Songs about professions for children - the best selection for school and preschool children

Songs about professions for children - the best selection for school and preschool children

A large selection of songs about professions for children that can be used both for training and for entertainment.

Songs about professions for school -age children

Songs about professions for school -age children
Songs about professions for school -age children

Songs about professions for school -age children:


There are many professions in the world,
Even children know this.
And there are no professions -
Everyone will tell you about this.

There is a beautiful master - carpenter,
He is a hunter to a tree.
It creates furniture for people
And he is always honored.

The doctor treats all diseases -
No profession is more useful.
If someone gets sick
The doctor will be able to cure.

Who cooks soup and porridge,
Cake, compote and yogurt?
The cook knows all the secrets.
For dessert, he will give sweets.

Overtaking the wind in the sky
In hide and seek in the clouds, playing,
The plane rings with an arrow -
The pilot controls it.

Rides into the distance, the car runs,
About the asphalt washing the tires.
The driver of the glorious leads to the road -
At the wheel he is the most important.

He controls the ship
In the morning, in the evening and day
At the helm of the captain -
I saw many countries.

There is a profession - builder -
Inconvenience conqueror.
He builds at home, factories,
Farms, schools, skyscrapers.

And the designer is also
It looks like a game in everything.
Constructs objects -
We know everything about it.

Engineer - inventor -
He is the Creator, Miracles of the Creator.
What he came up with - creates.
We are entailing to the world of accomplishments.

There is a profession - a teacher -
Our ideological inspirer.
Secrets of life barriers
He will be glad to reveal to us.

The farmer is very important -
The hard worker of the Earth, craftsman.
Plings, sowing, watering,
The whole harvest harvests.

There is one profession -
She is very important.
So that we always laugh
To smile to the sun,
He is following the order
If necessary, protect.
The soldier has a job -
The world to keep his concern.

We all need sellers -
They must sell.
Everything that the master creates
The seller sells us.

There is a singer, and there is an athlete,
Showman and businessman,
Stargazer, miner, writer,
Metallurg and tester.

Burenka Dasha. Professions. Songs for children

"Profession Mom and Dad"

We cannot count all professions,
How many of them are in the world.
But there is only one profession -
All are more important, all, she.
Frankly I will say right -
This position is my mother!

Mom is my first teacher,
My ideological inspirer,
Cook, doctor and seamstress,
My defender and judge.

Mom is my coach, rescuer
And, of course, the teacher.
It’s impossible without it -
This is truth, friends.

Dad is also very important -
He is my brave defender
Carpenter, carpenter and builder -
Male affairs are my teacher.

All professions are needed
All professions are important.
Everyone must decide for himself
Who, when he wants to become.

"Kaleidoscope of professions"

There are many professions of different
Necessary, kind and dangerous.
Turner, cook, milling holder,
Musician and Packer.
Biophysicist and veterinarian.
Stolar, dealer, broker, weaver.
A lot of their names,
But let's start the description.
The diver is sitting in the rocket,
He would take off to the stars, children.
Astronaut - on the contrary,
The bottom of the sea is waiting for him.
Something somewhere I confused!
I confused them in places!
The astronaut flies to the moon
The diver floats at the bottom.
Doctor - bakes buns,
A baker - a thermometer gives.
Oh, again the opposite!
Doctor - a thermometer gives
Baker - bakes buns.
And the teacher is building a house,
How much laughter will be in it.
The mason leads a lesson,
He is very strict to the kids.
Something here is wrong again!
Well, of course! Here is a simpleton!
The mason will build a house,
We will call his school.
In this school in the lesson
The teacher is not very strict,
He loves children
Knowledge gives from books.
All professions are important
Humanity is needed.
How many are there in the world?
Forty thousand, somewhere ... children.

Merry melody for children

The lyrics "Who should I become?"

Borka asks dad:
“Dad, who should I become,
About what profession
Better to dream? "

Dad says in response:
“This is not a secret at all -
All professions are important
All professions are needed.

The singer sings the song,
Shepherd grazes sheep,
The clown gives a sonorous laughter
And the driver carries everyone. "

There are many beautiful things in the world
And professions of various.
In them you play with Borka
And choose any.

Borka asks her mother:
“Mom, who should I become,
About what profession
Better to dream? "

Mom says in response:
“This is not a secret at all -
All professions are important
All professions are needed.

The cook cooks us broth,
Letters are the postman,
The doctor can treat everyone,
And the teacher to teach us. "

There are many beautiful things in the world
And professions of various.
In them you play with Borka
And choose any.

There are many beautiful things in the world
And professions of various.
In them you play with Borka
And choose any.

Songs about profession for preschool children

Songs about profession for preschool children
Songs about profession for preschool children

Songs about professions for preschool children:

Song for children "Daddy profession"

The bridge is trembling and the engine howls -
It is a dad - a driver.
A plane flies through the blue sky.
They are controlled by dad - a pilot.
Walks together with the military in a row
In the gray overcoat, dad is a soldier.
Who is the record holder in the all -around?
We answer: "Dad is an athlete!"
Coal to cut is not tired in the bowels of the mountains
Black from soot dad Shahter.
Steel melts, steam is from the boiler -
Dad is a worker, he is an steelmark.
Will cure thousands of broken hands
In the children's hospital, a papa-surgeon.
The crane will install, clean the blockage
Dad-Santechnik, or Monter.
Who performs on the scene on the BIS?
This is a well-known dad artist.
"There is no unnecessary profession in the world!" -
Papa Poet has been teaching us from childhood.

Merry instrumental music for children

"I want to be…"

I want to be a doctor to treat children.
And pictures, as an artist, draw for books.
I want to be a seller - to sell sweets, sketches and chocolate, soda in the summer.
I want to be a driver and drive a bus.
And the teacher, which is important in the class, is twisting the globe.
The pilot is brave to be, argue with the clouds.
In the waves, with a fair wind, sail under sails.
And like a cook, make a cake and delicious cutlets, open new planets with an astronomer.
Trainer of animals or football player.
General, astronaut and scuba gear.
A person - a spider or a musketeer.
Karatist and pirate, or stuntman.
How I want to become big - with a beard, with a mustache.
Strong to be like my dad, helping mom.

"Each business has a special smell"

Each business has a special smell.
In the bakery, it smells of fresh sons.
Meat smells of fragrant butcher.
The stove -shaped gas smells carrier.
The milkman smells of fresh sour cream.
The miners smell of burning methane.
A newspaper smells like a fresh press,
The surgeon smells of successful anesthesia.
The milkmaid smells in an evening mowing.
It smells of a chukharka tomato.
The sister smells of nurse alcohol.
The nanny smells of a diaper of Haggie.
It smells of a shoemaker with a thick shoe,
Consul English smells of oatmeal,
A school teacher is losing a valerian.
A tourist smells of a sprat in a tomato,
Iodine with green athlete climber.
The priest smells like a holy water.
The rabbis smell of kosher food.
The Morse ABC smells of a radio operator.
The sailor smells of a spilled.
Only programmers do not smell in any way

Video: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”-a Multfilm song

Children's song about professions - ABC of professions

Children's song about professions - ABC of professions
Children's song about professions - ABC of professions

Children's song about professions - ABC of professions:

"Song for children" ABC of professions "

Harvesting is high
Agronous will help us.
He knows the time sowing
And with a botany is familiar.

Who is the animator?
Holidays organizer.
He dances and sings
The mood creates.

A big expert on literature,
Keeper and connoisseur of books.
Librarian - into the world of culture
For all of us, the best conductor.

He thinks tirelessly
He rules the budget.
Enough money or not
The accountant will give us an answer.

If the dog has heat
She needs a veterinarian.
It will help to recover
Even a tiger and a she -wolf.

Crossroads, traffic lights
He knows everything.
Skipping the ambulance car
We are lucky around the city.
Knows the rules of movement,
Very well familiar
With the control mechanism
Our driver is driving.

Geologist who knows for us
He will find oil and gas in the ground.
Will indicate the depth of drilling,
The volume of the entire deposit.
Geological intelligence
He will open a rare mineral.

Prepares a maid number,
So that we are comfortable in him,
When, having arrived in a stranger, the city
We will come to live in the hotel.

Have you bought a sofa at the house?
You need a loader right away.
He will deliver your sofa
And raise it to the floor.

To make a house comfortable,
We call the designer.
He embodies ideas
The interior updates us.

To whom are the cows give milk?
The milkmaid will answer this easily.
To the one who gets up before everyone else, at dawn,
Who feeds the cow and holds warmly.

A huntsman is a forest guard.
He feeds animals in winter.
Saving forests and rivers
From a dashing person.
For protection will take measures,
The poacher will not let into the forest.

The journalist knows everything about everything in the world:
They found traces of water on another planet,
Here the volcano woke up again, here the lifting crane fell ...
The journalist will check the facts by visiting the spot himself,
And then, through the newspaper, he will tell us everything.

Do you want to sew clothes?
Go in the studio soon.
There the cutter will meet you
Merki will remove at the same hour.
Will pick up any style,
Exactly perform cutting.

Builder engineer
They build a house or factory,
Who is the construction?
Who is leading everyone,
Who is not sitting in place?
Chief engineer-builder,
All works manager.

Who do I want to be, friends,
I will answer you right away.
Because I know for sure:
I dream of being a pastry shop.
I will make a wonderful cake,
Delicate baked
And cakes of various
You are for your birthday.

Crane operator
Here is a huge lifting crane,
With an arrow - into the clouds.
Raises the load of tons
With the help of a crane operator.

Laboratory assistant
Will determine the composition of the water,
Food suitability for food,
A blood test will conduct,
Waste that the plant gives,
Has talent for chemistry,
Everywhere the right laboratory assistant.

Drawing loops in the sky blue
Silver plane.
Man in his cabin -
Pilot, or - a pilot,
The plane knows very well
It controls them without fear.

Here is a new house built.
How will we live in it,
In order not to have worries,
Without finishing work.
Who will paint the walls in the house
In a delicate peach color,
Ceilings-in milk-white,
Who will give an answer to this?
Well, of course, painter!
He has a gift for this
And the abilities and dexterity,
Everything will be painted quickly, deftly.

Massector with a movement of the hands
Extract any ailment.
The body will heal
And the disease will warn.

Merciful and good.
About patients care -
The meaning of her work.

The mechanic should follow the technique
Adjustment, repair and care.
Will find a malfunction in any mechanism,
Let the technique serve without risk to life.

Will launch the machine
Theizer is right and on time.
Devices, devices know the schemes.
The breakdown will eliminate, problems.
He is strong in automation,
He also knows the computer.

The notary will help draw up an agreement.
It will solve issues peacefully, warning the dispute.
Will certify the signature and explain the law,
And he will also check the competence of the transaction.

Vegetable breeder
Vegetables grow in the garden
And in the greenhouse all year round.
Beets for you? Sweet carrots?
Everything will grow a vegetable breeder.

The waiter awaits us in the cafe.
Dressed beautifully, like a dandy.
He served a table for us,
He placed devices on it.
He knows exactly etiquette
Will offer dishes for lunch
The dessert will give us without problems
So that we are satisfied with everyone.

He knows how on a computer
He work without problems
And it owns the programs
Computer's operator.

Hairdresser, taking a comb,
Cleverly makes a hairstyle.
The scissors are quickly cut,
The appearance of the new is created.

Carpenter can make a roof
Lay the plank floor.
Equips you with a niche
Will make a table for the kitchen.
Knowing master, skillful,
The wood will put into business.

Who is the most necessary in the dining room?
Who cooks hundreds of dishes?
Everyone will answer immediately together:
His name is the cook.

The fire is kind: he warms us with food.
But, sometimes, it happens, he brings trouble.
It turns out that the fireman at any hour fight him,
Decisive, brave, fearless, like a hero.

The policeman protects
Our honor and our peace,
And he enters the service
At an hour of daytime and at night.

Letters, telegrams and newspapers
He spreads on time to addresses.
News from all over the planet
The postman will always deliver you.

We come to the store.
It has an abundance of shop windows.
Select the right purchase
The seller will help sensitive.

Radio engineer
TV, phone
Do not work without waves.
Not marine, - physical,
Magnetic, electric.
These are the waves of these waves
You will list everything in the world.
And he has no problems
With setting up electronic circuits.

Radio operator
The radio operator does work
On the plane, ship.
Sends a radiogram
Those who remained on Earth.

The fisherman is a marine profession.
He must be hardy.
He knows fish fishing
And with navigation is familiar.

What kind of apples is aport?
The apples have such a variety.
The variety was invented by the gardener,
He leads the selection.
Pears, apples and plums
They will grow in the garden on a marvel.

The welder seams metal fastens,
Cuts, the form changes.
Electric arc
He will weld any metal.

The secretary always knows everything,
Documents drawn up.
He will answer the call
He will send letters on time.

The lifeguard helps people
He helps them out of trouble.
And he is a doctor, and Verkholaz,
And, if necessary, a diver.

Who knows how to build a house?
So that we are comfortable in it,
So that he was warm and durable.
The builder knows this for sure.
He builds schools and hospitals,
High -rise buildings of a string.
Brick puts on a brick,
And a new house grows up.

Stewardess on an airplane
Will tell us about flight.
Will bring food, drinks,
He will not leave without a smile.
Safety and peace
Will provide us with you.

If suddenly the disease happens,
Need to the doctor - to be treated!
Let's go to the clinic
To the therapist for reception.

On the machine a piece of metal
The turner will turn into a detail.
By the power of a professional
Even steel will become soft.

The topographer draws, measures
The surface of the area is any.
Details the map,
Displacing the terrestrial relief

Tractor driver all year round
Work is waiting in the village.
He will pass in off -road
He will produce plowing.
The tractor into the seeder is harnessed,
The field is quickly sowing.

The coach knows the best
How success is born:
Many years of training,
Patience, dexterity.
Only a professional
Conquers the pedestal.

Being a teacher is a vocation.
You need to love children like that
To the soul and diligence
Without a trace to give them.
Be an example of imitation,
It is interesting to explain
So that they have all the desire
In the lessons to answer.

The farmer is famous for business.
He leads the farm itself.
Milk and vegetables
It supplies us all year round.
Wheat is drunk in the field,
Will grow a bird on a farm,
The family will start the family
Get a fragrant honey.

Feldsher helps people,
Often he saves life.
If suddenly the trouble happens
He rushes to the patients on an ambulance.

The photographer looks at the lens,
In a single frame, the world belongs.
The moment of history for us
He will save in the frame now.

There is no more important work in the world,
How to raise gold bread.
Bakery, farmer - in high esteem,
And red hut with pies.
He will sow in the spring wheat,
The germs will germinate, grain the roots.
The bread field will be stuck
And it will be filled with the sun.
Spikelet to spikelet, frugally,
Will gather a crop yield,
So that the house is always beautiful,
Warm, magnificent, large loaf.

The artist is an artist.
In the paintings, he reflects
Events, nature, feelings,
The connection of generations and times.

I like to grow flowers.
I will be a flower grower.
You can’t do without beauty
What nature gives us.
What is a holiday without flowers?
The bouquet is always ready for you.

The watchmaker is a special master,
He is painstaking and accurate.
He is the smallest spare parts
He will see from all sides.
The malfunction will find
And the repair will make.
The clock will still serve us
Day after day, after year.

How the Earth works
I can't see.
After all, for this I need
To sink into the ground deeper,
Than in the cave and a ravine,
Just do it how?
Deeper in the earth's bowels
Shakhtar is lowered.
There the earth will open generously
All her wealth is a set:
Coal, shales and ore.
Yes, I'll go to the miners!

The line is flat.
The fabric flows at hand.
Behind the machine is a craftswoman
Sews outfits day-day.

The surface is smooth
Leaves behind.
It is over brickwork
The solution will apply the solution.
His outbuilding skill
He levels the walls.
Any business is arguing
If you are passionate about business.

The environmental profession is important and modern.
Its purpose is to preserve nature.
Water, earth and air for all people are priceless
And on our planet you cannot live without them.

Suddenly the light went out in the apartment.
How can we be, who will give advice?
We call an electrician.
He comes immediately to the house.
Repairing wiring.
Acts skillfully, clearly.
With electricity, friends,
You can’t be careless.

The jeweler will turn the stone,
Nursuit metal with braid,
And the metal will obediently become
Filigree Kruzhevna.
People are all in sight
He creates jewelry.

What will the law tell us?
We ask the lawyer.
He knows all laws
And he will answer quickly:
How to draw up an agreement,
Resolve the conflict and dispute,
Protect rights and honor.
There are laws about everything.

There was such a profession
When they did not know about trams,
Cars, trains.
There is even a song about coachmen.
The coachman knew the road for sure.
A simple man was going on to the service.
Transported people and cargo
Only three horsepower.

Video: funny children's music

Modern songs about professions

Modern songs about professions
Modern songs about professions

Modern songs about professions:

Song of the organizer of excursions

I am sitting at the table in front of the public,
I sell excursions in the Crimea and everywhere ...
You pass by, don't look at me,
"Buy, dear, you were not nowhere!"

The south coast of Crimea,
Jur-jur waterfall,
Sevastopol, marble,
Zander and horse round!
The south coast of Crimea,
Jur-jur waterfall,
Sevastopol, marble,
Pike perch and cheese tour!

The umbrella became my house
Covering from the sun, rain ...
In any bad weather I am sitting day, from day.
You pass by, don't look at me,
“Buy, dear, all tours I have!

The south coast of Crimea,
Jur-jur waterfall,
Sevastopol, marble,
Zander and horse round!
The south coast of Crimea,
Jur-jur waterfall,
Sevastopol, marble,
Pike perch and cheese tour!

Autumn will come yellow, we will all go on a hike ...
Restore the nerves. And there is New Year!
In the summer I will sit down at sight at the table,
"Buy excursions, I will find any of you!"

The south coast of Crimea,
Jur-jur waterfall,
Sevastopol, marble,
Zander and horse round!
The south coast of Crimea,
Jur-jur waterfall,
Sevastopol, marble,
Pike perch and cheese tour!

Melody for the song

"Dedication to a notary"

Always always believe people for a word,
But this approach is not applicable in everything.
And that's why we are again and again
We hasten to a notary public,
We hasten to a notary.

The notary is a very difficult job.
Notary, he is in tension all day!
"Paper is leafing through!" -someone will notice me.
But in these papers, after all, the fate of people.
But in these papers, after all, the fate of people.
The fate of people! The fate of people!

We often do not know the possible consequences,
And he will explain to us what, how and why.
And he will protect us from future disasters,
So that we, God forbid, do not leave with nothing!
So that we do not stay with nothing!


Problems, questions, human concern ...
It is quite difficult to solve them sometimes.
And how the client’s life will go from now on,
In many ways, let it now depend on you!
In many ways it depends on you!


Video: Children's song about professions

Cool songs about professions

Cool songs about professions
Cool songs about professions

Cool songs about professions:

"Who will I become?"

I don't know yet who I will become
And where I will go to work.
Then I want to become a captain, tabout commanding the tower crane,
Then carry ore by car ...

I want to be a driver, actor,
Explosor and electrician,
And also a malyar, a blacksmith
And the world famous singer!

How many different professions are there in the world,
Unusual and important works?
And the drill is interesting
And drive a cargo plane.

I will decide later who I will be.
So many different things in the world ...
I do not like to wash the dishes only
And do not do anything at all!

"All professions"

I want to be an astronaut
To fly above all
I want to be an astronaut
To get stars
3, 2, 1start

So that it was just to me
Take a photo on the moon
And visit Mars
The astronaut must become

I want to be a football player
To always play with the ball
I want to be a football player
I will only win.

The goal is the most important self
Everyone will call the hero
My dream will come true
A football player must become.

I want to be a doctor
To help people
I want to be a doctor
To know all the medicines.

Breath! Do not breath
I will be adults and children
Treat all diseases
The world will be more fun
I need to be a doctor.

I want to be a musician
To play on the pipe
I want to be a musician
To perform on the stage.

To create music
And write your album
To teach music
The musician must become.

All professions are important
Cosmonauts and pilots,
And athletes and lawyers,
Both singers and musicians,
And all other talents
Captains and dancers,
Both bankers and miners,
And doctors and teachers,
And the layers of the road,
And police officers,
Sellers and jewelers,
Engineers and actors,
All professions are important!

Video: Positive music for children

Funny songs about professions

Funny songs about professions
Funny songs about professions

Funny songs about professions:

"Song about the postman"

The postman is in a hurry in the light, he is glad to go to every house,
If there are no letters for a long time, the postman is not to blame.

The road curls on the ground, in the rain and snow it is straight,
Anyone who waits will always wait for the long -awaited letter!

The postman is in a hurry in the light of the respected.
A newspaper is waiting in the first house, letters are waiting in the third house.

The road curls on the ground, in the rain and snow it is straight,
Anyone who waits will always wait for the long -awaited letter!

Not terrible to the sailor of a blizzard - easier in a storm and a sailor,
If his girlfriend is waiting on the distant shore.

Above the waves, the pennies curl, the combat power is light,
The one who waits will always wait from the campaign of the sailor!

Song for children about profession President

In the state of each
The main person.
Thinks about the important
He thinks for everyone.
The president is responsible
For the fate of the country:
So that in the world
There was no war.

President is the face of the people,
President - both mind and strength,
President - Power and Freedom,
And in politics the luminary.
President - and therefore the first.
The president is a big heart.
The president is steel nerves.
And you can’t get away from the elections.

He has no doubt
There is authority,
Passed over again -
So it’s better not.
Meetings and visits -
Schedule for the whole year.
With the president of the retinue,
Like a round dance.


Songs-shifts about professions for children

Songs-shifts about the profession
Songs-shifts about the profession

Songs-transfers about the profession:

Railway lyrical nand the motive of the song "I like that you are not sick with me"

I like the iron paths
I like dashing driver,
And what from point A to point in
The train is lucky and fast.

I like comfortable compartment,
I like the beauty-articles,
And what after your seagull
Under the knock of wheels, we all sleep so sweetly.

Thank you for any season
Without delay, clearly and reliably
Bring us. For your skill,
For your work, both responsible and complex.

Thanks for the stations with a crowd
In the buffet pies and chebureks,
Plates, rails, sleepers and bridges,
Laid over you across the rivers.
I like the iron paths ...

Melody for the song:

Song dedicated to the school principal - pyeretelka to the motive "We need one victory ..."

 Let the years run
Let a hundred years pass
But this day we never
We will not forget, no.
There was a day when summer was over
And the school year began.
And we entered and met us
Director -
One for all, for many years ahead.
And joy and troubles -
He is with us forever!
A hundred years will pass, but the director will not leave -
Everything will be as the ninth “a” told you!
And a strict conversation,
And the call "to the carpet" -
Everything was, only we became
More dear since then.
Over the years, the school is prettier
And the house became the second to us -
All because we have
Director -
One for all, and we will be proud of it!
And joy and troubles-
He is with us forever!
A hundred years will pass, but the director will not leave -
Everything will be as the ninth “a” told you!
Melody for the song:

  Accountant - our steering. Nand the motive of the song "Nadezhda is my Earth's Compass"

Three row lamps shine
Again in the accounting department of the park -
In time the quarterly report submit
Without one error and blossom.
Here we have a great team
Here, work always boils here.
But today the holiday has come -
Temporarily postpone all worries.

Accountant, you are our steering
Lead us through the debate and credit.
Accountant, because only with you
Saldo is great for us!

Believe me that here is always for us
Profit will calculate the salary.
You can’t live without accounting,
This is fraught to us.
It is necessary to arrange the numbers to everyone,
And check the balance carefully.
To have accounting
There must be a responsible accountant.

Accountant, you are our steering
Lead us through the debate and credit.
Accountant, because only with you
Saldo is great for us!

Video: Nadezhda - my Earth's compass, and luck is a reward for courage

Songs about the profession Soviet from films

Songs about the profession Soviet from films
Songs about the profession Soviet from films

Songs about the Soviet profession from films:

"We are not stakefuls, we are not carpenters"

Not stakeful we are not carpenters
But there are no regrets of bitter
And we are installers of high -rise, yes
And from a height, hello hello to you.

Cooked us curls the wind of height
And kissed the clouds slightly
You are so cute to a height
You can't look down.

Do not refuse me courtesy
Walk with me slightly back and forth
Otherwise die in the unknown yes
My love and beauty.

You stop my suffering
Minutes of life in the void are not the same
And our first date yes
Let it pass on top.

Not stakeful we are not carpenters
But there are no regrets of bitter
And we are niz-voltage installers!
And from the attic you hello hello!

Not stakefuls, we are not carpenters,
But there are no regrets of the bitter (as not).
And we are scientists (yes).
And what are we doing - a secret!

We are all day in labors and troubles,
But this, right, does not matter (oh, yes).
After all, we are moving science (yes)
Back and forth, here-there.

Friends! Go to academics:
There is no work, but money is darkness (yes, darkness).
After all, without discussions and polemics (yes)
You can live there crazy.

Melody for the song:

Song for children about bold border guards

In green caps are fame
Soldiers go along the border of the native
Our Soviet outposts do not doze
And vigilantly watch the alien side

Both day and night the border on a strong castle
Both day and night with weapons in the right hand
Is the heat burn, the forest is a forest dummy
We carry the soldier’s service day and night.

Infantry, sailors, pilots, tankers
The Soviet army is a big family
And we are on the border soldiers - Chekists
We are proud that we are the sons of that family.


To enter our Soviet land
Fighters on the border will accept them
And the first enemy blow to reflect
In green caps are fame
Soldiers go along the border of the native
Our Soviet outposts do not doze
And vigilantly follow the alien side.


Songs about different professions for schoolchildren

Songs about different professions for schoolchildren
Songs about different professions for schoolchildren

Songs about different professions for schoolchildren:

"30 professions"

A dentist will treat us with your teeth,
Looking for objects in the ground archaeologist,
The veterinarian heals different animals,
The doctor treats adults and small children.

The teacher works in kindergarten,
The writer writes poetry and stories.
Letters are carried by the postman for us,
The stars can call everything an astronomer.

The beekeeper has bees and hives,
A wood carpet makes chairs.
Children are taught at school a strict teacher.
The driver skillfully drives the car.

The pilot makes planes fly,
The cook prepares borscht and compotes.
The cleaner will wash the floor to shine,
And the nurse can make an injection.

The seller is waiting for us in the store,
Song singer sings songs from the screen.
Fire brigade will put out fire,
The farmer has a pig and horse.

The shoemaker will fix your boots,
Sweet bakery bakes pies.
A new dress will make you a tailor,
The janitor will clear the road with a broom.

The sailor carries the service on the ship,
The builder will build a house and attic to us.
The astronaut flies between the stars, between the satellites,
And the policeman catches criminals.

The statue will become a sculptor from clay,
Well, the artist draws paintings!


"There are many professions of different ..."

There are many professions of different
A lot of all the necessary things.
Than to do in life,
What would you like to do?

Or fly over the clouds,
Or do everything with your hands,
Or build, or sew,
Or extinguish the fire with water?

Uncle Vanya is a tractor driver,
Uncle Sanya is a driver,
Aunt Tanya - beekeeper,
Everyone who works is honor!

"Momns of the profession"

Warm things fast and quiet
It sews a portable mother for children.
Passes the cow in the morning instructor
In a pure corral, mom-dog.
Patient teeth without any injections
Mom will cure-a dentist.
There are a lot of classes in kindergarten.
Mom there is a nanny and a teacher.
There are no less classes at school, see:
Mom-teacher gives ratings.

It will not get tired of raising from a roots
Miracle growth of mother-botanik.
Writes in newspapers articles and notes
Mom-writer and journalist.
I took a delicious sausage from the window
Mom, she is a store seller.
Bunn and buns to eat!
They baked them by a mother - a confectioner.
From the plane jumps with risk
A brave mother-parachutist.


Songs about working professions for preschoolers

Songs about working professions for preschoolers
Songs about working professions for preschoolers

Songs about working professions for preschoolers:

Song of builders

Let's draw drawings
Roofs, walls, floors.

We sit in the excavator ourselves -
Roying the house of the foundation.

Draw a trench. Here.
We bring the water supply.

We put the walls on the foundation.
If the gaps? - In the gap of foam!

So that the house is not wet -
Roof! Yes. And the ceiling!

To make it light -
Each room has a window!

The gray thief is not afraid of us!
On the door of a steel constipation!

For a whole year there is fun!
For a whole year there is fun!
Stop the housewarming!

Text, words of the song "Farmer John"

There was a farmer John, he had a cool cat,
The cat delivered a lot of trouble to people.
He brought everyone on the farm more than once to tears.
And in a distant forest farmer John carried him away.
But after about five days, the cat returned again,

And everyone decided that he was gone, and he did not think to disappear.
But after about five days, the cat returned again,
And everyone decided that he was gone, but he did not think to disappear,
I did not think to disappear at all.

John was angry that the cat comes home
And he sent a cat into a space flight.
And the rocket flew away, all in fire,
And the cat rushed off, and remained on the moon.

But after about five days, the cat returned again,
And everyone decided that he was gone, and he did not think to disappear.
But after about five days, the cat returned again,
And everyone decided that he was gone, but he did not think to disappear,
I did not think to disappear at all.

There was a farmer John, he had a cool cat,
The cat delivered a lot of trouble to people.
He brought everyone on the farm more than once to tears.
And in a distant forest farmer John carried him away.

But after about five days, the cat returned again,
And everyone decided that he was gone, and he did not think to disappear.
But after about five days, the cat returned again,
And everyone decided that he was gone, but he did not think to disappear,
I did not think to disappear at all.

Lyrics of the song "Song of Masters"

One stupid lumberjack, -
Do you know this? -
He wanted a sheepskin coat
Make it without a tailor.
He put his ax
Far from the shelf.
And he has not since then
The thread is put into a needle.
He put his ax
Yes, far on the shelf,
And he cannot since then
And he cannot since then
The thread is put into a needle.

One stupid captain
In violent weather
Took and sat on the drum
Instead of a steamer.
At this time, a hail went
Plowing peas,
The drum is good
The captain is bad.
At this time, a hail went
Plowing peas.
The drum is good
The drum is good
Captain is bad.

Pyan carpenters sewed -
Here you have trousers.
Sang the songs of elephants -
Here you have sounds.
Lily water in the sieve -
Here you have a hello.
It’s better to do everything
What are you doing a master!

Lee-Li-Li-LILI WATER in the sieve,
In the same way you are hello.
It is better to do what
It is better to do what
What are you doing a master!

Songs about the profession teacher for children - Text

Songs about profession teacher for children
Songs about profession teacher for children

Songs about the profession teacher for children:

"The teacher is our first teacher"

1. Parents cite
We are in kindergarten every day.
Run, fly, leave
Who is not laziness where.
We live, grow, laugh
We are in front of you
And honestly we admit
That we love you very much.

You are our first teacher
You are like our parent
Friend and teacher
Educator, teacher.
You are our mentor the first
Shield on steel nerves.
Angel of our keeper
Our teacher.

2. It happens without doubt
It’s difficult for you sometimes
But the right decision
You always accept.
Sorry to be a hut,
What the heat give you.
You love children
And we sing about you.

Chorus: 2 times

3. You give care
You give heat.
Dance, sing
You are with us at the same time.
We will hug you tightly
We will snuggle tenderly to you.
And if the dream leaves,
Then we need to remember us.

Chorus: 2 times ....

Our teacher
Songs about the profession teacher
In the class, he is strict with the students,
Sets tasks,
Who did not learn the lesson
He cries out of fear.
Knowledge transfers its own
Little guys,
Well, these are the kings today,
Everything is easy, understandable.


Short song for a nursery group of kindergarten

I am a teacher and I am proud of it!
After all, honestly for the benefit of children, I work.
My work is creativity, imagination,
Tasks, very difficult, sometimes a solution,
Fantasy, fiction and non -standard,
The discoveries of childish are a great joy,
Confidence in their own strength and knowledge,
Mined in long, stubborn searches,
As well as resourcefulness, ingenuity,
Easy in communication, sociability.
I want the children to grow happy.

Songs about the profession teacher for children - Text

Songs about the profession teacher for children
Songs about the profession teacher for children

Songs about the profession teacher for children:

"What is a teacher?"

What is it, what is it: a teacher?
This is a pair of arms and a pair of legs!
But the most important thing, rumor is right -
This is the teacher!

A whole class of inquisitive eyes
Looks with adherence
The hour flies quickly
Knowledge became deeper.
This is the best teacher
Put your ears
He helped the children to learn
Become smarter and better.


The teacher is a high word!

There are many good professions,
But we like only one,
With which we are friendly as with a song,
The teacher is called.

What a beautiful word!
It is many words to us Miles!
Our profession is the basis
All the good began on earth!

The teacher is high!
Our aspirations are parting.
We go to the lesson, so that again
Keep a difficult exam
On the right to teach and dare!

Russian romantic teacher,
How much you have
Give children wonderful discoveries
On the lines of school orbit!

And you yourself will open that in the world
There is no more beautiful profession,
And be you at least a physicist, at least a lyricist,
In your soul you are a creator and a poet!

The teacher is high!
Our aspirations are parting.
We go to the lesson, so that again
Keep a difficult exam
On the right to teach and dare!

Although it is difficult for us often,
But we are full of inspiration -
After all, in our hands is growing up
The future of our country.
Who else is given in life
Such a high honor?
Is this not this happiness is called?
Isn't that happiness and is?

The teacher is high!
Our aspirations are parting.
We go to the lesson, so that again
Keep a difficult exam
On the right to teach and dare!

The profession of a teacher

Autumn day will be circled with leaf fall
And everyone will call with him
Today is the teacher's day, and nearby
All those who protect our souls

The profession of the teacher is bright
Teacher's profession - calling
Your good strict silhouette
On the length of many years
In the hearts we will save, like bright light

Solved complex problems
To each of the questions know the answer
We wish you patience and good luck
Health, happiness, creative victories

The profession of the teacher is bright
Teacher's profession - calling
Your good strict silhouette
On the length of many years
In the hearts we will save, like bright light

Teacher Word is very expensive
It has a lot of inspiration and heat
After all, what is given to youfate
Lead us all the road of good

The profession of the teacher is bright
Teacher's profession - calling
Your good strict silhouette
On the length of many years
In the hearts we will save, like bright light

Your good strict silhouette
On the length of many years
In the hearts, we will preserve as bright light.

Song about the profession of cook - Text

Song about the profession of cook - Text
Song about the profession of cook - Text

Song about the profession of cook - Text:

Song-congratulation for the cook

We congratulate you, cook,
Show your burrows!
Prepare us soon
Any of the truffles!

If the cook is not a onlooke
If the cook is well done
Then not a biak kulebyak
And does not melt the jelly.

If a cook, if a master,
There will be fruits and compote.
He will turn the bitterness in sweets,
Bread and oil - in a sandwich.
Never know longing and boredom again
I wish you happiness and good luck

Where the cook is not difficult:
Breakfast, dinner, and lunch!
Where the cook is even possible
With vinegaret grapes.

No fruit for compote?
So what of that?
Everything will cook from something,
Something out of nothing.

If a cook, if a master,
There will be fruits and compote.
He will turn the bitterness in sweets,
Bread and oil - in a sandwich.
Never know longing and boredom again
I wish you happiness and good luck

You can a couple of salads
Better if from spinach!
Your branded cutlets,
We did not eat them for a hundred years!
We will be glad to eat it,
And we will give you awards,

Be happy, loved
Be - irresistible!
A lot of joy, love
We wish from the heart!
And in the profession of success,
More joy and laughter!

If the cook is real,
Even the porridge is good
Because he cooks them
On the heat of your soul.

Lyrics about the cook

I stand at the stove, not sad.
And what is the stove?
I'm a boss in my own kitchen,
I am a master for myself. Apchi.

Turn things.
What lies badly - do not yawn! Wai! Wai!
Only a cook ... only a cook ...
Just have time to turn!

I will give out half a bank for the whole,
Because I myself am not a ram.
I go to the palace with an important look.
And my stomach is full of my pocket!


It is necessary to give the criminal the liver,
But it will come down for him.
I have a luxurious dinner,
But he doesn’t care! Ha ha ha!


Song about the profession of a policeman - text

Song about the profession of a policeman - Text
Song about the profession of a policeman - text

Song about the profession of a policeman - Text:

Song about the police

A huge city is calm and beautiful,
I am confident in the safety of the people
Always on guard of honor and law
The police will come to the rescue.
All those on whose shoulders are epaulets,
Whose service is so dangerous and difficult,
Whose faithful ministry of the law
Calling, character and fate.

The policemen is a calling and pride,
To be decent and courageous everyone is glad.
The name is good and the honor of the uniform
For the police - a reward of awards!
The name is good and the honor of the uniform
For the police - a reward of awards!

Honest with the law and are true to traditions
Order in our city-departure!
And at an hour any Samara police
Samara will save from crime.
And even if, sometimes, the enemy is not easy for us,
The criminal, that he never naps,
Always guarding the operative
The support of citizens and criminals is a thunderstorm!

The policeman be a spin and pride,
To be decent and courageous everyone is glad.
The name is good and the honor of the uniform
For the police - a reward of awards!
The name is good and the honor of the uniform
For the police - a reward of awards!

Let our service is not easy to sometimes
All who are with us can not forget ...
Under a peaceful sky and in "hot spots"
We will correctly serve the Motherland!
And with the pride of the police Commonwealth
Let him carry through many years
Simple motto: “Courage, honor and courage
With the police everywhere and forever! "

The policeman be a spin and pride,
To be decent and courageous everyone is glad.
The name is good and the honor of the uniform
For the police - a reward of awards!
The name is good and the honor of the uniform
For the police - a reward of awards!

"Police officer"

Who does not close the eyes of nights and days
Who protects us from adversity
Who has chosen fate more dangerous
Who drives away from citizens.

Who suffers all the discontent of people
Who is waiting for the service of courageous guys
Who is the first to get under the bullet
Those who calmly do not give the thieves to sleep.

And in the summer and in the winter all nights are long
Russian police protect order
And in the fall in the spring in the service all year round
Russian police protect order.

And how they do not scold them and do not root
But if something happens, who is the first at the gate
Inspector Poskovka trail and opera
Crime is just won with a bang.

Corruption will also win in their ranks
And there will be the whole police from valiant guys
A worthy shift for the people's police
There will be an updated Russian police.

And in the summer and in the winter all nights are long
Russian police protect order
And in the fall in the spring in the service all year round
Russian police protect order
Russian police protect order.

Video: Song about the police and other professions. Children's song

Songs about the firefighter profession - Text

Songs about the firefighter profession - Text
Songs about the firefighter profession - Text

Songs about the Fireman - Text: Text:

I want to be a firefighter from birth,
Rush in the red car,
And fight the insidious fire
And save the kids from the fire.

Chorus: If only someone was burning
Well, if only someone drowned,
But no one screams guard, guard,
If only someone was burning
Well, if only someone drowned,
But no one shouts the guard!

Here I look out the window - everything is calm,
If only a little smoke somewhere,
But my dad grumble in displeasure:
“Lie down as soon as possible, son!”


And at night I dream of sirens,
Here I save the kitten gun,
I don't want to, mom, I wake up,
I don't want to get up, grandmother!

Chorus. Loss. Chorus.

"Our firefighters"

There is a single service in Russia
Every citizen knows this
To combat fire, they need to call them
Call soon - 01.

And the firefighters are the strongest,
And the firefighters are the most daring
And the most beloved firefighters.
There is no profession more brave and kinder.
We admire honor and courage,
We glorify the power of love and community,
Respect for faith in people.
No profession is more honorable and necessary.

The fighters with fire have a common work-
Rush with Sirena quickly and again
From fire and smoke to save someone again
At least in the crowd of human people do not recognize them.


No, at all, not for the sake of glory
They always go to battle with fire
And not at all with the thought of a reward
Human lives again cherish


"Winners of Fire"

The flame is blazing, it burns,
Black smoke with clubs stands with a wall.
Only we fearlessly go into the fire
How to battle!Fire! Fire!

The flame makes us retreat
Only we stubbornly go to extinguish!
Our will not defeat our will!
Fire! Fire!

We save people, we appreciate life!
You are my friend, brave, let's hold on!
After all, from us with you
Life depends!Fire! Fire!

Be careful people with fire!
In this age of our complex we all live.
And the trouble will happen
We will save you again!We will save! We will save!

Song about the profession doctor - text

Song about the profession doctor - text

Song about the profession of a doctor - Text:

Song about the profession of a doctor

I'm ready to become a doctor
If you suddenly have an Angina,
I will brew tea with raspberries.
If the bump is sina.
I will attach a nickle to them.
All diseases are nothing.
I am ready to become a doctor!
Do not go to the doctor
I'll fly you myself
I will fly you myself, myself.
Because so me
My grandmother treats,
My grandmother treats me.
If the wound, then I am lying
And then bandage.
Everything will pass at once
And before the wedding heals.
All diseases are nothing.
I am ready to become a doctor.
Do not go to the doctor
I'll fly you myself
I will fly you myself, myself.
Because so me
My grandmother treats,
My grandmother treats me.

Song from the play "Dr. Pilyulkin"

To treat people is hard work.
And I am very offended by me
When they do not take care,
Cripple day and night.

Grab kettles from the stove,
Eat a lot of fast food
And they cross like cats
The road is on the red light.

Swallow buttons in the nose
They shove whatever.
They run in the cold without a hat,
Drown in the basements,

They climb and play on the roofs
Run to the construction site,
They don't want to sleep at night,
Do not exercise charging.

Health is the key to everything.
And it’s very annoying to me
When they do not protect him,
Losing irrevocably.



If you feel bad
Suddenly you suddenly got sick
Suddenly pain pierced you
Causing both tears and groan, -
Type "03"!
Through any rains and snowstorms
Will come to your aid
The car under the red cross.

Life is not a movie,
The ailment and torment are real here.
But it has been known for a long time
That diseases cannot be given up.
Troubles will all take away
Crusading Savior Service,
And he will warm hope
A smile your eyes.

And you will see again
A world filled with sunlight,
You will want to live
And laugh and joyfully sing!
We are on the way again
At the go, eating the gale, -
We must certainly
To the other patient will be in time.

We are our white robe
As if we were wearing a sign of mercy.
You scored "03",
And again we hurry on the road.
Fulfilling your duty -
And the soldiers and the crusaders are -
All year round day and night
We are standing healthy health.

Video: Children's song about the doctor. Children's songs about professions

Songs about profession for KVN - Text

Songs about profession for KVN - Text
Songs about profession for KVN - Text

Songs about the profession for KVN - Text:

"About different professions"

- I, when it is boring,
I shoot at the target very heap.

- If I am in the blow,
I knock down the opponent.

- Under the "plywood" to sing funny,
"Grandmas" drip regularly.

-If you will pay me personally
The court will end perfectly.

Prime Minister:
- It is not difficult for the president,
You can even move time.


There is one profession, she is amazing,
Officially, she is not, it was created by the Internet,
But now, throughout the planet, both adults and children in it.

Specialists for all: for money and according to the mind,
By cooking, by dexterity, on make -up and gait.

This is a wounding blogger, he knows what is better!
From morning to late at night, the brain will rinse the brain to subscribers.
He broadcasts, dances, eats, he will go to Everest,
In the forest, in the cave and in the swamp, only someone sign up ..

Do not skimp, put like, share and glorify,
And then maybe he will make a million.
Well, no, in a taxi road, there are a lot of former bloggers.


A computer is needed in our time
How to live without him live?
And smart tribe programmers
It should be friends with the computer.
And to write a program,
Or algorithm make your own,
We need, just say,
Talent, scientist and hero.

Chorus 1:
Programmer, programmer,
Caratist and bodybuilder,
Realist and climber,
Football player and Intourist.
Programmer, programmer.
Melodist and screenwriter,
Medalist, specialist,
The twist is dancing.

Specialists with intelligence
Created a virtual world,
They are proud of their project,
The sign integrated their idol.
And electronic devices
Now we are the best friends
There is no reason for concern
If the programmer is your path.

Chorus 2:
Programmer, programmer,
Humanist, saxophonist,
Skater and metalist,
He is a sambo player, and he is a bar.
Programmer, programmer,
He is a soloist. And he is an artist,
Journalist, motorcyclist,
The twist is dancing.


The holiday is a fairway,
And the fun for the guests
Know, children's animator
Will be able to captivate everyone.

He is like a small theater
But with delivery straight home,
He is a hero of any of the fairy tales
He is your beloved hero.

He has a game with him,
Jokes, laughter and miracles,
Funny tigers from balls,
Soap foam strip.

"What smells of crafts?"

Each business
The smell is special:
It smells in the bakery
Test and sons.

Past the carpentry
You go to the workshop, -
It smells of chips
And fresh board.

The painter smells
Turpentine and paint.
The glass smells
Window putty.

A driver's jacket
It smells of gasoline.
Worker blouse -
Machine oil.

The confectioner smells
Nutty nut.
Doctor in a dressing gown -
The medicine is pleasant.

Loose land,
Field and meadow
The peasant smells of
Going after the plow.

Fish and sea
The fisherman smells.
Only idleness
It does not smell in any way.

No matter how much they strangle
Lodyr is rich,
It doesn’t matter
He smells, guys!

Video: professions - children's song. Songs for children with Maya and Masha

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