Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for children - a selection of tasks with answers

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for children - a selection of tasks with answers

In our article you will find completely finished quizzes based on Pushkin's tales, and just a selection of questions with answers.

Merry quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for preschool children

Merry quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for preschool children
Merry quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for preschool children

Merry quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for preschool children:

1 Tour "Mysterious".

Exercise: Guess the riddle and tell me in which fairy tale this character or object met.

Swimming under the bridge and waging my tail
I don't walk on the ground
There is a mouth, but not saying.


I will boil everyone in time
At least I don’t conquer hours. ”
(Cockerel "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel").


Many troubles are hung up by forests
Wolf, the bear is there and the fox!
Our animal lives in alarm,
He takes his legs from trouble.
(Hare “The Tale of the Prote and his employee Balde”).


Rides on the branches, but not a bird
Red, but not a fox.
(Squirrel. "The fairy tale of King Saltan, about his son, glorious and powerful hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess Swans").


And shines and shines. It does not flatter anyone,
And he will tell any truth - everything will show him everything
(Mirror. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes").


Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch
Adults and little children love me.
(Apple. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes").

The 2nd round "attention".

I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale, but with an error. You must find an error, fix it. And call from what fairy tale this passage.

Three neighbors under the window
We spent late in the evening.
(The Tale of Tsar Saltan)


My light, mirror, tell me
Yes, do not deceive
I am in the world sweeter than everyone
All are blurry and whiter.
(About the dead princess)


The old man with his wife lived
At the very blue sea
(Gold fish)


The wind is cheerful,
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyan
Into the kingdom of glorious Ivan.
(Tale of the dead princess)

3rd tour "Sports".

Remember what competition the demonus Balde suggested in the "Fairy Tale of the Pope and the employee of his Balde."

- Well, so be it - take, yes with the persuasion,
With our general verdict -
So that henceforth there is no grief:
Who is more likely around us near the sea,
He take yourself a complete quitter.

I also suggest that you compete, which team is faster than the sea.

4th tour “from which fairy tale excerpts

“Once upon a time there was a pop
Toloconal forehead.
Pop went to the bazaar
See koy to the goods.
Towards him a bald
It goes without knowing where. ""
What fairy tale is this? ("The Tale of the Pope and his employee Balde")


He went to the blue sea:
He sees, - the sea played slightly.
He began to click the goldfish,
The fish sailed to him, asked:
“What do you need, older? " (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish).


“The king said goodbye to the queen
The road was equipped
And the queen by the window
She sat down to wait for him alone. ""
What fairy tale begins? ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes")


Goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - says a fairy tale.
There are miracles: there is a goblin roaming,
The mermaid on the branches sits; (On the Lukomorye oak green).

5th round "Find out from whom the telegrams came"

- The heroes of fairy tales sent telegrams to us. Let's guess from whom they came and from what fairy tales.

  • I can’t come to you, I am very busy, because I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope.
  • Wait for me, I will soon. That's just the nuts.
  • Thanks for the invitation, but I can't come. You need to repair the old woman.
  • I will come not alone, but with my fiancé prince Elisha.
  • I can’t come very sorry, because I need to guard the royal borders.
  • I will arrive at you as soon as I give the task to my employee.

Competition 6 - "Tell me a word"

  • The old man with his old woman lived
    At the very blue ... (sea)
  • The queen gave birth to either her son or a daughter at night;
    Not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown ... (little animal)
  • Both day and night the cat is a scientist
    Everything walks on the chain ... (around)
  • Squirrel sings songs, but nuts all ... (gnaws)
  • I need a worker: a cook, a groom and ... (carpenter)
  • Ah, you, vile glass! You're lying to me ... (spite)
  • Here the sage in front of Dadon became and took out from the bag ... (Golden Cockerel)
  • Month, month my friend, gilded ... (horn)

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for school -age children

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for school -age children
Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for school -age children

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for school -age children:

Task 1. What are all the tales that A. S. Pushkin wrote.

  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
  • "The Tale of the Pope and his employee Balde"
  • "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries"
  • "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan:"
  • "Groom"
  • "The Tale of Medvedikha"

Physical education


  • - Waves at sea
  • - How Prince Guidon pulls the bow and lets the arrow.
  • - Picture a swan - a proud posture, a beautiful neck. How a swan turns into a princess.
  • -How the Lebeda Princess sprayed Guidon
  • - As Gvidon decreased to a mosquito, flew onto the ship and clogged into the gap. We sit down at the desks, straightened our shoulders, continue to work.

Task 2. From what fairy tales Pushkin are these words?

“The wind is cheerful.
The ship runs merrily ...
Stars shine in the blue sky,
In the blue sea, the waves are whipped .. "
Answer: The fairy tale "About King Saltan"


A formidable guard is standing around her,
The axes are kept on the shoulders.
As the old man saw, - scared!
Answer: "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"


At home at that time idle
The evil stepmother was sitting
Before your mirror
And talked with him ...
Answer: "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries"


“The spruce grows in front of the palace,
And under it a crystal house;
The squirrel lives manual there,
Yes, what a fiery!
Squirrel sings songs
Yes, the nuts are gnawing,
And the nuts are not simple
All shells are golden,
Nuclei - pure emerald;
Servants guard the squirrel ... "
Answer: The fairy tale "About King Saltan"


There are neighbors to bother
Became the old king
A terrible harm to him.
Answer: "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"


Once upon a time there was a pop, a toloknoy forehead.
Pop went to the bazaar to see the Koy-kaki goods.
Answer: "The Tale of the Pope and the employee of his Balde"


Mother with the baby is saved;
She feels the earth.
Answer: The fairy tale "About King Saltan"


The elbows are tightly connected to her;
Gets in the beast in the claws,
She will endure less
It will be easier to die.
Answer: "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries"


“How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a noble pillar? "
Answer: "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"


Nowhere, in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state,
There was a glorious king Dadon, he was formidable for a young man ...
Answer: "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"


“If I were the queen,
Her sister says
Answer: The fairy tale "About King Saltan"

Task 3. Find out the fairy tale by the signs:

  • Tent, stargazer, cockerel, queen. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
  • Dugout, tower, fish, queen, trough. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
  • Prince, squirrel, fly, island, swan, mosquito. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan:"
  • Sunny, wedding, apple, spinning, month. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries"

Task 4. Who sent a telegram?

“My light, mirror! Tell,
Yes, report the whole truth:
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All blush and whiter? .. ”(stepmother)


“You are foolish, a simpleton!
You did not know how to take the ransom from the fish! .... " (Old woman)

“Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen! ... "(sage)


“Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You get up in the darkness of the deep
Cool -faced, lightweight ... ”(Korolevich Elisha)


“Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,
Yes, the curse of the tribe, make you make a curse! ... "(Balda)


"Woe is me! We got into the network
Both of our falcons!
Woe! My death came ... "(King Dadon

Task 5. What words ends with fairy tales?

“The Tale of the Prote and the employee of his Balde”?
And the bald was sentenced with reproach:
“You would not chase, Pop, for cheapness.


"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"?
His old woman sits on the threshold,
And before her a broken trough.


"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"?
Fairy tale, but in it is a hint!
Good fellows lesson.


“The Tale of King Saltan ...” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and about the Seven heroes”?
I was there; Honey, drank beer - and only thundered a mustache.

Students staging an excerpt from Pushkin's fairy tale

King Saltan

Again the prince walks by the sea,
From the synyate of the sea does not take the eyes;
Look - on top of fluid waters
White swan is floating.
“Hello, you are my wonderful prince!
Why are you quiet, how is it unobtrusive?
She tells him.
Prince Guidon answers her:
“The sadness of the drooping eats me;
A miracle miraculous to cite
I would like. There is somewhere
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce of protein;
Marvelous, right, not a trinket -
Squirrel sings songs,
Yes, the nuts are gnawing,
And the nuts are not simple
All shells are golden,
Nuclei - pure emerald;
But maybe people lie. ”
Prince Swan replies:
“Light about the squirrel is the truth of the truth;
I know this miracle;
Full, prince, my soul,
Do not worry; Rada service
I am in friendship. ”
With a shredded soul
The prince went home;
I just stepped on the yard - a wide -
Well? Under the Christmas tree,
Sees a squirrel for all
Golden nuts gnawed,
The emerald is pulled out
And collects the shell,
Heaps of equal puts
And sings with a whistle
With honest with all the people:
In the garden, in the garden.
Prince Guidon was amazed.
“Well, thanks,” he said, “
Ah yes swan - God grant her,
What is me, the fun is the same. ”
Prince for squirrel then
Built a crystal house,
The guard put to him
And moreover, the clerk forced
Strict counting counts news.
Prince Profit, Squirrel Honor.


Tale of the Golden Cockerel

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.
He was formidable with young
And the neighbors every now and then
Inflicted resentment boldly;
But under old age he wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And arrange peace for yourself.
There are neighbors to bother
Became the old king
A terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of their possessions
Protect from attacks,
It should have kept it
Numerous army.
The governors did not doze off
But they did not have time:
Waiting, it happened, from the south, looking, -
The Academy of Sciences is climbing from the east.
They will celebrate here - dashing guests
Come from the sea. With anger
Inda cried King Dadon,
Inda forgot a dream.
That life is in such anxiety!
Here he is with a request for help
Turned to the sage,
Star and Skoptsa.
He sends a messenger with a bow.

Here is the sage in front of Dadon
Started and took it out of the bag
Golden Cockerel.
“Plant this bird,”
He said to the king - on the knitting needle;
My cockerel is gold
There will be your faithful watchman:
Since everything will be peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the side
Expect you war
Or the raid of the forces of the Brannah,
Or other troubles uninvited,
Then instantly my cockerel
The scallop will rush
Crites and starts
And it will turn to that place. ”
The king of the crypt thanks
Mountains of gold promises.
“For such a favor, -
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I will fulfill how mine. "

High knitting cockerel
He began to guard his borders.
A little danger, where you can see
True watchman like from sleep
Moves, starts,
It will turn to that side ...

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales - a selection of tasks with answers

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales - a selection of tasks with answers
Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales - a selection of tasks with answers

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales - a selection of tasks with answers:

Figurative expressions in Pushkin's fairy tales

1. The tale of the fisherman and the fish

  • Go to yourself with God - go and don't worry
  • On what the light stands on the husband scolds - he scolds her husband very much
  • Now your darling is happy - now you are happy
  • What are you, Baba, Belina overeat? - she gone crazy
  • Only from eyes to drive him away - not to see him
  • Do not sit in your sled! - Do not take up the work that you can’t do
  • Would I have on the parcels - I served me
  • Did not dare across the word to say-he did not dare to say something against

2. The tale of the priest and the employee of his Balde

  • Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe - decided that everything would cost
  • Everything is dancing to light - it works actively
  • His forehead is cracking in advance - he feels a close reckoning
  • Order the Balde service so that he becomes unknown - so that he could not fulfill
  • It became more fun on the heart of the priest - became more funny
  • This is not a thing - it's not difficult
  • Dance, you are under our balalaika-follow our rules
  • Slavs the case with the bald - he will cope with the bald
  • You would not have chased, Pop, for cheapness - would not seek to save.

3. The fairy tale about the golden cockerel

  • Dashing guests - enemies
  • Reign, lying on the side! - reign calmly
  • The king calls another army - collects
  • The king scraps the third army - collects
  • They become unbearable - there is no longer patience
  • Both of our falcons - both sons
  • Rumor ran in front of him - rumors spread quickly
  • The demon plunged into you - he planned the strange.

4. The fairy tale about the dead princess and the seven heroes

  • Nine months passes
  • She does not bring from the eyes of the eyes. - Of course, she averts her eyes from the field, it says that she
  • Often looks towards the road.
  • The year has passed, like an empty dream - in sorrow
  • Rose - and blossomed - grew up and became beautiful
  • Does hell with an angry woman? - Who can cope with her?
  • Day after day goes, flickering - it is quickly time
  • Finally grabbed about him - I remembered
  • Like under the wing of sleep - like in a dream

5. Tale of King Saltan

  • Looks-sees the matter famously-something is bad
  • But just the arrow sang - shot from onions with an arrow
  • They decided to lie down on an empty stomach - hunger go to bed
  • Well, you are quiet, like a unobtrusive day - why sad
  • The sadness of the drooping eats me-very sad
  • The soul-de asks ...
  • So pulls and takes away ... - I really want to
  • There is a princess behind the sea,
  • That you can’t take your eyes off is very beautiful

Guess the tale of the passage

Song of the Prophet Oleg

How prophetic Oleg is now gathering
Revenge unreasonable Khazars;
They sat down and fields for a violent raid
He condemned swords and fires;
With his squad, in Tsaregrad armor,
The prince rides in the field on a faithful horse.


Mighty Oleg's head
And he thinks: “What is the fortune telling?
Borch, you are a false, crazy old man!
Draw up your prediction!
My horse would have wore me until now. ”
And he wants to see the bones of the horse.

Tale of the Golden Cockerel

High knitting cockerel
He began to guard his borders.
A little danger where you can see
True watchman like from sleep
Moves, starts,
To that side will turn out
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign, lying on the side! ”
And the neighbors were scolded
They didn’t dare to fight anymore:
Such a king Dadon
He repulsed from all sides!


Suddenly there was a slight ringing,
And in the eyes of the whole capital
The cockerel spent from the knitting needle;
He flew to the chariot
And the king sat on the crown,
Shook, pecked at the crown
And soared ... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He gasped once, - and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared
It was not at all.
A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint!
Good fellows lesson.

The tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes

“My light, mirror! tell,
Yes, report the whole truth:
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All blush and whiter? "
And her mirror in response:
“You, of course, do not argue;
You, queen, are nicer all,
All are blurry and whiter. ”
And the queen laugh,
And shrug,
And wink with your eyes
And cling to fingers,
And turning around,
Looking proudly in the mirror.


The brothers stood silently
Yes, in the back of the head they scratched.
“Demand is not a sin. Sorry for us, -
The elder said worshiping. -
If so, I will not stutter
About that. " - "I'm not angry, -
She said quietly, -
And my refusal is not guilt. ”
The grooms bowed to her
Slowly left
And according to everything again
They began to live and live.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

The old man with his old woman lived
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man caught a fish with a net,
The old woman spun her yarn.
Since he threw a net into the sea -
A net came with one tina.
Another time he threw a net -
A net with a sea grass came.


Here is a week, the other passes
Even more than the old woman, she swept:
TsAzhevortsev sends her husband.
They found the old man, led to her.
Says the old old woman:
“Back, bowed to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen
I want to be the mistress of the sea
To live in Okiyan-More,
So that the goldfish fish serves me
And I would have on the parcels. "

The Lukomorye oak is green

In the Lukomorye oak green;
Golden chain on oak Tom:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around;
Goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - says a fairy tale.


There the king is stroke over the gold;
There is a Russian spirit ... there it smells of Russia!
And there I was, and I drank honey;
At the sea, I saw a green oak;
He sat under him, and the cat is a scientist
He told my fairy tales.

The tale of the priest and the employee of his Balde

Once upon a time there was a pop
Toloconal forehead.
Pop went to the bazaar
See koy to the goods.
Towards him a bald
It goes without knowing where.


Poor pop
He substituted his forehead:
From the first click
Pop jumped to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost his tongue;
And from the third click
The old man was knocked out from the old man.
And the bald was sentenced with reproach:
“You would not chase, Pop, for cheapness.”

The tale of King Saltan, about his son glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and about the beautiful princess Swans

Three maidens by the window
We spent late in the evening.
“If I were the queen,”
One girl says, -
Then for the whole baptized world
I prepared a feast. ” -
“If I were the queen,”
Her sister says, -
That would be the whole world alone
I had a canvas. ” -
“If I were the queen,”
The third was said by the sister, -
I would be for Father-Tsar
Born the hero. "


There is a different marvel in the light:
The sea is swollen drilling
Boils, lift the howl,
It flows to the shore empty,
Will spill in a noisy running,
And they will find themselves on the Brega,
In scales, like heat,
Thirty -three heroes
All handsome men are remote,
Giants are young,
All are equal, as for selection,
With them, the uncle was a blacker.

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for children - proverbs from fairy tales

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for children - proverbs from fairy tales
Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for children - proverbs from fairy tales

Quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales for children - proverbs from fairy tales:

Proverbs about fairy tales

  • A fairy tale is a lie, but in it a hint, good fellows are a lesson.
  • A fairy tale is a fold, listen sweetly.
  • Listen to a fairy tale, and listen to the saying.
  • The past is not stolen behind the fairy tale.
  • Tales are not red in writing, but red meaning.
  • Not every drink is suitable for drinking, not every fairy tale for people poison.

Proverbs to the fairy tale about the golden cock (Pushkin)

  • As it comes up, it will respond.
  • Not all the gold that shines.
  • Do not swear to another hole - you yourself will fall into it.
  • Having given the word - hold on, and not giving - stronger.
  • Until a fried rooster, it does not peck in my head ...
  • Trust but verify.
  • For kindness, good is given, and for evil is heard evil
  • A fairy tale is a lie, but in it a hint, good fellows are a lesson.
  • Debt good turn deserves another.
  • No matter how Mudri, you can’t overdo it.
  • Give the word, so keep the word

Proverbs to the tale of King Saltan (Pushkin):

  • No matter how much the rope is to curl, but the end will be.
  • Where happiness is breeding, there will be born and envy.
  • The envious of his two eyes will not regret.
  • How much a rope is not to curl, there will still be an end.
  • There is neither priest nor joy in dashing and envy.
  • The envious dries about when he sees happiness in whom.
  • The envious of the hungry wolf.
  • Give your soul will, you want and more.
  • Good cries with joy, and evil - from envy.
  • You’ll chase someone else's - you will lose your own.
  • There is nothing to put your eyes to someone else's heap.
  • What kind of miracles are not in the world.
  • Such miracles that the hair is on the hair.
  • A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: good fellow lesson.
  • You can’t say better than print.
  • The golden volume is prettier.
  • It’s good to a bird in a golden cage, and it’s better on a green branch.
  • Good seed is good and the run.
  • Good will not die, and evil will disappear.
  • Good glory to evil is hated.
  • Import for the one who makes no good to anyone ...
  • In good - good, but for thin - bad.
  • Evil and crafty were found, but both fell into the hole.
  • An evil man who eats and drinks, with the same and tears his head.

Proverbs to the tale of Pushkin about the dead princess

  • Where happiness is breeding, there will be born and envy.
  • God helps good.
  • On a good flower and a bee flies.
  • As it comes up, it will respond.
  • Do not dig a hole to another, you yourself will fall into it.
  • The one who laughs the last laughs well.
  • Nimil and white light when there is no sweet.
  • Death is angry, and kindly eternal memory.
  • With her mother - warm, with stepmother - cold.
  • Mother strokes the wool, the stepmother is notifying.
  • The cheese is Kalach whiter, and the mother of the stepmother is nicer.
  • Do not look for beauty, but look for kindness.
  • Outside, beauty, inside the emptiness.
  • Beauty until the evening, and kindness is forever.
  • Beauty without reason is empty.
  • Red berry, but tasted bitter.
  • Good with eyes, but not good with speeches.
  • Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.
  • You can’t do anything with envy.
  • There is neither priest nor joy in dashing and envy.
  • The iron iron eats, and the envious with envy dies.
  • The envious dries about when he sees happiness in whom.
  • The envious of the hungry wolf.
  • Where happiness is breeding, there will be born and envy.
  • Give your soul will, you want and more.
  • I got like a wolf to a shepherd.
  • Brotherly love is better than stone walls.
  • Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  • True love does not burn in fire, nor in the water does not sink.
  • Both we are people and people to us.

Proverb to Pushkin’s fairy tale about the priest and his employee Balde

  • The greed of the last mind deprives.
  • Not that greedy, who has little, but one who wants more.
  • I can’t eat, but to leave it.

Pushkin-victor game for children

Pushkin-victor game for children
Pushkin-victor game for children

Pushkin's fairy-quiz player game for children:

"At the Lukomorye oak green oak
Golden chain on oak tom
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around.
Goes to the right song starts up
To the left is a fairy tale. "

Educator: Guys, what fairy tales did A. S. Pushkin write? Name them. Do you know them well?

Correct answer: “The Tale of King Saltan ...”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven heroes”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and “The Tale of the Priest and the Worker of his Balde”.

Educator: We begin our quiz. Listen carefully. For each correct answer, get a chip. The one who picks up the chips wins the most.

Competition: "Wonderful bag"

Educator: In this magic bag there are different objects from Pushkin's fairy tales. You get an item and call what fairy tale it is from.

Competition "Promise the Word"

The old man turned back to the old woman
The old woman has new ... (trough)


Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain (around)


Squirrel sings songs,
Yes, all the nuts (gnaws)


Ah, you, vile glass!
You're lying to me (in spite)


Here is the sage in front of Dadon STO
And he took it out of the bag (golden cockerel)


Everything is dancing to the light,
The horse will draw, the strip (plowing)


The wind walks across the sea
And boat (drives)


Pop thought,
He began to scratch himself (forehead)


The old man replies to her with a bow:
"Have mercy, sovereign (fish)"

Educator: Well done, guys, you know the tales of A. S. Pushkin well. Now I will ask you a few more questions about Pushkin's tales.

  • Who did the Queen Elisha address for help?
    Children: Sun, month, wind.
  • How did the pop fed Balda?
  • Who did the cockerel serve in the king?
  • How many years did you live in a dilapidated dugout an old man with an old woman?
    Children: 30 years and 3 years old.
  • Who was Gvidon, flying into the kingdom of Saltan?
    Children: T Somar, Fly, Bumblebee.

Educator: Guys, listen to how Alexander Sergeyevich describes the transformation of Prince Guidon into Shmele. (Reads.) And let us turn into bumblebees and fly. Do you agree? To the music of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee" the speech game "Bumblebee" is held

  • Here the prince decreased (squat)
  • He turned on a bumblebee (buzz, wave "wings")
  • Flew and swore, (running)
  • The ship was caught up at sea.
  • Slowly sank (squat)
  • On the stern - and hid in the gap.

Educator: Guys, I will read excerpts from the tales of A. S. Pushkin, and you tell me what they are called.

Competition "From what fairy tale is an excerpt?"

The teacher asks questions:

The cloud is going on the sky,
The barrel is floating on the sea
Children: "The Tale of King Saltan ..."


“For his bride, Korop Elisha
Meanwhile, jumps around the light "
Children: "The Tale of the Dead Princess and about the Seven heroes."


“The year, the other passes peacefully;
The cockerel sits quietly. ”
Children: "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."


“On the threshold, his old woman sits,
And before her a broken trough. "
Children: "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"


“Pop eats nor drinks, no nights sleeping:
His forehead is cracking in advance "
Children: "The Tale of the Pope and the employee of his Balde"


Competition "Best Expert Fairy Tales"

With what words does the queen turn to a magic mirror?
(“My light, mirror! Tell me,
Yes, report the whole truth:
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All blush and whiter? "))


What did the cockerel shouted while sitting on the knitting needle?
Children: answer. ("Kiri-ku-ku. Reign lying on the side!")


What did the goldfish say when the old man caught it?
Children: answer. (“Let me let go, older, me at sea,
Dear for myself, I will give a rage:
I will buy it than you wish. ")


With what words does the "Tale of King Saltan ..." begins?
Children: answer. ("Three girls under the window were spent late in the evening.")


With what words does the “Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” begin?
Children: They answer ("The old man with his old woman at the very blue sea lived.")


What are the words with which Pushkin finishes the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel."
Children: answer. "A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint of good fellows lesson."

Educator: Guys, this was the last task of our quiz. Let's calculate how many chips. The winner receives the medal "Expert of the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin"

Children: They think and say how many chips everyone has.

Quiz online on Pushkin's tales for children

Quiz online on Pushkin's tales for children
Quiz online on Pushkin's tales for children

Quiz online on Pushkin fairy tales for children:

So, friends, let's start the program.
Zate we have a big stock!
And for whom are they? For you!
We know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances.
But there is nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales.

The game can be played using the following questions.

What was the name of the dog, who guarded the tower of the seven heroes?


Who is that? In what fairy tale did you read about him?
In the Sarachinskaya cap Belaya,
All, like a swan, gray ...
(Stargamer. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)


Whose portrait is this? What is the name of a fairy tale?
The truth is saying, young man
The queen was really:
High, slim, Bela,
And I took it with my mind;
But it is proud, broken,
Wayward and jealous.
(Queen. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes".)

What did Tsar Dadon the sage for a golden cockerel promise?
("For such a favor, -
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I will perform as mine. ")

Who pronounces these words and to whom are they addressed?
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All are blurry and whiter?
(Pronounces the queen-mother, turning to the mirror,
which was given to her in the dowry).

How does A.S. Pushkin depict the princess Lebed?
A month under a scythe shines,
And in the forehead the star burns;
And herself was majestic,
Protrudes like Pava;
And as it speaks,
Like a river murmur.

What fairy tale are we talking about "miraculous"? Remember what is this miracle?
(We are talking about a marvelous squirrel from the "Tale of King Saltan ...":
“Spruce in the forest, under the spruce of squirrels, squirrels sings and nuts and nuts
Everything is gnawing, but the nuts are not simple, all the shells are gold, the nuclei are pure emerald ... ”).

Questions for obtaining two tokens

With what inanimate object did the queen spoke from the "Tale of the Dead Princess and about the Seven heroes"?

a) a saucer;
b) mirror;
c) plate.

Who does Guidon turn into when he decided to marry?

a) in a mosquito;
b) in the fly;
c) in the bumblebee.

What birds did Prince Guidon meet on his island?

a) swan;
b) a swallow;
c) duck.

How many desires did the old woman have from the Tale of Fisherman and Fish?

a) four;
b) five;
At six o'clock.

How many years did the old man with the old woman “near the blue sea” lived?

a) thirty years;
b) three years;
c) thirty years and three years.

What was the name of the bridegroom the young princess from the "Fairy Tale of the Dead Princess and about the Seven Heroes"?
a) Alexey;
b) Elisha;
c) Andrey.

What did the bald eat?
a) fried potatoes;
b) boiled half beam;
c) hot stew.

Who is the hero of the tale of A.S. Pushkin?
a) Chernivka;
b) Snow White;
c) Gerda.


- The guys, the heroes of our fairy tales got lost and fell into other people's fairy tales, help them find their fairy tale.

Here is the sage in front of the Saltan
Started and took it out of the bag
Golden Cockerel.
(King Saltan fell into a fairy tale about the golden cockerel in the place of King Dadon).


Hello a male fisherman;
What is the need for a quit.
We have not heard about the scurry of the eyelids
There were no devils of such sorrow.
(The fisherman got into the fairy tale about the priest and about his employee Balde in the place of Balda)


Prince Gvidon lived with his beautiful princess Swan
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly 30 years and 3 years.
Prince Guidon caught a fish with a net,
Princess Swan spun her yarn.
(Prince Gvidon and Princess Swan fell into the "Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" in the place of the fisherman and his old woman).


“My light, cockerel! Tell,
Yes, report the whole truth:
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All blush and whiter? "
And her cockerel in response:
“Of course, you have no dispute;
You, the old woman is nicer,
All are blurry and whiter. "
And the old woman laugh,
And shrug,
And wink with your eyes
And cling to fingers,
And turning around,
Proudly looking at the cockerel.
(The cockerel from the “Tale of the Golden Cockerel” and the old woman from the “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish” were in the “Tale of the Dead Princess and about the Seven Herries” on the spot: Cockerel-Mirror, Old Woman-Counser-Counser.)

"Fairy -tale ads"

  • - Guys, and now you have to find out the address of the heroes of fairy tales who offer their services. Look, don't be mistaken!
  • - I offer my services: I work for seven. I can: harness the horse, heat the stove, buy food in the market, stove, cook porridge, and nurse children. My address: ("The Tale of the Pope and the employee of his Balde" Balda.)
  • -There, who is interested in the living space! I rent my chamber for a moderate fee for the summer. In the room there are: around the shops covered with carpet, under the saints oak table, a stove with a lounger of the tile.
    My address: ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes".)
  • - Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to purchase a magic mirror who knows how to speak? Our address: (contact the queen - stepmother from the "Tale of the Dead Princess ...".)
  • - Those who cannot wake up in the morning on the ringing of the alarm clock in the morning we offer to purchase a cockerel of pure gold, which will help you out always and everywhere. Address: ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)
  • - Those who want to change the old, broken trough for a new or apartment for a new house? Turn ... to the goldfish from the "Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish."
  • - The school of healers and psychics holds monthly paid courses. Such diseases as: bites of the right and left eyes, blisters on the nose are cured. The beginning of the nearest classes in the "Tale of King Saltan"
  • - To work in the logging room is required: cook, groom, carpenter. Prize and remuneration are paid following the results of work for the year. My address: "The fairy tale about the priest and the employee of his Balde."

"Numbers in fairy tales"

- And now, guys, let's recall the lesson of mathematics, mathematics are tasks, numbers, so what numbers are found in us in fairy tales and in what fairy tales?

  • How many heroes were in the "Tale of the Dead Princess"? (7 heroes)
  • Works for seven. (Balda)
  • How many girls under the window were spent late in the evening? (3)
  • How many years did the old man fish? (30 years and 3 years)
  • What dowry was ready for the young princess? (7 trading cities, and 140 tower)
  • How many days did King Dadon Vesti have been waiting for from his sons? (eight)

"Well no"

  • - Tsar Dadon and the Shemakhian girl? (Yes)
  • - Tsarevna swan and seven heroes? (Not)
  • - Korolevich Elisha and the dead princess? (Yes).
  • - Prince Guidon and an evil stepmother? (Not)
  • - Popa and goldfish? (Not)
  • - King Saltan and 33 heroes? (Yes).

Quiz script for children according to Pushkin's fairy tales

Quiz script for children according to Pushkin's fairy tales
Quiz script for children according to Pushkin's fairy tales

Victorine script for children based on Pushkin's fairy tales:

Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Would you like to go on a fascinating journey through fairy tales by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin? To do this, you need to divide into two teams and come up with a name.

  • 1 team "Scientific cat"
  • 2 team "Golden Fish"

For each correctly completed task, the team receives a goldfish.


I competition "Question - answer." Questions for knowledge of the tales of A. S. Pushkin

For each correct answer to the question, the team receives 1 gold fish. Teams answer in turn.

  • Where a squirrel lived (in a crystal house).
  • To whom Prince Guidon turned into (into a mosquito, fly, bumblebee).
  • From whom Korolevich Elisha asked about the princess (month, sun, wind).
  • What did the old woman ask for a goldfish? (trough, hut, become: a pillar nobleman, queen, mistress of the sea).
  • What kind of fishing tackle caught fish from a fairy tale? (seine
  • How many times did the old man throw? (three)
  • How did the golden fish learn the old woman? (The old woman remained at the broken trough).
  • From what material did the prince build a squirrel house? (Crystal house).
  • What did the princess look like, turning from a swan (a month is shining under a scythe, and a star burns in the forehead)
  • What the queen asked the mirror about every time (about her beauty)
  • What poisoned object the sorceress gave the princess (apple)
  • What did the evil queen do with the magic mirror when she found out that the girl came to life and became even more beautiful? (Broke)
  • In what fairy tale is the cockerel on guard? ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
  • In what fairy tale does a magic squirrel meet? ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan")
  • Who gave the king Dadon the Golden Cockerel? (Sage)
  • Why did the king Dadon need a golden cockerel? (To protect the boundaries of his kingdom)

Task - competition "Collect nuts"

... Squirrel sings songs
Yes, the nuts are gnawing,
And the nuts are not simple
All shells are golden,
Nuclei - pure emerald ...

(On the table of the bucket with cases from the kinder of ores, there are different beads inside)

The task of children to turn to the table, open the nuts, put the shells in one bucket, and the nucleoli in another. A team that will gather more nuclear nucleus -emeralds will receive 2 goldfish, the second -1.

From what fairy tale is the excerpt?

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 fish. Teams answer in turn.

  • Three girls under the window were spent late in the evening. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")
  • “My light, mirror! Tell me and report the whole truth ... ”(“ The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven heroes. ”)
  • “The year, the other is peacefully. The cockerel sits quietly. ” ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)
  • “The old man turned home. On the threshold, his old woman sits, and a broken trough before her. ” ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
  • “In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there was a glorious king Dadon” (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”)
  • “Wind, wind! You are powerful, you are chasing flocks of clouds, you are worried about the blue sea, you are everywhere in the open.
  • Did you see where the princesses? " ("The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Herries")


“The sea is swollen drilling,
Boil, lift the howl
Runes to the shore of empty
Will spill into noisy running
And find themselves on Brega
In the case, like a heat of a mountain,
Thirty -three heroes. " - ("The tale of King Saltan and the son of his prince Gvidon and Princess Swans").


“But the princess is young,
Tailor flourishing,
Meanwhile grew, grew
Rose - and blossomed
Belolitsa, Chernobrova,
I like this.
And the groom found her,
Korolevich Elisha ”(“ The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Herries ”)


“The wind is walking at sea
And the boat drives;
He runs in the waves
On bloated sails.
Past the island of the steep,
Past the city of Bolshoi,
Guns from the pier scorch
They are ordered to stick to the ship. ” ("The tale of King Saltan and the son of his prince Gvidon and Princess Swans")


"High knitting cockerel
He began to guard his borders "

("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

The game "Guess" (with the audience)

“Hello, red girl, be you my queen
And the home of the hero to me by the end of September.
Well, darling-gesters, get out of the light of the light,
Go after me, after me and my sister:
Be one of you a weaver, and the other cook "
(King Saltan “The Tale of King Saltan, about his son glorious and powerful, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and about the beautiful princess Swans”)


“You are foolish, a simpleton! He asked, fool, trough!
There is a lot of self -interest in the trough? Back, fool, you are to the fish;
Bow to her, begging to be a hut. "
(Old woman "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")


"My Golden Cockerel
There will be your faithful watchman "
(Golden Cockerel "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")


« Our sun is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you get
Winter with a warm spring,
You see us all under us »
(Korolevich Elisha "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries")


“I will serve you gloriously, diligently and very regularly,
In the year for three clicks on your forehead.
I have to give me a boiled halfbu "
(Balda "The Tale of the Pope and the Employee of his Balde)

Game: "Repeat me" (with everyone)

Shows movements, children with him. It is carried out 3 times, each time the host accelerates the pace.

And the queen - laugh,
And shrug,
And wink with your eyes
And cling to fingers,
And spin, feasible,
Looking proudly in the mirror.

Presenter: So our journey with Pushkin's fairy tales ended with you. Let's calculate how many tokens each team (counting tokens) scored. The rewarding of the team is the winner with diplomas. Everyone - sweet prizes

Video: quiz on fairy tales A. S. Pushkin

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