Quotes from fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin - the best selection

Quotes from fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin - the best selection

A large selection of quotes from fairy tales for school and preschool children.

Quotes from fairy tales - from what fairy tale quote?

Quotes from fairy tales - from what fairy tale quote?

Quotes from fairy tales - from what fairy tale quote:

  • “-Take care of something, work.
    - Tired.
    - How are you tired of if you have never worked?
    “But I'm tired in advance.” (Answer - Thumbelina.)
  • “ - Well, how is the bride good?
    - Good! It is only a pity that it is not green.
    - Nothing will live with us - he will green " . (Answer - Thumbelina.)
  • “I'm in the river. Let the river itself carry me ", - The hedgehog decided, as he could take a deep breath, and he was carried downstream. " (The answer is a hedgehog in the fog.)
  • “So today the hedgehog said the teddy bear:
    -How good it is that we have each other! The bear nodded.
    - Just imagine, I don’t, you are sitting alone and there is no one to talk to ...
    - What did you stick to me? - the bear is angry. - If you are not, then I am not. Understood?" (The answer is a hedgehog in the fog.)
  • “ - Well, this is such a thing, this is such a thing, you know, a watch. They're walking.
    - How do they go? They have no paws.
    - Well, how to explain to you, it only says that they go, but in fact they knock, knock, and then beat.
    "Wow, are they still fighting?" (Answer - Bobik visiting Barbos.)
  • “I wish you good, that's why I swear you - So true friends are always recognized! " (The answer is an ugly duckling.)
  • « It doesn’t matter to be born in a duck nest, if you hatched from a swan egg! ” (The answer is an ugly duckling.)
  • “If it seemed to you that your interlocutor He doesn't listen to you, be patient. Maybe he just got into his ear. ” (Answer-Winnie the Pooh.)
  • « Sometimes I have the most insignificant thingst Most of the place in your heart. "
    “If you live a hundred years, I would like to live a hundred years minus one day so that I don’t have to live a day without you.” (Answer-Winnie the Pooh.)
  • “Love takes a few steps back, To give way to the happiness of the one you love. ” (Answer-Winnie the Pooh.)

Quotes about fairy tales - the best selection

Quotes about fairy tales - the best selection

Quotes about fairy tales - the best selection:

The cycle about the mummies-trolls

  • "In order to believe in something, it is not at all necessary to know if this is true."
  • “It is equally important to know two things - how to be one and what to do with others.”
  • "Punishment is not the only way to make someone behave well."
  • "Your plans do not have to be extraordinary to make you unusually happy."

Mary Poppins Cycle

  • “Leo, as you know, is the king of animals. He should not forget about his position. I believe that the lion should always look great, wherever he is. ”
  • “Ball dances, as in otherwise, and all others, dance in a couple, that is, together, otherwise there is no sense in them. Loneliness in dancing is harmful to the worldview. ”
  • “I think,” she said quietly, “that is the strongest - patience. Because in the end, patience wins everything. "

Dunno cycle on the moon

  • “ - And who are these police officers? The herring asked.
    - Bandits! - Kolosok said with irritation. - Honestly, bandits! Truly, the duty of the police is to protect the population from robbers, in reality they protect only the rich. ”
  • “We also do not want to say that, by acquiring shares, they do not acquire anything, since, buying shares, they receive hope for improving their well -being. And hope, as you know, is also worth something. ”
  • “Finally, he still gained courage so much that he decided to admit his own cowardice.”

Waffle heart cycle

  • “Death is almost like snow! You never know when he goes, although most often this happens in winter. ”
  • “She has prepared her own branded breakfast, so harmful to health that you can cook it only if no one is at home.”
  • “I looked at her and thought that for sure many wanted to marry her. She has a silver earring in her nose. ”

Quotes from fairy tales - from what familiar fairy tale is a short phrase?

Quotes from fairy tales - from what fairy tale a phrase?

Quotes from fairy tales - from what a familiar fairy tale is a short phrase:

  • “I left my grandmother. I left my grandfather. " (Kolobok.)
  • “My light, mirror, tell me. Yes, tell the whole truth. " (Tale of the dead princess.)
  • "The sons bowed to his father, took the arrow, went out into the clean field, pulled the arrows and fired." (Princess Frog.)
  • "Once upon a time there was a woman, she really wanted to have a child and where to get him." (Thumbelina.)
  • “There was a soldier along the road: one or two, one or two. Spring behind him, saber on the side. " (Flint.)
  • "Pulls pull, they cannot pull out." (Turnip.)
  • "By pike command, in my opinion, go home yourself." (By magic.)
  • "Who was sitting on my chair?" (Three Bears.)
  • "You are foolish, simple -finished." ( The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)
  • "Sleep, eye, back another." (Havroshechka.)
  • “The fox went home inconspicuously. On this, their friendship ended. " (Fox and crane.)
  • "I was assured that you can turn into different animals." (Puss in Boots.)

Quotes from fairy tales - guess by ear the name of the work

Quotes from fairy tales - guess by ear the name of the work

Quotes from fairy tales - guess by ear the name of the work:

I said a word -
The stove rolled
Right from the village
To the king and the princess.
And for what, I don't know
Lucky lazy.
("By magic".)

And the road is far away,
And the basket is not easy
Sit on a stump,
To eat a pie ...
("Masha and the Bear".)

Oh you, Petya - simplicity,
He blocked a little
The cat did not obey
He looked out the window.
("Cat, rooster and fox.")

The red girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun!
Tears pouring, poor thing!
(Snow Maiden.)

What a fairy tale, open us a secret,
Where it was said:
"Sleep, eye, and sleep, another!"
("Tiny Khavroshechka".)

Here is the young Virgin in the arms of sleep,
She lies a hundred years
And waiting, but there is no prince, and no, and no.
Tell me, friends, who is she?
("Sleeping Beauty".)

He had a lot of wives, but all
The fate of evil suffered -
He deprived their life ...
What a villain!
So who is he?
Name me as soon as possible.
("Blue Beard".)

Little girl runs cheerfully
Along the path to the house,
What is in the forest.
This girl needs
To the grandmother soon
Take the basket,
Sent to her.
("Red Riding Hood".)

The smartness of this boy
Saved him and six brothers,
Although he is small, but the remote.
So which of you read about him?

Do you like cats? I - yes!
Have you met the speakers?
Capable of singing, and dance,
And the king is chasing
Find the owner housing,
Save him from poverty,
To the throne with the princess?
("Puss in Boots".)

He is kind in the world,
He is famous, famous
Heals all sick animals good ...
("Dr. Aibolit".)

Not a kitten, not a groundhole,
Not a wolf cub, not a puppy,
Very cute face,
And it is called ...

The father had a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
But he loved the dad of his son,
Shalunishka ...

Many unknown to many,
He became every friend.
Everyone in an interesting fairy tale
A onion boy is familiar.
Very simple and short
He is called ...

Quotes from fairy tales - name the work on the passage

Quotes from fairy tales - guess the work on the passage

Quotes from fairy tales - guess the work on the passage:

  • “The old woman began to be offended by the cat, says: "Once he does not catch mice, we do not need it!"
    And she made the old man put the cat in a bag, take it away into the forest and shake it there. " (Fox and Kotofei Ivanovich.)
  • “It turned out that the fox has a lot of chicken and all the ball. She treated Kotofei Ivanovich to glory. I treated it, and then says: “What are you, Kotofei Ivanovich, one? Have you nowhere to go, or what? Let's live together, stay with me. " (Fox and Kotofei Ivanovich.)
  • “Three bears lived in this house. One bear was a father, his name was Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. Another was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a small bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. " (Three Bears.)
  • “The girl took the largest spoon and stuck from the largest cup, Then she took the middle spoon and stuck from the middle cup, then she took a small spoon and stuck from a blue cup. And Mishutkina stew her seemed better than anyone. " (Three Bears.)
  • “-stove, stove, tell me where the geese-swans flew?
    The stove answers her:
    - Eat my rye pies - I’ll say.
    - I will become rye cake! My father and wheat do not eat ... " (Swan geese.)
  • “-Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where are the geese-swans flew?
    - Eat my forest apple - I’ll say.
    - My father and garden are not used ...
    The apple tree did not tell her. The girl ran further. " (Swan geese.)
  • “Nikita ran a furrow from Kyiv to the Black Sea and says the snake: “We divided the Earth - now let's share the sea so that the dispute about the water does not work about the water.” (Nikita Kozhemyaka.)
  • “ - Do not hit me, Nikitushka, to death! You and I have no one in the world. We will divide the whole world equally: you will own in one half, and I will be in the other. ” (Nikita Kozhemyaka.)
  • “The next day after the wedding, the king of his sons called on and says: “Well, my son is dear, now you are all three married. I would like to know if your wives can bake bread. Let them bake me on the punishment of bread in the morning. " (Princess Frog.)
  • ““ Kv-kva, Ivan Tsarevich, ”says the frog-quack,“ why are you so sad? ” Or did you hear from my father the word unkind? " (Princess Frog.)

Quotes from films of fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin

Quotes from films of fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin

Quotes from films of fairy tales for children's contests and quiz:

  • «It was last summer, in mid -January. " "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • «What a disgusting manner: to bring sad news on such a happy day! ” "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • «Ah, what bliss is to know that I am perfection! ” "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • «And I don't care about your business. After all, I do not care. " "About the Red Red Riding Hood"
  • «How much will be twice or two or four guys? " "About the Red Red Riding Hood"
  • «Do smart children read what is written on the fences? " "About the Red Red Riding Hood"
  • «Ah, it's you, an old floating suitcase! " "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • «Bring your money, otherwise be trouble! " "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • «In Baghdad, everything is calm, calm, calm ... " "Magic Aladdin lamp"
  • «We ate - now you can sleep! They slept - now you can eat ... " "Thumbelina"
  • «They are vaccinated! - They make injections! “They drill their teeth with drill!” "Dr. Aibolit"
  • «I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless, I am an evil robber of Barmaley. And I do not need either chocolate, no marmalade, but only young children ... " "Dr. Aibolit"
  • «By origin-I am oh tuto, and by education I am there. "Varavara-beautiful, long braid"

Quotes from the fairy tale "Little Prince" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Little Prince" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Little Prince" for children's contests and Victorin:

  • “I didn't want you to hurt. You yourself wished me to tame you. "
  • “I would like to know why the stars are glowing. Probably, then, so sooner or later, everyone could find their own again. ”
  • “Never listen to what the flowers say. You just need to look at them and breathe them with aroma. My flower was drunk with fragrance of my whole planet, but I did not know how to rejoice. "
  • "All adults were at first children, only few of them remember this."
  • “This is very sad when they forget friends. Not everyone had a friend. "
  • “People climb into fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for. Therefore, they do not know peace and rush in one direction, then in the other ... and all in vain. "
  • “You live in your actions, not in the body. You are your actions, and there is no other you. "
  • “There is such a solid rule. He got up in the morning, washed himself, put himself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. "
  • “I would like to know why the stars are glowing. Probably, then, so sooner or later, everyone could find their own again. ”
  • “Never listen to what the flowers say. You just need to look at them and breathe them with aroma. My flower was drowned with fragrance of my whole planet, and I did not know how to “rejoice.” It is good when there is a friend, even if I had to die. ”
  • “Love is when nothing is ashamed, nothing scary, understand? When you are not let down, they will not betray. When they believe. "

"Snow Queen" - quotes from a fairy tale for children's competitions and Victorin

"Snow Queen" - quotes from a fairy tale for children's competitions and Victorin

"Snow Queen" - quotes from a fairy tale for children's competitions and Victorin:

  • “Kai and Gerda sat and examined a book with pictures, different animals and birds. And suddenly, how five times on the tower watches were struck. "
  • “ - Kai cried out:“ I was tinted right in my heart! ” And now something got into the eye! " The girl wrapped her hands on his neck with her hands. Kai blinked his eyes, no, nothing was visible. "
  • “What are you whipping? Kai asked. - How ugly you are now! After all, it does not hurt at all! . . . Ugh! He shouted suddenly. - This rose sharpens the worm! Look, but that is completely crooked! What ugly roses! No better the boxes in which they stick out! "
  • “ - Look at the glass, Gerda! - he said. Each snowflake increased under the glass many times and looked like a luxurious flower or a ten -pointed star. It was very beautiful."
  • “—Ah, poor thing! - She said, old woman. - How did you get to such a large, fast river, and even swam so far? ”
  • ““ You were completely upset, ”said Gerda. “You also smell so much.” Now the dead girls do not go from my head! Are Kai died too! But the roses visited the ground, and they say that it is not there. "
  • ““ It is all mine! ” - said the little robber. She grabbed what was sitting closer, took his foot and shook him so that he scored his wings. ”

Quotes from the fairy tale "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale Robber"

Quotes from the fairy tale "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale Robber"

Quotes from the fairy tale "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale Robber":

  • “ - What kind of ignoramus is passing here, past my protected oaks? It does not give a nightingale to sleep! ”
  • “ - You are herbal bag, not a heroic horse. You didn’t hear the bird's puzzle, hissing of the viper. Get to your feet, bring me closer to the nightingale nest, or I will throw you to eat the wolves. ”
  • “-You take from us, a hero, silver, gold, priceless pearls, how much your heroic horse can take away, let go of only our father, a straw-robber.”
  • “ - My name is Ilya. I am from under Murom. A peasant son from the village of Karacharov. I rode from Chernigov dear, wide. I brought you, the prince, the Nightingale-robber, he is attached to my courtyard at your yard at my horse. ”
  • “ - Okay, only you, the prince, do not be angry, I will close you with the princess with the floors of my Kontan peasant, not as if there was no trouble. And you, Nightingale Rakhmanovich, do what you are ordered. "
  • ““ Look, the nightingale, ”says Ilya,“ you don’t dare to whistle in full voice, and you are whistling with a semi -sabbath, the burnt is a semi -lady, otherwise it will be bad for you. ”
  • “Thank you, Ilya Muromets,” says Vladimir-Knyaz. Stay in my squad, you will be the senior hero, over other heroes, the boss. And live in our Kyiv, live a century, from now on and to death. "

Quotes from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden" for children's competitions and Victorin:

  • “Well,” she says, “let's go, take a walk in old age!” Only what do you sculpt a woman for? It will be from you and me alone. Better we blind a child from the snow, if God did not give the living! ”
  • “- Ah, Ivan, Ivan! Cried Marya, trembling with joy. - This is the Lord the child gives us! - and rushed to hug the Snow Maiden, and from the Snow Maiden, all the snow fell off like a shell from the testicle, and in the arms of Marya there was already a really living girl. "
  • “- What about you, my child? - Marya said more than once, clamping her. - Are you sick? You are all so gloomy, completely slept from the face. Has a unkind man jinx you? "
  • “Besides, Marya thought: maybe her Snowman is walking around! And she brought her, kissed her and said: “Come on, my child, amused with my girlfriends! And you girls, look, take care of my Snow Maiden ... After all, I myself know how gunpowder is in the eye! ”
  • “And more than once she heard that the Snow Maiden spoke in the voice of the Snow Maiden:“ Au! ” Snegurochka is not like not! Where did the Snow Maiden go? Did the fierce beast showed her in a dense forest, and wasn’t a predatory bird to the blue sea? ”

Quotes from the fairy tale "12 months" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "12 months" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "12 months" for children's competitions and Victorin:

  • “A girl looked at the stepmother, does she joke or really sends her to the forest? Scary now in the forest! And what are the snowdrops among the winter? Before March, they will not be born, no matter how much they look. You will only disappear in the forest, you will get bogged down in snowdrifts. "
  • “If only,” he thinks, “the light did not go out!” And he does not go out, he burns brighter. It became a warm haze and it became audible how brushwood cracked in the fire. The girl added a step and went out into the clearing. Yes, and froze. "
  • “Machekhin’s daughter came up to the fire itself, did not bow, did not say a friendly word, but chose the place where it was fire and began to bask. The brothers-mixed brothers fell silent. It became quiet in the forest. And suddenly he hit January-month with a staff on the ground. "
  • “And suddenly a light flashed far between the trees - as if the star was confused among the branches. The girl rose and went to this light. He sinks in snowdrifts, flies through Boille. “If only,” he thinks, “the light did not go out!”
  • “Wait a minute,” says January-month. - Do not be summer before spring, but in spring before winter. Far before June-month. I am now the master of the forest, I will reign here to reign here. "
  • “Light in a clearing, just from the sun. In the middle of the clearing, a large bonfire burns, almost to the sky itself. And people are sitting around the fire - who are closer to the fire, some away. They sit and talk quietly. "

Quotes from the fairy tale "The pantry of the Sun" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "The pantry of the Sun" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "The pantry of the Sun" for children's competitions and Victorin:

  • ““ There, near Elani, there is Palestinian, ”said Mitrash. - Father said: go to a high mane and after that hold to the north and, when you cross through the sonorous Borina, keep everything right north and see - there will come to you Palestinian, all red as blood, from only cranberries. Nobody has been to this Palestinian yet! ”
  • “Nastya, noticing that his brother was starting to be angry, suddenly smiled and stroked him on the back of his head. Mitrash immediately calmed down, and his friends went along the path indicated by the arrow, now no longer nearby, as before, but one after another, a goose. "
  • “Seeing the sun over the swamp marshy Christmas trees, he suddenly jumped on his high bridge, showed his white, pure lingerie of the subsidiary, Old and shouted - Chuf, Shi!”
  • “Carefully shouting and tapping with sticks, the beaters woke the wolves, and at first they quietly went to their direction. A wolf herself was ahead, behind her - young re -reversals, and behind, aside, separately and independently, - a huge, false seasoned wolf, known to the peasant villain, nicknamed the gray landowner. "
  • “Having looked again carefully towards the direct trace of the blind Elan, the grass finally turned towards the path bypassing Elan from the right side, once again climbed onto her hind legs, confident, wandered her tail and knocked there.”
  • “Trymay near the lying stone on soothered trees put a roe-tockovik. And the cranes shouted three times, not like in the morning - “victory”, but it seems like: - Sleep, but remember: we will wake you up soon, wake you up, wake you up! ”
  • “You can guess,” the hare, hearing an incomprehensible noise, told himself something like ours: “Away from sin,” and, Kovyl-Kovl, quietly went to the reverse trail to the lying stone. ”

Quotes from the fairy tale "Scarlet Sails" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Scarlet Sails" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Scarlet Sails" for children's contests and Victorin:

  • “ - Tell me, why don't they love us? Assol, do they know how to love? We must be able to love, but they cannot. "
  • “You will have to see you in the future not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails in the future; From a distance of elegant and white, near - torn and arrogant. "
  • “In this regard, Assol was still the little girl who prayed in her own way, whispering amiably in the morning:“ Hello, God! ”, And in the evening:“ Goodbye, God! ”
  • “They chuckled at her, saying:“ She is touched ”,“ not in herself ”; She was used to this pain; The girl even happened to endure insults, after which her chest ached like from a blow. "
  • “And often a vacationing consciousness smiles, seeing, for example, how to think about fate suddenly complains the image of a guest completely inappropriate-some kind of twig, broken two years ago. So I thought at the Gray fire, but was "somewhere"-not here. "
  • "Nothing in his calm appearance spoke of that tension of feeling, whose hum, like the rumble of a huge bell, beating over his head, rushed through his whole being with a deafening nervous moan."

Quotes from the fairy tale "Mermaid" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Mermaid" for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tale "Little Mermaid" for children's contests and Victorin:

  • “Most of all, the mermaid loved to listen to stories about people living upstairs on Earth. The old woman had to tell her everything that she only knew about ships and cities, about people and animals. "
  • ““ When you are fifteen years old, ”said your grandmother,“ you will also be allowed to float to the surface of the sea, sit, in the light of a month, on the rocks and look at huge ships floating by, at the forests and cities! ”
  • “ - Let's go with us a sister! - the sisters told the mermaid, and everything rose in hand to the surface of the sea near the place where the prince's palace lay. "
  • “ - Why do we have no immortal soul! - the mermaid said sadly. - I would give all my hundreds of years in one day of human life in order to then take part in the heavenly bliss of people. "
  • “ - I know, I know why you came! - said the mermaid of the sea witch. “You are starting nonsense, well, I will help you, you’re in trouble, my beauty!” You want to get two supports instead of your fish tail to walk like people. Do you want a young prince to love you, and you would receive an immortal soul. "
  • “ - Your lovely face, your sliding gait and your speaking eyes are enough to conquer the human heart! Well, full, do not be afraid, stick out the tongue, and I will cut it in paying for a magical drink! ”
  • “But another minute - and she threw him into the waves, which blushed, as if they were stained with blood, in the place where he fell. Once again she looked at the prince with a fading gaze, rushed from the ship into the sea and felt her body blurred by foam. ”

Quotes from Pushkin's fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin

Quotes from Pushkin's fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin

Quotes from Pushkin's tales for children's contests and Victorin:

Tale of the Golden Cockerel

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.

The king of the crypt thanks
Mountains of gold promises.
“For such a favor, -
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I will fulfill how mine. ”

Dadon fell from the chariot -
He gasped once, - and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared
It was not at all.
A fairy tale lies, but in it a hint!
Good fellows lesson.

The tale of the priest and the employee of his Balde

Once upon a time there was a pop
Toloconal forehead.
Pop went to the bazaar
See koy to the goods.
Towards him a bald
He goes without knowing where.

The thrown demon emerged,
He grunted like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda is a peasant;
What is the need for a quit.
We have not heard about the scurry of the eyelids
There were no devils of such sorrow.

And the pop, surrounding the bald, jumps up,
Hides behind the floor,
Cores with fear.
Balda found him here,
Gave the quittance, the payments of the requirementshe became.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

The old man with his old woman lived
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man caught a fish with a net,
The old woman spun her yarn.

The old man turned back to the old woman
He told her a great miracle:
“I caught a fish today,
Gold fish, not simple;
In our opinion, the fish said
The blue asked home in the sea,

My old woman extended me,
Does not give the old man a rest:
She needs a new trough;
Ours completely split. ”
The goldfish answers:
“Do not be sad, go to yourself with God.
You will be a new trough. ”

The tale of King Nikita and forty of his daughters

Tsar Nikita once lived
idly, fun, rich,
did not create good, not evil
And the earth bloomed him.

They jump, they are growing everywhere
And they look for the king with a sorceress.
A year and another passes
There is no one.

The king is like that
Immediately set a feast with a mountain.
For seven days, they feasted in a row,
We rested for a month

Quotes from Anderson's fairy tales for children's competitions and Victorin

Fairytale-Strana (1)
Quotes from Anderson's fairy tales for children's competitions and Victorin

Quotes from Anderson's fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin:

A fairy tale is an ugly duckling

  • “ - What kind of turkey is this?” - said the duck. - Look how gloriously it rowing with paws, how it directly holds! No, this is my own son! Yes, he is completely and not at all, as you look at him well! Well, lively, after me! I will now introduce you to society - we will go to the bird's yard. "
  • “I’ll fly to these royal birds, they will probably kill me for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to approach them, but let it be! It is better to be killed by them than to demolish the forks of ducks and chickens, tremors of the poultry house and tolerate cold and hunger in the winter! ”

The tale of the princess on the pea

  • "Well, we will find out!" - thought the old queen, but did not say a word and went to the bedroom. There she removed all the mattresses and pillows from bed and laid a pea on the boards; On top of the pea, I laid out twenty mattresses, and twenty down jackets on top. ”
  • “ - Ah, very bad! - said the princess. - I almost did not close my eye! God knows what I had in the bed! I lay on something so hard that my whole body is now in bruises! Just awful!"

Tale Strong Tin Soldier

  • “He began to scrape the rain - stronger, stronger, finally poured the downpour. When it cleared up again, two street boys came. - Look! - said one. - There is a tin soldier! Let's send him into swimming! "
  • “But the tin soldier was silent and squeezed the gun even more tightly. The boat carried, and the rat sailed after it. Wow! How she gripped her teeth and shouted slips and straws floating towards them. ”

Quotes from the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers for children's contests and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers for children's contests and Victorin

Quotes from the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers for children's contests and Victorin:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  • “Moreover, she had such a magic mirror that she loved to become, admired herself and used to say: a mirror, a mirror, say rather, who is more beautiful here, who is more like a mile?”
  • “But the dwarfs answered:“ We will not give it for all the gold in the world. ” But the Korolevich did not retreat: “So give it to me, I can’t see enough of the Snow White. It seems that life will not be sweet to me without her! Give, and I will read and value her as a sweet girlfriend! ”

The Bremen Town Musicians

  • “Come with us, the cat, to the city of Bremen, we will become street musicians there. Your voice is good, you will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar. ”
  • “And then they screamed all at once: the donkey-in a roof, the dog is like a dog, the cat is like a koshachny, and the rooster was clogging.”

Fairy tale boy-s-firing

  • “And the father and mother said:“ We definitely wished it for ourselves, and he should be a sweet child! ” And they called him for his height boy-s-firing. "
  • “When two strangers saw a baby, they could not come to their senses from amazement. One of them took the other to the side and said: “Listen, because this crumb boy could make us happy if we began to show him for money in a big city. Let's buy it! ”

Wise quotes from fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin

Wise quotes from fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin

Wise quotes from fairy tales for children's contests and Victorin:

"The Wizard of Oz"

  • ““ And I, ”the horror stubbornly said,“ I still prefer my brains. When there are no brains, the heart is useless. "
    “ - Well, and I need a heart! - objected the iron lumberjack. - Brains do not make a person happy, and happiness is the best that is on earth. "

"Mary Poppins"

  • "And the queen was happy for a very serious reason - because the king was happy."

"Alice in Wonderland"

  • "You know, one of the most serious losses in the battle is the loss of the head."

"Carlson who lives on the roof"

  • “ - Well, no, I don’t eat it - what is it? One pie and eight candles? Better so - eight pies ... and one candle, huh? “Believe me, Carlson, not in pies happiness ...”

"All about the mummy-trolls"

  • "Punishment is not the only way to make someone behave well."

"Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

  • "What is the use of stunning things such as floods and floods, if you have no one to even talk about them with them?"

Video: Quotes and phrases from Soviet cartoons

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