How to make a girl, woman compliment: tips, recommendations rule, compliment. Compliments for girls and women in verses, in their own words, SMS compliments: Examples

How to make a girl, woman compliment: tips, recommendations rule, compliment. Compliments for girls and women in verses, in their own words, SMS compliments: Examples

A compliment - a weapon of strategic purpose of mass destruction and one who knows how to use praise correctly can achieve absolutely any goal. How to make a compliment correctly and in what form - the full management is presented in this article.

Female beauty was everywhere praised and extolled by poets, writers and womanizers of different stripes - they sincerely complimated blond curls, deeply as a whirlpool of eyes and velvet, as if silk, which was delighted and tender. Today nothing has changed: to conquer a quivering female heart without beautiful words addressed to her, because, as you know, a woman loves ears.

Compliment for a girl: Rules

Modern men, although they are distinguished by the mind, quick wit and high level of testosterone, which pushes various exploits for the sake of the fairer sex, sometimes lost and do not know how to properly express their admiration for the girl. But this is easier - the main thing is to notice in a woman those zestys who make her special and unique and to put up thoughts in the form of beautiful words that are so pleasant to the girl’s rumor.

The compliment should certainly be pleasant to both

But in the selection of the compliment there are features and taboos:

  • You should not tell the girl about the beauty of the ears, legs or nose, if you see them not beautiful at all - women are well aware of their shortcomings and consider such a compliment by undisguised flattery or mockery.
  • If the female representative does not consist with you in close relationships, then saying compliments about the beauty of the chest, buttocks and bends of the body is inappropriately and any adequate girl will perceive you as a preoccupied person who is only interested in sex.
  • A compliment can emphasize any advantage of a woman, and not just her external advantages: any girl will be pleased if you appreciate her mind, a sense of humor, culinary abilities or accuracy.
  • With pleasant words, you can also bend: there should not be too many of them, otherwise you will be considered for a talker that says compliments does not put any sense in them.

Video: 5 correct compliments to a girl

Compliments to a girl who likes - what is possible and what can not be said: etiquette rules

If you are imbued with sympathy for a girl, then you can show your location and affection with compliments, because it is always appropriate, unobtrusive and clearly made of understanding your warm feelings. But in order for the girl to evaluate the compliment to the dignity and does not perceive words, it is necessary to express it in the right time and in the correct form.

Nice words to speak easy

If you want to emphasize that the girl is special and you like it, then the compliment should be special. Just on -duty phrase from the category “what are you, Masha, good” for such an occasion is not suitable.

Your words should emphasize the specific feature of this girl, indicate that she distinguishes her from others, to the dignity of which the girl he liked and knows.

Favorite compliment

It is best to tell the object of its sympathy that her new hairstyle goes to the shape of the face, shoes emphasize the beauty of the legs, and the smile can inspire anyone.
Although such compliments are simple, they will be very appropriate in everyday life and are suitable for an environment of unobtrusive communication, they will not look elaborate and artificially.

When making a compliment, it is better to bypass the topic:

  • age
  • personal life
  • the weight
  • health
The full -fledged relationship of men and women cannot do without compliments

Compliments to your beloved girl: how to say correctly?

When it was still possible to conquer the girl’s favorite girl and she became not just sympathy, but your couple, lover and companion of life, then you should not forget about the power of compliments. They are able to maintain a degree of love at a high mark, bring warmth to the relationship when a quarrel or omissions arose between the beloved. Compliments for a loved one is a whole science that should be known in order to conquer her heart again and again.

To say a compliment, you do not need to look for a convenient occasion

What should be in compliment for a woman to whom you experience deep feelings? To tell your beloved, pleasant words are successful in compliments:

  • To emphasize beauty, personal qualities and manners (talk about harmony of the body, accuracy, kindness, sophistication, etc.).
  • To indicate that it is this woman who is better than anyone else (“the most beautiful”, “dear, you looked better than others”, “your smell cannot be compared with another” is trite, but effectively).
  • Show your feelings and add a note of personal attitude to a compliment (“beloved”, “dear”, “mine”).
  • Talk about the spiritual significance of this woman in your life (“Fill everyday life with light”, “Give warmth”, “warm your soul”).
  • To emphasize the irreplaceability (“you are so alone”, “you are unforgettable”, “unique”).
Women love compliments

It is important that the compliment is sincere, but at the same time not positive emotions, and does not sound like a joke, reproach or remark.

Also, you should not compliment a comparison of a woman with herself (“And you have become much slimmer than on the day when we met”), because such words will be more offended than they will make pleasant.

Compliments to the girl about her beauty: Recommendations

Saying a woman about her appearance it is important not to go too far and not turn a beautiful gesture into a frank lie. In order for the effect of the compliment to be positive and the girl appreciates it to the dignity of it is important to notice its tastes, manners, features and advantages that should be emphasized in compliment. This is very difficult, because the appearance for any woman is the main thing and it is to her beauty that any girl pays a lot of attention to cause admiration for others.

A compliment regarding appearance is sometimes turned into a real weapon of strategic purpose.

Between close people, compliments can be very intimate

In order to give the girl the greatest pleasure from the compliment, it is necessary to evaluate the natural beauty of the interlocutor in it. This can be a pronounced admiration for eyes, hair, and if you are with a woman in closer and even intimate relationships, it will be appropriate to make a compliment to sensual lips. In any case, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  • the compliment should be sincere
  • the situation when the girl speaks of laudatory words should be appropriate
  • making a compliment. Consider the level of interpersonal relationships (the boss should not talk about the beauty of the lips, but it is worth evaluating a new hairstyle)
The compliment will decorate any romantic evening

Whoever your interlocutor is, whom you are going to give in verbal form, in no case say that she is beautifully painted today.
Thus, you will not make a compliment, but offend the girl, giving reason to think that on another day she was painted poorly or by nature does not have beauty.
Also avoid ambiguity: if it is not possible to say definitely, it is better to avoid such a compliment at all.

Compliments to the girl about the eyes: List

Eyes are a mirror of the soul and a very beautiful part of the face, which attracts views and gives some idea of \u200b\u200bthe character of a person. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is the eyes of compliments and praise that are most often awarded. You can say about the beauty of the eye:

  • “Your eyes can be compared with the ocean: they are infinitely deep, they can storm with a storm, and after a second they turn into a calm blue.”
  • "In such beautiful eyes as yours you can drown and forget yourself."
  • "Looking into your eyes, I understand that I have not met a more beautiful girl."
  • "Your eyes are radiant and playful, they infect with enthusiasm and fun."
Eyes - the main object of compliments

Compliments to the girl about her beauty in prose: Words

For those who do not have a poetic talent, but to make a pleasant girl still wants to make a perfect compliment in prose - not too artistic and so appropriate in everyday life. Prosaicity does not diminish the meaning of words, but only allow us to say more where the poetic size will limit the thought.

In time, the complimented compliment will relieve voltage and bring closer to the quarrel

What can I say to the girl to make it pleasant, give a sign of attention and show her sympathy? It is enough to speak from a pure heart and try to invest as much meaning as possible in a small amount of words. So, to hit a close beloved woman, one can say:

  • "Your beauty overshadows the light of the sun and the beauty of the stars."
  • “You can drown in your eyes, they attract with beauty and depth, and at their bottom you can see a deep abyss that absorbs completely, not giving peace or night.”
  • "Your lips promise paradise, your eyes are able to give and execute one look - you are perfection itself."
  • “Your beauty is unusual and amazing: I want to admire your eyes, lips, a curl for hours, which have broken out of a hairstyle, and a smile that can melt any ice and turn a man into a slave.”

Video: How to make a beautiful compliment to a girl?

Compliments to the girl in your own words

When the intricate of phrases is inappropriate and I want to say simply and beautifully, the best compliment will be said from the heart, and not read on the Internet and heard from anyone. It is precisely what comes from a pure heart that can affect the soul and convey your spiritual impulses to a person. And even if you don’t know how to speak beautifully, you should not worry about this - if the compliment is said sincerely, then the girl will certainly like it.

Every woman is worthy of a compliment

In your own words, one can express admiration for both the appearance of the girl and her inner qualities, life successes and manners.
Sometimes an accurate, well -noticed word can deliver more positive emotions than long and soulful speeches.
So, the girl will be pleased to hear that she is beautiful, kind, sweet, faithful, charming and smart, perfectly dressed and has a wonderful hairstyle.

All you like in a woman are worthy of compliments and there is no reason to hide your emotions - they must certainly be expressed.

Compliments to the girl about her beauty in her own words

The appearance of a woman, her beauty is what is always in sight and the fact that even a stranger can appreciate. In order to make a compliment of appearance, there is no need to be close to a friend with a representative of the fair sex or know the features of her life - after a second study of the whole image as a whole, one can distinguish what a woman likes and deserves verbal admiration.

Having said the compliment to the stranger, you can place it to yourself and interest it

The girl whose beauty was to my liking, we can say:

“Girl, you remind you of a famous model! I definitely saw these eyes on the cover of the magazine. ”

"You have a charming smile - I could admire it all day."

“Your boyfriend was insanely lucky with such a beautiful girl, he probably envies him.”

“Girl, tell your mother that she has a very beautiful daughter. She, by chance, does not need a son -in -law? ”

Compliments is a whole science

There can be countless such examples, because simple and uncomplicated, seasoned shares of humor, compliments always fall into the apple and allow you to achieve a specific goal: get acquainted with the girl you like, make a pleasant beloved or interest a stranger.

Compliments to the girl about her beauty short: words

The main rule for compliments is: it should be said so that the words are crowded, and thoughts are spacious. This means that the best compliment is the one in which as few words and more meaning as possible, because short admiration is always appropriate everywhere, and the girl, which it will be expressed, will not have an ambiguous impression and the feeling that she is flattered over.

Short compliment is no less pleasant

What words to say about the beauty of a woman briefly? It is important to understand that laconicism provides for the fact that you must put the main thing in the compliment and put up thoughts in words that will certainly be pleasant. But talking about age and weight, as in other compliments, is not worth it. Examples of brief compliments:

"You are very graceful"

"You cook divinely"

"You have an impeccable taste"

"You are a good interlocutor"

"Your smile is dazzling!"

"You're lovely!"

Compliments to the girl, short or long, should be said from the heart, then they will be pleasant and in demand.

Video: how to say compliments to girls

Compliments to the girl cool: words

When relations with the girl are at the initial stage or you are only trying to get acquainted, it is important not only to express sympathy and admiration in compliment, but also to show your wit and sense of humor. Cool compliments will help in this, which will cheer and convey the desired thought.

With humor in compliments, it is important not to go too far

So, you can surprise and place the girl by saying:

  • "Girl, you shoot your eyes so accurately, I am wounded!"
  • “You have such amazingly long eyelashes that when you blink me just blowing me off!”
  • "Girl, you already have very beautiful legs, you should not walk with them - you need to carry it in your arms!"
  • “You should be ashamed of a girl! Enough with your beauty to distract people from work! "
  • "Girl, even flies are glued to you!"
  • "You are an indecent girl - beautiful to indecency!"

SMS Comfiction to the girl about her beauty: List

Even if the girl is not next to you, you can make it pleasant and write an SMS combination. It will be doubly pleasant: your half will understand what they think about it, they want to make it pleasant and remind of themselves. In addition, the format of SMS communication does not imply long-explanation and recognition-it will be enough to write briefly about the main and loved one will already be pleased.

Express a compliment SMS-a great option for shy men

SMS combination:

  • "I missed your charming smile and eyes"
  • "I want to tell the most beautiful woman in the world how much I love her"
  • "I can’t even without your eyes - they are like a source of life!"
  • "How is the most slender and charming girl doing?"
  • "I'm far away, but my soul is next to your good heart"

Sams-commercials for the girl about her beauty can be both in prose and in poetic form-it all depends on your imagination and meaning that you want to invest in words.

Poems-commercials to a girl about her beauty

If you have a poetic talent, then you can make a compliment by SMS-fist. Well, if rhymealism is not your horse, then composing poems is not necessary at all - you can find a verse on the Internet that is most suitable and simply send it to your beloved. Even if she understands that you are not the author, she will still be pleased, because in any case, your words are addressed only to her.

The verse-commercial can be sent by SMS

There is nothing complicated in the composition of compliments: add a little humor and love to your thoughts and you will amaze your soul mate:

“Your eyes are endless seas
Your smile joy for me
And the heart beats again
Dear, for you my love! "

“I admire you completely:
Your eyes, smile, body ...
Bring my joy to my life
I love you from the bottom of my heart. "

There is no woman able to resist the poetic compliment

“I had a chance to meet in my life
The most beautiful of people
There was no word when meeting
About your beauty
But I found that compliment
Which you are worthy:
Capable of one moment
Fall in love with and embody dreams "

The verse will create a romantic atmosphere

In order to express your attitude and admiration, there are many ways, and the compliment is one of the most effective and productive. Many ways and forms to make pleasant girls and women will help create the necessary impression, and sincere words will not leave the interlocutor indifferent. Speak compliments, because this is an easy way to arrange a woman to yourself and cheer her up.

Video: How to get compliments?

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