reasons for love for you”.

To admit love to your boyfriend, man, husband, it doesn’t matter, for the first time or once again, you can in a very original way - give him a jar or box with confessions under the eloquent name “100 and 1 reason why I love you”. Such a gift touches even the most restrained young man.

100 and 1 reason why I love you: a list of confessions, a template to a guy, husband, man, beloved

For the first time with this kind of souvenirs, you could collide on the Internet when you were looking for your man an unusual gift for the Day of Lovers. For ready -made jars and boxes “100 and 1 reason ...” they ask an average of 350 - 500 rubles. Not expensive, of course, but why not do something like it with your own hands? Not in order to save, but to put all your love as a gift.

Important: Valentine's Day is not the only reason to give your beloved “100 and 1 reason for love”. You can prepare such a surprise for his birthday, the anniversary of your acquaintance or wedding, and just for no reason. After all, love is recognized not only on holidays.

A gift for a beloved man 100 reasons why I love you.
A gift for a beloved man "100 reasons why I love you."

Two equivalent components of such a gift are its design and content. The second is the 100 and 1 reasons why this man became your lover.

Important: they say you cannot love for something or for some reason. But positive character traits, virtues, good deeds and even cute small flaws laid out on neat paper leaves will make your man feel special and really dear to you.

The reasons are best printed on a computer. Select a beautiful font, arrange the text with a beautiful vignette.
The reasons are best printed on a computer. Select a beautiful font, arrange the text with a beautiful vignette.

By the way, there may be 100 reasons, and as much as you want.
The first thing you should do when to make such a gift to a man is to take a notebook and pen and write a list of those very reasons. If there is really love between you, you can handle this task without difficulty and write most of the list yourself.
You can spy the remaining reasons in the table. Choose those that are right for you. Change order at your discretion. The causes of love can be numbered arbitrarily or depending on their significance.

I love you because thanks to you I know the taste of real happiness!

Cause Cause
1 I love you for the little things ... and for the great things: because you give me the best that is in your life, that you share joy with me, console in moments of sadness and give courage to move on. 51 For your compliments to my shortcomings.
2 I love you because you are always ready to help me. 52 For your laughter that sounds like music.
3 For that, you know how to turn my mistakes into a joke. 53 For your delicate kisses.
4 For the fact that we are together, no matter what. 54 When I cry, only you can console me.
5 For the fact that you are always for me, even if I am mistaken. 55 When I am not there, you miss me, although you do not always confess this.
6 For the future that we will create together. 56 I love you for praising my cooking, even if you couldn’t be frankly.
7 For the fact that you know how to warm my frozen pens. 57

For the fact that you are my personal superhero.


8 For the fact that you look at me the way others do not look. 58 I love you for inspiring me every day to improve, be kinder and more feminine.
9 For the fact that you have enough courage to endure my whims. 59 I love you because you hug me from behind when I am my dishes or cook to eat.
10 For the feeling of the "stone wall" that you give me. 60

I love you for your jealousy.


11 For the fact that you are unique. And only mine. 61 For the fact that you are the embodiment of courage.
12 For morning coffee, which has a special aroma. 62

For the fact that your smile is beautiful in the world.


13 Because you replace the sun in rainy and gloomy weather. 63 For the fact that you know how to make decisions and bear responsibility for the consequences.

For understanding me at a glance.


64 I love you for making my days unique.
15 For the fact that you are as crazy as me. 65 I love you for the fact that with you I can always behave naturally and at ease.
16 For not worrying you, what others are talking about me. 66 I love you for every happy minute that you gave me.
17 Because you know how to listen and support me. 67 I love you for feeling your presence and support, even when you are far away.
18 For the fact that you are very smart and know the answers to almost all my questions. 68 Because you are only mine.
19 For your amazing sense of humor. 69 Because you will not deceive me.
20 For the fact that thanks to you I feel loved and necessary. 70 You gave me the meaning of life.
21 For the fact that your shoulder is always at my service. 71

For the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" that I feel next to you.


22 For the fact that you hold my hand tightly when we walk along the street. 72

For the fact that for the sake of you I am ready to change for the better.


23 For the fact that next to you I feel holistic. 73 I love you for never being angry with me for a long time.
24 For the fact that I can be a little girl next to such a strong, smart, adult. 74 For the fact that my mother considers you the best choice.
25 For the fact that you love me when we are in a quarrel. 75 For the fact that your love inspires me.

For the fact that you can’t get bored with you.


76 For the fact that with you "in illness and health, wealth and poverty" ...
27 For my sake, you can miss the broadcast of the match of your favorite team. 77 You are a person for whom you should live.
28 For revealing my femininity. 78 Each of your touch gives me joy.
29 For the fact that in the photo with you I always have happy eyes. 79 I love your every gesture, look and word.
30 For your unconditional fidelity. 80 I love you because I am proud, that I am yours.

You have the most tender hands in the world.


81 You give me the joy of waiting and the sweetness of our every meeting.
32 I love you for dreaming me in the sweetest dreams. 82 I love you for considering me special.
33 I love you for protecting my dream. 83 For the fact that you know how to keep secrets.
34 I love you for taking me to bed if I fall asleep on the couch. 84 For the fact that we will have (have) beautiful children.
35 I love you for looking after me when I am sick. 85 I love you for always warming me when I am cold.

I love you for patiently taking me and my whims.


86 For making friends with my cat.
37 For the fact that I do not have to do with you. 87

It’s interesting to even be silent with you.


38 For the fact that you come up with funny and cute nicknames to me. 88 You make my heart beat stronger.
39 For gently stroking me on the head. 89 You painted my life.
40 For the fact that I have the opportunity to fall asleep and wake up in your arms. 90 For the fact that I know that I will not be lost with you.
41 I love you because you find the strength to apologize, even when I am not 100%right. 91 I love you just because you appeared in my life and became the most important person in it.
42 For being tolerate my nonponicity. 92 I love you for being able to surprise me.
43 For the fact that you become my oasis of peace and tranquility when I am too nervous or worried. 93 I love you for saving me from loneliness.
44 For the fact that you can withstand the society of my friends. 94 I love you because I smile from your SMS like a fool.
45 Because you give me the last piece of chocolate. 95 For the fact that you love the same music.
46 For calling me the most beautiful girl in the world. 96 For not laughing when I roar during the film.
47 For the fact that you are always pleasantly smelling, even if it is just soap. 97 For the fact that you are generous.
48 For understanding what love is. 98 I am a real queen next to you.
49 I love you even for your cute snoring. 99 I love you for always having time for me.
50 I love you because your voice can warm me, even if there is 30 degrees of frost outside. 100 For the fact that you are my half, which I have been looking for so long.

Well, the last, 101 reasons, are designed on a separate leaf, which is subsequently glued to the bottom of the jars or boxes. Usually, it sounds like this: “The reasons are endless, but the most important thing is that I love you because I can’t help but love !!!”

Let your chosen one find the last, 101 cause of love at the bottom of a jar or box.
Let your chosen one find the last, 101 cause of love at the bottom of a jar or box.

You can write these reasons manually or design on a computer. You can use white or colored paper so that miniature scrolls are beautiful. On the inside, where the text, decorate the pieces of paper with vignettes.

Turn the printed reasons into small scrolls, bandage each with a ribbon.
Turn the printed reasons into small scrolls, bandage each with a ribbon.

How to make and arrange 100 reasons for you to love you with your own hands for your birthday: ideas for a guy, husband, man, beloved

On the birthday of a husband, guy or man, a gift “100 reasons to love you” you can decorate in a few ways:

  1. In the form of a jar or box. Seek the workshops on creating such gifts below in the article.
  2. In the form of a poster. Take a sheet of whatman, outline the reasons why your man is so dear to you.
  3. In the form of a sweet gift. 100 or 101 small pieces of paper can be glued to sweets in wrappers. Then your man will be sweet in the literal and figurative sense.
  4. In the form of a notebook or deck of cards. Each reason is a separate page.
  5. In the form of a photo collage. Then the reasons will have to be written on separate sheets of A4 format. Let them not be 100, but less.
  6. Ask friends and acquaintances to take a photo with these sheets in their hands. Take a picture with the sheet yourself, on which the most important, in your opinion, is the reason. From these photos using a computer, make a collage.
  7. In the form of a file cabinet. The reasons then will be on separate dense cards that you install in a beautifully designed box.
  8. In balloons. Place paper with the reasons indicated on them in 101 balls, inflate these balls. You can also tie the sweets with the causes to the ribbons bandaging helium balls.
Poster-DRIVER "Reasons for my love for you."
Sweets with wishes to a husband or guy.
Notepad "100 reasons to love you."
Collage as a gift to your beloved guy or husband.
A gift is a card index with the causes of love.
100 and 1 reason for love for a guy or husband in balloons.

A jar with wishes, notes with your own hands 100 reasons for love for a guy, husband, man, beloved

We offer you a master class on making a jar - a gift for a beloved husband or guy. It is made easily, it does not require much financial costs. Prepare:

  • glass jar
  • wrapping, white, colored paper
  • acrylic paints
  • double-sided tape
  • scissors
  • pencil, marker
  • teca or satin ribbon
  • blanks for decoupage at will
Such a bank is perfect for making a gift to a guy or husband with your own hands.
Wrap paper, ribbons, lace - all this is suitable for the manufacture of a souvenir jar “100 and 1 reason ...”.
Do not forget to make the label and glue it to your jar.
In these neat tubes - the reasons for your love for him.
Decorate the gift at your discretion.
  1. In principle, any color bank is suitable for this gift. But if you use a container for coffee or bulk products, it will be more beautiful. You can also plastic, but if it is not muddy.
  2. Think about what to do with the lid. If it is beautiful, as in the figure below, you can leave everything as it is. If you don't like something, paint it with acrylic paints or glue with colored paper.
  3. Take care of the reasons themselves. Prepare the rectangles of paper, roll them with tubes. Do not be too lazy to bandage every wish with a ribbon, the gift will look more spectacular. By the way, if you have curly scissors, use them.
  4. Prepare the label with the inscription "100 and 1 reason for my love for you." If you want, write the name of your chosen one on it, place your joint photo. Decorate the label at your discretion.
  5. Glue the label to the bank using double -sided tape. Garnish the jam itself with stickers, ribbons, paper decor.
  6. Fold small scrolls in a jar, close it.
Such a jar is a gift from the heart and with great love.

Video: Jars "50 reasons why I love you"

Box with wishes, notes with your own hands 100 reasons for love for a guy, husband, man, beloved

The box is even easier to do. If you have such a gift left, it fits size and color, you just have to glue the etiquette, come up with a decor.
If this is not, glue the box yourself or take a white shoe. You can glue it with wrapping paper, and everything is ready.

Box with wishes, notes “100 reasons for love” for a guy, husband, man, beloved
The option of decorating a gift box.
Come up with your unique reasons for love for your chosen one. Or use the tips from this article.

Video: "100 reasons why I love you" - we make a box

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