How to celebrate February 14th - Valentine's Day with a beloved, with her husband, just together? Scenario of the holiday for Valentine's Day February 14 for a corporate party, school, for two

How to celebrate February 14th - Valentine's Day with a beloved, with her husband, just together? Scenario of the holiday for Valentine's Day February 14 for a corporate party, school, for two

Scenarios, games and contests for the Day of Lovers. Options for the proposals of the hand and heart on the day of St. Valentine.

Valentine's Day is the holiday of all lovers, which has become popular in our country recently.

This trend came to us from Rome and the culprit of the celebration is a certain martyr Valentine, although there are still serious and proven sources that confirm the existence of such a saint.

Love Day: Number, Date

Now they celebrate the holiday on February 14. Initially, there was a tradition of celebrating Lupercalia - a pagan sacrifice of animals. Historians associate this holiday with high mortality among babies.

At that time, a lot of people with disabilities or cripples were born, who died immediately after the birth. And the believers sacrificed young animals to the gods and took off the skin with pieces of this skin, they beat all women passing by, believing that they would become fertile from this.

It is believed that dad Galasiy tried to cancel the holiday of Lupercalia, who replaced Valentine's day. Although there is no evidence of this.

Valentine's Day: Angels

During the Middle Ages, Nikolai's personality began to grow with legends and fairy tales.

Residents of England and France believed that Nicholas is an angel who crowns secretly in love of couples. In those days, Claudius 2 forbade the soldiers to make a family and marry, because he believed that this negatively affects the male spirit of men. Nikolai was a doctor and priest who sympathized with the lovers and secretly crowned them.

Already in the XIV century, poets composed poems and love messages to their ladies. It was from this moment that the holiday of St. Valentine. Moreover, this day was officially celebrated only in the 19th century. Then the tradition of giving symbolic gifts - Valentines.

Love Day: Traditions

The Catholic and Orthodox Church does not recognize the holiday, as they consider it pagan. But many lovers from around the world congratulate their second halves, handing them cute cards and gifts. There are a lot of traditions related to this holiday:

  • In England, this day, a few centuries ago, children changed clothes into adult clothes and sang songs
  • In Italy (thorny), the day of the engagement is celebrated. It is on February 14 that you can admit love for the first time and offer the hand and heart of a lover
  • In Wales, it is customary to give wooden spoons decorated with hearts and locks on this holiday. This symbol means "open my heart"

How and where to celebrate February 14 with your beloved?

  • The option of celebration depends on the age of lovers and financial status. Penetrate the atmosphere of tenderness and love in the morning
  • It is not necessary to be complicated and expensive. Almost any girl is happy to have an egg in the shape of a heart
  • To do this, do not completely cut the sausage in half and put it on a hot pan. It will curl up in the shape of a heart, you only have to drive an egg. After all, very often there is not enough time for the usual surprises and trifles, from which the puzzle of a happy life consists

Options for the evening on the day of lovers:

  • Romantic candlelight dinner in a home atmosphere
  • Dinner in a restaurant
  • Festive evening in the club
  • If possible, you can go to nature or ride horses. This is suitable for a country horse club, which usually offers relaxation and entertainment programs
  • Well, best of all, go to warm countries for the weekend, but now not everyone can afford such a vacation

How and where to mark on February 14 with her husband?

Family couples are slightly connected by their daily duties, so spending time in silence away from children is already a holiday.

Take care of the festive evening in advance. Take the children to your grandmother or relatives and go shopping for a festive dinner. It is best if a romantic evening becomes a surprise for your lover.

Pay a lot of attention to the atmosphere of the celebration. Light candles, scatter rose petals and turn on pleasant music. The bathroom with aromatic dishes will help to relax. Do not forget to purchase beautiful underwear or peignoir.

Despite the fact that February 14 was created for two lovers, many couples seek to spend time with friends.

  • In this case, it will be easier for you to organize a feast
  • You can go to the cinema and or at the disco


How to celebrate the day of lovers at home?

  • This is the most economical and familiar option, especially if there are not enough funds for expensive parties. You can just buy champagne with fruits and spend time together
  • The most romantic and unexpected option is the bathroom. You need to collect warm water, add foam and essential oils. Scatter the rose petals everywhere. Turn on the music, light the candles. Transfer a small table to the room. Put fruit and champagne on it
  • You can start celebrating the day of lovers in the kitchen. To do this, prepare breakfast using hearts for the ideas of decorating and serving the dish. In the evening, cover the table with a tablecloth and prepare a festive dinner. You can order food from a restaurant

Festive evening on the day of lovers: design

  • Women pay a lot of attention to what will be on the table. Men are completely different about this problem.
  • That is why, pay more attention not to cooking, but preparing the room and yourself. After all, what a day in love after a whole day behind the stove. In addition to fatigue, you will not feel anything. It is enough to do with a simple salad or fruit cut with semi -sweet wine.
  • You can decorate the room with hearts with hearts. The most interesting thing is that the floor covered with a white sheet with rose petals looks very advantageous. At the same time, the cost of the decor is minimal. It is enough for you to put out the light and place small candles-tablets on the floor.

Loven Day together and for two

Several options for the day of Valentine's Day at home:

  • Intimate evening by candlelight
  • Cozy home theater watching a romantic comedy
  • Stylized national evening

If you do not want to sit at home on a holiday, use the following options:

  • Invite a soul mate to take a walk in places where you most like you to walk in the first days of dating
  • Get your favorite photo shoot in the style of Love Story
  • Order a tour of the most romantic places of your city

On Valentine's Day February 14: Scenario of the holiday at school for schoolchildren

At school, Valentine's Day should be held using funny competitions and games. Do not forget about the theme of the holiday. That is why all cards with tasks, tokens and gifts should be associated with the Day of Lovers.

Competitions for conducting a day of love at school:

  • Cognitive quiz. Just ask students questions regarding love. For example, whom Gerasim loved (Mumu), or the Savior of Flok-Tsokotukha (Komarik)
  • Ask to divide into two teams. Now each of the participants should read four lines from any poem about love
  • I can prepare questions about love on the principle I do not believe
  • You can complete the festive evening with a tea party or a disco. It all depends on the age of schoolchildren

Games for Valentine's Day

A great mood for schoolchildren will give funny contests and games. Several games for the holiday:

  • Guess the melody. It is necessary to prepare entry into songs about love. Students are divided into two teams. Everyone listens to several introduces. The task of participants to solve the performer and the name of the song
  • Arrows of Amur. This is a regular dart or a game of darts, only participants should pierce an interesting target with an arrow - a paper heart. Everyone is given three attempts to hit the target
  • Pantomime. The classic game, during which the host gives the card participants with what needs to be portrayed without words. At the same time, select proverbs or statements about love. It is necessary that each participant depict what is written on the sheet. The rest must guess the riddle

Valentine's Day contests

Funny and funny contests will give a good mood. The entertainment option is selected depending on the proximity of the pair and the participant.

  • Ring. Each participant is given a match or toothpick. A person must clamp a match in his teeth and hand over to another person. The team that drops the ring lost
  • Between two fires. Put two chairs and cover them with a blanket. It is necessary that the hidden space remains between the chairs. Girls sit on the chairs. In Ala, a guy who should sit down to the one who is the most pretty. In most cases, the participant sits in the middle of the bench between the girls and falls into the void
  • Movie. It is necessary to describe the plot of the film, and the participants must guess the name of the film. For example, a film about a poor guy and a wealthy girl who met on a ship (Titanic)

Funny scene for the day of lovers

Presenter: On the day of all lovers, we simply could not invite to this cupid. Meet the Amurs and their arrows!

Cast: two young people run out in all white with bows and arrows.

Amur 1: We are Amurs from the structure

Erotic culture.

Amur 2: And the Caucasian Amurs

Instead of arrows take skewers.

Together: Our motto: Amurs - Connecting People!

Amur 1: Why are the Amurs call us?

Amur 2: Oh, this is a long story ... in honor of the Amur highway! ... well tracks m58

Amur 1: ???

Amur 2: Well, you remember how it shakes on it ... How the heart beats and all other organs ...

Amur 1: Tell me, and we, Amurs - are we for safe love?

Amur 2: Yes. And what?

Amur 1: I just can't understand why there is no arrows with antennae in our arsenal?

Amur 2: The question is rhetorical! Well, let's go to create “Amurial affairs” (go down to the hall)

Amur 2: (approaches a large young man) Watch what a healthy guy. The athlete is probably. Listen, you won’t sew it with an arrow. There is a shaft.

Amur 1 leaves.

Amur 2: Where are you, for the deals?

Amur 1: No ... I'm beyond the ambulance.

Amur 2: Yes, I am not very much.

Amur 1: Well, you're not very much, but he is an athlete, give him a reason.

Amur 2: (aiming the girl in the ear) Why do you aim this girl in the ear? Like women love ears?

Amur 1: No. Just the girl came up and said: "Uncle, pierce my ear."

Amur 2: Hey, look where you shoot ...

Amur 1: What?

Amur 2: Che ... you are an arrow for a woman, you got into a man.

Amur 1: Well, what?

Amur 2: And not Che. This is how you shmale without analysis, and then again this gay parade. We are to the authorities and the Tyu-Tyu Prize.

Amur 1: So shoot this brunette with brown eyes and this blond with blue

Amur 2: Why is it in them

Amur 1: They will have beautiful children

Amur 2: Then then not in the brunette, but in the brunette

Amur 1: Why?

Amur 2: They will not have children at all !!!

Amur 1: (Runes to the couple) See what a beautiful girl and guy. Now I will launch an arrow in them so that they would be together ...

Amur 2: Wait (approaches them, gets from the package), here is cognac and keys to the hut! This is for sure!

Amur 1: (shows for three), let's do these three one arrow

Amur 2: You’ll shoot this in Sweden, not in Russia

Amur 1: (Suitable for a large bald man. He leaves.) You know, we better cover our arrows. He says that he has an arrow here.

Amur 2: Shooting cigarettes is not an arrow! … Okay. Let's go just in case. Dear friends! On this day we want to tell you: look for your second halves ...

Amur 1: Otherwise, we will make a choice for you!

Corporation for a corporate party for Valentine's Day

Very often, for the rapprochement of colleagues, leaders on lovers are organized by a corporate party. It is imperative to adhere to the style of the holiday, the general topic of love.

Competitions and games depend on the age of colleagues. The younger the team, the more mobile and frank the contests will be.

The host can act as Amur or God Eros.

The holiday begins with congratulations and wishes. After that, colleagues can drink a little.

  • The presenter announces a competition for the most beloved man. In the process of the competition, two men should speak compliments selected by the girl. Who will stop the first, he lost
  • Next, you can declare some kind of mobile competition, for example, a match (with a ring). Perfectly brings colleagues a clothespin contest. For this, women are worn by men with clothespins. Then the girls blindfold the girls and they should take off their clothespins with their teeth
  • After that, colleagues drink and eat. Then you can announce a dance competition. In the process of this competition, two teams should take off their clothes and put a line out of it. Who get the longest line, he won

The script for the Valentine's Day contest

If those who do not have a couple have come to visit you, help them decide. Cut the heart of red cardboard. The edges should not be even, but figured. At the end of the evening, ask to make whole hearts and find your soul mate.


  • Part of the body. The host puts everyone in a circle and asks a neighbor to find the most beautiful part of the body. When everyone answered, the presenter asks to kiss the part of the body that the participant announced
  • Fortune -telling. For the competition you need a flower or a branch in the ground. Hearts with predictions are hung on the twigs. For example, you will meet your love tomorrow at the bus stop. Or, the name of your beloved consists of 5 letters
  • Lord of hearts. It is necessary to hang hearts in advance in advance. The one who collects the most Valentines, he won
  • Handkerchief. Several chairs are placed in the center, on which girls are planted inward. Around the girls go men. The girl should drop a scarf, the one who ends up next to him kisses the participant

Scenario for lovers for youth: Video

At the very beginning, you can talk a little about the history of the holiday. After that, funny contests are announced. Mobile competitions are suitable for young people.

Video: Script for the Day of Lovers for Youth

How to make an offer to your beloved on the day of lovers?

Options to make an offer to the girl:

  • School. Write at night on the asphalt "Come for me (the name of the girl)." In the morning, come to her with a bouquet of flowers and ask to look out the window.
  • In the restaurant. Order a table in a good restaurant and ask the administrator to put candles. Order beautiful music and offer the hand and heart of your beloved.
  • Invite the girl to the rink and make her an offer by the loudspeaker.
  • On the roof. Organize a romantic evening on the roof of the high -rise. Put the table, candles and champagne. Your beloved will appreciate such an unusual way of proposal of hand and heart.
  • Invite your soulmate to the place where you first met. Take a box of sweets and champagne with you.
  • Write on your stomach "go out for me." Ask your beloved to undress you and read the offer.

Fairy Tale on Love Day: Video

Not one celebration dedicated to Valentine's Day is not complete without a fairy tale.

Video: Fairy Tale for Valentine's Day

Ideas for photo shoots for lovers Day: Photosons

It is best to seek help from a professional. Photoshoots in love with the snow look very romantic. At the same time, pretty dogs - Husky can be included in the winter fairy tale. This breed is associated with winter and northern pole.

It’s good if lovers have unusual hobbies and common interests. You can beat a photo shoot using your hobby.

  • For example, an extreme photo shoot on an airplane or in flight during a parachute jump
  • Everyone was already tired of “sugary” photos of hugs. Take the choice of topics responsibly and extraordinary
  • Recently, many want to realize the film adaptation of their favorite film
  • Use this idea to create scenery and accessories for a photo shoot
  • If you have a good camera, this does not mean that you can create a photo shoot yourself
  • The opinion of a professional and his ability to choose angles is very important
  • Unfortunately, there are few of your friends to choose the right angle and convey all the romanticism or the severity of the situation

Photo zones for the day of lovers

  • These are small corners with characteristic decorations for the Day of lovers
  • Such photo zones are usually equipped in studios, but you can make such a festive corner for a photo at home
  • Red balls in the form of hearts, rosts and rose petals in the photo of the white room look very harmonious

In the photo there are several options for festive photo zones for lovers.

Dance for the Day of Lovers at School: Video

There are a lot of dancing options, the choice depends on the training of students. Supporting are paired dances. For example, a waltz, rumba or tango. The last dance is considered the most passionate and suitable in order to explain their feelings with the help of movements.

Video: Dance for the Day of Lovers at School

Dance for the day of lovers for two

You can prepare a romantic dance for two. For this, you can seek help in the dance studio.

But usually, one of the partners to present a dance as a gift and congratulations. Most often, these are erotic dancing on a pylon or stripplastic.

Celebration of the Day of lovers: tips and reviews

  • In order not to spoil the holiday, do not do everything spontaneously. In a few weeks, order a table in a restaurant or reserve tickets to the cinema
  • Usually for 2 weeks it is very difficult to order a table in a decent institution. Think in advance in advance the idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating St. Valentine's Day at home. Prepare competitions, backsy and treats

Giving happiness and joy on Valentine's Day with your second half is very simple. It is only a little imagination and time.

Video: Valentine's Day

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