How beautiful it is to decorate a bottle of cognac with your own hands as a gift for a man in military uniforms, a policeman, hussar, a tuxedo, photography, ribbons, sweets, a bouquet of sweets: ideas, design, photo. How to decorate a bottle of cognac with your own hands for a woman?

How beautiful it is to decorate a bottle of cognac with your own hands as a gift for a man in military uniforms, a policeman, hussar, a tuxedo, photography, ribbons, sweets, a bouquet of sweets: ideas, design, photo. How to decorate a bottle of cognac with your own hands for a woman?

Beautiful decor of bottles with cognac.

High -quality and expensive cognac can be an excellent present for the birthday, New Year, February 23, and even the anniversary. True, so that such a gift does not look trivial, you need to try to decorate it beautifully. Our article will tell you about how to quickly and originally decorate a bottle of cognac and tells you.

How to beautifully decorate a square bottle of cognac for a military man in a military uniform, a policeman, a hussar: ideas, design, photo

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Any man, for sure, will like it if you decorate the bottle of cognac so that she visually resembles a policeman, military or hussar. Initially, it may seem that only a real needlewoman can do such a decor. In fact, all that you will need to do is correctly and reliably fix the sewing box on the bottle.


  • To get started, buy approximately 10 m of black box and 1 m white
  • In addition, for the final decoration, you will need steel buttons and small stars
  • At the initial stage, it will be necessary to glue a bottle of cognac with cardboard paper
  • It should be covered with all, only the neck can remain open
  • The neck will need to be carefully wrapped in a white ribbon and securely fix its edges with special glue
  • If you plan to make a bottle in the form of a policeman, then at this stage it will be necessary to cut a tie from the black tape and fix it on the neck
  • Next, cut the ribbons into pieces and begin to form the shoulders of the future military or policeman
  • To do this, we take the tape in our hands, apply it to the neck of the bottle and form a cutout of the future uniform
  • Again fix everything with glue and wait until the tape grabs
  • After that, you can start fixing the rest of the ribbons
  • They will need to be overlapped, straightening as well as possible
  • After the whole bottle is pasted with a ribbon, you will need to decorate it with buttons and stars
  • In addition, you will need to make a black circle out of paper and glue it on the top of the neck

How to beautifully decorate a square bottle of cognac for a man in a tuxedo: ideas, design, photo

Froking from ribbons
Master class on the manufacture of paper tuxedo
Ready tuxedo
Recommendations for the manufacture of a flower for a bud

As for such a decor, it can be made in two ways. If you wish, you can do the same as we told you a little higher. You will also need to take white and black ribbons and paste a bottle with them.

You can quite calmly act on the same algorithm, just at the initial stage, replace the tie with the butterfly, and at the very end, decorate the bottle of cognac with not steel buttons and asterisks, but, for example, with small black buttons and an artificial butoner.

How to make a flower for a budonier you can see in a special master class. If you need to do everything as quickly as possible, then just make paper tuxedo, and then with the help of glue fix it on the bottle. The back can be sealed with simple black paper.

How to beautifully decorate a bottle of cognac for a man with a photograph of ideas, design, photo

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Decorating a bottle of cognac with a photograph is the easiest way. All that you will need to do in this case, choose the most successful photo, fit its parameters to the size of the bottle, and with the help of glue to fix it in the most prominent place. As for further actions, then everything will depend on your patience and imagination.

The rest of the bottle can simply be decorated with paints, and the photo itself is highlighted with a frame of paper, ribbons or medium size of beads. Also, to decorate the bottle, you can use lace, threads of different thicknesses, shells, pebbles and pieces of fabric.

How to beautifully decorate a bottle of cognac for a man with ribbons ideas, design, photo

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Satin tapes are an excellent material for decorating bottles with alcohol. Moreover, this method of decoration is very simple, therefore, if desired, anyone can cope with it.


  • Buy satin ribbons of the desired color
  • Attach the tape to the neck of the bottle just above the characteristic expansion
  • Measure a piece of such a length that the end of the tape when gluing is overlaid on each other
  • Cut the piece from the main part of the tape and fix everything with glue
  • Wait until the glue dries a little and start glue the bottle further
  • To do this, just slightly apply the edge of one tape to another
  • If you want to eventually get a spike pattern, then fix it in the same way as on the neck
  • If you want you to get perfectly even lines, then fix the tape in a horizontal position

How to beautifully decorate a bottle of cognac for a man with sweets ideas, design, photo

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If your husband, brother or close friend belongs to the type of men who love sweets, then he will probably like cognac decorated with sweets. In this case, it is best to choose high -quality chocolate sweets that have the shape of hemispheres. As practice shows, they are easier to attach to the bottle and do not require enhanced fixation. A similar design is done in the simplest way. You will need to lubricate the candy wrapper with glue, and then carefully fix it on the bottle.

The word carefully means that it is necessary to press the chocolate in such a way that it does not deform, and that the glue does not fall under the wrapper. Fands can be glued in rows, spiral or imitate a clustard of grapes. When the bottle is pasted, you will have to decorate its top. This can be done with a satin tape by simply tied it in a lush bow.

How to beautifully decorate a bottle of cognac for a man with a bouquet of sweets: ideas, design, photo

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Recommendations for the manufacture of flowers

If you want to surprise your loved one even more, then present him with a brandy decorated with a bouquet of sweets. Yes, such a decor requires more time for manufacturing, but in the end it turns out a very original present.

Production recommendations:

  • To begin with, decide that the role of a stand (cardboard, a piece of plywood or just a flat dummy) will play the role of a stand)
  • Next, take a piece of corrugated paper and carefully wrap it with the stand you have chosen
  • You can already encode it with small beads or paper bows at this stage
  • At the next stage, proceed to create a bouquet of sweets
  • First, make candy buds yourself, leaves for them, and only after that collect the bouquet itself
  • Next, take a bottle of cognac, grease its bottom with glue and fix it on the supply
  • Do the same way and with a bouquet
  • After drying the glue, bent the leaves and buds so that the composition looks as beautiful as possible

How to decorate a bottle of cognac with your own hands for a woman?

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Probably, you should not even say that women love everything beautiful and original. That is why in order to decorate a bottle of cognac for a fair sex, you need to show a maximum of imagination. For example, you can decorate the bottle with the same bouquet of sweets. But in order to make it clear that you made a present for a woman, you can additionally make a small decorative hat and make an imitation of the royal red mantle.

You can see an example of such a decor in a picture posted a little higher. Another win -win option is thick bright threads. In this case, you will need to apply a thick layer of glue to the bottle, and then thoroughly wrap it with threads. After all this dries, you will only have to decorate the surface additionally.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a fisherman man?

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Only marine or river topics can please the fisherman. That is why it will be better if you use shells, small river pebbles, a grid, fishing hooks and bright silicone bait to decorate a bottle of cognac. All this beauty will need to be fixed on a bottle, while creating a composition that pleasing to the eye.

If you want to do something as original as possible, then buy the so-called structural paste and apply it with a thin layer to the entire surface of the bottle. Next, take a transparent glitter and use it to simulate a fish of scales. As soon as it dries, you will have to paint the bottle in the desired color and you can decorate it with shells or even dry grass.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man on February 23?

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Since February 23 is a special holiday for men, in this case it is best to abandon decor in the form of flowers, bows and various beads. If you strive to emphasize the importance of this presentation, then make it in the army style, for example, sew an army cloak-tank and fix it on a bottle of cognac. You can also take corrugated paper and paste it with a bottle, imitating a front -line uniform. You can see how to realize all this a little higher.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man on a wedding anniversary?

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For the anniversary of the wedding, decor in the style of decoupage is ideal. This type of finish is considered budget as in this case you will need to buy only two -layer napkins with the pattern you need and glue. Yes, and this does not have to be a wedding theme. You can use any drawing that your loved one will surely appeal.


  • Try to understand how the drawing on the bottle will ultimately be located, and in accordance with this, cut off the motive
  • Separate the upper part of the napkin from the bulk
  • Put part with the pattern aside, and in the same way prepare a few more of the same blanks
  • Squeeze a little PVA glue into a bowl and slightly dilute it with water
  • You must do this, otherwise you will not be able to evenly distribute the pattern on the surface
  • Next, take any brush and apply glue to the bottle
  • Gently put a drawing to a missed place, and with the help of a smoker dipped in the water, we smoot it
  • Glue all other blanks to the bottle and let the glue dry
  • After drying, the present can be tinted with acrylic paints

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man for a birthday?

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In principle, you can decorate a bottle of cognac for a male birthday with any of the ways that we have already introduced you to. If they all seem very difficult for you, then try to decorate it with ordinary paper or fabric. How can you do this you can see in the pictures posted a little higher.

Yes, and remember that you do not have to decorate your present as shown in the drawings. If you wish, you can add some element from yourself, the main thing is that it fit perfectly into the common color scheme and approaches the other materials in structure.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man for the New Year?

Christmas tree from cognac
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The easiest way to decorate a bottle of cognac for the New Year, make a Christmas tree out of it. True, remember, in order for the present to visually resemble the forest beauty, the container must have a suitable shape. And this means that you will need to find alcohol, which is spilled in a flat bottle expanding at the very bottom.

After the cognac is bought, you will only have to thoroughly wrap it with a fluffy New Year's rain and decorate all this beauty with small Christmas toys and snowflakes. In addition, we bring to your attention several more ideas for the design of a New Year's bottle of cognac.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man for a wedding?

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We are used to believe that the wedding present must be decorated with flowers, ribbons and hearts. In fact, you can present a bottle of skate, decorated in a special way for the wedding celebration of a loved one. Try to show a little your imagination and paint it with colors.

Draw everything that you like the main thing is that in the end your surprise looks bright. Yes, and if you want the newlyweds to not be thrown out later, then after the paint dries, be sure to open the entire surface with colorless varnish.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man for an anniversary?

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The anniversary is an important event for each person. That is why this holiday is best to present a difficult to decorated cognac bottle, and a whole composition on a stand. All you need to do to fix the bottle of alcohol on a strong stand, and then decorate everything that the soul wishes.

Chocolate, small marshmallows or marmalade will look great on such a composition. If you want to emphasize the brutality of the gift, then make a bouquet of dried fish and attach it to the stand.

How to decorate a bottle of cognac for a man on Valentine's Day?

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As a rule, men are quite cold in such attributes of the holiday of all lovers as hearts. Therefore, if you paint a bottle of cognac them or paste it with them, then probably it will not please it very much.

In view of this, it will be better if you do something more original, for example, a surprise using the terra technique. In this case, you need an egg shell, glue, an ordinary rope and a couple of artificial stones of different shapes to decorate glass containers.


  • Degrease the bottle with acetone and begin to apply glue on it
  • Apply it in small areas and immediately lay them with pieces of eggshell
  • Decorating half a bottle thus
  • Next, cut into small pieces of craft paper and moisten it with water
  • When it softens, lower it for 1 minute into PVA glue
  • Remove the paper from glue and forming small folds, distribute it along the upper part of the bottle
  • Wait when everything dries, and then decorate everything with a rope and artificial stones

Video: How to decorate a bottle of cognac? Bouquet of sweets

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