How to roll up to the girl correctly, beautifully, original: tips, compliments and phrases for dating, method of conquering for guys

How to roll up to the girl correctly, beautifully, original: tips, compliments and phrases for dating, method of conquering for guys

In this article we will get acquainted with the methods and phrases that will help the guy to get to know the girl.

Often, fears in our heads make us put off a decisive step to get to know a long box. Bowing or self -doubt is the main enemy of young people. We go to tell you the methods, schemes of action and approximate phrases to start communication in order to win the sympathy of the passion of the opposite sex. Indeed, in communication, the main thing is to take the first step, and then everything will go much easier.

How to roll up to a girl: tips

Of course, there is always a certain percentage of failures. You can’t get anywhere from this, but you need to initially set yourself up on a positive wave and drive away stupid fears from your head. If you just sit still without doing anything, you will never know about a possible victory. There may be two options for events - a tackle to a stranger or to a familiar girl. And the place and time do not play a big role, or rather the sub -settings scheme can be used the same.

If you have not met a girl yet, then urgently correct the situation

  • Never meet a girl a banal phrase: "" Hello! You can or let's get acquainted ". This immediately scares away, drives into a stupor and generally acts, like a “red rag on a bull”.
  • Better come and say something funny, unusual and pleasant at the same time:
    • « girl, you have such a beautiful and positive face, and the nose generally radiates kindness. ”
    • "wow! Such an attractive girl, and what beautiful legs. Especially the left (or right). "
    • or talk about your eyes, hair or even ears. Let the first phrase be unusual. The banal words “eyes are like a sky” or “scarlet, like roses, lips” will cause only a oblique look on her part. And the point is not that girls do not like compliments. All your intentions are simply visible.
  • Now let's talk about some "golden rules" acquaintance with a girl:
    • do not approach "get to know" the girl. More precisely, now call it a little differently-“chat”. A little higher, we touched on a similar topic that “dating” is usually repelled.
    • do not miss the step when you communicated on "you". Even if you are not business partners or work colleagues. “Poking” is an indicator of disrespect. Yes, and such "pan -players" are suitable only for familiar girls!
    • show upbringing and gallantry - These features will never go out of fashion. If you “accidentally” crossed with a pretty girl, say hello to her hand. No, say "give five!" Also not worth it. You can shake your hand gently, only hold your hand with your palm up.
Roll up to the girl
Roll up to the girl
  • In general, touches are brought together and shown the level of trust. Therefore, it will not prevent her from holding a little by the hand during the conversation or at least periodically touch the elbow.
  • If the girl is going somewhere, be sure to stop her when meeting. No need to try to meet, running after the late young lady. Attract attention or politely ask, you can even slow down a little with your hands. Soft, gently and without force, pay attention to yourself and stop it.
  • And the most important thing -be sure of yourself. Never ask or apologize for trying to get to know each other. Pay attention to the following phrases: “Sorry, please, you will not mind if I get to know you?” I immediately want to answer no! Or “Girl, you look so dazzling today. I could not pass by and I want to invite yours to a cup of coffee. Please give me a few minutes. ” Half of the case will depend on your inner confidence.

Important: try to use all the proposals without the phrase “no”. When you ask a question, always paraphrase it so that you want to answer yes on the machine. For example, "Do you want ice cream on such a hot day?"

We begin active actions - attracting attention and invitation to a date

On the one hand, it is easier to “work” with a familiar girl, especially if you still study or work together, and see every day. But on the other hand, she already knows all your “jambs” or without any problems learns about them from common acquaintances. But you can attract the attention of an old or new acquaintance according to approximately the same scheme. Correct it to the situation and always bring your highlight.

  • Start from the appearance. Take yourself in order, find a suitable perfume. Girls are cleanly more clean by the guys, so they are very demanding on appearance. Teeth, hands and shoes require special attention!
  • If you do not intersect in the common area, prepare the main soil. The girl should see you and intersect. No, you do not need to loom before your eyes.
  • Install eye contact! This is important, since it is he who gives the start of the following actions. Wink or smile at her. Pay attention to her reaction. If she smiled, this is already good. Not yet - make a funny face. Just train in front of the mirror so that it is funny, and you "do not fall in the mud."
  • In addition to the view, pay attention to bodily contact also. If a person sympathizes with, then he will mechanically touch his passion. If a girl does not dare to take such a step, start acting first. Touch it more often and watch the reaction. It is the expression of her face that will give a signal to proceed to the next stage.

Important: when communicating with a girl, never look at her bust! Only in the eye. At least at the initial stage of tackle.

To like the girl
To like the girl
  • If you have common topics for conversation, this is already good. But, as a rule, blood from the head after the “invasion” of hormones of joy from falling in love runs somewhere. Therefore, thoughts about any conversation leave you. Put at home approximate phrases:
    • ask about her mood. Why is she smiling or from what is so sad.
    • or tell me how she "charged you with a positive for the whole day only with her appearance."
    • or maybe her smile "shines brighter than today's sun."
  • But better than any conversation is valid help. Just like that with your initiative. It will be pleasant to the girl, and put yourself in the "best light." Even if you just bring heavy bags to her house or offer a spare pen.
  • Not inferior in effectiveness and request for help. Perhaps you arrived from another city recently and do not orient yourself in the area at all. "Could you conduct a small tour of me." You can borrow the phone by calling your number. Or ask to help your sister choose a birthday gift, and she has the same sophisticated fingers or brushes.
  • It has already managed to interest and attract attention. But you need to lure the girl even more in her “nets”. To do this, it will be good to show that you are not only “at her feet” (although it is strictly forbidden to demonstrate). There are other pretty girls to whom you also pay attention. You can flirt a little or take care of other young ladies. Jealousy Girls arise even if she has already rejected you.
  • Distract from the field of view for a while. Let it be nervous, miss and figure it out. It will be more effective if you just start to ignore the girl. She will be in complete bewilderment, what happened. Here you can proceed to more active actions.
  • Invite her tea or call to watch a movie in a cinema. After all, in your pocket, two tickets were just lying. Or choose any other place where you will be together! But this should not be a date just a friendly meeting. If the girl agreed to her, then you can already show courtship more.

How to roll up to a girl: examples of phrases and compliments

Notice its main advantages, and do not say standard phrases.

Ideas for phrases for dating:

  • “Are you accidentally doing dancing? You are so elegant and sexy (or insert your words) move. ” You can also supplement: "You overshadow all the other girls in the dance hall."
  • Or ask: “How do you go to such high studs? Yes, so smoothly and graceful. Perhaps this is taught somewhere? ”
  • Arm yourself with an unusual turn: “Hello! I was interested in something in you. ” After holding out a small pause until you hear the phrase "What?" “Why are you blinking so often?”
  • Or act with decisive methods, affecting sexuality. “You went at me like that. I'm afraid to sit next to you/ be. "
  • The phrases that are driving into a dead end are very strongly affected. “Let's go to the cafe. We will eat together and talk (pause). Although, maybe we still know each other? ”
Girls love compliments
Girls love compliments
  • Or a similar example: “You are a very sweet and stylish girl, and I really like it. I would even suggest you meet (pause). Although, do you know how to cook? " The scheme is understandable.
  • Ask about her opinion or set some kind of survey. Yes, even a vote for Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston.
  • Or act directly: “Hello! I hurry a little, so I can’t talk for a long time. But it seemed to me that you are cool, and I have a desire to chat with you. ” Imagine and ask for a phone number, promising to call back in the evening.

Video: How to meet a girl?

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