Fands for children in poetry - funny tasks for a fun pastime

Fands for children in poetry - funny tasks for a fun pastime

Do you have a holiday soon and you do not know how to entertain your smallest guests? Invite them to complete a few simple tasks, but do it in a playful way. For this purpose, phantas for children in poetic form are perfect. You will only need to choose a leader who will read out a cheerful line, and the game can be started.

Fands for children for a cheerful pastime

Fands for children for a cheerful pastime
Fands for children for a cheerful pastime

Fands for children for a cheerful pastime:

Cool, very cool
For a whole minute
To ride on one leg,
Clapping in your hands!

The animal, what you want
Draw without words.
The one who guesses
Award medal.

You are a great lucky one.
Rejoice, darling:
Stretching out a ticket-surge,
You get a prize at once!

Who does not like compliments?
The world does not know such.
Tell everyone by compliment
The phantom falls out.

The dance of little ducklings
Please delight the audience.
Take the guys to the dance -
Dance until you drop!

All the names have forgotten
Good and funny fairy tales.
Perform one task -
Help us remember them!
Sports need to be done!
There is a task for you:
You can try very hard
And do a dozen times to sit down?

A cunning sorcerer
Here its treasure hid it.
You find him soon
Show the guys!
(In advance, it is necessary to hide in the room some kind of object, which can be a prize).

Many holidays in the world
And the children are delighted with them.
You don't play silence,
Call them as soon as possible!

You are a physical education teacher.
You will spend a lesson now.
For health and figures:
Squats, running, jumping!

Make a riddle to us.
Even three are better.
We will solve in order
We will open our brains.

You have the right
Choose a pair.
To dance with her
For the delight of the eyes.

You take a piece of paper
And turn into a toy.
And then give mom
As a sign of his great love!

In many fairy tales and poems
Cats meet.
We want to ask you:
What do you know?

Your voice is wonderful
We want to listen.
You sing, my friend, song.
Please our ears!

Choise your client.
Create him a hairstyle.
Turn on your imagination,
Don’t break a comb.

You have a task, my friend:
Favorite remember your poem
And tell us it -
Sawly, loud, from the heart!

The most favorite story
Remember right now.
We really want to know
Why are you fascinated by them.

We have a beautiful fant
Look, what kind of wild?
Show your outfit, show
Twist and dance.

The kids were sad,
Laugh, ask!
Only fast, one-two!
And do not touch anyone!

We learned your secret:
The painter is no better!
You take a pencil
And draw a sea landscape!

Girls we have beauties!
All boys like!
And what are they special?
Tell me - do not deceive!

You did the lessons all day,
I know for sure - about three hours!
Rest half a minute,
Like a statue of the dead.

Charge everyone positive,
Low something
So that we have fun,
To laugh heartily!

To dexterity, the task is.
Dare, praise to you and honor!
Knife and forking candy
Take it and expand and eat!

You got such a Fant:
Take a picture of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To come out laughing!

This Fant will be happy -
Just dance to us beautifully.

Choise your client.
Create him a hairstyle.
Turn on your imagination,
Don’t break a comb.

We wrote, we wrote
Our fingers are tired!
Write for us
Funny short story!

You take us to the zoo,
Show horses, elephants
Just do it like that
So that we understand without words.

Fantu is lucky for this
Monals to an honest people!
The joke will tell -
The people will lie from laughter.

You are a talented artist
You can draw with a fack
Take the colors quickly
Create your self -portrait.

Everyone here wants to know
What will happen to them tomorrow?
Hold the answer to you!
And tell the whole truth!

Many different interesting ones
Cities to the letter "A":
Azov, Alatyr, Aksai -
Continue the list further!

Make a riddle to us,
To wake the mind.
Let's call for the help of moms,
If it is beyond strength.

See - the orange lies!
You hurry to him.
Diviously divided into everyone!
Success is waiting for you then.

We will have a sporty Fant!
You, my friend, squeeze
We are here to cut off time
So do it, do not be lazy.

He slept tight all winter,
Brouke's paw sucked.
Close your eyes and sleep
Yes, like a bear, snoring.

Fanta for children 5-6 years the simplest

Fanta for children 5-6 years the simplest
Fanta for children 5-6 years the simplest

Fands for children 5-6 years the simplest:

Who wakes up early in the morning
All in the village in the early hour?
Who loves to get up early
Tell me now?
Kukarekay, but louder,
Like a brave cockerel!
Let your voice sound more ringing
Dear, little friend!
(the child must promise)

He lives in the forest.
Likes to eat sweet honey!
Clotted and big
Sleeps in the hole in his winter!
If you know who you are
Discover the secret to others:
Show him now
You are soon for all for us!
(The child depicts a bear)

He is afraid of foxes, wolf.
Jumps pretty deftly.
The white coat he wears
And slightly mowing with his eyes!
If you guessed right away
Show how to order
So that everyone will find out too
Who did you look like!
(shows a bunny)

And interesting: do you know how to sing?
Let's answer us with a song soon!
What kind of song do you like, that and sing,
We will also sing with you together!
(sings your favorite song or prepared in advance)

You seem to turn on the water in the tap
And teach us all to wash!
How do you do in the evening and day
So that there was a pure face, moreover!
(shows how to wash)

The Fant was not easy -
Grind with one foot!
Jump two and five times,
And then, my friend, sit down!
Close your ears with handles,
Sing a song more!
And then for this, baby,
There will be delicious candy!
(performs all movements and sings)

There are and there are frogs,
They call them kvakushki!
You are now wound up too
To be like a toad!
(croaks and jumps like a frog)

Dear, little friend,
Do you know at least one rhyme?
You read it soon then
Rejoice all your friends!
(reads a poem to choose from)

Do you know a lot of animals?
Do you know who lives in the forest?
But let's play for us
Today the red fox!
How she, sneaking quietly
And chase behind the bunny!
Show us a rogue for us
Well, come on, hurry up!
(shows how the fox is sneaked)

To cheer everyone up,
You need to try very hard!
Try the face to twist
Or get a laugh!
In general, do it right away
So that everyone laughs loudly!
Without fun, we can’t!
Make everyone with fast, clever!
(The child tries to make everyone laugh)

You took out a Fant. Come on, do not timid
Chirik the way a sparrow can!
How he, jump, look for grains
And in the nest of a straw drag!
(shows how the bird behaves)

What a loud and lingering sound?
There is a knock from the steam locomotive!
Then the beep will be heard right away,
After all, the train is serving east!

You boldly show us a steam locomotive,
And how he goes, tell me too!
Buzz, like him, and make a stop,
Try and show everything deftly!
(shows a steam locomotive)

A plane from a piece of paper is simple and easy to make!
Let him fly later in the house high and far!
Here you have a piece of paper, well, do the plane!
We will let him go together into the first joyful flight!
(the child makes the plane, an adult helps him)

Says the dog Gav,
And the kitten gently meow!
You know for sure you are from the diapers
What a pig can!
You, like him, should grunt!
Maybe a Fant and is very complicated
But today everyone wants
Listen to songs of piglets!
(shows the pig)

How do birds fly in the clouds?
How do they wave wings with feathers?
Come on you like a bird
Fly around the room and do not rush!
(shows how a bird flies)

Let's teach everyone today
Mumble, like a bull and torture, like a cow!
Come on soon now the mouse
We will repeat everything behind you again!
(shows how a cow washes)

Show: how to swim,
How to row, do not drown!
Imagine the room like a harbor
And Aida is more likely!
Buried with you together
To the farthest shores!
Well, come on, do not stand still
And we’re rowing rather yourself!
(The child shows how to swim, imagining that he is in the pool)

Fands for children 7-8 years old original

Fands for children 7-8 years old original
Fands for children 7-8 years old original

Fands for children 7-8 years old are original:

Imagine you're going in a car
And you hold onto the wheel very much!
How fun, probably b, was very,
If you show the policeman you are a patrol!
(shows how the police signaling)

A fisherman catches fish on the river,
He boughts the hook with a worm
And a small fish takes out,
On the boat, he floats further along the river!
Come on and show you rather
How fish they catch, tell me right away!
(shows how they catch a fish)

Show for us soon
A bird like a sparrow!
Jump, jump and download,
Like a sparrow shout!
(shows a bird of sparrow)

Do you know how they dig a garden?
Well, take a shovel as soon as possible
And start showing, digging
Potatoes must be planted as soon as possible!
(shows how to dig a garden)

How the musicians play the guitar, you know?
Show how to hit the strings, performing all the hits!
Do not be shy and rather play on the guitar
If you want, then even sing a little guitar!
(shows how it plays on the guitar)

Squirrel clicks nuts,
He throws shell in a hurry ...
You are like a squirrel now
Show the tail for us!
And the nuts clicked,
Well, come on, come on, come on!
(shows a squirrel)

Very fast, very deft
Tell me the tongue twister!
And repeat again
Only the pace do not slow down!
(The child tells the tongue twister)

You pulled out the candy wrapper and here
We are waiting for a joke from you!
Funny, cheerful, interesting
We want a wonderful joke !!
(The child tells a joke)

You have to tell us today
How to play on a computer!
You say about your beloved game
And how you play at home, show me!
(The child shows the game on the computer)

There is a very loud ringing in the apartment,
Calls in our apartment!
You’ll take off the tube soon
And answer an important bell!
(shows how to talk on the phone)

A plane rushes in the sky
Imagine that you are a pilot!
Sit down for the helm
Carry into the distance in the sky!
(shows how to manage an airplane)

You read to five, and then up to ten!
Again up to five again I propose to count!
Now put everything together. How much will it be, tell me?
As the example thought was not easy, show us all right away!
(The child counts and tells how to count)

Early in the morning
A kangaroo flock jumps!
You jump with them the same
Or you can even better!
(shows a kangaroo)

Tell me about the cartoon to your beloved
Show his heroes right away!
Come on, do not be shy about it as soon as possible
Tell for all your friends!
(shows your favorite heroes of the cartoon)

Two bunnies went shopping
Three bunnies went to the cinema!
And then for some reason there
Hares returned to the houses for a long time!
Come on, count the rabbits!
And how many ears from Norochka stick out?
(The child thinks how many bunnies turned out and how many ears)

Well, come on a single moment
Show us your tongue!
Crinty from the heart,
After all, croiling is good!
(The child is grimacing)

Close your eyes quickly
And take one hand
Touch the nose slightly!
And let the second hand
Twes over the ear deftly!
Swing your head to the sides!
Now at least three jumps
Make a little on your leg!
(performs movements from the rhyme)

Sit down ten times,
And then jump yourself!
Well, let's do above, higher,
Jump as if to heaven!
(performs movements)

We will pat your hands
Well, let's dance!
Show the dance good
Jump, jump from the heart!
Twist your hips skillfully
Compose a new dance!
Ah, what a bold boy you are!
Call everyone to the dance!
(The child is dancing)

Do you want a delicious candy?
We must try, baby!
You need to shout louder than anyone
Success is waiting for you then!
Now let's quietly
Even in a whisper quietly
Tell us about yourself
What you like!
(The child first screams loudly, then quietly talks about himself)

You show us how the horse jumps!
Like a squirrel of nuts in a hollow hides!
How a trunk lifts the elephant
And how animals put everyone in a car!
(shows the horse)

Fands for children 9-10 years old cool

Fands for children 9-10 years old cool
Fands for children 9-10 years old cool

Fands for children 9-10 years old cool:

1. This Fant, let's dance,
It hurts the legs are good.

2. Let this Fanth sing
And the whole people will amuse.

3. This Fant, I would like to
Let him tell a verse, friends.

4. This candy wrapper do not be silent,
Kitteen of fun depict.

5. This Fant for all friends,
Let him tell you about animals.

6. This fanth ditty sing,
You will be a hero then.

7. Let this Fante tell
The joke and respect everyone.

8. This Fant, I would like to
To grunt like a pig.

9. Let this Fantt dance,
Will comfort everyone, pamper.

10. This Fant is ready,
Mold for a cow.

11. Make this Fant for everyone,
Show me a cool focus.

12. This Fant Silence,
Picture us a kettle.

13. This Fant, Kohl is not afraid,
It will turn into a monkey.

14. This fanth frog,
Skew us a girlfriend.

15. This candy sparrow,
Book us soon.

16. Let this Fantt dance
And the handkerchief will wave to us.

17. Let this Fantt respect
Let us tell us English poems.

18. This Fant to us from the heart,
Russian Come on the splashes.

19. Sing to us the song "Oh, frost, frost ...",
As if you were frozen!

20. For a minute, become a wolf
And click menacingly with your teeth!

21. To make us laugh all,
You should portray a motorcycle!

22. Dance of little swans
Everyone knows us in a row.
Well, let's get bold-
Dance us a dance of little chickens!

23. You don't sit on a chair -
Three -wheeled bicycle depict!

24. You sing a song to us,
But the way her hamster sang:
Infoil you important cheek
And click on it!

25. Well, look in the mirror,
But don't laugh - say:
"Ah, what a beauty I am !!!"
And so - 10 times!

26. There will be this fanth happy -
Just bow beautifully!

27. Do something like that
To call you a hero!

27. Quickly and without reservations
Tell us a tongue twister:
“The Kukushka has a hood, as in a hood he is funny!”

28. Here, imagine the picture:
Fleet - You: All Beautiful!
Here the mushroom picked passes by
ONCE! And your beauty
Became in the way flattened ...

Fands for children 11-12 years old poetic

Fands for children 11-12 years old poetic
Fands for children 11-12 years old poetic

Fands for children 11-12 years old poetry:

White snow sparkles,
He lies on the ground.
Try about the types of fabrics,
Tell us you, don't be shy.
Call 5 types of fabrics.

Under keel of large ships
The waters of the seas are spread
Name us these seas
Show that you studied not in vain.
Names 5 seas

The Christmas tree has relatives
They also have needles
If you know them, then call
And get a gift soon.
Five breeds of coniferous trees

Alcohol consumption
Of course harmful to health
That which cannot be consumed
You have to call us now
10 types of alcohol

We will never forget
Milk is useful for people
And you tell me a friend for now
What are they doing from milk?
5 dairy products

Eh, spring will not come soon.
We walk in hats.
Call them rather
And take the gift.
7 types of hats

It's just that you don't hope for a gift for you
Ten spices of aromatic name aloud to all of us.
Name 10 seasonings, herbs and spices

Make a riddle to us.
Even three are better.
We will solve in order
We will open our brains.
Remember 3 children's puzzles

All the names have forgotten
Good and funny fairy tales.
Perform one task -
Help us remember them!
Name 5 children's fairy tales

Many holidays in the world
And the children are delighted with them.
You don't play silence,
Call them as soon as possible!
Name 5 holidays

Santa Claus flies around the light
He flew around the whole planet
Ten European countries
You tell us soon
Name 10 countries in Europe

In order not to be silent to no avail
You tell the tongue twister.
To say any tongue twister.

Stars are circling a kaleidoscope
Well, remember the horoscope
Name the signs of the zodiac how much you remember. But in general there are 12 of them.

A clock has passed since geography lessons.
Let's remember the lesson, play the cities
Name 10 Russian cities.

There are many names in the world, well, you just can't count them
Well, tell me what your letter is on your letter
10 names with the same letter that is your own.

Do you want a gift without delay?
You are the means to name the mobile
Name 5 modes of transport.

New Year's holiday, children,
On this day all over the planet.
To receive gifts
You should know English.
Read a verse in English

Tasks Fanta for children cool

Tasks Fanta for children cool
Tasks Fanta for children cool

Tasks Fanta for children cool:

1. Turn out the candy,
You put it in your mouth.
Tell me a tongue twister
So that they laugh heartily.

2. Pig cried in the morning,
- I am not a pig!
And you support the pig
Grunt with her at a time, two, three.

3. We love to play the birds very much,
Fly in the sky high.
Show us the bird
Take the above the stars!

4. In the morning I slept for a very long time,
And you overslept charging.
Now you are not lazy
Stand for charging!

5. Verbal music plays with us.
Where is your cheerful dance?
Show everyone an example,
And we have fun with the splashes.

6. What is the name of you, we know
And now we will find out
All the secrets about you
Do not hold everything in yourself!

7. To each you run up
Each you are hugged.

8. Cats in the house of each live,
Every day they drink from the saucer.
You are muddy milk from the saucer
Show us how cats drink us.

9. We want to laugh everything
We want to smile.
Tell us a joke
You laugh all the people.

10. Fant got caught not easy -
You sing one song alone!
And at the same time squat
Run, jump, don't miss!

12. Kozochka has the word "me",
And at the duck-"quarrel-krya"!
What will the wolf cub say
They still know from the diapers.
You, my friend, are not timid.
Hang louder, more fun!

13. The kettle on the stove is worth
He is hot, he boils!
Show him now
Pill him like him, for us!

14. The company is large,
Both cheerful and mischievous.
You come to everyone,
Take a compliment!

15. Was it once at the zoo?
Did you see a lion there?
Show him the guys!
Very interesting to us.

16. Listen, our dear friend,
Tell us a poem.
Only with two fingers
Close your nose before that.

17. Sit on the stool
And shout loudly
"But, a horse, but!"
And go ahead, download!

18. Our birthday is good!
How will you call him?
Speak compliment!
How much do you need? Five plus three.

19. A Christmas tree was born in the forest.
Where did she grow?
What was the story then?
But just do not tell
And better - show!
So it will be more interesting
Stay the actor you!

20. There is a task for you -
Draw a snowman.
Sheet - on the table,
The felt -tip pen is in the teeth.
Yes, don't forget
That he is not in his hands.

21. New Year will come soon!
You need to decorate the Christmas tree.
Her role is to the neighbor on the right.
Your business is to decorate.
Everything you wish will go:
Sweets, bows serpentine ...
Fantasize as you want
After all, the designer - you are alone!

22. Snowflakes fall from heaven
Beautiful, gentle, graceful.
Their dance is a miracle among miracles!
Come on you are virtuoso!

23. Pantomime we need
Interesting, cheerful.
And the task is for you -
New Year's Clap.

24. Don't say it's hard,
Do not say laziness.
You show how to jump
In the forest in the spring, deer!

25. Nearby friend, opposite a friend.
Get them quickly in a circle.
And now, pilot friends,
Show the planes!

26. Like a frog, one-two-three,
Kvakai loudly and download
Catch mosquitoes soon
To please friends.

27. Boy you or girl,
Imagine that you have become a squirrel.
Drink, you collect bumps
And you remove them in the hollow.

28. Lucky more than ever:
You are lucky, you are a star!
But the star is sea,
Big and color.

29. What are you talent, prove to us:
Show any beast.
We will try everything
What kind of beast are you, guess.

Funny phantas for schoolchildren

Funny phantas for schoolchildren
Funny phantas for schoolchildren

Funny phantles for school -age children:

He slept tight all winter,
Brouke's paw sucked.
Close your eyes and sleep
Yes, like a bear, snoring.
(The child must portray a snoring bear.)

What is in the apartment for the sober?
Maybe it's a phone?
How does he call? Show me
Consumption to us, jazzzhzh.
(Portray a calling phone.)

To become even stronger,
Need to be able to.
Do you want Medka il jam?
This is a birthday!
(Such phantles are called “prize”: tasks are reduced, in fact, to eating sweets.)

Come up with the task yourself
Just listen, attention!
Let the invented covenant
A neighbor will perform on the right.
(The child must come up with a task for his neighbor on the right, a neighbor on the right - to fulfill.)

Blimey! Can't be!
You need to wash plates!
Okay, joking, don't listen
Better eat candy.
("Prize" Fant.)

I have not forgotten what we note
And who are we all congratulated?
Without any chant
Tell him: "Happy Birthday!"
(You just need to congratulate the birthday man again.)

This task is complicated
Almost impossible.
It is necessary to remember the lines five -
Read the poem.

Do you like to play on a computer?
Do not tear you off the screen?
Concentrate your attention
Say three toys the name.

“Tired of me to meow,
We want, like piglets - grunt. ”
So you get like a pig,
And then sink, a kitten.

Who is going to go ahead?
Grunting, calling mom?
Yellow wids stomp.
Walk, they pat you.
(The child must portray a "duck" gait, twist.)

The tank roars, the guns shoot.
War is not toys.
Show us, soldiers,
How the machine shoots.
(The child depicts the sound of a shooting machine.)

Ah, lucky, what a marvel,
The Fante pulled out beautifully!
You shot it aptly!
You can take a candy.
("Prize" Fant)

What kind of opportunity?
Fantasy ended.
Let the Fantt be easier:
Tie a bow on Mishka.
(The child shows how he knows how to tie a rope, a lace, a ribbon with a “bow.”)

This Fant for you a reward:
Do not do anything.
Do not scream lion and tiger,
And get a candy!
(Again "prize" Fant.)

The Fant was not easy
Do not throw him, wait!
Remember something formidable
And make the face serious.
(The child must make the most serious and formidable face.)

You can sing a different song:
Shout loudly and sniff quietly.
But don't whisper her and don't scream,
And in the brown craft.
(Any song is selected and “mumble” on its motive.)

The toads croak on the shore
Together with frogs in the old pond.
This is frog friendship.
And you need to shine.

Is the New Year come?
Or is Santa Claus going?
At least I was mistaken in winter
Still about the Christmas tree!

Maksik loves books very much
He is a well -read boy.
And you are also like that too?
Read any rhyme!
(Here you need to substitute the name of his birthday, who pulled out the Fant reads a poem.)

Who's birthday?
And how is it?
Take the first letter,
Name two animals.
(In our case, it was necessary to name the required number of animals.)

I'm a photographer at least where
I always go with a photo.
We will take a colored photo,
Twist the face funny!
(The child makes a funny face, one of the adults photographs.)

I do not like to wrinkle my nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come on, well, prove,
How to laugh, show me!

"Origami" you know the word
Or did you hear this?
Okay, here you have a concess
Make a piece of paper from a piece of paper.

What? Why?
What happened? I do not understand!
Happiness is like in a fairy tale
Take your sausages.
(And one more "prize" Fant.)

Oh, but there are no tasks.
So, you can take a candy.
Or gingerbread. Or cake.
Fighting is the first variety!
("Prize" Fant.)

Game Fanta for children for a fun holiday

Game Fanta for children for a fun holiday
Game Fanta for children for a fun holiday

Game Fanta for children for a fun holiday:

I have a game for you,
I will read poetry now.
I'll start and you finish
By chorus, answer together: "And I, too."

In the morning I woke up early ...
Was washed from the crane with water ...
Went for a walk …
I went to the zoo ...
I saw a lioness there ...
I saw a tigress there ...
There was an elephant in the cage there ...
Was funny, like a pig ...
Who loves apples?
Who loves pears?
Who does not wash your ears?

Fands "Guess the fairy tale"

1. In the fairy tale, the sky is blue,
In the fairy tale, the birds are terrible.
Apple tree, cover me!
River, save me!
"Swan geese"

2. On the forest edge
There were two huts.
One of them melted
One is the same.
"Zayushkina hut"

3. The thief stole wheat,
And Ivan caught him.
The thief turned out to be magical
And Ivan rode on it.

4. Peresalized a word -
The stove rolled
Right from the village
To the king and the princess.
And for what, I don't know
Lucky lazy?
"By magic"

5. Ah you, Petya-Postin,
He blocked a little:
The cat did not obey
He looked out the window.
"Cat, rooster and fox"

6. There is no river or a pond.
Where to get drunk?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
"Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"

7. And the road is far away, and the basket is not easy.
Sit on a stump, eat a pie.
"Masha and the Bear"

8. He was baked from flour,
On sour cream was heated.
On the window he snapped,
He rolled along the path.
He was cheerful, he was dare
And on the way he sang a song.
He wanted to eat a bunny,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
Met a red fox,
I could not leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?
« Kolobok»

9. The mouse found the house for myself.
The mouse was kind.
In the house of Tom, in the end
There are many residents.

10. Red girl, sad
She doesn't like spring
She is hard in the sun
The poor thing pours tears.
"Snow Maiden"

11. We were riding a bicycle,
And behind them the cat is backward.

12. The arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught it,
Who said goodbye to green skin.
It became a moment beautiful, useful.
"Princess Frog"

13. The father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden.
He had a predatory nose.
What kind of fairy tale is a question?
("Golden key or adventure of Pinocchio")

14. He looked a little like a ball
And rode along the paths.
Rolled away from everyone except the redhead,
That's how laughter!

15. Serving the hail is not in vain
Thirty -three heroes.
There is wealth in the city
Zlata, you can’t count silver.
("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

12. The fish is not simple, it sparkles with scales,
Swims, dives, fulfills desires.
("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

Birthday phantas for children

Birthday phantas for children
Birthday phantas for children

Birthday phantas for children:

And now your talents
It's time to show.
We will play with you in the phants -
Interesting game.

You are loving animals all,
You can quickly cope with the task
It will be just for you
Nickname Five name the dog.
To always play together,
And do not quarrel friends,
You often need to be counted.
Tell us the count to us.
It will be necessary to try
Show three animals
So that everyone can guess
And call everyone right.
Come on, try,
All guests to surprise
Try to everyone
To portray the robot.
Both boys and girls,
Everyone should know this
And five nicknames for a kitten
You can call it now.
You will show with this phantom
The depth of your knowledge -
You will tell us a proverb
And perhaps not one.
In the center of the hall you need to get up
And a poem
You need to read loudly
Only with expression.
This Fant is very simple
You will cope with him, we know
Wait on one leg,
We will count in unison.
So that we have fun to all,
You need to sing you
The song of the crocodile genes,
We will all sing along.
There is a good fant for you -
Call us all to the round dance,
And under clapping in your hands
In the center of the circle to dance.

And now it's time
We will tell us a fairy tale
But riddles you first
It will be necessary to guess.

The one first, without a hint
Will be able to guess the word
The hero of our fairy tale
About animals can become.

Fands for children with the most funny tasks

Fands for children with the most funny tasks
Fands for children with the most funny tasks

Fands for children with the most funny tasks:

The dance of little ducklings
Please delight the audience.
Take the guys to the dance -
Dance until you drop!

The animal, what you want
Draw without words.
The one who guesses
Award medal.

The most favorite story
Remember right now.
We really want to know
Why are you fascinated by them.

Here's a task to you:
Say of work
Remember five things.
Everyone wants to know them!

One minute of laughter
Useful than a nut.
The people were amused.
Friends are waiting for a joke!

The drawing is funny
With your hand
Plant on a sheet -
Give everyone laughter!

Alexander Pushkin -
The great master of words.
I would like to listen
The poet’s poems are again.

Ten vocabulary words
Write for a minute ready?
Only, my friend, keep in mind:
There should be them about school.

Several items
Pink colour
Must find -
Show us all!

Ten names
For the letter "D"
You call it.
A minute has gone!

Your Fant is the brightest
And the most lucky!
Sing the song so hot
To cry clouds!

Show me to save the Fant, -
How much could you fall
For solemn moments
All pleasant compliments?!

Sit on a bitch high
And say:-Ku-ku! Ku-ku!
If there is no bitch nearby,
You jump to the ceiling!

You sing a song about a soldier
Until everyone says “enough”!

Do not frolic, and do not pamper.
Just a kiss everyone!

Be careful!
You dance to us until you fall
Fashionable dance of cha-cha-cha!
Yes, do not get shaken out!

This fanth is sports!
He loves rest, he is active.
You jump like saigas,
Yes on four legs!

Hey! Sportsman!
Please us!
Jump up forty times!

We learned your secret:
The painter is no better!
You take a pencil
And draw a sea landscape!

Standing on a chair, you loudly
Declare how you love passionately
All around and even more!
Do not rush. Shout longer!

You take a big spoon
Put a little in it
You are salad and jam
Sausage and cake, cookies ...
All is ready! Help!
And of course - smile!

You dance carefully
The dance is incendiary.

Draw hearts on the cheeks
And go to them all evening.

Singing "la-la-la"
Twist like Yula.

Stand up four legs,
Back - I get your ear,
Ring, hollow, sulfur,
Take a walk to you!

And now without delay
Remember the poem,
Climb onto the bench,
Read with the expression!

Sing a tearful song you,
So that the eyes are at a wet place!

You are a director today!
On the decisions are fast and speed!
Apply your own strength
Turn the tale of the turnip,
For its debut show
Do not forget to call us!

With the heart and with inspiration
Tell the poem
"Our Tanya cries loudly",
So that at the end there is a ball!

There are pointe or not,
You are now a ballet star!
Five the word
Write on a piece of paper.
And now in the Silent Complete
Show this word

Don't get it, don't transport it,
Urgent all of us!

Let's not be lazy
How much you can - pushing!

Funny worship phantas for children for attentiveness

Funny worship phantas for children for attentiveness
Funny worship phantas for children for attentiveness

Funny worship phantas for children for attentiveness:

For lunch, son Vanya
Mom cooks soup in ...
(not in a glass, but in a pan)

Dad bass tells us:
“I love sweets with ...
(not with meat, but with nut or jam)

Grandma is asking Arkash
To eat from a radish ...
(not porridge, but salad)

Mom asked Julia
She pour a seagull into ...
(not a pan, but in a cup)

And in Voronezh and in Tula,
Children sleep at night at ...
(not in a chair, but on the bed)

I could pick up myself
A couple of mittens for ...
(not for the legs, but for hands)

In the courtyard, the frost is cracking - you put on a hat on ...
(not on the nose, but on the head)

On the roads it became dry - I have dry ...
(not ears, but legs)

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...
(not sausage, but a cake)

All wheezes, sneezes Lada:
I ate a lot ...
(not chocolate, but ice cream)

She wanted a blue varnish
I will paint myself ...
(not the body, but the nails)

Always dressed in sliders
Sleeps in the garden with a dummy ...
(not a grandfather, but a brother)

They repair roofs, furniture, frames,
They go fishing ...
(not mom, but dads)

And capricious and stubborn,
I don't want to ...
(not mom, but daughter)

Dolls dresses, pants
They always like to sew ...
(not boys, but girls)

Probably two hundred years
Petina ...
(not a bride, but a turtle)

Black all, as if rook
It climbs from our roof ...
(not a doctor, but a chimney sweep)

To first -graders enters the classroom
Only fearless ...
(not a diver, but a teacher)

I draw a picture with a watercolor
Like dad in the country, the barrel saws ...
(not a drill, but a saw)

Fold the place
In our house - this is ...
(not a stove, but a refrigerator)

There is no need for all this dispute - take the fabric to cut the fabric ...
(not an ax, but scissors)

To stroke T -shirt, panties,
Mom includes in the outlet ...
(not a clock, but an iron)

He is reliable security,
The door cannot be without ...
(not without a tap, but without a castle)

We meet the guests of everyone together:
We eat them freshly ground ...
(not tea, but coffee)

Kings are all in portraits
Drawn in ...
(not in berets, but in crowns)

My little sisters are small
Bought by summer ...
(not boots, but sandals)

Take the flowers an armful
And we will weave now ...
(not a hat, but a wreath)

Old women go to the bazaar
Buy yourself ...
(not toys, but products)

Hockey players heard crying
The goalkeeper missed them ...
(not a ball, but a puck)

Every day the summer is closer to us,
Soon we will stand on ...
(not on skis, but on skate or rollers)

Irinka and Oksanka have
There are three -wheeled ...
(not sled, but bicycles)

For vaccinations and injections
Moms of children lead to ...
(not to schools, but to the clinic)

Fruits, snacks, drinks, wine - a table is covered for lunch in ...
(not in the cinema, but in the restaurant)

We remembered easily:
Number first letter ...
(not oh, but a)

Round -shaped head,
The same form is the letter ...
(not, but o)

The bunny came out for a walk,
The paw of the hare is exactly ...
(not five, but four)

Look at the bird;
The legs of the bird is exactly ...
(not three, but two)

The teacher said Ira,
That two more than ...
(not four, but one)

You will sleep in the lessons - you will get for the answer ...
(not five, but two)

Fanta for the company of children mathematical

Fanta for the company of children mathematical
Fanta for the company of children mathematical

Fands for the company of children mathematical:

A puppy sits on the porch,
Heats his fluffy side.
Another came running
And he sat down next to him.
(How much did the puppy become?)

A rooster took off on a wicker,
I met there two more.
How many roosters became?
Who is ready for the answer?

Five puppies played football,
They called one home.
He looks out the window, believes
How many are playing them now?

Four ripe pears
It swore on the twig.
Two pears took off Pavlush
How many pears are left?

Brought a goose-mother
Six children in the meadow for a walk.
All the goslings are like glomeruli.
Three sons, how many daughters?

Grandson Shura Good grandfather
He gave seven candies yesterday.
A grandson ate one candy.
How many things are left?

He gave the hedgehogs hedgehog
Eight leather boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many hedgehogs do you have?

The seagull of the teapot was warmed up,
I invited nine gulls.
All flew for tea.
How many gulls, answer!

I have three girlfriends,
Each has a mug.
How many mugs
My girlfriends?

Seven geese set off on the road.
Two decided to relax.
How many are there under the clouds?
Count, children, yourself.

Sews a kitten of slippers for himself,
So that the paws do not freeze in winter,
But cannot count:
One, two, three, four, five…

The chicken began to count
Small chickens:
Five and black five yellow,
And all ... (dozen).

Three fluffy cats
We sat down on the window.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats have you become together?

Well, how many guys
They ride on the mountain?
Three in the sledges are sitting,
One is waiting.

To gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived.
And of them only three forty
Prepared lessons.
How many loafers-fractions
Arrived at the lesson?

Six cheerful cubs
They are in a hurry for raspberries in the forest.
But one baby is tired -
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer,
How many bears ahead?

Misha alone with a pencil,
Grisha alone with a pencil.
How many pencils
Both kids?

In a clearing by the oak
The hedgehog saw two fungi.
And away, at aspen
He found one more.
Who is ready to answer us,
How many hedgehogs found mushrooms?

I draw Koshkin House:
Three windows, a house with a porch.
There is still a window upstairs
So that it is not dark.
Count the windows
In the house at the cat.

Under the bushes by the river
Live of May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who managed to count them?

Six raven on the roof of the village
And one flew to them.
Answer quickly, boldly,
How many of them flew?

Apples in the garden ripened.
We managed to taste them:
Five ruddy, bulk,
Three with sourness.
How many are there?

This flower has
Four petals.
And how many petals
Two of these flowers?

Once for a luster for lunch
A friend-neighbor jumped.
On the stump of hare sat down
And they ate five carrots.
Who to count guys, dexter
How many carrots have eaten?

Baked pancakes,
Invited three grandchildren,
Three pipe badgers.
Well, how much bad
Waiting for supplements and are silent?

West phantas for the company of children to care with answers

West phantas for the company of children with answers
West phantas for the company of children to care with answers

Fands-markes for the company of children for attentiveness with answers:

In the Sandy Desert
In any heat
With heavy luggles
They are kangaroo.

Hare fur coat is all white -
So, summer is already in the forest.

The eyes of the owls, like beads,
Bright, tiny.
(At the tits)

At the Old Tow
Not eyes, but headlights,
Round, big,
Such terrible.

The chicken flies high
And sings at the same time: "Ko-ko-ko!"

The chickens all get up into the ranks
And they go soon on the pond.

The tigresses envy
The loud mane of Lioness.
(Lionesses have no mane)

The hay takes the trunk
Tolstoye hippo.

The sheep is unfortunate,
I ate a giraffe.

The horseshoes clatter loudly
On the hooves at the cow
(at the horse)

Daughters and sons
He teaches the ant.
( pig)

How slim and long -legged
In that swamp rhino.

In the morning who comes to the pond,
He will catch hares pood.

You will pay, the owner, a fine,
Kohl is not in the muzzle of the giraffe.

On the back of the rhino
There are terribly stolen needles.

The animal looks from the hollow,
Call that tenant the ferret.

In the garden of grandmother Rufina
All dolphins overeated the leaves.

Having walked, wash your paws
Comb the wool at the dad.
(in the dog)

The wolf cub has a terrible dad -
This is a club of clubfoot.
(at the bear)

Songs are ready to sing all day
In the spring, the owl is happiness.

Sharp and red
Pine needles.

The tomato is large and ripe
The color has bright white.
(bright red)

In summer, the sheet is birch
Absolutely pink.

On trembling on aspen
Each leaf is bright.
(green in summer and yellow in the fall)

The pine has a needle
In short than that of the Christmas tree.

Celebrate in May.
(in August-September)

On Blue January day
Lilac blows.

Flying fluff climbs in the nose -
All June the burdock blooms.

Write in every children's book,
That cones grow on oak.

Osins tremble in the wind -
Oranges fly from them.

From the palm tree down
On the palm tree again
Cowdock jumps deftly.
(a monkey)

- A fool shout from the cage.
From fear is not timid!
Outlandish bird
The sparrow is called.

Chick-Chirik! Chick Chirik!
- Who raised a cheerful cry?
Do not scare this bird!
The parrot was sung.

The faster of fear
The turtle rushes.

Mountainly cooler passed
A crocodile overgrown with wool.

Such a long neck
Lyud did not see:
All higher in the world
Spotted camel

He took out leeches
Karabas sold,
All smoked with a swamp, tina,
His name was Pinocchio.

Fands for fun companies of children musical

Fands for fun companies of children musical
Fands for fun companies of children musical

Fands for a fun company of children musical:

Antoshka, Antoshka m/f "Merry carousel"

Antoshka, Antoshka!
Let's go dig a potato!
Antoshka, Antoshka!
Let's go dig a potato!

Tili - Tili, traws - Vali,
We did not go through this
They didn’t ask us.

After all, there are so many good friends of the m/f "On the way with the clouds"

Live in your house always alone
Both to me and you and him!
After all, how many good friends in the world,
Good friends, good friends.
How many funny undertakings are in the world
Funny ventures, cheerful ventures.

Air snakes, blinds and saking,
Hide and seek, balls, covers, and rope,
And simple, and simple, and just ropes,
Well, just, just, just ropes !!!

Song of a lion cub and turtles m/f "Like a lion cub and a turtle sang a song"

I'm sitting in the sun,
I look at the sun ...
I'm sitting and sitting,
And I look at the sun.

- I am not "sitting", but "lying" ...
- You are lying, and I'm sitting!

Rhino, horn, horn is coming,
Crocodile, Dil, Dil is floating.
Only I am sitting (lying)
And I look at the sun ...

Pinocchio song K/F "Adventures of Pinocchio"

Who is a good fairy tale in the house?
Who is familiar to everyone since childhood?
Who is not a scientist, not a poet,
And he conquered all the white light,
Who will be recognized everywhere,
Tell me, what is his name

His cap is on his head,
But the enemy will be badly,
He will show the villains his nose
And make friends to tears,
He will be very soon here
Tell me, what is his name?

What is the sky blue to/f "Adventures of Pinocchio"

The paws are boo dupuy, paw then boo dubuda ...
The paws are boo dupu give, barking bark Lai Lalalalala.
The paws are boo dupuy, paws then boo dubudi,
Lai bark Lai Lalalalala.

While the brackets live in the world,
We must glorify our fate!

What a blue sky
We are not supporters of robbery:
You don't need a knife for a bracket,
You will give him a little -
And do with him what you want!

As long as greedy is alive around,
Good luck we will not let go of our hands

We are gangster, gangsterito, m/f "Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

We are a fiato groove all day in Cabrioleto, oh, oh,
We constantly drink Chinzano, constantly full-drunk, oh-oh,
We keep Banko millionon and a paletto for law, oh-oh.

Funtik song from the m/f "Adventures of the pig's piglet"

Wandering around the light
With caramel behind the cheek.
And one more for a friend
Take in a pocket in reserve.

Because because
Everyone is more necessary and more expensive
Everyone is more trusting and stricter
There is kindness in this world.
There is kindness in this world.

Crocodile song Genes m/f "Cheburashka"

Let run clumsily
Pedestrians on puddles,
And water along the asphalt by the river.
And obscure passers -by
On this day, the Nergotye,
Why am I funny?

And I play the accordion
At passers -by in sight.
Regret, birthday
Only once a year.

Ditties of grandmother-hazhek m/f "Flying Ship"

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play-do!
Sing ditties, grandmother's hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk!

I was tipsy
And flew on a broomstick.
Oh, I don't believe
To these superstitions!

Masha and the Bear - "Sunny Bunny"

It doesn’t matter when it rumbles
Above the spring grove of the thunder.
If the rain is wetted,
We do not care
The rainbow shines over the forest.
The sun is shining for friends.
And our funny song
Sings the nightingale!

Sunny bunnies
Jumping in puddles
The stream sparkles blue
Drops scattered with spray of freckles!
Only the friendship is strong
Do not pour water!

Masha and the Bear - "Three desires"

Who said that a miracle is ridiculous
There will be a dream in the heart for now
On the azure watercolor of the sky
Will swim like cloud fish
Choose a bait for good luck
Do not hang your nose if it doesn't bite
Suddenly you catch a goldfish
It means definitely lucky

And in a dream this will not dream
Three desires make bolder
Don't forget to share with friends
After all, miracles are not sorry for friends

Song of the Red Red Riding Hood "The Adventures of the Red Red Riding Hood"

If for a long time, for a long time, for a long time,
If for a long time along the path,
If for a long time along the path
Stomp, go and run,

Then, perhaps, of course,
That's probably true, right
It is possible, it is possible, you can,
You can come to Africa!

Winnie-Pooh song M/F "Winnie the Pooh"

If I scratch in the back of my head, it doesn’t matter
In the head of my sawdust, yes, yes,
But although there are sawdust there,
But screamers and scurry
(as well as no nozzles, pykhtelki, snot)
I compose well sometimes, yes!

Soft fluff lives well in the world,
That's why he sings these songs out loud,
And it doesn’t matter what he is busy
If he will not lose weight,
But he will not lose weight
(unless of course, eat in time), yes!


Song of a mammoth m/f "Mom for a mammoth"

On the blue sea, to green land
I swim on my white ship.
On its white ship,
On its white ship.

Neither waves nor wind scare me -
I swim to the only mother in the world.
I swim through the waves and wind
To the only mother in the world.
I swim through the waves and wind
To the only mother in the world.

Fanta in verses for children with the agreement we end the endings

Fanta in verses for children with the agreement we end the endings
Fanta in verses for children with the agreement we end the endings

Fands in poetry for children with negotiating the endings:

Only I got out of bed,
He took a step - already tired.
I will get up - oh! And I will lie down - oh!
Something became completely bad! " -
Our neighbor
Very old ... (grandfather)

I'm all words in the world
I replace the loud "kv!"
"KVA!" - high grass.
The rain and the sun are also "kv!"
"KVA" is a toy. "KVA" - hut! " -
This is how it croaks ... (Frog)

Pi! - Again I came to you
I found cheese here yesterday!
And today - bread ... and here
There will be a glorious sandwich! " -
So the baby is squealing
Gray ... (mouse)

I serve the owner!
The courtyard from cats is watching!
How I get it: “Gav! Gav! Woof! " -
Run away, lifting their tails! " -
Gaid and breaks into a fight
With every cat ... (dog)

We are on the rails "Chuh-Chuh-Chuh"
We rush to the north and south.
And the platform and the bridge
We buzz loudly: "Tu-tu!"
It is a pity that in the sky never
Do not fly ... "(Trains)

I went for mushrooms
I did not find the opposite path.
For a long time I am "AU!" shouted,
But no one answered.
He ran away from the bunny.
Oh, save ... "(boy)

I say not at all in vain
I am my kids "quarrel!"
We will go to the pond now!
Other birds are waiting for us.
Krya-Krya-Krya! ” - Everyone in a minute
Counting mom- ... (duck)

Drugging! Only the evening comes
The kids immediately fall asleep.
I'm grunts quietly,
In the nursery, I bayuka.
I stroke them on the back
Sleep, kids ... (pigs)

I am friends with the owner.
As I see him, I laugh!
And I can "I-th!"
Distribute him far.
If you give me a chocolate,
Then I admit, I ... (horse)

Meow meow! I sing
Song of your beloved.
You take me on the pens
We will arrange a smoke.
And also stroke a little! " -
Asks all passers -by ... (cat)

I walk around the meadow all day
On the square and in a circle.
Hey shepherd, wake up! Mu!
Where the grass is here, I don’t understand.
If you want a steam room,
Give me grass! " - Muman ... (cow)

I'm good from all sides
It looks a little bit!
Be! If I like me
Then tell me "be!"
There are no more beautiful my curls! " -
The cloud is driving ... (lambs)

How many years are in your century,
So many times I will say: "Ku-ku!"
Well, if I say nothing,
Do not rush to run to the doctor.
And go to the edge of
Look for more ... (cuckoo)

What is happening today, wow!
The mouse climbed under the burdock.
Wow, what! Wow, he doesn't sleep!
I will be fed today!
My dinner will be abundant! " -
Satisfied ... (Eagle owl)

Co! Co! Co! Come back, chicken!
You are still a child.
You see, behind the gate
Meadow with chicken blindness.
Do not go outside! " -
Kvokhchchet mom- ... (chicken)

Who goes, why, where -
I see everything from the nest.
Car! Here is a cat on the fence!
Car! Here the shadow crawls along the curtain!
Car! The pot fell from the balcony! " -
Carks loudly ... (Raven)

Ha-ha-ha! Who ahead?
You don't come to me!
I stretch my neck
I can do as a snake,
I pinch and peck! " -
Boasting, goggles ... (Goose)

I sit on the nestle
In the morning a cry of everyone will be!
Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re!
The sun rose in the yard!
It's time for everyone to clean the fluff! " -
Kukarika ... (Rooster)

Solve the problem about me -
I roar, but I do not cry.
I don't work for a clock
And stubborn, like myself!
After my two: "I!"
It's a shame not to recognize ... (donkey)

I ride around the city
And I’m trying to have time everywhere.
I will say to the Lada: "BB!"
And KAMAZ: "Do not destroy!"
Likes to conquer the peaks
High -speed roads ... (car)

Video: Funny Fanta for Children - Game

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