Quiz "Find out a fairy tale" for schoolchildren with answers


In our article, you will find ready -made materials for the quiz “Find out the fairy tale”.

The quiz "Find out the fairy tale" with the answers - "Who uttered fairy -tale words?"

Victorin find out the fairy tale with the answers - who uttered fabulous words?
The quiz "Find out the fairy tale" with the answers - "Who uttered fairy -tale words?"

The quiz “Find out the fairy tale” with the answers - “Who uttered fabulous words?”:

  • What was frightened, beautiful girl? Stay with me, and if you will celebrate all the work in the house well, then it will be good for you. Just look, the bed is good for me and whip my featherly with a fertile, so that the feathers fly in all directions: when the feathers fly from it, then the snow is snowing. (Madame Metelitsa).
  • Blessed unbearable lucky. (Fox-sister and gray wolf)
  • By pike command, at my desire ... (Emelya. "By pike command")
  • Would you warm your warmth, is it warm to you, red? (Morozko)
  • I was very tightly around the house. No matter how good I am for me, but still I can’t stay here anymore. I really want to see my relatives. (stepdaughter from Madame Metelitsa).
  • How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice. Spring came. The fox hut melted. The fox asked me, but I drove me out. (Hare from Zayushkina hut).
  • How will we let you go? After all, it is so crowded. (Beasts from "Mittens").
  • If the Snow Queen appeared with them, then he would put her on a hot stove. She would melt. (Kai from the "Snow Queen").
  • Whoever takes me from the stove will go with me! (Pie from "Moroz Ivanovich").
  • They scold each other that they did not ask sable (Stepmother with a daughter from "Twelve months").
  • No, ram, you have a warm fur coat; You’ll overdate it anyway. I will not let it go! (Bull from the "Winter of the Beasts").

Musical quiz "Find out a fairy tale" for schoolchildren

Musical quiz find out a fairy tale for schoolchildren
Musical quiz "Find out a fairy tale" for schoolchildren

Musical quiz “Find out a fairy tale” for schoolchildren:

I'm lying in the sun,
I'm looking at the sun
I am lying, I am lying
And I look at the sun!
("Like a lion cub and a turtle sang a song")
A river begins with a blue stream,
Well, friendship begins in smiles.
("Little Raccoon")

I am a water. I am a water.
Who would talk to me!
And then my girlfriends
Leeches and frogs!
Eh, life is my tin ...
Well, in the swamp!
I live like a beaten
And I am hunting to fly!
("Flying ship")

There is nothing better in the world,
Than to roam friends in the light of light.
Those who are friendly are not terrible anxiety!
We are any roads of the road!
("The Bremen Town Musicians")

Tell me, Snegurochka, where was it?
Tell me, honey, how are you?
("Wait for it!")

Let run clumsily
Pedestrians on puddles,
And water along the asphalt by the river.
And not clear to passers -by
On this day, the Nasty
Why am I funny.
("Cheburashka and crocodile Gene")

If I scraise in the back of my head
No problem,
In the head of my sawdust
Yes Yes Yes.
(Winnie the fluff and that's it ... that's it ... That's it)

If for a long time, for a long time, for a long time,
If for a long time along the path,
If for a long time along the path,
Stomp, go and run.
(Red Riding Hood)

The rain went barefoot on the ground,
Maples clapped on the shoulders.
If a clear day is good
And when, on the contrary, it is bad.
(Birthday of the cat Leopold)

Good beetle
Get up, children, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
A good beetle lived in the world,
Good old friend.

Gallop huts on chicken legs
Walking the house on a hot day and in a fierce blizzard
But do not ask for a wait for adults or children!
What a wait! I can't resist the place:
I am the most mobile real estate in the world.
My friends are called a hut
And these are chicken legs.
I go and brand myself,
Where the windows look.

The dispute of Masha and Viti.
There are no miracles in the world these days.
For those who do not believe in them themselves.
No Koshchei - even children know this.
And in fairy tales they live here and there.
There is no Lukomorye on the map
So there is no way into the fairy tale.
This is a saying, not a fairy tale
The fairy tale will be ahead ...

Flower- seven-color
Fly, fly, petal, from the west of the east,
And you will touch the Earth - to people the happiness of Dari.
I want to fly in the sky and sing this song.
From the west of the East, fly, fly, petal!
There is such a day in every song about summer,
There is such a day, there is such a day,
To make a seven-color flower to be blossomed,
He could have blossomed, could blossom.

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale" - by the passage

Quiz find out a fairy tale - by passage
Quiz "Find out the fairy tale" - by the passage

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale" - by the passage:

  • Suddenly, from somewhere a jackal on a mare jumped up a telegram from Hippopotam. ("Aibolit")
    Grandma, grandmother, why do you have such long hands? ("Red Riding Hood")
  • Go to me in one ear, and get out into another - everything will be worked out. ("Tiny - hawroshechka")
  • He will buy with grief on the floors, turn to the mirrors - the whole partnership is moving at the seams. ("Uncle Stepa"))
  • The wind, the wind are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds, you are worried about the blue sea, you are everywhere in the open. ("The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Herries")
  • Month, month, my friend, gilded horn. You stand in the darkness of a deep chubby, light -eyed. (Tale of the sleeping princess and seven heroes)
  • The woman put a magic grain in the pot, and grew a beautiful large flower, inside of which was a tiny girl. (Inch)
  • A heavy stone is pulling to the bottom, a fierce snake has sucked the snake (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”).
  • And the dishes go forward and forward along the fields along the swamps ("Fedorino Gora")
  • The wind walks along the sea and the boat drives, it runs in the waves on the swollen sails. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan")
  • Puss in Boots". The miller had three sons, and he left them, dying, the whole mill, a donkey and a cat. The brothers divided the fatherly good among themselves. The eldest got a mill, the middle one was a sulfound, and the younger had to take a cat for myself. The poor man could not be comforted for a long time, having received such a miserable share of the inheritance.
  • "Adventure of Pinocchio." “Once upon a time in the city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea there lived an old carpenter Giuseppe, nicknamed a blue nose. Once he fell under his arm logs., An ordinary log for the firebox of the hearth in the winter.
  • "By magic". Then the corners were crackled in the hut, the roof staggered, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went along the street, right to the king. The king looks out the window and marches:
    - What is this miracle? “And this Emelya is going to you on the stoves,” the nobleman answers him.
  • "Little Muck". Maybe my shoes will bring me income, he thought. -I'll try to take the king into the soon. He asked the owner of the bench how to get to the palace, and after some five minutes he approached the palace gate. The gatekeeper asked him what he needed, and having learned that the dwarf wanted to go to the king for service, led him to the chief of slaves.
  • "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."
    Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
    In the thirtieth state,
    Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.
    He was formidable
    And the neighbors every now and then
    He caused grievances boldly.
    But under old age he wanted
    Take a break from military affairs.
  • "Kolobok". Kolobok rolls along the road, and a hare to meet him.
    - Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.
    - Do not eat me, scythe bunny! I'll sing a song to you ...
  • "Thumbelina." The woman went home and planted barley grain in a flower pot. Only she planted him, the grain immediately gave a sprout, and a large, wonderful flower grew out of the sprout, just like a tulip. But the flower petals were tightly compressed, as if in an unexpressed bud. It was exactly a tulip, but a girl was sitting in the cup on the green pestle of the flower. She was small, small, only inch height.
  • "Princess Frog". In the old years, one king had three sons. Now, when the sons became at age, the king gathered them and says: my kind sons, as long as I am not old, I would like to marry you, look at your children, at my grandchildren. The sons answer him: so, father, bless. Who should you marry us? - That's what, sons. Take the arrow, go out into the clean field and shoot. Where the arrows will fall, there is your fate. The sons bowed to his father, took the arrow, went out into the clean field, pulled the bows and fired.

Quiz "Find out the hero of the fairy tale" - riddles

Quiz find out the hero of the fairy tale- riddles
Quiz "Find out the hero of the fairy tale"- riddles

Quiz “Find out the hero of the fairy tale” - riddles:

A girl appeared in a cup of flower.
And there was that girl a little more a nail.
In a walnut shell, the girl slept,
That's what a girl, how small she is!
Who read the book about this and knows the little girl?


Someone grabbed someone tightly,
Oh, you can’t pull it out, oh, I sat tight.
But still assistants will come running soon,
Friendly common work will win the stubborn.
Who settled so tightly? Who is it ...


He is a big hut and comedian,
He has a house on his roof.
Blink and a hitch
And his name is ...


He mined leeches
Karabas sold,
All smoked swamp mud,
His name was ...


He lives in a Popovaya house,
Sleeps on straw
Eats for four
Works for seven.


I'm running, running, running,
I can't be late!
I will jump on the wolf,
I will fly on Orel!
I'm not afraid of sea waves,
I'm not afraid of the mountain, cool.
I'm flying, swimming, jumping, -
I want to help all patients!
(Dr. Aibolit)


The fat man lives on the roof,
It flies higher than all.


Grandma loved the girl very much.
Red hat gave her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three circles.
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears)


On sour cream bags
The window is cold
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled ...


She is beautiful and sweet,
And her name is from the word "ash".


The nose is round, a heel,
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is a little crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
Friendly brothers are similar.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three pigs)


The father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But he loved the father of his son.
What a strange one
The man is wooden
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He pours the long nose everywhere.
Who is this? ..


For breakfast, he ate only a bow,
But he has never been a crying.
Write to write
And he put a blot in a notebook.
I did not obey Malvina at all
The son of dad Carlo ...


He treats mice and rats,
Crocodiles, hares, foxes,
Bending the wounds
African monkey.
And anyone will confirm to us:
This is a doctor ...


Although he was racks and dare
But in the fire did not survive.
The youngest son of a tablespoon
He stood on a strong leg.
Not iron, not glass,
There was a soldier ...


All girls and boys
They managed to love him.
He is a hero of a cheerful book
Behind him is a propeller.
He takes off over Stockholm
High, but not to Mars.
And the baby will recognize him.
Who is this? Cunning …


“Mirror, tell me, be sweet,
Who is whiter in the world? " -
Somehow the stepmother asked
The one that is all tricks and angrier.
And answered, sparkling,
Mirror, a little bit of the way:
"All the more beautiful is young
Stepdaughter ... "
(Snow White)


You know this girl,
She is in an old fairy tale.
Worked, modestly lived,
I have not seen a clear sun,
Around - only dirt and ash.
And they called the beauty ...


I fly in a mortar,
I kidnap children
In the hut on chicken
I live my leg
The beauty is gold
And my name is ...
(Baba Yaga)


In a dense forest, in a swamp
You will certainly find it.
Not a fish, not a frog,
My dear girlfriend.
Slender figure,
Her name is ...


There is one in the forest one
Very important gentleman.
He has grown all the bumps,
The nose is only visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny,
And his name is ...


Inside it is water,
They do not want to be found with him,
And all his girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs!
Algae overgrown
Good grandfather ...


He lives the wilderness of the forest,
My hero.
He rumbles with bones
And in the district scares everyone.
What is this old man?
Well, of course, …
(Koschei the Deathless)


He comes to all late at night
And his magical umbrella opens:
The umbrella is multi -colored - the dream caresses the eyes,
The umbrella is black - there are no dreams at all.
Obedient children - a multi -colored umbrella,
And naughty - black relies.
He is a dwarf-wolf, he is known to many,
Well, tell me, as the dwarf is called.


The rarest beast is hiding in an ambush,
No one can catch him.
He is with his heads in front and behind
Only Aibolit will help us to guess it.
Well, think and realize,
After all, this beast - ...
(Pull puste)


The arrow of the fellow fell into the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Marry hunting!
And here is the bride, eyes at the top of the head.
The bride is called ...
(Princess Frog)


The accordion is in the hands
On the crown of a cap,
And next to him is important
Cheburashka sits.
Portrait of friends
It turned out excellent
On it is Cheburashka,
And next to him ...
(Crocodile Gena)


He is a friend of animals and children,
He is a living creature,
But there are such in the white world
There is no more.
Because he is not a bird, not a tiger, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a marf ...
Not filmed for cinema and known to everyone for a long time
This cute face is called ...


He invariably loves all,
Whoever came to him.
Have you guessed? This is a gene ... This is a gene ...


Self -confident, at least an inappropriate,
And by nature he is a great concealment,
Well, to guess it, by managing it,
Known to everyone under the name ...


He is both cheerful and not evil
This cute eccentric.
With him the owner is a boy Robin
And a friend is a patch.
For him, a walk is a holiday
And on honey a special scent.
This teddy prankster is a teddy bear ...
(Winnie the Pooh)


Lives in Prostokvashino,
The newspapers will smash everyone.
Will rest a little on the porch
The postman is known ...

He lives with the ball.
Dexterously sews on a typewriter.
As in the vest, he is striped.
Very smart cat ...


Rabbit, Piglet, IA -
His best friends.
He reads poetry aloud
Glorious Bear ...
(Winnie the Pooh)


The donkey of the IA will congratulate:
His tail will give him.
The necessary will find words
Very wise ...


A small creature.
Adore all of him.
Hooves, ears, tail-cut ...
Vini's friend - ...


His son is wooden,
Cheerful and unstable.
But this dad is not sad,
In great love he is growing.
(Dad Carlo)


With blue hair
And with huge eyes.
“Brush your teeth! Wash your hands! "
Likes to Vyuvo!


He begins to swear -
The dolls are all afraid of him.
A formidable look and beard
They always catch fear.


For a long time in love in Malvina
And he was devoted to her with all his heart.


The nose got down where he wanted to
Karabas defeated.
Oh, Malvina cannot cope
With naughty ...


Was an ordinary cat
They put them on and became magical.


Though he is big and terrible,
To argue with him, a dangerous step.
The cat outwitted him
One, two, three - and swallowed.


Cannibal yola was spinning
He turned into a beast with a mane.
(a lion)


The baby does not know anything
He composes fables
And dressed like a parrot
Guess his name!


Pipping kalachi
The guy was driving on the stove.
He rolled around the village
And he married the princess.


To the forest stands in front
And the crooked pipe smokes.
There is a yaga-lamb grandmother-
It yawns sweetly on the stove.
(A hut on chicken legs)


Two pink ear
And pink tail,
Winnie walked
He is to visit a rabbit.


Water spilled in the forest,
Bunnies cry: "Bessh!"
Who is Zaitsev in a difficult hour
Savior from an unexpected trouble?
(Grandfather Mazai)


In childhood, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away
After all, no one knew that he
Born with a white swan.
(Ugly duck)


Cinderella from the legs
Fell by accident
She was not simple,
And crystal.


A chair is not simple
The chair is gold.
Only king or queen
They can sit in a chair.


Sweet apples aroma
He lured that bird into the garden.
Featers glow with fire
And it brought in the night, like during the day.


The fat man lives on the roof,
It flies higher than all.


Waited for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children?


The duck knows, the bird knows
Where Koshchei death lurks.
What is this subject?
Give me, my friend, soon the answer.
(Needle in the egg)


The granddaughter went to my grandmother,
She carried her pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
He deceived and swallowed
(Red Riding Hood)


He sang under the guitar
Longing without melting:
"Malvina disappeared
My bride ... "


The traffic light fixed us
The policeman is one.
He is tall and once
Grandmother on the ice saved.
(Uncle Stepa)


Once I found a mouse
A very empty house.
Began to live and live,
Yes to let guests to yourself


This tablecloth is famous
The fact that he feeds everyone,
That she is
Delicious foods are full
(Self -binding)


I walked around the field
And I bought a samovar,
And then married me
A brave little mosquito
(Fly Tsokotukha)


He was baked from flour,
The window was cold.
He ran away from the grandfather with his grandfather,
And he became a dinner to Fox.


He is a dangerous villain
Catches small children
He lives in hot Africa,
Naughty children is waiting.


Let the yabedi, arrogant will disappear!
Hello and congratulations from ...


The film about me is a great picture!
I wish you a lot of happiness! ..


Prefer pedestrian transport,
Go to the forest! With greetings ...


I wish you, friends, roads long!
I will save you from the flu! ..


May people, birds, animals are friends with you!
We wish you success! Tom and ...


Let your body be strong, strong!
One of the turtles ...


I promise everyone a piece of pie!
And chicken legs!
(Baba Yaga)


Let the white fluff fall to the ground!
There are more gifts to you! ..
(Winnie the Pooh)


Eat more fruits, vegetables!
Iron health to you! ..


Round, tasty and rosy,
He did not listen to dad with his mother.
Right from the stove, jump and bracket,
Ruckled ...


Kolobok from the porch rolled up,
He settled down the path into the forest.
Following him, clicking his teeth,
Hungry jumped out ...


The wolf everyone is afraid in the forest,
He loves to bite.
Walks in soft slippers
He is for red ...


Red hat is not scary -
The guy walks with her important.
He is not a plowman or a carpenter,
He is a thunderstorm of wolves -...


The robber has a girlfriend
He pains a century in a hut.
On chicken legs
And called the grandmother ...


Grandmot is respected by a hedgehog
They do not come to visit in vain.
But if it is welded by the habit of
It will come to visit her ...


King Koschey is not on a diet
Though he is slimmer than everyone in the world.
All grow villains in breadth
It will hurt ...


The hero rushes around the light,
To save one girl.
But even foxes will not say
Who abducted ...


Vasilisa knows a lot
Smart books reads.
I read everything, if it is not lying,
As a child, the scientist himself ...


The cat has an uncle Terrible
Also a cat, but the passion is serious.
And Star and Yun are afraid of
That the cat will come to them ...


Cat-Bayun walks in the forest,
The gaze of the mice lulls.
But he dreams of at night
Very tasty fire- ...


The firebird has a long tail
He is with a secret, he is not simple.
He knows what's in the tail and how
Only one ...
(Ivan - fool)


At Ivan-Durak
A friend is true for centuries.
All solve problems on time
Maybe glorious ...
(Pink salmon)


Pinkies in trouble will not leave,
He passes the tower.
Seeing then early in the morning
Will laugh ...


Nesmeyana cries loudly.
The girl is unhappy, then
But return her smile
Golden ...


Turnip is pulled together from the garden
In the morning as a charging
Grandfather, grandmother, cat, granddaughter,
Mouse and dog ...


Bug goes hunting
In the forest, in the fields and behind the swamp
And shouts after her: "Dare"
Friend of all hares grandfather ...


On Emeline with goodbye
And by pike
Tomorrow will fly into the clouds
Miracle-yudo fish-...


Kit fountains lets up,
And above it the eagle flies -
It is in a hurry to Africa
Good doctor ...


Aibolit does not rest
Saves everyone day and night.
Goes to the doctor from the diapers
The elephant is fluffy ...


The mammoth is looking for mom,
For her, he is the most, the most
They know where she is, neighbors
Snow -white ...
(The Bears)


All bears love honey
Get out of honeycombs.
The fact that this rumor is faithful,
It will prove to you ...
(Winnie the Pooh)


Winnie the Pooh sings scum
In the head of his sawdust,
On his chest is an icon
And on it is a friend ...


Piglet sings during the day in the choir,
And draws on the fence
Someone's nose, mustache and ears-
That portrait of Stepashka with ...


Piggy is also a pig.
Friend of boys and girls.
He asks not to forget
Bring a sausage ...


Filya is a very smart dog,
He brought a book of fairy tales.
Tales for the night like to listen
He is with Vorona ...

Quiz “Find out a fairy tale” - give up a popular phrase from Russian folk tales

Quiz find out a fairy tale - Kind a popular phrase from Russian folk tales
Quiz “Find out a fairy tale” - give up a popular phrase from Russian folk tales

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale" - give the popular phrase from Russian folk tales:

  • Goose is not ... comrade.
  • Grandmother in two ... said.
  • The hair is long, but the mind ... is short.
  • They began to live - live ... and make good.
  • Ivan appeared, not Zhdan, not called, turned the hut - ... woke the old woman!
  • A hut, hut, stand back to the forest, ... and to me in front.
  • I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, ... and from you I will leave!
  • Fairy Tale Lies ... It has a hint in it
  • Smoking water in ... stupa.
  • They pull, pull, but ... they can’t pull it out.
  • What do you need ... older?
  • With a pork snout and in ... a kalash row.
  • Fed, but ... not educated.
  • In some kingdom, not in ... our state.
  • Fools Law ... not written.
  • Soon the fairy tale affects and not soon ... the matter is being done ...
  • My light, mirror, tell me ... yes, report the whole truth.
  • The work of fools ... loves.
  • Porridge with oil is not ... spoil.
  • Go there, I don’t know where, bring it ... I don’t know what.
  • Kolobok-clock, I ... I will eat you!
  • By pike command ... by my desire.
  • Love is not potatoes ... you can’t throw it out into the window.
  • You can’t catch the fish without difficulty ... from the pond.
  • And I was there, honey - I drank beer ... It flowed on the mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
  • Marfushenka, ... Darling!
  • Do not shoot me, Ivanushka, ... I will come in handy for you!
  • I do not want to be a domestic girl, but ... I want to be a queen!
  • There is nowhere in a distant state ... there was a king
  • In pure butter ... educated.
  • The fox carries me ... For long forests, for fast rivers, for high mountains.
  • Sivka - Burka, Prophetic Kaurka! Stand in front of me ... like a leaf in front of the grass.
  • But remember, as soon as the clock breaks through twelve ... The carriage will turn into a pumpkin
  • You like to ride - ... love and carry sledges!
  • Turn back to the forest ... to me in front ...
  • When one stick and eight holes ... will destroy the whole army ...
  • Cathed, roll with an apple ... on a golden saucer.
  • Fresh legend, ... yes to believe with difficulty.
  • How many rope do not eat - ... but the end will be!
  • For one broken ... two unbeaten ones are given.
  • Soon the fairy tale affects ... Yes, it is not a matter of work.
  • How long is it briefly ... Forest is not a wonderful forest, wolf winter for custom.
  • Know every cricket ... your pole.
  • Do you have warm girl, ... Are you warm, dear?
  • The wind, the wind are powerful, ... you are chasing flocks of clouds ...
  • Three girls under the window were spent late in the evening.
  • In some kingdom ... in some state.
  • A bargain is a bargain.
  • Blessed unbearable ... lucky.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • Basta of the little peanut - ... dancing ended.
  • I am not me, and a horse ... not mine.
  • Baba with a cart - ... a mare is easier.

Quiz “Find out the fairy tale” - “Find the Rhyme”, “Name in one word”, “An additional name”

Victorins find out the fairy tale - find the rhyme, “Name in one word”, “Annexing name”,
Quiz “Find out the fairy tale” - “Find the Rhyme”, “Name in one word”, “An additional name”

Quiz “Find out the fairy tale” - “Find the rhyme”:

1. Like our Miron
He sits on the nose .... (Crow. K. Chukovsky "Miracle - Tree")

2. The old woman woke up and began to look
Home shoes, candle and ... (Bed. S. Marshak "Old woman")

3. It is a shame to roar the old -
You are not a hare, but ... (Bear. K. Chukovsky "Stolen Sun")

4. But, like a black iron leg,
I ran, galloped ... (Kocherga. K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Gora")

5. The sister put on a stocking to him,
And Glory missed and looked in ... (Ceiling. Ya. Akim "Inappropriate")

6. We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
We were bought blue - blue,
Presented red ... (Shar. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?")

7. He sat on the bed in the morning,
Began to put on a shirt,
He put his hands into his sleeves -
It turned out that .... (Pants. S. Marshak "Here's how scattered")

8. Keith scratched, bite,
If the dispute was inequal -
He was saved from his enemies,
Climbing on ... (Fence. B. Zakhoder "Kit and Cat")

Quiz “Find out the fairy tale” - “Name in one word”:

  • A fairy -tale coach with a long tail. (Rat)
  • What did the fairy make for Cinderella a carriage? (From pumpkin)
  • How many years did the old man have fish until he caught a goldfish? (33)
  • The number of tin soldiers? (25)
  • Did you bit women in the eye, then in the nose, and even the prince? (Mosquito)
  • What is the name of the girl that the hurricane abandoned into the magical country? (Ellie)
  • In what fairy tale did dirty dishes decide to escape from her mistress? (Fedorino Gora)
  • The woman who made the first flight? (Baba - Yaga)
  • The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans? (Ivanushka)
  • Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the wife of the prince? (Frog)
  • Secret scouring scooper? (Rat Larisa)
  • What was the name of the boy whose heart turned into ice? (Kai)
  • A man who used a frying pan and gloves, as an outfit? (Scattered)
  • In which city did Dunno lived? (In flower)
  • Will he heal everyone and sits under a tree? (Aibolit)
  • What delicacy did Carlson prefer? (Jam)

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale" - "Annexing name":

  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Vasilisa is a wise
  • Karabas is a drum
  • Elena the beautiful
  • Sister is Alyonushka
  • Brother - Ivanushka
  • Tiny - hawroshechka
  • Dragon
  • Ivan Tsarevich
  • Finist - a clear falcon
  • The Snow Queen
  • Baba - Yaga

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale by name" - interesting shifts

Victorins find out the fairy tale by name - interesting shifts
Quiz "Find out the fairy tale by name" - interesting shifts

Quiz “Find out a fairy tale by name” - interesting shifts:

  • Ryaba cockerel - chicken pockmarked
  • Dasha and the Bear - Masha and the Bear
  • Wolf and a lot of lambs - wolf and seven goats
  • Ducks-swans-geese-swans
  • Fox with a saucepan - a fox with a rolling pin
  • By fishing - by pike command
  • LARCOSKARY-DRAMMING (Horse Humpbacked)
  • Bezgorni camel (humpbacked horse).
  • White Rooster. ("Black Chicken")
  • White scarf (red cap).
  • A waking monster (sleeping beauty).
  • A wakeful freak (sleeping beauty).
  • Patient Oiizdorov (Dr. Aibolit).
  • Big and someone who lives in the basement (baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof).
  • Big Kum (small torment).
  • The past is about the space found (a fairy tale of lost time).
  • The past is about a hunter and a bird (a fairy tale about a fisherman and a fish)
  • The tale is about a smart cat (a fairy tale about a stupid mouse).
  • Witch Rubin Village (Wizard of the Emerald City).
  • Giant ears (dwarf nose).
  • Raven-policeman (Nightingale-robber)
  • The wholeness and his enemies (Dunno and his friends).
  • Tadpolate-house-house (frog-traveler)
  • Palace (Teremok)
  • Girl with a palm. ("Boy-s-firing")
  • Girl--hand (boy-s-firing).
  • The village in Portsigar (town in Tabakerka).
  • Jimmy short toe (Peppy Long Stocking)
  • Rainy King (Snow Queen)
  • Home ducklings (wild swans).
  • Efrosinya is stupid (Elena Wise)
  • Domestic toad (drunk frog).
  • Zharylko (Morozko).
  • Iron Castle (Golden Key).
  • Zhizhzhak beetle (fly-yard).
  • Earth girl (star boy).
  • Znayka underground (Dunno on the moon)
  • Irinushka-Umitsa (Ivanushka-Durachk)
  • History about a living peasant woman with 7 wimps (a fairy tale about the dead princess and seven heroes)
  • Soup pan (pot of porridge).
  • Square (bun).
  • The smallest (inch)
  • Goat and seven wolf cubs (wolf and seven goats).
    Red mustache. ("Blue Beard")
  • Kurochka - an iron beak (a cockerel - a golden scallop)
  • Kurochka silver paw (cockerel golden scum).
  • London dancers (Bremen musicians)
  • Copper Link (Golden Key)
  • Cute swan (ugly duckling)
  • Mikhail peasant and a white bunny (Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf).
  • Mouse-house. ("Frog traveler")
  • Mouse in sandals (cat in boots)
  • Myshkin Saray (Koshkin House).
  • Dressed citizen (naked king)
  • Tin animal (goldfish).
  • Patient Oiizdorov (Dr. Aibolit)
  • A single -color cockerel (hazel chicken)
  • Peter the peasant and the white hare (Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf)
  • A dog without a hat (cat in boots).
  • At the same request (at the pike command)
    A story about the found clock (a fairy tale of lost time)
  • Beautiful chicken (ugly duckling).
  • Prince Lokhotun (Princess Nesmeyan)
  • Prince in pumpkin (princess on a pea)
  • Girl with a green bob (princess on a pea).
  • Slave of the Golden Gorge (mistress of the Copper Mountain)
  • Slave-Jaba (Tsarevna-Snow)
  • Radish (turnip)
  • Republic of direct windows (the kingdom of crooked mirrors)
  • Rusty master line (golden key).
  • Pink mustache (black beard).
  • Girl in soot (Cinderella)
  • The village of Nemukh (city of masters).
  • Gray blade of grass (scarlet flower)
  • Blue baseball cap or orange handkerchief (red cap)
  • The dog is barefoot (cat in boots).
  • Dog hotel (Koshkin house)
  • Doghouse. ("Cat house")
  • Sunny King. ("The Snow Queen")
  • Old pants of the queen (a new dress of the king).
  • The fat man is vulnerable (Koschey immortal)
  • Thomson who works in the basement (Carlson, who lives on the roof)
  • Tsinifa is a dark sparrow (Finist - a clear falcon)
  • Cowardly seamstress (brave tailor).
  • Smart Marya, Barshman's daughter (Ivan the fool, peasant son)
  • Belyanochka and 7 giants (Snow White and 7 gnomes)
  • A very pale girl and her 7 friends (Snow White).
  • Chernushka and chamomile (Belyanochka and rose).
  • Girl in a fairy village (Alice in Wonderland).
  • Palace - Teremok,
  • Tin animal - goldfish,
  • 1 year - 12 months,

Quiz "Find out a fairy tale, by supporting words"

Victorin find out a fairy tale by supporting words,
Quiz "Find out a fairy tale, by supporting words"

Quiz “Find out a fairy tale, by supporting words”:

  • Sister, brother, geese, apple tree, woman-yaga, stove. (Swan geese)
  • Hat, field, boots, castle, cat. (Puss in Boots)
  • Grandmother, lumberjacks, pies, forest, rope. (Red Riding Hood)
  • Pumpkin, prison, taxes, tears, generals. (Chipollino)
  • Wing, field mouse, swallow, elf, flower, hole . (Inch)
  • Snow, mirror, rose, deer, crows, fragment. (The Snow Queen)
  • Sea, wind, pain, prince, foam, voice. (Mermaid)
  • Ball, pumpkin, stairs, prince, stepmother . (Cinderella)
  • Road, robbers, friendship, princess, music. (The Bremen Town Musicians)
  • Spindle, sorceress, prince, kiss, princess. (Sleeping Beauty)
  • Donkey, hat, boots, field, castle ("Puss in Boots")
  • Road, robbers, music, friendship ("The Bremen Town Musicians")
  • Pumpkin, prison, taxes, tears, generals ("Chipollino")
  • Herd, torch, vines, wolf, boy ("Mowgli")
  • Grandmother, pies, forest, lumberjacks, rope ("Red Riding Hood")
  • Nora, wing, elf, flower, swallow, field mouse ("Thumbelina")
  • Snow, glass, mirror, morning, rose, deer, small robber ("The Snow Queen")
  • Swan, egg, dream, water, duck, frost ("Ugly duck")
  • Rose, rattle, nightingale, pot, princess ("Swineherd")
  • Rooster, grain, cow, blacksmith, chicken ("Cockerel and bean grain")
  • Hollow, witch, dog, cradle, pipe, princess ("Flint")
  • Grandmother, granddaughter, mouse, chicken ("Fear has big eyes")
  • Sea, wind, witchcraft, pain, prince ("Mermaid")
  • Goat, goat, wolf, blacksmith (The wolf and the seven Young goats)
  • Masha, bear, box, stump, pies (Masha and the Bear)
  • Two bear cubs, cheese, fox (Two greedy teddy bear)
  • Pike, Emelya, stove, princess Nesmeyan (By magic)
  • Fox, crane, plate, jug (Fox and crane)
  • Hare, Gumno, not a mustache, but anger, not paws, but naps, crow, dogs (Hare - boast)
  • Grandfather, woman, WHO, fish, fox, wolf, hole, tail (Fox - sister and gray wolf)

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale by the picture"

Quiz "Find out the fairy tale":

Quiz find out the fairy tale by the picture
Three pigs
Quiz find out the fairy tale by the picture
Quiz find out the fairy tale by the picture
The wolf and the seven Young goats
Quiz find out the fairy tale by the picture
Quiz find out the fairy tale by the picture
Fly Tsokotukha

Video: Quotes and phrases from Soviet cartoons

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