The 100 best most beautiful compliments to a girl and a woman about her beauty in her own words, in prose: List. How beautiful to tell the girl that she is beautiful: poems, quatrains about the beauty of the girl, very beautiful words of admiration for female beauty

The 100 best most beautiful compliments to a girl and a woman about her beauty in her own words, in prose: List. How beautiful to tell the girl that she is beautiful: poems, quatrains about the beauty of the girl, very beautiful words of admiration for female beauty

The article offers you a large selection of compliments for women and girls in verses and prose.

100 best most beautiful compliments to a girl and a woman about her beauty in her own words: List

Women's beauty has been inspired by men for many centuries in a row on beautiful poems and valiant actions. She does not stop acting positively on the “strong half of humanity” and still. Properly selected words by a man will be able to not only arrange a woman to himself, but also show her significance, open her eyes to her attractiveness and simply make it nice.

Important: men, even the most wise, are often confused and therefore cannot choose beautiful compliments. It is important to have certain knowledge and it will not be superfluous to memorize a few words in order to express your sympathy at the right moment.

The best compliments for a woman (100 most spectacular phrases):

  1. You are charming!
  2. You seemed to leave the pages of a beautiful fairy tale!
  3. You are my ideal!
  4. You are beautiful, like a goddess!
  5. You are a work of art!
  6. You are light, like a spring morning breeze.
  7. It’s good and easy with you, as if I am alone with myself.
  8. Your eyes are two bottomless ocean, in which I am ready to drown right at that moment!
  9. You are smart and beautiful, can it be so at the same time?
  10. You are so well -groomed and attractive!
  11. There are so much tenderness in you, it attracts me and makes you incredibly feminine!
  12. You are a treasure that I was lucky to find!
  13. When you are near, I forget about all my problems and the reason for this is this incredible ease!
  14. You are a real muse that gives strength and inspiration for masterpieces!
  15. In no case do nothing in yourself, you are just divine!
  16. About such a beauty like you, I did not even dream!
  17. I am a real lucky one, because I was lucky to meet you!
  18. You have the most attractive and sweet smile in the world!
  19. You understand me so much that you read all my thoughts and it drives me so crazy!
  20. Your features are written off from the best paintings by artists!
  21. You are fresh and beautiful, like a pink bud!
  22. Not a single flower in the world is compared with your beauty.
  23. You are a song!
  24. When you look at me, I forget about everything in the world!
  25. I can not take my eyes off your beauty!
  26. You are so refined, so exquisite and beautiful, I cannot but admire you!
  27. To be so beautiful is a crime!
  28. I'm afraid that you can simply be stolen because of your beauty!
  29. I can’t choose the words personifying your beauty, because in the dictionary there is simply not enough of them!
  30. From your beauty, eyes darken!
  31. Over the years, your beauty does not fade, but only gains new colors!
  32. Your beauty makes me feel at the top of the world!
  33. Your beauty makes me feel drunk.
  34. Your eyes are a real magnet and I cannot help but look in them!
  35. Do not stop smiling, your smile is charming!
  36. You are a real treasure!
  37. You even look stunning without any cosmetics!
  38. Are you not a thief? After all, you completely shamelessly stole all my thoughts and heart!
  39. When I look at you, I just lose reality!
  40. You have a cosmic, incredible and just fabulous beauty!
  41. You are so beautiful that I'm afraid to cry with happiness!
  42. You are a star who fell from heaven to earth!
  43. How perfect and impeccable your beauty is!
  44. Your beauty is just as fresh and necessary for me as a sip of air!
  45. Sometimes it seems to me that you are more beautiful than you in the world!
  46. Thank you for allowing you to be next to you and enjoy your beauty!
  47. It seems to me that all beautiful verses and songs are composed only about your beauty.
  48. Never doubt your attractiveness, because your beauty can be envied!
  49. I am sure that hundreds of women are not sleeping at night and only dream of having even a shadow of your beauty!
  50. If you participated in beauty contests, they would have lost their significance, because victory would always be yours!
  51. Your voice is like music, and facial features, like landscapes of beauty of nature!
  52. Your features are embedded in the most skilled jewelers in the world!
  53. Even the largest and deepest ocean cannot be compared with the magnitude of your beauty!
  54. How lucky I am, because you give your beauty only to me.
  55. Mirrors can break from such beauty in annoyance, angry with your impeccability and ideal!
  56. You are a real beauty and just lovely!
  57. Always be sure of myself, because I have not met such beauty before!
  58. Like a diamond, your beauty is unique and the road!
  59. Your skin is so snow -white, the lips are so soft, your eyes are so bright that I cannot take your eyes off you!
  60. If I were a poet, I would have folded a whole collection of poems about your beauty!
  61. You are a gift of life, very beautiful and the best!
  62. In life I have not seen such beautiful long hair, clean radiant skin and thin facial features!
  63. I don’t even want to blink, so as not to miss the seconds, watching your beautiful features!
  64. Can you store your photo on the bedside table to admire the most beautiful features around the clock?
  65. How skillfully you pick up a wardrobe, you look wonderful!
  66. More fingers than yours than yours, I have not seen!
  67. No, I don’t know the words that the graves would describe your beautiful features!
  68. You are the embodiment of a dream!
  69. Your beauty makes the sun shine!
  70. Your eyes are brighter than all stars in the night sky!
  71. You have heavenly beauty and a subtle mind!
  72. Even a blind man does not need glasses to make out your beauty!
  73. You are no more beautiful, you are like a clear sun!
  74. Smile more often, because the sky frowns only from the fact that he does not see your smile!
  75. The most beautiful music in the world is composed only about you and your beauty.
  76. Looking at you, goosebumps run through your body!
  77. Your beauty disarms!
  78. Where is your halo? You are an angel, not otherwise! Women are not so beautiful!
  79. Thank you for such perfect beauty!
  80. I want to admire you 24 hours a day! You're beautiful!
  81. Mom told me that there are beautiful women in the world, but she was silent that they could be beautiful!
  82. Are your name is not Aphrodite?
  83. I am ashamed to stand next to you, because I am faded in comparison with your beauty!
  84. Incredible! Your beauty is granted by God, did you know that you are his favorite?
  85. I would give everything to be as beautiful as you, despite the fact that I am a man!
  86. I never forget your features! You are just unforgettable!
  87. Even the angels look enviously at you from heaven, admiring the unearthly beauty!
  88. You are more beautiful than fire, water, sky, nature!
  89. E I know that it is me so delighted in you, but I am ready to fall at your feet and become the eternal slave of your beauty.
  90. Please tell me that I can admire your beauty forever!
  91. You are so Beautiful! Only paintings from you to write!
  92. Were the beauty of sweet in taste, I would have long ill with diabetes mellitus next to you!
  93. I must certainly thank your parents because they had such beauty!
  94. If I were a jury at the beauty contest, I would be biased, because other women compared to you are just ugly!
  95. How elegant your whole image is and how perfect your features are, like you are a deity that has received a physical body!
  96. Do you know why I'm smiling all the time? I just can't hide admiration, looking at you!
  97. No, you are definitely not like in this world. You are the best and most beautiful. Definitely!
  98. Undoubtedly, you were born only to give beauty to this world!
  99. There are no flaws in you and even what you consider to be disadvantages - advantages in the eyes of other people!
  100. Only your daughter can be more beautiful for you!
Compliments for admiration for female beauty
Compliments for admiration for female beauty

How beautiful to tell the girl that she is beautiful: poems, quatrains about the beauty of a girl

You can use poetic compliments in any case:

  • Signing postcards
  • Gathering SMS messages
  • Sending secret notes
  • Read aloud on a date or in a telephone conversation

Poems always turn out to be much more spectacular and more effective than familiar compliments only because they reveal you on a different, more positive side and hint about your admiration for a woman. Ladies are very fond of poems, because they significantly increase their significance for the opposite sex and compare with beautiful muses, which serve as a source of inspiration for poets.

Your features are more beautiful
You are a clear sun in the blue sky,
You are a song of birds over the crown of the forest,
You are a book with subtle interest!

Ready to read you for centuries
And hug you with your hands
If only one day
Pages kiss paper.

How light, fresh, beautiful,
Such a force lives in you!
She leads me through the night
Yours only imagining the eyes!

I sleep and see your braids
I ask myself questions:
Where are the others to go thoughts
After all, only you are my meaning of life!

Thank you, Queen of the World,
That you opened a lot to me,
That I live now differently
You are only puzzled by you.

I want to hold your hands
I want not to think about separation
I want to write paintings with oil,
After all, you, beloved, are beautiful!

You are an ideal! You are perfect!
You are reckless bliss!
You are like a jewelry stone,
You are the road and so beautiful!

Let me be a jeweler
What is long, very painstaking,
Grinds the stone to shine
And the other does not know the beauty!

You shine in the sky hot in the sky,
Your gaze is more expensive than all gifts,
He is so hot and he is so gentle,
He is like a fresh wind from the sea!

Beauty is stronger,
I am a man, I know that.
Be a queen,
The best, the very first!

Poems about female beauty
Poems about female beauty

Very beautiful words of admiration for female beauty: List, poems

Take advantage of the proposed compliments and poem options in order to admire the beauty of her beloved woman and to make her very pleased. Women at any age love beautiful phrases and lines, because they inspire them and allow you to feel real queens for their men.


  • Incredible! How do you live with such beauty? You are probably the happiest woman in the world!
  • You can’t even imagine what pride takes me when other men turn into your trace!
  • Can't be! Did everyone still hide their feelings secretly and have never told you that you are the most beautiful woman in the world?!
  • Today and always you look just amazing!
  • I can’t even convey to you with words how amazed by your beauty!
  • Sorry for the silence, I'm just amazed at your beauty!
  • You are just incredible! How do you manage to look so good?!
  • I am amazed and simply disarmed by your beauty! Bravo!
  • Blimey! I was lucky to meet the most beautiful woman in the world!


I'm sorry, there are no words and I'm silent,
I just don't want to cry
From the feelings that the heart was captured ...
You delighted with beauty!

Your features are more beautiful than the sky
They are like the sun, no ... brighter than the light!
I do not forget them now forever
You are a deity! You are impeccable!

You are incredible today!
You are a diamond that costs hundreds!
No ... thousands and millions!
Your Majesty, are you without a crown?

I am amazed and immobilized
I'm afraid to break beauty
What from head to toe to bottom
Fill you alone!

Not enough words and compliments
To please you.
You are impeccable, perfect
And I'm in love with one of you!

Compliments for admiration for female beauty
Compliments for admiration for female beauty

Tender compliments to the girl about her beauty in their own words: List, poems

A gentle and kind word can “melt any ice” in a relationship between a man and a woman, become the beginning of strong and sincere relationships, great feelings and family. Tender compliments, both in prose and in verses, are what every woman is vital. Such words inspire her for happiness, to courtship for their beauty, for love!


  • Your hands are more tender than silk, did you know?
  • When I look at you, it is warm in my soul, and thousands of pleasant goosebumps run through my body.
  • You are so feminine and tender that I feel like a little child in my mother loving embrace.
  • Your hair, eyelashes, lips, blue eyes and white skin are so beautiful, so well -groomed and so perfect!
  • It’s good and pleasant with you, it’s joyful with you, and looking at your beauty is a complete pleasure!
  • Thank you for your angelic beauty, beloved.
  • Your beauty is comparable only with bright exotic colors, but only partially. Even they are not as perfect as you!
  • Looking at you, I want only kisses, gentle touches and caresses. Your soft features evoke pleasant and sweet feelings in me.


You are like a light breeze of the ocean,
You are like the sun early in the morning
You are light, like a white feather,
You are tasty, as if ripe loud!

You, like roses, a bright red bud,
You only cause me affection in me
I'm ready to shed blood about your spikes,
If only to be nearby!

You are gentle, like a little bunny,
I love your finger,
You are like a cat that sleeps on pillows,
I will kiss your nose and ears!

How much tenderness is in you,
How much affection is feminine.
You are on earth
Only the only one!

Your soft, silk hair,
I would like to braid into braids
Wake up from the voice every day,
Listen to fairy tales, answers, questions.

You are like a soft, tender feather
Weightless and soaring.
My feeling is vast
And my love is real!

You sleep and I admire you
You say, but I'm worried
You smile - it's sweet to me
I am always pleased with you!

Tender compliments for a woman
Tender compliments for a woman

Brief compliments to the girl about her beauty in their own words: List, poems

“Brace is a sister of talent!”, This is eternal truth. But, in choosing a compliment for a woman, brevity can play with you a “angry joke”. That is why always give preferences to sensual compliments, beautiful phrases and lines, which from the first words can “reach the heart”.


  • You are above all praise!
  • You are my Goddess!
  • You are charming and stunning!
  • Your beauty is divine!
  • Your features are impeccable!
  • You are beautiful, like an angel!
  • Not a woman, but a song!
  • You are a fabulous queen!
  • You are an incredible beauty!
  • I have no words! You're beautiful!
  • What a miracle! You are just a beauty!
  • You are majestic!
  • You are my Queen!
  • My God! Your beauty is something!
  • You killed me with your beauty!


I will be brief:
You're beautiful!
And if I met you -
Life is not in vain!

I'm not an artist, but you
Ready to draw today!
I look and I love you
You are a deity, neither give nor take!

If the poet was
I put poetry about you about you
And he would have prompted them around the light,
After all, you are not more beautiful!

I'm sorry, I can't choose words
To describe your appearance,
You are so beautiful and fresh
It’s crazy just good!

I'm not strong in the words of the beautiful
But you inspired me so much
That I'm ready to scream with happiness
About your beautiful beauty!

Short compliments for women
Short compliments for women

Simple compliments to the girl about her beauty in their own words: List, poems


  • From your beauty is breathtaking!
  • You are beautiful and so sweet that you can’t fall in love with you simply!
  • Thank you for your beauty!
  • Your beauty is worth great treasures!
  • Angels gave you beauty, not otherwise!
  • In line for beauty, you were the first and only!
  • Beauty accompanies you in everything: in appearance, and in character traits and in actions!
  • Your beauty inspires me to good deeds!


I'm not a master to choose words
But your beauty inspires
She gives me strength more than
I so want to be next to you!

You can't fall in love with you,
Your eyes and eyes are beautiful,
Facial features are impeccable,
I am ready to love you forever!

Thank you for giving your beauty
I appreciate her with my soul and heart!
You are the best woman in the world
No others will be overshadowed!

You went down from heaven, probably
You are everywhere and always the first
You are beautiful, like heavenly stars,
You are mysterious, interesting!

How you want to be your shadow
I walked after you all day!
Your beauty would admire
In any situation was nearby!

Simple compliments for a beautiful woman
Simple compliments for a beautiful woman

Happy good morning to your beloved girl - words to a girl about her beauty: List, poems

The best thing you can please your beloved woman in the morning is pleasant words and compliments about her beauty. It is no secret that every girl or lady in adulthood is shy about her “morning beauty”, but you can instill confidence, joy and inspiration into her with just a few words.


  • You are beautiful this morning, as never before!
  • Only you opened your eyes - and the sun looked out!
  • Even this fresh sunny morning cannot be compared with your beauty!
  • While you slept, I quietly admired your beauty!
  • Do not dare to wash, you are beautiful and I'm afraid to lose this beautiful face!
  • Even sleepy you are beautiful, like an angel!
  • Your beauty can only be compared with the morning singing of birds!
  • Why did you still hide your morning beauty from me?
  • God! You're so pretty! I would like to admire your beauty every morning!
  • With your beauty, you decorated my morning and all day!
  • My bed still did not know such beauty and perfection as you!


Barely slid down the wall of a ray,
Evil clouds disappeared from the sky,
All because you woke up
And I smiled embarrassedly!

You sleep like an angel on pillows,
I'm afraid to break your peace
Let the morning be endless
And my feeling will become eternal!

The smell of coffee in the early morning,
And in bed my "forget -me -not",
So beautiful, gentle and beautiful,
I live for her - not in vain!

Let the fresh morning wind
Hello arrives at you
I left early - you slept
I was looking for warmth in bed.

I admired you in the morning
Flew like birds a minute
Let everyone begin this day,
Let the morning go all my life!

You are more beautiful than a bouquet of flowers
You have settled love in me,
Even sleepy and gloomy morning
You shone with me a mother of pearl!

You are a pearl from the bottom of the ocean,
For me you have become a treasure
Sleep more often in my arms
I will not wish myself another!

Like a warm bun sweet
You are so pleasant in the morning
I'm ready to hug you
Bit and kiss!

The morning is wonderful when you are nearby,
I adore all the features!
Thank you for sharing with me
Not only morning, but also love!

You left the pictures of the wonderful
You lie in bed gently
All the features are lovely.
Yes! I'm happy serene!

Morning compliments to a woman
Morning compliments to a woman

Beautiful compliments to a girl, a woman about her delicate lips: a list, poems

Women's lips are very sensual and sexy, you should not be silent about their beauty and you always need to talk compliments!


  • These lips are the sexiest part of your body!
  • You can compare your lips only with juicy sweet fruit!
  • How beautiful and sensual your bends of the lips are!
  • I want to kiss your lips around the clock!
  • There is nothing sweeter than the touch of your lips!
  • Your delicate pink lips compare the buds of roses!
  • I have not seen more beautiful lips in the world!
  • How I like to kiss your beautiful lips!


I didn't know the tastier than your lips before
They have their own charm, their charm,
Their color is gorgeous, the aroma is wonderful,
I can compare them with a cheerful, ringing song!

The bend of your lips is beautiful
He leaves me sweetness
He is the most elegant and thin,
And their color is like roses buds!

When I saw your lips for the first time,
I forgot everything in the world and fell in love.
I was happy with you and I will definitely be happy,
I want your lip to taste not to be forgotten!

Your lips are the most beautiful
Facial features are the most beloved
I want to kiss you forever
I want your face I gently hug!

Chubby and sweet,
The most pleasant
Your lips are cute
Delicate, beautiful!

Compliments to women about lips
Compliments to women about lips

Beautiful compliments to a girl, a woman about the beauty of the eye, her beloved: a list, poems

Eyes are the mirror of the soul and the most beautiful part of the body of any woman. For every man in love, the eyes of the beloved are beautiful, expressive, gentle and sexy. Try to choose the most sincere owls to emphasize the feature of the devil’s features that you like.


  • Your eyes are two blue lakes in the mountains. There is no such beauty anywhere!
  • Are you sure your eyes are not magnets? They attract me closer and closer!
  • The sparkle of your eyes can only be compared with the stars!
  • Such depths as in your eyes are not even in the largest ocean!
  • All endless cosmos is reflected in your eyes!
  • I look into your eyes and see huge flowering buds in them!
  • There is nothing more beautiful than your languid sexy look!
  • When you look at me, I feel such inspiration and strength that you can’t choose words!


Two bright precious diamonds,
The most special, worthy, valuable!
They lead me through the darkness of the night,
I love them, I am always jealous of them!

Who gave you this look?
Does he give me an elixir il poison?
But I will be faithful to him
I will not give it to anyone!

Oh, how wonderful this look is wonderful!
A miracle is playing in my soul!
He inspires me and animates me
Without your eyes, I can’t imagine life!

Eyes like the sea is blue
You are the most beautiful!
Your eyelashes are long
And the lips of the color of the wine

I was fascinated
My dream and fear were taken,
I am your forever forever
And the feelings are endless!

Angels dance in your eyes,
Sparkling torches are burning,
I am devoted to your fairytale eyes
The most mysterious in the world!

Through curved eyelashes,
Long, like poultry wings,
I look into your eyes clear
I know for sure - you are my beautiful!

In your eyes sparks burn,
Your gaze is full of love
I appreciate it endlessly
I want to spend eternity with him!

Video: "The best compliments to a woman"

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Comments K. article

  1. Dear you are so extraordinary, you are so attractive, excellent, perfectly and delightfully look like a brilliance brighter than the sun, and in my opinion, the pupils of your eyes are deeper than the Mariana Slok! It seems to me you know some kind of secret of beauty and perfection otherwise than me Could you describe your wonderful attractiveness?

  2. beautiful compliments

  3. Funny and interesting in some places.

  4. Super! I have never met anything like it ...

  5. It's just a chiderdos!
    To the author respect!

  6. No words super!
    Incredibly beautiful!

  7. Thanks for the complimation selection

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