Literary quiz for poetry for schoolchildren - a selection of tasks with answers

Literary quiz for poetry for schoolchildren - a selection of tasks with answers

We present to your attention a big collection of tasks for conducting a literary quiz for poetry for younger and senior schoolchildren.

Literary quiz for poetry for schoolchildren

Literary quiz for poetry for schoolchildren
Literary quiz for poetry for schoolchildren

Literary quiz for poetry for schoolchildren:

Quiz on Krylov's fables with answers

1. “Kumushka, this is strange for me:
a) you are very easy to dress;
b) Summer quickly flew?
c) is it worth flogging around the light?
d) Why did you work in the summer?

2. Monkey to old age
a) I took out my glasses;
b) I became weak with eyes;
c) the fuss is tired;
d) I only dreamed about the past.

3. Pan-prankster, donkey, goat, and clubfoot bear
a) decided to captivate their whole light with music;
b) decided: there are no better musicians;
c) we planned to reveal a secret to friends;
d) started playing a quartet.

4. When there is no agreement in the comrades,
a) their business will not go in the way;
b) What about the completion of the case?
c) the whole artel must keep the answer;
d) then they need to collect advice.

5. Vorone somewhere God
a) gave fat, bread, garlic;
b) gave the mind a lesson;
c) sent a piece of cheese;
d) gave everything he could!

6. Ay, Moska! She is strong
a) vague and smart;
b) what barks at the elephant!
c) her courage is visible to everyone;
d) since she barks at the elephant.
Answers to Victorin

1 - g, 2 - b, 3 - g, 4 - a, 5 - c, 6 - b.
For each correct answer, put 1 point.

Poetic lines will be given and four continuations to them. It is necessary to determine what was really written by Pushkin. So, let's go ...

1. The wind walks across the sea
a) the wind of the sail inflates;
b) the wind of the wave shines;
c) and the boat drives;
d) the royal boat shakes.

2. And the rumor began to sober up:
A) A miracle mirror is gone!
b) Joking, the girl is gone!
c) The royal daughter is gone!
d) And the princess escaped!

3. Woe to me! We got into the network
a) these fairy birds are these;
b) both of our falcons!
c) those who are all miles in the world;
d) the luster of the moon and the free wind.

4. My light, mirror! tell
a) Are the horses really good?
b) everything is as it is, but do not rush;
c) yes, report the whole truth;
d) to the heart and from the heart.

5. Here the king did not endure
a) he turned pale, like chalk;
b) He ordered the fleet to equip.
c) Our shot - ripened everywhere!
d) and for the feast of a cheerful sat down.

6. sees the girl, what's here
a) good people live;
b) they will not give offense in vain;
c) miracles around live;
d) marvelous flowers grow;

7. More than the former old woman, she swept away,
a) sends me to the stable;
b) does not give the old man my rest;
c) she was mentioned, hit her husband;
d) I will turn it off, he says, at the stable.

8. The troops go both day and night;
a) but do not catch up with them the royal daughter;
b) hurry to help troubles;
c) to fulfill the decree exactly;
d) they become unbearable.

9. The prince tells them then:
a) “Well, sit down, gentlemen;
b) “This is grief - it doesn’t matter!
c) “Good to sing to you, gentlemen;
d) “Do not be embarrassed, gentlemen;

10. And the queen suddenly disappeared,
a) as if it were not at all;
b) as a star from heaven fell;
c) as if expected;
d) surprising people a lot.
Answers to Victorin

1 - B, 2 - B, 3 - B, 4 - B, 5 - B, 6 - A, 7 - B, 8 - G, 9 - B, 10 - A.

Guests are invited to recall what works the poetic lines are taken.

Under blue sky,
Magnificent carpets,
Shiny in the sun, the snow lies ...
(A. S. Pushkin. Winter morning)


The sorceress in the winter
Belated, the forest stands -
And under the snow fringe,
Motionless, weak,
He shines with a wonderful life.
(F.I. Tyutchev)


Blizzards, snow and fogs
The frost is always submissive,
I will go to the sea-okiyan-
I will build palaces of ice.
(N.A. Nekrasov. Frost, red nose)


In the north, wildly stands lonely
On the naked peak is pine,
And dozing, swinging, and snowy snow
She is dressed like a Riza, she.
(M.Yu. Lermontov)


Winter is still busy
And grumbles in the spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And just noise.
(F.I. Tyutchev)


Boys joyful people
The ice skates cuts out ice.
(A. S. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin)


White snow fluffy in the air is spinning
And it falls quietly on the ground, lies.
The days have become short, the sun shines little.
Here are frosts, and winter has come.
And in the morning the snow was stamved with snow,
It was exactly the veil of everything by the veil.
(I.Z. Surikov. Winter)


Hello, Russian youth.
Snow Windows,
Hello, mother-winter!
(P.A. Vyazemsky. Hello, in a white sundress ...)


Hello, guest winter!
We ask for mercy to us
Songs of the North to sing
In the forests and steppes.
We have expanse with us
Walk anywhere
Structure bridges along the rivers and spread the carpets.
(I. S. Nikitin. Meeting of winter)


Circling easily and ineptly,
Snowflake sat on the glass,
It walked at night the snow is thick and white,
It is light from the snow in the room.
(A. T. Twardowski. Winter again)

Poems about the spring of Russian poets

Winter is not without reason angry,
It’s time for her -
Spring is knocking out the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything fussed
Everything is in the winter.
And larks in the sky
They raised the sober.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles in the spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And only noise ...
The witch is angry
And by capturing the snow,
Pailed, running away,
In a wonderful child.
Spring and grief little:
Washed in the snow
And only became blunder
Contrary to the enemy.
Fedor Tyutchev


Spring is walking towards us
Spring is walking towards us
Fast steps
And the snowdrifts melt
Under her feet.
Black thawed
On the fields are visible.
It is evident very warm
Legs of spring.
I. Tokmakova


Spring thunderstorm
I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolic and playing,
Rumbles in the sky blue.
Young rings are rattling!
Here the rain sprayed, dust flies ...
Pearls hung rain,
And the sun is golden ...
The stream is running from the mountain,
A bird gam does not tram in the forest,
And the forest gam, and the noise of the Nagorny -
Everything echoes the fun of thunder ...
Fedor Tyutchev


Snow is melting, streams run ...
Snow is melting, streams run,
The window was in the spring ...
Solovy will be discouraged soon,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
The heavenly azure is pure,
The sun has become warm and brighter,
Time for the blizzards of evil and storms
Again passed for a long time ...
Alexey Pleshcheev


Chasems with heavy rays,
From the surrounding mountains already snow
They fled with muddy streams
On sunk meadows.
The smile of a clear nature
Through a dream, meets the morning of the year;
Sinea, the heavens shone.
Still transparent, forests
As if turning green in fluff.
Bee for tribute
Flies from the wax cell.
The valleys dry and drew;
Herds are noisy and nightingale
He sang in the silence of nights
A.S. Pushkin


After the flood
Rains passed, April is warming up,
All night - fog, and in the morning
Spring air definitely shakes
And a soft smoke blue
In distant clearings in Bor.
And quietly dozing boron green,
And in silver forest lakes
Even more slender is his column,
Fresh pines crown
And delicate larch patterns!
Ivan Bunin


The grass is green, the sun shines ...
The grass is green
Sunny shines;
Swallow with spring
In canopy flies to us.
The sun is more beautiful with her
And spring is miles ...
Stret up from the road
Hello to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song
That from the countries of the distant
Brought with me ...
Alexey Pleshcheev


Hello, spring first grass!
How did you blossom? Are you glad to warm?
I know that you have fun and a crush there,
They work together in every corner.
Stick out a leaf or blue flower
Everyone hurries a young spine
Earlier than an affectionate kidney
The first will show a green leaf.
Sergey Gorodetsky


The kidneys blossomed, the forest stirred,
Bright rays were all ozolled.
On its outskirts of fragrant grass
The lily of the valley lily of the lily of the valley looked out in the sun,
And they opened meekly from spring affection
Blue forget -me -not blue eyes.
S. D. Drozhzhin


The bird cherry is fragrant
With the spring blossomed
And the branches are golden,
That curls curled up.
Around the dew
Slides along the bark,
Greens spicy under it
Shines in silver.
And nearby, at the stray,
In the grass, between the roots,
Running, streams small
Silver stream.
Cherries are fragrant,
Having hung, stands
And the greens are golden
It burns in the sun.
A stream with a wave of explosion
All the branches are giving up
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings her songs.
Sergey Yesenin

Poems of Russian poets about summer

Happy summer
Summer, summer came to us!
Became dry and warm. PRP
On the path
The legs walk
V. Berestov


My bells,
Steppe colors!
What look at me
Dark blue?
And what are you ringing about
On the day of a cheerful May,
In the middle of a certain grass
Swinging head?
A. Tolstoy


The sun dropped
Golden ray.
Dandelion has grown
The first, young.
He has wonderful
Golden color.
He is a large sun
A small portrait.


The sun flows into the clearing,
The sun is baking bright.
In the clearing of strawberries
Red -cheeked is growing!
I'll call my girlfriend.
We will pick up the berries of the mug!
G. Lagzdyn


Hacks to laziness at noon
The burning is hollowing to laziness in noon,
The leaves froze every sound,
In a lush and odorous rose,
Stiring, sleeping a brilliant beetle;
And stirring from the stones,
Monotonous and rattling,
Says not silent
And sings the Nagor key.
A. Tolstoy


Two pigtails, two sisters
They fly up up like birds.
With a skip in the morning
The game begins.
Here the sun was sitting behind the river
It's time for everyone to go home
Tomorrow the day will come again
We will start playing again.
E. Erato

Literary quiz for poetry - Tasks with answers

Literary quiz for poetry - Tasks with answers
Literary quiz for poetry - Tasks with answers

Literary quiz for poetry - Tasks with answers:

The competition "Continue":

  • "Younger brother)
  • "Scary ..." (bird)
  • "We are ..." (Tamara)
  • "It was in ..." (January)
  • "All on ..." (all)
  • "Game in ..." (words)
  • "In the morning on ..." (lawn)
  • "Babies among ..." (courtyard)
  • "Two sisters)
  • "Our neighbor ..." (Ivan Petrovich)

Competition “Basket with lost things”.

The teacher takes out the basket. It contains various objects (or drawings) related to Barto's poems. The subject is considered guessed if the children call the hero, as well as the name of the poem.

Ball - Tanya "Ball"
Little ratio - Andryushka “rattle”
Sweets - Tanyusha "Assistant"
Rope - Lida "Rope"
Glasses - Seryozha "Glasses"
Samosval - Alexei "lived in the world of a dump truck"
Bints, iodine - Tanya and Tamara “We are with Tamara”
Unit - Leshenka "Leshenka, Leshenka"
Makulature - Yura “Secret of Success”
Pancakes - Pavlik "Pancakes"
Pugach - Seryozha “Pugach”.
Phone - students "Why is the phone busy?"
Bouquet - Helen “Helen with a bouquet”.
Gladioli - T -shirt “birthday girl”.

Competition - finished the poem

1. Aircraft.
We will build the plane ourselves
We rush over the forests ...
(We will rush over the forests,
And then back to mom.)


2. Elephant.
Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on the barrel ...
(Sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant does not want to sleep
The elephant nods his head
He is bowing to the election.)


3. The flag.
It burns in the sun
Flag ...
. . . . . . . . . . .
(As if I
Fire lit.)


4. Carrot juice.
Drowning grass muffles
Buildings of peas ...
(And carrots are visible barely -
In general, it's bad.)


5. Sveta thinks.
In the morning, the garden is in a radiance, in splendor,
The dew burns on the bushes
… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
(Above the stroller curtain
We got up like sails).


6. The rattle.
Like big, Andryusha is sitting
On the carpet in front of the porch
(He has a toy in his hands -
A rattle with a bell.)


7. Spring is coming.
Bird voices rang,
Lilac was bloomed in the garden,
… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Andryusha was born in the spring
On one good day.)


8. Geese-Swans.
Babies among the yard
The round dance was driven.
…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(In the geese-swindle game,
Gray Wolf Vasily.)

9. It was in January.
It was in January,
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.)


10. Your holiday.
To wait soon
Tomorrow ...
(Children go to bed
Early, without fire.)


11. To school.
Why today Petya
Wake up ten times?
(Because he is today
Enters first grade.)


12. But understand me too.
I am considered an egoist -
Sleeps behind the wall.
(I'm with a gigan, with a whistle
I burst into the house like crazy.)

Competition - find out the name.

Find out the names of poems from excerpts from them.

1. In the morning sits on the lake
Amateur fishing
Sits, purrs the song,
A song without words.
(Fisherman fisherman)


2. I am the volodin marks
I find out without a diary.
If the brother comes with the triple-
Three calls are heard.


3. The son calls: "Agu, Agu!" -
Like, stay with me.
And in response: - I can't,
I am my dishes.
But again: "Agu, Agu!" -
It is audible with renewed vigor.
And in response: - I'm running, running,
Do not be angry, my dear!
(Conversation with mom)


4. kids and adults
The guy waved his hand
We will now be familiar with him:
This is Vovka - there is one!
("Vovka - a kind soul")

Contest encryption

These are not just letters. Put the letters in the right order to solve the anagrams and get the names of some works by A. Barto.

1. Chiakmi (ball)
2. Kushigir (toys)
3. YZAAK (bunny)
4. Bochlyuka (Lyubochka)
5. Blcoikra (boat)
6. Nosl (elephant)

Competition - lost names

Insert the missing names of the heroes of the poems.

1. The blue skirt,
Ribbon in a spit.
Who does not know ... (Lyubochka?)
Everyone knows Lyuba.


2. All day
Tanya sober:
- We will lead
We are with ... (Tamara)
We walk with a couple.


3. We are a whole morning
Fiddled with sprouts,
We planted them
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I together
Planted seedlings,
A ... (Katya) walked
With a girlfriend in the garden.


4. Five years ... (Seryozha) in January,
So far - four, fifth,
But they play with him in the yard
And adult guys.


5. Why today ... (Petya)
Wake up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.


6. Girls galloping around
Fun and deftly.
And at ... from the hands (Lidochka)
The rope escaped.


7. Who, who
Does this room live?
Who, who
Does he get up with the sun?
This ... (Mashenka) woke up,
From the side turned to the side.


8. Says angrily brother
..., older sister: (Sveta)
- You grow up, don't try to fight,
For example, how we are yesterday!

Literary quiz for poetry for an open lesson according to Pushkin's works

Literary quiz for poetry for an open lesson according to Pushkin's works
Literary quiz for poetry for an open lesson according to Pushkin's works

Literary quiz for poetry for an open lesson according to Pushkin's works:

"Continue the poem"
1. "At the Lukomorye oak green,
Golden chain on oak tom ... "
("... both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around ”).


2. “I am sitting behind bars in dungeon raw,
A young eagle nailed in captivity ... "
("My sad comrade, waving a wing,
Bloody food pecks under the window ").


3. “A friend of my harsh days,
My darling is my decrepit! .. "
("... one in the wilderness of pine forests
For a long time, for a long time you have been waiting for me ").


4. "In the depths of Siberian ores
Keep proud patience ... "
("... your mournful work will not disappear
And the thoughts of high aspiration ").


5. “In the desert stunted and stingy,
On soil, hot with heat ... "
("... Anchar, like a proud sentry,
Standing - one in the whole universe ").


6. “Clouds rush, clouds curl,
Invisible Moon ... "
("Flying snow illuminates;
The sky is dull, the night is cloudy ").


7. “I loved you: love is still, maybe
In my soul, it was not completely faded ... "
(“But let her not bother you anymore,
I do not want to sadden you with anything ").


8. “I erected a miraculous monument,
A folk trail will not overgrow to him ... "
("... he ascended above the head of the rebellious
Alexandrian pillar ").
A tidy fashionable parquet
A tidy fashionable parquet
The river is shining, dressed with ice.
Boys joyful people
Ice skates cuts off ice;
On red paws, the goose is heavy,
Thinking about swiming the bosom of the waters,
He steps carefully on the ice,
Slides and falls; happy
Flickers, the first snow curls,
Stars falling on the Breg.


Here are the north, catching clouds ...
Here are the north, catching clouds,
Dreated, howled - and here
There is a sorceress-winter,
Came, crumbled; clocks
Hung on bitch of oaks,
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Brega with a motionless river
Equalized a chubby veil;
Frost flashed, and we are glad
Passes on Mother Winter.


Dull time! Okay charm ...
Dull time! Okay charm!
I am pleased to me your farewell beauty -
I love lush nature wilting,
In Baggers and in gold, dressed forests,
In their halls of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And heaven is covered with hare wavy,
And the rare sun is a ray, and the first frosts,
And the distant gray -haired winters are threats.

A fairy tale for a fairy tale

Remember and name all the tales of A.S. Pushkin

  • "The tale of the priest and the employee of his Balde"
  • "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries"
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"
  • "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
  • "The Tale of Medvedikha"

There on unknown paths

If we suddenly got into a fairy tale and met his heroes, could you recognize them?

Well, try to guess
As a hero to call a fairy tale.
He lives in a Popovaya house,
Sleeps on straw
Eats for four
He works for seven (Balda, "The Tale of the Prote and the employee of his Balde")


The truth is to say, young man
There was really the queen.
High, slim, Bela,
And with the mind and took everyone (stepmother, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and about the Seven heroes”)


They say there is a princess
That you can’t take the eye.
During the day the light of God overshadows,
At night it illuminates the earth (Tsarevna Swan, “The Tale of King Saltan”)


A little danger, where you can see
True watchman, like in a dream,
Moves, starts,
To that side will turn into (the golden cockerel, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)


Brocade on the top of the kichka,
Pearls loaded the neck
Golden rings are in the hands,
Red boots (old woman, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish") on the feet


The village of Medvedikha under the white birch;
They began to play cubs between themselves,
Fast on the Muravushka,
Wake up, somersault (Medvedikha, "The Tale of the Medvedikha")

So it all started

Every fairy tale has its own beginning. Can you find out a fairy tale by its beginning?

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.
He was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Inflicted resentment boldly;
But under old age he wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And arrange peace for yourself ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")


The old man with his old woman lived
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man caught a fish with a net,
The old woman spun her yarn ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")


Once upon a time there was a pop
Toloconal forehead.
Pop went to the bazaar
See koy to the goods.
Towards him a bald
It goes without knowing where (“The Tale of the Pope and the employee of his Balde”)


As a spring warm sometimes
From under the morning white son-in-law,
What from the forest, from the forest from dense
A brown bear came out
With cute hoodies
Take a walk, see, show yourself ("The Tale of Medvedikha")


Three maidens by the window
We spent late in the evening.
“If I were the queen,
One girl says
Then for the whole baptized world
I prepared a feast ”(“ The Tale of King Saltan ”)


The king said goodbye to the queen
The road was equipped
And the queen by the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
Waiting for, from morning to night,
Looks in the field, Inda eyes
Glated, look
From white dawn to night ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries")


From which fairy tale item

  • Trough ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
  • Mirror ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries")
  • Rope ("The Tale of the Priest and the employee of his Balde")
  • Barrel ("Tale of King Saltan")
  • Tent ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
  • Teddy bear ("Tale of Medvedikha")

My light, mirror, tell me

With such words, the queen turned to the magic mirror. And it told her the truth about her appearance.

How did the stepmother turn to the mirror?
“My light, mirror, tell me,
Yes, report the whole truth:
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All blush and whiter? "


What words did the Queen Elisha addressed to the wind?
“Wind, wind! You are powerful!
You are chasing flocks of clouds
You excite the blue sea
You believe in the open space everywhere
You are not afraid of anyone
Except God alone "


What screaming a golden cockerel?
Reign, lying on the side! "


In the tale of King Saltan, what words about the boat are constantly repeated
The wind walks across the sea
And the boat drives;
He runs in the waves
On the raised sails
Past the island of the steep,
Past the city of Bolshoi:
The guns from the pier are scorching
The ship is ordered.


What words did the old man turn to the fish?
“Have mercy, sovereign fish,
My old woman extended me,
Does not give the old man to me peace ... "


What miracle about the squirrel do you know?
Squirrel sings songs
Yes, the nuts gnaws everything;
And the nuts are not simple
The shells are gold.
Nuclei - pure emerald;
Squirrel is cholest, take care.

School literary quiz for poetry

School literary quiz for poetry
School literary quiz for poetry

School literary quiz for verses:

1. Finish the poem by V. Ya. Bryusov:
Divine shepherd! Among silence and darkness
You heard names, you saw a mountain light.
You first drew the paths of your planets,
Found the names ...

2. In the poem of the novel Matveeva, the etymological basis of words is intentionally destroyed. Having finished the last phrase, demonstrate how she does it.
I, - says, is not a warrior,
I, - says, is upset,

3. A. Voznesensky, mixing two genres, received a new one - “Video”. What was the components of the mixture?

4. Prove that N. S. Gumilyov dedicated these lines A. Akhmatova:
Addis Ababa-Dream City
On the shore of transparent streams.
Heavenly Div brought you
Diamond, in the midst of gloomy gorges.

5. The line of V. Ya. Bryusov is widely known: "Oh close your pale legs." Try to reproduce the whole poem.

6. According to legend, in the XVI -XVII centuries. A certain poet lost the manuscript, the creation of which went considerable work. Friends saved the miserable, asking him to remember at least rhymes. Which genre was born as a result of their collective interaction?

7. Who was devoted to the following epigram:
In his artist nature
Some strange Babylon.
He is a general in literature,
And in philosophy - Bourbon?

8. Finish the poem by A. Akhmatova:
Who will be wearing this woman,
Is one of the loss not less.
Only my heart will never forget
Giving life for ...

9. Try to complete the poem by O. Grigoryeva:
Young sailor in a sailor
I went to the river bank,
He took off his sailor in a mattress,
He took off the sea shoes ...
Matross was undressed,
He sneezed in mattro
Matross was running away

10. The writer E. Berger parody A. S. Pushkin. This is what he did:
Howh and stubborn
There are, as you know, ladies,
That they climb right in the eye
When we are ...
Try to finish the quatrain.

11. “Be cursed a crumpled leaf. You were always cruel to me. ” What did R. Burns write these words?

12. Finish the very relevant quatrains of Ibragimov:
Do not look for me rich.
You are not my soul.
What am I, what are your wards?

13. And now the turn to comprehend the equally relevant work of O. Khayama:
Drink with a worthy that is not stupid,
Or drink with your beloved Lunolian.
Do not tell anyone ...
Drink wisely, drink with analysis, drink moderately.
I have no doubt that for Russian in this area there are few secrets and you will be able to fill in the gap.

14. Lines from M.V. Lomonosov:
There the wet fleet is whitening the path
And the sea is spitting to give in.
Columbus Russian through the waters
Hurries in unknown peoples.
Who did MV Lomonosov call the Russian Columbus?

15. Finish, in a word, the English epigram:
Today at noon a rocket is launched.
She flies some kind of light
And it will reach the target at 7 in the morning ...

16. S. Ya. Marshak has such a poem:
The horse was bombing - the commander was killed.
The cavalry is broken, the army is running,
The enemy enters the city, not sparing prisoners
Because in the forge ...
Indicate this fatal cause.

17. Indian poet Bedil:
Try to live in the world with everyone around
Do not accumulate grievances in a tight and dense lump,
And if you could not do the enemy, you do a friend
Get achieve, at least that ...

18. The late Nalatinsk word “Ballo” means “dancing”. In French in the XVII century. It turned into a "ballet". And what genre was an accompaniment dancing back in the XIV -XV centuries. The French?

19. Poem by the author unknown to me:
The prosthetics in the mouth conjured -
I added beauty to me tooth.
If earlier I just yawned
That's now I ...
Continue the thought of this "lucky".

20. Read the quatrain from the poem by N. A. Nekrasov:
Love and work - under the piles of ruins.
Wherever you look - betrayal, enmity.
And you are silent, inactive, sad,
And slowly burn with shame.
Who are they dedicated to?

21. Try to reproduce the whole quatrain from the “mirror” of the Russian poet Frug, the first 4 lines of which sound like this:
About the future - not a hint,
About the past - not a trace
It is always reflected
Only deceptively deep.

22. Try to complete the quatrain D. Swift:
Naturalists are open
Parasites have parasites.
And made a commotion
The fact that ...

23. A.K. Tolstoy belong the following lines:
And in the past there is no reason
We look for a big rank,
And for me, Shmatina clay
Not noble ...
Only one word is missing here. What?

24. Finish a simple children's poem:
The wolf says to Baran:
“Well, what is the use of friendship?
If you and I are friends
25. In the 1960s, this quatrain was cut to indecent. It ended with lines:
It's not about dry calculation,
The point is the world law.
How did it start?

26. Russian poet of the XIX century. The following lines belong to Statlev:
How I prayed for autumn frosts
Do not touch them by autumn.
Restore the first line.

27. In one of the poems of R. Gamzatov, an inscription on the grave stone appears:
In case of life in life in a dispute
Dzhigit entered.
It still goes not true,

Finish the stanza.

28. For the accompaniment of which instrument, according to the ancient Greeks, were the poems of Sappho, Anacreon, Pindar, Yesenin born?

29. The last line of the first sonnet should begin the first line of the second, the last line of the second - the first line of the third, etc., and the last line of the fifteenth repeats the first line of the first sonnet. What is the name of what is intertwined in this way?

30. The British, first encountered them, counted them unfilled, and the French, having misunderstood something, were white. What do we call that with their light hand now?

31. In Russian classical poetry, there are five main poetic sizes, and there are 27 of them in Arabic. Researchers discovered an interesting connection between this and their traditional modes of transport. Try and you explain it.

32. Listen and complete the quatrain O. Khayama:
The one who from youth believes in his own mind,
He became in pursuit of the truth of dry and gloomy.
Claiming from childhood to knowledge of life,
With the grapes without becoming ...

33. Insert the missed word in the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov, written by him in 1840
In the middle of heavenly bodies
The face of the moon is foggy.
How he was round and how he was white!
Definitely pancake with sour cream ...
Every night she is in the rays
The path passes Milky.
Apparently there in heaven
... forever.

34. Poem by I. A. Bunin "Word":
Tombs, mummies and bones are silent,
Only the word life is given:
From ancient darkness on world graveyard
Only sound ...
And we have no other property ...
Insert the missing word.

35. On the walls of the cafe of the Moscow House of Writers, visitors are allowed to leave autographs. There is one there:
“For dinner 8 eating lampreys
Do not imagine that ... "
Complete the double -hearted.

36. Listen to the poem by Boris Zakhoder:
Everything has to be done from childhood yourself.
Even tiny soms
We must live with your mind.
Find it yourself, do not get into trouble.
Do not complain to mom! Cope yourself ...
Finish the poem.

37. You can determine the name of the poem by P. Komarov by inserting the missed word in the quatrains:
“Like a sentry in a wide floodplain
He stands, protecting rye;
And not without reason, like a cartridge in a clip
Each ... he looks like "

38. Add the last line in the quatrains of Yu. Lobov:
“Since Clio writes to the stove, then the blot
She will put more than one.
For example, they calculated everything according to Marx,

39. Finish the poem by Samed Vurgun with four words:
I have to lean over the flowers
Not to tear or cut it off,
And to see their good faces

40. Another unfinished poem by B. Zakhoder:
“As is customary for snakes
Vipers bite the leg,
And therefore, when meeting with her
Take the children ... "

1. ... for the signs of the zodiac.
2. ... calculated, crucified.
3. Poetry and painting.
4. This is acrosti (read only the first letters of each line).
5. In vain you are trying, this is a bridge!
6. Burim.
7. L. N. Tolstoy.
8. ... The only look - it is obviously we are talking about the biblical wife of the lot.
9. The soldier dived.
10. ... We are waiting for ace.
11. On a bank ticket.
12. With a cute paradise and in a hut.
13. How much you drank.
14. Vitus Bering.
15. ... yesterday.
16. ... there was no nail.
17. So that a friend does not become an enemy.
18. Ballad.
19. ... I divorce bridges.
20. Russian people.
21. Only deceptive, deep
It is always reflected.
About the past - not a trace
About the future - not a hint
("Mirror" after all!).
22. Flechs have fleas.
23. ... Orangutan.
24. ... You can’t eat you.
25. “Something physicists are held in high esteem
Something lyrics in the pen ....
26. How good they are, how fresh roses were ...
27. ... and he lies.
28. Lyra.
29. Wreath of sonnets.
30. Verlibr (white verse).
31. The horse has 5 gait, and the camel has 27. Obviously, poems were composed and read to the beat.
32. Turned into raisins.
33. Maslava (so the word was written by Lermontov).
34. ... letters.
35. ... an octopus is eaten.
36. ... - With a mustache!
37. Oak (missed word: "accelerated").
38. "But everything turned out according to Shchedrin."
39. "... to show them a kind face."
40. "... legs in hand."

Literary quiz on poetry on the topic "Autumn in verses of Russian poets"

Literary quiz on poetry on the topic of autumn in verses of Russian poets
Literary quiz on poetry on the topic "Autumn in verses of Russian poets"
Literary quiz on poetry on the topic of autumn in verses of Russian poets
Literary quiz on poetry on the topic "Autumn in verses of Russian poets"

Literary quiz on poetry on the topic "Autumn in verses of Russian poets":

Quiz on the topic "Autumn in verses of Russian poets"

1. Speaking of this poet, V.G. Belinsky noted that ".. in his creations, the Russian XVIII century was clearly imprinted." Who is this poet?
“Time changes everything:
Birds fell silent in the spring whistle,
Summer runs sophisticated,
Green herbs fade a sheet;
The autumn of Zlatovlas is coming,
Ripe bears that bears;
Red-yellow her cassock
It will turn soon into the ice. ”
Answer: G.R. Rustinov

2. From what work are these lines?
“The sky breathed in the fall,
Less often the sun was shining
In short, the day became
Forests mysterious canopy
I was exposed with a sad noise ... "
Answer: From the novel "Eugene Onegin", author A.S. Pushkin

3. Continue the phrase:
Autumn. All our poor crumbles ... Garden,
The leaves are yellowed in the wind ... fly;
Only in the distance they flaunt, there at the bottom ... valleys,
Bright blossom brushes ... Ryabin.
(Author: A.K. Tolstoy)

4. The childhood years of this poet took place in the village of sinnege, the family estate of his father. Father wanted his son to enter the noble regiment. But the young man had other plans. He dreamed of literary activity. Who is it about?
“If the day is cloudy, if the night is not bright,
If the autumn wind is raging,
A haze reigns over the soul,
The mind, inactive, is languidly longing.
Only in a dream and it is possible to help
But, unfortunately, not everyone sleeps ... "
Answer: About N.A. Nekrasov

5. The name of this poem is “Autumn”. Who is its author?
"Leaves in the field yellow,
And they are spinning and flying;
Only in the boron dicked ate
Gloomy greens are stored. "
Answer: M.Yu. Lermontov

6. Who is the author of the quatrains?
“The leaves are faded from the tree,
Bushes drooped in the field, yellow;
In the sky, clouds float endless ...
Autumn is document! .. Yes, it's you! "
Answer: Alexey Pleshcheyev "Autumn"

7. On the literary path he was blessed by N.V. Gogol himself. Hearing the words of encouragement from Nikolai Vasilyevich, the excited poet decided to publish his poems. Without his own funds, he occupies three hundred rubles with banknotes with the governess of the sisters and begins to act. What poet are we talking about?
“Again the autumn splendor of the day
Trembles with deceptive fire,
And birds are borne
Draw a flock for warmth ... "
Answer: We are talking about A.A. Fet

8. What poet do these lines belong to the pen?
"Redes of paint,
The air is clean;
Walks in the dance
Red sheet, -
This is autumn
Dalley Prosyn
Pine hums,
Vesti whistles. "
Answer: These lines belong to Maximilian Voloshin, the poem is called "autumn"

9. The author of these lines is a poet, an artist, a thinker who created in the 19th century. The poet is Russian, peasant, philosopher and lyricist, representative of the wonderful galaxy of the followers of Russian cosmism. His poetic heritage lay untouched for a long time.
"Drozd, flying on mountain ash,
Pigeon on Ovins,
Looking for food and heat:
The gray autumn came.
The day is already short.
It is audible: Tinks Tink. "
Answer: Efim Chesnyakov

10. The author of this poem wrote about himself like this: "My gift is a wretched and my voice is not a thunder." But the wonderful Russian poet was clearly reproached. After centuries, we enjoy its poetic lines. Who is it about?
“Goodbye, goodbye, the radiance of heaven!
Goodbye, goodbye, the beauty of nature!
Magic whispering full forest,
Golden waters!
Answer: We are talking about Evgenia Baratynsky.

11. For the author of these lines, autumn was a favorite season. He did not complain to spring. He wrote like this: "I do not like spring ... In the spring I am sick ...". Who is the author of these lines?
“Autumn is golden.
Nature is trembling, pale
As the victim was magnificently removed ... "
Answer: A.S. Pushkin

12. These lines belong to a world -famous poet. “Rebel romantic”, “Lonely sail” of Russian poetry. Who is the author of these lines?
“Autumn comes, gold
The crowns of oaks.
Grass of fields
From prolonged rains
I pressed to the ground ...
Answer: M.Yu. Lermontov

13. Who does not know these enchanting lines? Their author is the "last poet of the village." What is your name.
“Gold foliage.
In pinkish water on a pond
Like butterflies a light flock
With a frozen flies on a star. "
Answer: Sergey Yesenin

14. The following lines belong to the pen of the poet of the Silver Age. He is one of the most revered symbolists. His poems borders on music. Who composed these lines?
“And again autumn with a charm of rusty leaves,
Ruddy, scarlet, yellow, gold,
Dumb blue lakes, their dense waters,
A nimble whistle and take -off tits in oak trees. "
Answer: Konstantin Balmont

15. He wrote poetry and novels, novels and stories. His talent was limitless. He was a magnificent translator and theorist of the verse. In 1907, his book “Earth axis” was published at the Skorpion publishing house. Who is the author of these lines?
“Secretly I love golden colors
Autumn early, dying love.
The branches are transparent, the alley is empty,
In blue, pale, believing, melting ... "
Answer: V.Ya. Bryusov

16. Author of this poem, Peter Vyazemsky, friend of A.S. Pushkin, Russian poet, representative of the old feudal nobility. What is the name of the poem below?
“How good autumn is!
How clean heaven!
How amber forests shine and burn
In shades of gold, in crimson overflows!
How the sun shines in the waves, on fresh fields! .. "
Answer: "Autumn 1830"

17. “Weighty will come out in the field -
Kolos will also grow
Will sing, dress
In gold fabric ... "
For the author of these lines, the 19th century has become a time of heyday. Themes of native nature and the unity of nature with the peasant destiny were for him one of the main ones. He came to literature from the folk environment. What is the name of this poet?
Answer: Alexey Vasilievich Koltsov

18. Author of the following lines, Russian and American writer, prose writer, playwright, literary critic. He taught Russian and world literature, was fond of chess, entomology. And he was a brilliant poet. What is your name.
"Simple as God's forgiveness,
A transparent distance is exposed.
Ah, autumn, my acceptance,
My golden sadness!
Answer: Vladimir Nabokov

19. From what poem by A.S. Pushkin these lines?
“The dull time! Okay charm!
I am pleased to me your farewell beauty -
I love lush nature wilting,
In Baggers and in gold, dressed forests ... "
Answer: These lines from the poem "Autumn"

20. The name of the author of these lines is the same as that of a flower. That's just the fate of this poetess was far from “floral”. In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, she was a military correspondent in the besieged Leningrad.
“Autumn only took up work,
I just took out a brush and a cutter,
I put some kind of gilding,
In some places, Baggers dropped ... "
Answer: Margarita Aliger

Merry literary quiz for poetry for high school students

Merry literary quiz for poetry for high school students
Merry literary quiz for poetry for high school students

Merry literary quiz for poetry for high school students:

Who is the author of the lines?

1. "The less we love the woman, the more we like her."
(A.S. Pushkin)

2. “I knew very much - Oh, these eyes!
How I loved them, God knows! ” (F.I. Tyutchev)

3. “If there are no colors in the middle of winter,
So it is not necessary to be sad about them ”(E.A. Yesenin)

4. “For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I renounce scandaling. " (S.A.Senin)

5. “All in it is harmony, everything is marvelous,
All the will of the world and passions ... ”(A.S. Pushkin)

6. “Bait affectionate speeches
You can't deprive me of my mind! " (E.A. Baratynsky)

7. “Love other heavy cross,
And you are beautiful without convolutions ”(B.A. Pasternak)

8. I bless everything that was
I did not look for the best share.
Oh heart, how much you loved!
Oh, mind, how much you burn! ” (A.A. Blok)

9. “Among the worlds in the flickering of the luminaries
One star I repeat the name ...
Not because I loved her
But because I am languishing with others. " (I.F. Annensky)

10. “What a blessing: night, and we are alone!” (A.K.Fet)

11. “Stained, bewitched,
With the wind in the field is once married,
All of you, as if in the shackles, are chained
Precious, you are my woman. " (N.A. Sabolotny)

12. “Breeded! The invented word -
Am I a flower or a letter? “(A.A. Akhmatova)

13. “Oh, how murderously we love
Like in violent blindness of passions.
We are more or rather destroyed,
What to our hearts. ” (F.I. Tyutchev)

14. “She looks around for herself:
She has no rivals, there are no friends. " (A.S. Pushkin)

15. “How good, how fresh roses were
In my garden! How my gaze was seduced by mine.
How I prayed spring frosts
Do not touch them with a cold hand! (I.P. Goryatlev)

16. “Do not awaken, do not awaken
My madness and frenzy,
And fleeting dreams
Do not return, do not return! ” (D.V. Davydov)

17. “I love you, even though I am furious ...
Although this is work and shame in vain ...
(A.S. Pushkin)

18. “I still languish with longing for desires,
I still strive for your soul.
And in the dusk of memories
I still catch your image ... (F.I. Tyutchev)

19. “I am warm in a cold dugout
From your oversized love. " (A.A. Surkov)

20. “Do not cry, do not wrinkle your lips,
Do not collect them in folds.
You will analyze a dried up stream
Spring fever. " (B.L. Pasternak)

21. “I met you and all the past
In the obsolete heart came to life. " (F.I. Tyutchev)

22. “Don't tempt me without need
The return of your tenderness. " (E.A. Baratynsky)

23. “After all, I did not save myself
For a quiet life, for smiles.
So many roads have passed
So many mistakes have been made. " (S.A.Senin)

24. “The years have passed, but you are the same:
Strict, beautiful and clear. " (A.A. Blok)

25. “You are submissive? You are crazy!
I am submissive to the same Lord. " (A.A. Akhmatova)

26. “Oh, as on the slope of our years
We are more tender and more superstitious ...
Shine, shine, farewell light
Love of the last, Zori evening! ” (F.I. Tyutchev)

27. "I am sad because I love you."
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

28. “If you love, find,
If you want, come.
This day will not pass without a trace.
If there is no love
Do not call me
You will never find anyway. " (L.I. Oshanin)

29. “Let - unrequitedly,
Just to love
Only not without a trace
Walk on the ground. " (A.Ya. Yashin)

30. “I want to think about you. Thinking of you.
I don't want to think about you. Thinking of you."
(L.A. Ozerov)

31. “Wait for me, and I will return.
Just wait for. "

32. “Goodbye!
We can’t pour tears
From grief and despair.
Be tender,
Good to be
No goodbye? "
(V.D. Fedorov)

33. “I have passed almost half the world -
With the way you did not meet
And I did not think of thinking,
That I will meet you. (A.I. Fatyenov)

34. “Fly leaves flew away -
The inevitability repeated in the world ...
Do not regret the leaves, do not regret
And regret my love and tenderness. " (N.M. Rubtsov)

35. “You will wake me up at dawn,
You will go out of the non -wise.
You will never forget me
You will never see me. "
(A.A. Voznesensky)

36. “I fell in love with you. Banal separation. "
(E.A. Evtushenko)

37. “No, don't call you love
What was actually.
A simple foreboding of love:
Not cast, not blinded. "
(A.L. Reshetov)

38. “I foresee you. Years have passed by -
All in the form of one thing anticipates you. "
(A.A. Blok)

39. “Yesterday I still looked into my eyes,
And now - everything is squinting to the side! ”
(M.I. Tsvetaeva)

40. “And now I mean nothing dear.
Under someone else's song, I laugh and cry. "

41. “And you thought - I am too,
That you can forget me. "
(A.A. Akhmatova)

42. “Oh yes, love is free, like a bird,
Yes, anyway - I am yours! " (A.A. Blok)

43. “You are heavy, love memory!
I can sing and burn in your smoke. " (A.A. Akhmatova)

44. “There are always so many requests from your beloved!
Disordered requests do not have. "
(A.A. Akhmatova)

45. “Not secrets and not sadness,
Not wise will of fate -
These meetings always left
The impression of the struggle. "
(A.A. Akhmatova)

46. \u200b\u200b“You, who loved me falsity
Truth - the truth of lies
You loved me - further
Nowhere! - Abroad. " (M.I. Tsvetaeva)

47. “Let me love another,
But with her, with her beloved, with the other,
I'll tell you about you, dear,
That once I called dear. "

48. “Do not love, do not want to watch?
Oh, how beautiful you are, damned!
And I can't take off
And since childhood it was winged. " (A.A. Akhmatova)

49. “Let you get drunk others,
But I have left, I have left. "

50. “The heart to the heart is not riveted,
If you want, go away.
A lot of happiness is destined
Those who are free in the way. " (A.A. Akhmatova)

51. “I am very calm. Just don't
Talk to me about him.
You are sweet and true, we will be friends ...
Walk, kiss, age ... ”(A.A. Akhmatova)

52. “I stopped smiling,
Frosty wind lips shakes,
One hope has become less,
One song will be more. "
(A.A. Akhmatova)

Krylov zoosad

Guess the same words - the names of animals that can be found in Krylov’s fables - produced by several proverbs. The fewer proverbial proverbs, the better. You guess from the first proverb - 3 points, from the second - 2, from the third - 1.

  • He would have pretended to be a goat, but the tail is not like that.
  • As he doesn’t feed him, but he looks into the forest.
  • His legs feed. (wolf)
  • Her legs are soft, but the claws are sharp.
  • She smells, whose meat ate.
  • A kind word and she is pleased. (cat)
  • And she remembers who feeds her.
  • Do not be afraid of her fading, but be silent.
  • She is in the hay: she doesn’t eat and does not give others. (dog)
  • She will spend seven wolves.
  • She does not need a tail for beauty.
  • She considers chickens in a dream. (Fox)
  • From a big donkey it will not work.
  • Make it out of a fly.
  • Ay, Moska, she is strong to know that she barks at him. (elephant)
  • And her irregular wolf eats.
  • Do not pretend to be with it: the wolf will eat.
  • It’s not for the wolf that they hit that ser, but for eating it. (sheep)
  • Do not stand the beads in front of them.
  • She will always find dirt.
  • Put her at the table, she and legs on the table. (pig)
  • He sings a month, and the crow croaks all year round.
  • A swallow begins the day, and he ends.
  • He does not need a gold cage, better a green branch. (nightingale)
  • Do not teach her to swim.
  • That's what she is at sea so that the crucian carp does not doze.
  • To know Yersha when she changes her teeth. (pike)

In these poems there was some kind of confusion. Let's try to properly arrange punctuation marks!

Task number 1
... Kisel is boiled there from rubber
There are tires from clay
brick there
cottage cheese is made from sand
Glass there is melted from concrete
Dams are built from cardboard
Covers there from cast iron
there is steel from the canvas
Cover plastic shirts
dishes are made of meat
Cutlets are cooked from soot
There they make a vacation from yarn
spin there threads of cloth
Costumes are sewn from a fenced
Kisel is boiled there.


Task number 2
There is fish on the river in the river
Mumines a cow in Konura
The dog barks on the fence
Singing Sinichka in the corridor
Children play on the wall
The picture is hanging on the window
hoarfrost patterns in the stove
firewood burn in the hands of girls
An elegant doll there in a cage
manual dandy sings napkins
There are skates on the table
Glasses are being prepared for winter
lying for grandmother notebooks
Always contained in order.


Task number 3
Very, very strange view:
The river under the window is on fire
Someone wags the home with a tail
Dogs shoots from a gun
The boy almost broke the mouse
Cat with glasses reads a book
The old grandfather flew into the window
Sparrow grabbed grain.
Yes, how he shouting away:
“That's what a comma means!

Literary quiz for poetry for younger school children

Literary quiz for poetry for younger school children
Literary quiz for poetry for younger school children

Literary quiz for poetry for younger school children:

The task "who knows more."

What is the name of the poem, and choose a picture with the image of the author.
Bears rode on a bicycle.
And behind them the cat is backward.
And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon.
And followed by crayfish on a lame dog. ("Tarakanische" K, I. Chukavsky.)

My cheerful ringing ball
Where did you rush to jump?
Yellow, red, blue, do not keep up with you. (Ball S.Ya. Marshak).

I lived - there was a girl. What was her name?
Who called, he knew. And you do not know.
How old was she?
How many winters, so many years-soroka are not yet.
("Mustachioed-striped" Marshak)

The blanket ran away, a sheet and a pillow flew off like a frog, rode off me.
I am for a candle, a candle in a stove.
I am for the book to run and skip under the bed ...
(Moidodyr »K.I.chukovsky)

He sat on the bed in the morning, began to put on a shirt,
He put his hands into his sleeves-it was the trousers.
He began to put on a coat, he will say to him: not that.
He began to pull on Gamashi- they say to him: not yours.
Here's what a Bassina scattered from the street!
("Scattered from Bassina Street. S. Ya. Marshak).

The kittens groomed: “Tired of me to meow!
We want, like piglets, grunt! "
And behind them and ducklings: “We do not want to grunt anymore!
We want like frogs, quip! "
("Confusion" K.I. Chukovsky).

The sieve jumps through the fields. And the trough in the meadows.
The broom along the street along the street went behind the shovel.
Axes, axes are pouring from the mountain.
The goat was scared, spread her eyes:
“What is it? I do not understand anything "
("Fedoreno Gore" K.I. Chukovsky)

The cat carried away the mouse and sings: -No not be afraid, baby.
Let's play another hour in cat mouse, dear!
The frightened mouse answers her with a consumption:
Our mother did not tell us to play in cats-mouse
(“The Tale of the Stupid Mouse” - S.Ya. Marshak).

The competition "Guess the riddle".

1. This girl is very small
And in a flower she slept.
The beetle danced with her,
The mouse was kept in mink,
She got into the country of flowers. (Inch)

2. This boy is very strange.
Carlo made from the log.
And he contacted the fox in vain
Become happy, you can't! (Pinocchio)

3. This small is very cunning.
He is with a tail, but famous.
I always walked in boots,
The giant won. (Puss in Boots)

4. This girl is very beautiful
But Buratino taught in vain. (Malvina)
5. This dog served Malvina,
And Buratino closed in Chulan. (Artemon)

5. More than a nail.
In a walnut crib
The girl was asleep.
And so small
It was sweet.
Have you read such a book?
What is the name of this baby? (Inch)

6.Daymovs Blast is blind
Lives all the time underground. (Mole)

7. Guests went to my grandmother,
She carried her pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
He deceived and swallowed. (Red Riding Hood)

8. She was a girlfriend of gnomes
And you, of course, are familiar to you. (Snow White)

9. Over the evening would come close
And the long -awaited hour has come
So that I am in a gilded carriage
Go to a fairy -tale ball!
No one in the palace will recognize
Where am I from, how am I called
But only midnight will come
I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

10. Grandfather and woman lived together,
The daughter of Snowball was blinded,
But fire is hot heat
Turned the girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
How was their daughter called? (Snow Maiden)

11. Red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
The poor thing pours tears (Snow Maiden)

12. Near the forest, at the edge of the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

13. Round is a heel, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is a little crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
Friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three pigs)

14. Heals small children,
Heals birds and animals,
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

15. This fairy -tale hero
With a tail, mustachioed,
He has a pen in his hat,
The whole striped itself
He walks on two legs,
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

16. The girl said
In a cup of flower
And there was that girl (inch)

17. Piped kalachi,
The guy was driving on the stove.
He rolled around the village
And married the princess (Emelya)

18. The vest lives on the roof,
It flies higher than all. (Carlson)

19. In childhood, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born with a white swan. (Ugly duck)

20. On the snowy sled Korolev
I flew around the winter sky.
She touched the Maltz, by chance.
He became cold, unkind .. ... (Kai)

21. On a hub of a magic old woman flies
So fast that the wind whistles behind it.
She lives in fabulous, earthly wilderness -
You are the name of the old woman haste! (Baba Yaga)

Competition "Who is the author".

1. My mirror, tell me the light
Yes, report the whole truth.
Yal in the world is nicer,
All blossom and whiter ... (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Herries"

2. Only the Kosai team sat down,
The whole island disappeared under water. (N.A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Masai and Hares")

3. My phone rang.
Who says? - elephant!
Where? - From a camel.
What do you need? - Chocolate.
For whom?
For my son? ... (K. Chukovsky "Phone")

4. lived an old man with his old woman
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years. (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

5. Fly, fly a petal,
Through the west to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Return, making a circle.
You will only touch the earth -
To be in my opinion. (V. Kataev "Flower-seven-color")

6. - Are you warm, girl? Are you warm to red?
- Heat, frost, warm, father. (Russian folk tale "Morozko")

We suggest you recall A. Barto's poems and play the game “Continue the lines of the poem”:

Our Tanya cries loudly:
I dropped the ball into the river.
- Hush, tanechka, do not cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.


There is a goby, sways,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!


The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny remained in the rain.
I could not get off the bench,
All to the thread, wet.


Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore Mishka’s paw.
I won’t leave him anyway -
Because it is good.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in the box on the barrel.
A sleepy bear lay down in bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
Sleep shafts his head
He is bowing to the election.


I have a kid
I myself pass.
I am a kid in a green garden
I will take it early in the morning.
He will get lost in the garden -
I will find him in the grass.


Rope in the hand,
I pull the boat
On a fast river,
And the frogs jump
For me on the heels
And they ask me:
- Roll up, captain!

Poetic literary quiz on poetry


Poetic literary quiz on poetry
Poetic literary quiz on poetry

Poetic literary quiz on verses:

1 competition "Poetry and the Sun"

Task: Remember the poetic lines with the key word Sun, the sun. What is the author of the lines.

1. Frost and sun; Wonderful day!
You will also doze off, a lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open the eyes closed in Neard ...

2. Under blue sky
Magnificent carpets,
Shiny in the sun, snow lies;
A transparent forest is one blacken
And the spruce through the hoarfrost is turning green,
And the river shines under the ice. (A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning")

3. The sky breathed in the fall,
Less often the sun was shining
In short, the day became
Forests mysterious canopy
I was exposed with sad noise ... (A.S. Pushkin)

4. Granding green,
Sunny shines;
Swallow with spring
In canopy flies to us. (A.N. Pleshcheev)

5. Wouldn't the blind not notice them,
And the sighted says about them:
“It will pass - as if the sun will illuminate!
Will look at - give it! " (N.A. Nekrasov)

6. Niva are compressed, groves, goals,
From the water fog and damp.
Wheel of Zasinigora
The Sun quietly rolled up. (S.A.Senin)

7. “Our light is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you get
Winter with a warm spring,
You see us all under us. " (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess")

2 competition "Poetry and Nature"

Task: Guess the keyword - the name of the tree.

1. The crown of this tree with its curiosity and splendor looks like a hairstyle
(And I know there is a joy in it
Those who kiss the rain,
Because that old maple
The head looks like me. ("I left my dear house")

2. This beauty "was embarrassed by snow, as if silver."
(White birch
Under my window
She was embarrassed by snow
Just silver. (S.A. Yesenin)

3. The gray hair of the father of Yesenin is similar to the color of this tree.
(Like an apple color, gray hair
Father spilled in a beard. ("I left my dear house")

4. This tree is described by “in a bleached sundress, with handkerchiefs in
pockets. " (Birch)
5. What tree Yesenin writes: “She bent, like an old woman, leaned on
Key "?
(As if with a white scarf
The pine is tied.
Locked like an old woman
Leaned on the key.)

6. The richest tree with a golden decoration on the crown.
(In the Lukomorye oak green;
Golden chain on oak Tom:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around ... (A.S. Pushkin)

7. A. A. Feta these trees with a specialty of a teacher.
(Learn from them - from oak, at birch.
Winter around. Cruel time!
The tears froze on them,
And cracked, contracting, bark.)

8. An evergreen lonely tree from the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov.
(In the north, wildly stands lonely
On the naked top pine ...

Answer the questions:

  1. What was the name of a peasant from a nail from N. Nekrasov’s poem “Peasant children”?
    2. How old is he? (6)
    3. With whom did the Russian troops fought in the poem by M. Lermontov "Borodino"?
    (with the French)
    4. What Russian city is mentioned in this poem? (Moscow)
    5. In what year did Borodino battle take place? (1812)
    6. The nanny A. Pushkin was called ... (Arina Rodionovna)

4 Competition "Wisdom of Poetry"

Task: What is the rhyme:

1. "My friend" S. Mikhalkov
He is honest and fearless
On land and in water -
Comrade and friend
He will not leave ... (in trouble).

He does not ruin the nests,
Does not smoke and does not lie,
Does not hang on the steps,
Alien ... (does not take).

2. Suppose a student is studying for five.
He loves very much and does not study from books ... (tormented).
An excellent person from him ... (it turns out). (E. Uspensky)

3. For a kind word
No need to skimp.
Say this word -
What to give to get drunk.
With a word offensive
You can’t rush
To tomorrow
Yourself not ... (ashamed). (N. Rylenkov)

4. "Trace" L. Martynov
What trace will you leave?
To wrap the parquet
And looked obliquely
An invisible strong trace
In a strange soul for many ... (years)?
Explain how you understand these lines?

5 Competition "Lame Pegas"

Task: Find errors.

1. Tell me, aunt, after all, not without reason ... (Uncle. "Borodino", M. Romontov)
2. A young rooster nourished in captivity ... (Eagle. "Prisoner", A. Pushkin)
3. Sinichka my decrepit ... (Dove. "Nanny", A. Pushkin)
4. The cat will stop at the horse ... (horse. "Frost, red nose", N. Nekrasov)
5. A crow on the branches sits ... (Mermaid. "At the Lukomorye", A. Pushkin)
6. Heavenly birds, eternal wanderers ... (clouds. "Clouds", M. Romontov)
7. The moon was flattened by gold with a gold with a golden water ... (frog.
"I left my dear house", S. Yesenin)
8. A cat sings songs and nurses nipples ... (Squirrel. "Tale of the king
Saltan ", A. Pushkin)

6 competition "Poetry and style"

Task: Find out the author of the lines.

1. The main wind drives
A flock of clouds to the edge of heaven,
Dramed spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers deafly.

On a stream, pockmarked and colorful,
A leaflet flies behind a leaf,
And a stream dry and acute
The chill runs. (N. Nekrasov)

2. In the top one
The star is burning
My mind is
Always beckons
My dreams
She entails
And from a height
Joy pours me. (M. Rymontov —Motive of loneliness)

3. The bird cherry is fragrant
With the spring blossomed
And the branches are golden,
That curls curled up.
Around the dew
Slides along the bark,
Greens spicy under it
Shines in silver. (S. Yesenin)

4. The storm of the signs of the sky covers,
Whirlwinds of snowy torments;
Like a beast, she will win,
It will cry like a child. (A. Pushkin)

Your task is to guess from what fable these lines are. Ready?

You look at the deer of the other:
It’s bothering, rushing about, everyone marks him.
It seems to be eager to tear,
Yes, only everything is not served ahead,
Like a squirrel in a wheel. ("Squirrel")


No matter how useful the thing is, the price is not knowing her,
The ignoramus about her is a good thing, everything is worse;
And if the ignoramus is cognitive,
So he also drives her. ("Monkey and glasses")


It often happens to us
Both work and wisdom to see there,
Where is it only to guess
It's just to get down to business. ("Larchik")


Every talent has their own;
But often, a stranger was seduced for success,
Grabs otherwise
What he is not at all suitable.
And my advice is:
Take it for what you are akin to,
If you want to be successful in business. ("Starling")


When there is no agreement in the comrades,
Their business will not go in the way
And it will not work out of it, only flour. ("Swan, cancer and pike")


Trouble, since the pies will start the stove for the shoemaker,
And the boots can be accessed by a cake:
And the matter will not go in the way
Yes, and one hundred times,
That who loves someone else's craft,
He is forever more stubborn and absurd;
He will destroy everything better
And glad soon
The laughing stock will become Sveta
Than honest and knowledgeable people
Ask or listen to reasonable advice. ("Pike and cat")


When we have a trouble above our heads
Then we are glad to pray to him
Who decides to stand up for us;
But only from the shoulders trouble
Then the deliverer from us is often bad;
All assaults appreciate it;
And if he is not to blame,
So this is a miracle! ("Peasant and employee")


As in people, many have the same weakness:
Everything seems to us in a different mistake;
And you will take on the matter yourself,
So you are completely worse. ("Convoy")


And I would cook differently
Ordered to cut down on the wall:
So that there are no speeches in a empty way,
Where you need to use power. ("Cat and cook")


Do not laugh powerless
And the weak is not to offend the grave!
The powerful enemies sometimes avenge.
So too on your strength do not hope! ("Leo and mosquito")


I have seen how many times, stop it yourself:
When the coward is afraid of whom,
Then thinks that
The whole world looks his eyes. ("Mouse and rat")


Ignoramus is also in blind
Scolding science and learning,
And all scientific works,
Not feeling that he tastes their fruits. ("Pig under oak")

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