Congratulations by February 14 - Valentine's Day: short, cool, beautiful in verses, prose, SMS

Congratulations by February 14 - Valentine's Day: short, cool, beautiful in verses, prose, SMS

Original congratulations for everyone and everyone on Valentine's Day.

It is great when there is a reason to please a loved one and loved one and present him with a small gift.

It is for such holidays   and the day of lovers belongs. This day - The opportunity to recall once again how we love and appreciate them.

February 14 - Valentine's Day, is celebrated almost throughout the world. And this holiday, one might say, has taken root in the countries of the post -Soviet space. And all because we can and love to provide signs of attention and give love. And let we not give every person a pillow in the form of a heart, but we can write congratulations to SMS.

Cool congratulations In SMS by February 14 - Valentine's Day

  • SMS so tightly entered our lives that any significant events or not very significant, are used their flurry. If you want to congratulate a person, but there is no time to call, we can always send him a joking sMS
  • This is the way to congratulate the Day of Lovers is suitable for people, which are not very close to us, but which We want to remind ourselves on the day of lovers
  • On the Internet today, a lot of joking poems and cool congratulations, which are just suitable for such an occasion

Here are a few of them:

Whore your messages
I hope I'm the first.
I love, miss and ... I endure
Like Valentine, probably ...

Such a verse can rather write a loved one, with a share of irony

On the day of lovers - beware!
After all, recognition will be sprinkled!
This complicates life
At least a pleasant awareness!

But this quatrain is more democratic, friendly

Valentine is not a snowflake,
This is the hearts of the half.
You catch her soon
With a wish for love.

Easy recognition in tender feelings will also please the SMS on his phone on Valentine's Day.

Short congratulations in SMS by February 14 - Valentine's Day

It is short congratulations that are most often remembered and most appreciated. After all, it is clear that big the texts are downloaded From the Internet and soullessly sent to the whole phone in a notebook.

FROM I congratulate you in love with you,
I give my heart to you,
If not you, I miss you very much.
It means - I love you!

or such a quatrain:

FROM I congratulate Valentine's Day,
Eternal love, I wish you big
Let him not know happiness and the region,
Let good people surround you.

Congratulation Since February 14 in prose

An ideal option, of course, is the congratulation, said or written from the heart, and with its own words. Therefore, when it comes to a loved one, many prefer to say, albeit briefly, but from all their hearts.

It can be congratulated as follows:

FROM Valentine's Day! Delightful love, unique happiness, Infinitely pleasant evenings and passions every day! A gentle words, crazy embrace, intoxicating kisses, chic flowers, burning candles and long -awaited events!

or like this:

AT I wish a person all lovers to meet, with whom it will be comfortable, Joying, funny, comfortable, warm, fun, and most importantly uniquely easy. As well as more passionate kisses, hugs, walks, so that the hand in the hand, gentle words and dizzying dances.

Congratulations on February 14 cool

It has already become a tradition to give funny cards or circles for the day of lovers. Many ideas are possible draw in photo sites, souvenir stores. And you can learn a funny poem with the following text:

FROMsprout tens of weekdays
There is one special one.
On Valentine's Day
Amur us all sir.

And I can’t sleep from feelings.
Ah, how I strive for you ...

Arrows in the heart, awl in the priest:
I won’t wait for a meeting.

In proving mine
Comprehensive love
I am sending Valentine.
You catch her soon!

Original Beautiful congratulations on February 14

In addition to purchased postcards, you can do something with your own hands. Delicate lace, satin ribbons, unnecessary buttons will come to the rescue.
You can print the text on a regular printer. Therefore, if you have any tools needlework-grinding Use them. Not so happy as a gift made by your own hands.
You can also place your own composition in the postcard. This is a decent congratulation, which will be remembered for life and believe me, such a postcard will be stored forever!

Well, if you have bad compounds, a great poem is suitable:

Every year, in the midst of February
The holiday of all lovers comes to us.
I want to congratulate you on him,
The light of my eyes fascinated!
No better in the world and miles
No more expensive in the world of man.
I love you, you believe me,
We will be together forever!

Congratulation Since February 14, to the former: is it worth it to congratulate?

Former with lovers Day? Of course, if you are in a normal relationship, and you are not afraid that he will think about you as if you want to make peace. In any case, you can congratulate the former "neutrally" without using loud phrases and epithets. So to speak, congratulate "for decency."

Sometimes it seems funny to me.
I was in love with you.
And it was so recently
And it was happiness for me.
I have always been sad without you
And the day seemed to me.
What a pity that I completely forgot
What was approaching spring!

Congratulation Since February 14, colleagues

In some organizations, it is customary to congratulate each other With various holidays. There is nothing wrong.

D.oROGE and relatives,
I love, colleagues you.
Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations to everyone now.

I wish you feelings, I'm tender
There was plenty to love
Wings so that she gives,
Were happy that the days.

Congratulation From February 14, beloved girl


Of course, it is worth showing imagination here and not skimp. Since the girls are mainly reverent to the dates and even more so that they relate to love, it is necessary to approach the choice of congratulations on the day of lovers with the soul and ingenuity.
Try to surprise the girl with an unusual gift. This gift can be a touching text in the postcard:

My beloved, priceless,
You are even better than in a dream!
And know that even Miss Universe,
You are not in the beauty in beauty!

And on this day joyful lovers
Let the whole country find out
That you are a sweet gift of life,
And I only need you alone!

Congratulation guy, friend on February 14

With a man in terms of congratulations on Valentine's Day, everything is much easier. Most often, they are enough for them a small symbolic gift or congratulations. They generally, by and large, do not perceive this holiday seriously.

AT Valentine's Day
Let the ice cream melting on the heart,
And love blooms there,
Like a swallow, flutters

Friend, love, do not dream, do not be afraid,
Open the best girl
This is not at all madness
To admit feelings in their own!

Congratulations Since February 14, girl, woman, mother

Depending on who you have a girl or woman, you can choose a corresponding gift on Valentine's Day. Who said that this holiday cannot be congratulated by mom?

Of course you can and should! It is best for mothers to give “necessary” gifts that are not stored, and then dust on the shelves. Pan , tea Service, cervical scarf-all This will appreciate mom. As for girlfriends-tut it is necessary to resort as usual as usual To ingenuity. And you can add gentle congratulations:

Every happiness has deserved
Everyone who loved at least once.
I want to tell you,
That you should not lose heart.

Everything will come on the day of lovers -
Life will bring good luck.
And luck and laughter -
Let the success accompany!

Congratulations Since February 14, beloved in prose

Recently, there are many ideas related to certificates for a loved one. It consists in the fact that you give your favorite certificate for a certain amount of points with a menu, which has: massage-1000 points, dinner of 2000 points, etc.
Such a certificate can be independently prepared in word And print on thick paper. Your man will be pleasantly surprised.

Congratulations From February 14 husband

These are always delicious borsch and words spoken with love and tenderness. Do not forget to thank the sweet for everything he does. Tell me from the bottom of all what you feel and how to appreciate your man:

I want to wish my husband today
You never try to lose heart,
And you should not be offended by me
I'm ready to submit today.

And on the day of lovers, this holiday is wonderful,
I wish to love sincerely and passionately,
Of course, I am always alone -
And I will always find an approach to you!

Congratulations From February 14, wife

That in candy-bouquet The period seems banal and absolutely not romantic, in everyday life, already slightly battered bytovukha is Very necessary. How long has your wife bought a set of underwear? Don't remember? So please her! She will be happy.

On the day of lovers, I congratulate my wife,
And I, my dear,
I want to admit again in love
And rather hug you with you.

You deserve peace and happiness,
Be beautiful and think about passion,
Never swear with anyone,
Be persistent and smile!

Video: Musical cards with Valentine's Day

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