Mathematical quiz for children "Cognitive Mathematics" - examples for tasks

Mathematical quiz for children

A mathematical quiz can be not only informative, but interesting and fun. To do this, it must be carried out in a playful way, for example, to offer children tasks of a poetic form. You will find ideas for a fun lesson in our article.

Mathematical quiz - "Cognitive Mathematics"


Mathematical quiz -
Mathematical quiz - "Cognitive Mathematics"

Mathematical quiz - "Cognitive Mathematics":

He gave us evidence,
He considered water the basis
And the beginning of being.
Traveling around the world
He measured the pyramids,
But he didn't climb upstairs,
After all, he knew the likeness ...


On the island of Samos
This philosopher was born.
And at the forefront
The numbers are set by them.
And, they say, for the theorem
He sacrificed the bull to the Bull.
There was a champion of the Olympics,
He had his own students.
I hope everyone guessed
That his name ...


Everything that people used to know
He gathered in his "principles".
There were 13 books of them,
Wrote them all ...


This French lawyer
A powerful apparatus gave us.
And all his
The name of the algebra is father.
He, serving by the king,
I received money not in vain:
Shifrov solved the secret.
This is Francois ...


He was born very weak,
But in science, everyone has come up.
No other opened
He is the attraction of the law.
Integral gave the world,
Physicist Isaac ...


It's him, it's him
He was in love with arithmetic.
He called her a queen
And the world gave him a hundredfold.
He was assigned not in vain
During life, the title of the king.
He was flawlessly calculated
I kept the tables in my memory.


Mathematics began
I studied on the wallpaper
And fell in love with that science.
Only this is what a thing.
After all, in Russia at this time
They did not let women into universities.
To reach the peaks in mathematics,
The girl had to leave for Berlin,
And become a fake bride for this,
So we know Sophia ...


Nobleman, philosopher, warrior
Our memory is worthy.
Still coordinates
The name is the name ...


I solved the riddle of the circle
The method of space gave us,
We know how in siracuses
He defended his homeland.
He saved his people from troubles
His name…


About the area of \u200b\u200bgeometric shapes

The circle has length
In all directions it is equal.
Every pioneer knows
C \u003d 2? R [Two Two pi on er]


And I know the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle
And I am very happy about that!
I teach me and my friend:
S \u003d? R2 [Es equal to Pi Er Square]


My friends, it's easy to find
S parallelogram.
You multiply a by b
And to the sinus gamma.
S trapezius you know
Count, I'll wait.
Half Sumomers of the foundations
You multiply by height.
Area of \u200b\u200ba triangle
You need to know, of course.
We multiply a by h
And divide by two.
Diagonals multiply
And divided into 2,
And you will understand:
Nothing else needs to be done.
This was calculated by Squat.
Calculate if you please
Area of \u200b\u200ba triangle,
If we know in it
The lengths of each side.
You need to act undoubtedly
Here according to the formula ... (Heron)


Figure area with straight angles
We can all find out easily ourselves.
For this, the method is very simple,
Multiple the length with its height.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle
Need to find out?
The length is width
Hurry up to multiply!
I asked a friend about it,
He reminded the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle.
You are very happy to tell you:
S \u003d? R2 [Es equal to Pi Er Square]


We will consider, for example,
C \u003d 2? R [Two Two pi on er]
What will we find by substituting R?
They spoke in the old days
The circumference has a length.

Mathematical quiz - answers

Mathematical quiz - answers
Mathematical quiz - answers
Mathematical quiz - answers
Mathematical quiz - answers

Mathematical quiz - answers:

Why are the ships do not get aground,
Do they go through the rate through the fog and a blizzard?
Because, because, you notice, it helps the captain ...


As there are no tables in the world without legs
As there is no goats in the world,
Cats without a mustache and without cancer shells,
So there is no action in arithmetic without ....


I am a dash in grammar,
And who am I in mathematics?


Arithmetic action,
Reverse complexity,
The sign "Minus" is involved in it,
I will tell you without a doubt.
And as a result, the difference is
No wonder my efforts!
An example I decided correctly
And this…


We add numbers plus
And then we count the answer.
If "plus", then, no doubt,
This action - ...


I am a good connection sign,
And that is my purpose
I'm sitting for addition,
And I am very proud of this
(a plus)


You need to invite him
To add equal numbers to fold.
To facilitate complexity,
There is a great sign


He is not taking away from evil,
It just fulfills its duty.
Remove a big mastak
This familiar sign is


Not all in this action is smooth:
That is the whole, and then - with the remainder.
Several times a decrease
Will perform a sign to you


Long -legged skater,
I have developed a notebook leaf!
Whatever dance, then a circle,
What is his name, friend? (Compass)


Segments, straight
Damn her soon!
Fields without difficulty
Will lead you ... (ruler)


This line is straight
As if someone broke.
I draw like a lightning.
What did the people call it? (Curve)

At least where to go,
This line is such,
Without end and without beginning,
Called ... (straight)


It is limited on both sides
And the line was carried out.
You can measure its length,
And to do it so simple! (Line segment)


It consists of a point and a straight line.
Well, guess who he is?
It happens that in the rain he will break through from the clouds.
Have you guessed now? This ... (beam)


The triangle has three of them,
But there are four of them in a square.
In all squares, they are equal to them.
What am I guessing about, guys?


He is detailed
Sharp can be dumb.
Like two rays, guys, they call
Coming from a point from one?


Three sides and three corners,
And every student knows
The figure is called, of course,


I am not an oval and not a circle,
I am a friend to a triangle
I am a rectangle brother
After all, they call me ... (square)


I have no corners
And I look like a dish,
On a plate and on the lid,
On the ring and the wheel. (A circle)


One hundred small brothers are equal to them
(centimeters in a meter)


Ten times less than a meter,
Everyone knows….


One hundred kilos of ten by ten,
How much will it weigh?


Measurement measures
In grams, kilograms too
We can measure it.


We studied time in mathematics,
They learned about the minutes and seconds all-all-all.
And we can tell you now
That there are 60 minutes ...


There is a long segment, there is shorter
We draw it along the ruler, by the way.
Five centimeters - value,
It is called ...

Quiz "Mathematical mosaic"

Quiz Mathematical mosaic
Quiz "Mathematical mosaic"
Quiz Mathematical mosaic
Quiz "Mathematical mosaic"
Quiz Mathematical mosaic
Quiz "Mathematical mosaic"

Quiz "Mathematical Mosaic":

Our courtyard is empty today,
Behind the window is frowning.
I took a felt -tip pen, pencil,
I decided to draw figures.
In front of me is the paper sheet,
What is it white and clean.
You flue the flomaster in the middle of the leaflet
And on the sheet it turns out a point.


Let there be a lot of points,
I lead the road through them.
Connecting a point with a point,
I drew a line-string.
The path, bending, curls
The track is called the line.


Mom advised me
Keep your way straight.
How to make a line line -
It does not work.
My felt -tip pen is lame
Or does the hand go astray?
But with the ruler on the sheet
It's so easy to draw.
Look, what is even
This line is straight.


Angle (straight, sharp, dumb)
My mother took a sheet
And the corner was bent,
The angle is such in adults
Called direct.
If the angle is already sharp,
If wider, then stupid.


I'm sharp - I want to draw
Now I'll take it and draw.
Two lines lead from a point,
As if two rays
And we see a sharp corner, we
Like the tip of the sword.
And for the corner of the stupid
We repeat everything again:
We lead two lines from the point,
But we will spread them wider.
Look at my drawing
He is like scissors inside
If there are two rings
We will extend to the end.


The plane flies through the sky
Triangular wing
On my bike,
Triangular saddle,
There is such an object - a square,
And all this is a triangle.
Here mom is three matches
I put it on the table
And I have a triangle
I put it from the matches.
And at this time I drew
And I watched my mother
I connected three lines
And he did the same.


An older brother came from school,
From the matches I laid out a square.
Mom chocolate gave me
I broke a slope - a square.
And the table is a quadrate, and a chair is a square,
And on the wall the poster is a square,
The board where chess is standing,
And each cage is a square,
There are horses and elephants there,
Figures fighting.


Square - four sides,
All sides are equal,
And all the corners are straight.


Circle and circle
We live with a brother together,
We have so much fun together
We will put a mug on the sheet,
Circle with a pencil.
It turned out what is needed -
The circle is called.
My brother by drawing
He considers himself a mother
Everything inside the circle,
He painted over the felt -tip pen.
Here you have a red circle, circle,
On the edge of the blue rim.
Circle - plate, wheel,
A circle - a hoop, a belt.
The circle is the outline of the circle.
I look at our sheet
He began to look for a corner at the circle
But he could not find him.
Brother laughs - here's things!
Yes, the circle has no corner
At the plate and coins
You will not find the corners, they are not.


Trapezius, trapezoid
There is such a figure
And I don't know her.
Where you live, trapezius,
In America, in China?
Maybe behind the trapezoid
Do you have to go to Greece?
Mom says: - No,
Trapezia with you nearby.
I will dispel your longing
Wait a minute.
And on the ironing board
Lays a skirt,
It conducts an iron on it,
So as not to puff a bag:
- Here is a trapezoid for you
Do not go to Greece.


How to draw an oval?
I called to my brother’s help.
Brother took the felt -tip pen and skillfully
I drew an oval:
You are slightly flattened,
It turns out an oval.
How many times he saw him
In the bathroom, the mirror -I got it!
Oval and dish and egg.
Mom says: -Lito
You have oval.
Let it be oval
If only not sad.
We laughed in Oval
The face was painted.
Oval - an elongated circle
And the face in it is surprised.


Volumetric bodies

Brought us the mailbox -
The package to me and my brother.
The box is a cube, there are six sides in it,
All sides are squares.
And what is in the package?
There are shavings and sawdust,
Sweets and bagels,
Even with jam jars.


The cylinder, what is it - I asked dad.
Father laughed: - A cylinder, this is a hat.
To have a correct idea,
The cylinder, let's say, is a can.
The steamer pipe is cylinder,
The pipe on our roof, too,
All pipes are similar to the cylinder.
And I gave an example of this -
My beloved kaleidoscope,
You can't tear your eyes off him,
And also looks like a cylinder.


Mom said: - And now
About the cone will be my story.
In a high cap starship
He counts the stars all year round.
Konus-Hat Star.
That's what he is. Understood? That's it.
Mom at the table stood
The oil was poured into the bottles.
- Where is the funnel? There is no funnel.
Look for. Do not stand on the sidelines.
-Mam, I will not touch the place,
Tell me more about the cone.
-The brewing is in the form of a watering can.
Come on, find it for me as soon as possible.
I could not find a funnel,
But mom made a heap
The cardboard was wrapped around the finger
And cleverly securedly fixed.
The oil is pouring, mom is glad
The cone came out what is needed.


I saw a picture. In this picture
There is a pyramid in a sand desert.
Everything in the pyramid is unusually
Some kind of riddle and secret in it.
And the Spasskaya Tower on Krasnaya Square
Both children and adults are very familiar.
Look at the tower, ordinary
And what is on the top of her? Pyramid!


Hit! Hit! Another blow!
The ball flies into the gate - ball!
And this is a watermelon ball
Green, round, tasty.
Take a look better - what a ball is!
It is made of some circles.
Cut the watermelon into circles
And try them to taste.


A circle
I have no corners
And I look like a saucer,
On a plate and on the lid,
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends? (A circle)


Folded four sticks
And then I got a square.
He has been familiar with me for a long time
Each angle in it is straight.
All four sides
The same length.
I am glad to imagine him
And his name is ... (square)


The triangle has three sides,
And they can be of different lengths.


The trapezoid is more like a roof.
The skirt is drawn by trapezoid too.
Take the triangle and remove the top -
The trapezoid can be obtained like that.


The circle has one girlfriend
Her appearance is familiar to everyone!
She walks along the edge of the circle
And called - a circle!

Mathematical tasks for quiz

Mathematical tasks for quiz
Mathematical tasks for quiz
Mathematical tasks for quiz
Mathematical tasks for quiz

Mathematical tasks for the quiz:

Problems for addition.

There was a hedgehog in the forest,
He was looking for a mushroom.
He collected the load,
Borovik picked up
Put them in a basket
And went along the path.
How much hedgehog of mushrooms
Found today in a forest?


Snowflakes flew from the sky,
Two bullfinches flew to us.
Then a beautiful blue
Sat down to our winter birds,
How loudly, briskly chirped ...
So how many birds did you count?


Fruits on the table are:
Ripe pear, grenade,
Two bananas, tangerine,
Ripe delicious orange.
How many fruits on the table
Calculate me soon?


There was darkness in the house,
Turned on the bulb then ...
So bright, fun shines,
So how many light bulbs are on?


Eagles are sitting - four pieces,
And their grandchildren fly to them.
And there are five grandchildren of those eagles.
Are you ready to count them all?


Passers for subtraction.

My cat manifested kittens.
There were five of them
I handed them to the guys.
I gave all the five children,
How much is left, did you count everyone?


Pears hung on the tree,
There were three of them at that time
And I quickly eaten two of them.
So how many are there, tell me?


Green girlfriends are sitting -
Three funny frogs.
The heron was important to them,
I took one with me to the cinema.
The choir of girlfriends did not stop,
So how many frogs are there now?


The steam locomotive rode for a long time
He brought ten tanks,
He took two of them to Talin.
How many tanks did he leave?


Squirrels decided to eat nuts
And I found six of them in the forest.
She ate three almost immediately,
And the rest - in the hollow - in reserve.
How many protein nuts are now
Hides in the hollow, hiding from us?

Merry mathematical quiz for children

Merry mathematical quiz for children
Merry mathematical quiz for children
Merry mathematical quiz for children
Merry mathematical quiz for children

Merry mathematical quiz for children:

Tasks in verses to multiply

In one large apartment
Four cats lived.
All evenings chatted
And the stamps were collected.
They had 36 marks,
How much is each cat
Put it for myself? (36: 4 \u003d 9)


3 kitten in the evening
We looked to the cat in the house -
Tie to us socks
From the wool, in the glomerulus.
Help count
How much should she knit. (4 · 3 \u003d 12)


The cat welded them
27 fish.
3 had enough for 3.
How many kittens will eat? (27: 3 \u003d 9)


Each mommy has a cat
3 small crumbs each.
How many kittens are
They are sitting in the yard
If cats are 8? (3 · 8 \u003d 24)


3 kittens went to the forest,
And they found 6 mushrooms.
Count who is ready
How many mushrooms were found? (6 · 3 \u003d 18)


We looked into the class of kittens,
There are animals behind the desks.
There are two for each desk:
2 foxes, 2 bunnies.
How many beasts.
If there is 8 desks in the class? (2 · 8 \u003d 16)


The teacher Vaska instructed
Tie up all chairs in the classroom
How many chairs to level,
You will have to count.
If in the class near the kittens
8 desks are worth all,
2 stools at the table -

This is the task! (2 · 8 \u003d 16)


Murzik took 16 notebooks,
He handed them to the animals.
Each received 2 for,
How many animals
Did the teacher teach? (16: 2 \u003d 8)


Kittens love to draw,
And you will have to count.
They painted 6 octopuses,
Tell me how much
Do they have all the legs? (8 · 6 \u003d 48)


The teacher asked everyone the question:
9 pairs are dancing Polka,
How many dancers will all the dancers be?
But the cats did not know
Would you count? (2 · 9 \u003d 18)


Here is another task.
In the forest on the edge
There is a hut.
8 kittens live in it,
Each educates 3 mice.
How many mice do these huts have? (3 · 8 \u003d 24)


We multiplied 4,
And we divided the 4th.
We were offered pencils
There were 28 of them,
We divided them for four.
Tell me, how much did you get? (28: 4 \u003d 7)


Kittens played in the evening:
Divided for a long time, multiplied.
They got 20 matches
And they gave them five foxes.
Think about how the fox will share

Is all the matches equally? (20: 5 \u003d 4)


In our house, a mess
You will not find notebooks with us.
In three cabinets, 6 notebooks
Murzik scattered.
How many notebooks are there.
Who would count? (6 · 3 \u003d 18)


At a break 6 kittens
Leaflets rustling.
2 leafs took
And they were crushed quietly.
The teacher asked
They do not rustle.
How many leaflets
Had to clean up? (2 · 6 \u003d 12)


Somehow kittens
We skied,
Friends met in the forest.
Count how much
There were chanterelles
If they have 18 mittens? (18: 2 \u003d 9)


The snake Gorynych ordered the blacksmith
make 3 castles for its palace
And for each castle 3 keys:
Copper, silver and gold.
How many keys should the blacksmith make? (3 · 3 \u003d 9)


To two hare per hour of lunch
3 neighbors jumped.
Hares sat down in the garden
And they ate 3 carrots.
Who should guys be dexterous?
How many carrots have eaten? (2+3) · 3 \u003d 15


There was a job for the puppy:
He protects the gate
Protects the house and the yard
So that the thief does not accidentally fit.
Yes, guards at least where!
Food is being snapping in a bowl:
Three puppies 5 cutlets
The owner gave for lunch.
Only, apparently, the thief climbed,
If the watchman suddenly disappeared.
And lunch cutlets
Either they were, or not. (5 · 3 \u003d 15)


The bunny was jumping through the forest,
Berest from birch torn off.
Sitting on the pen
He cut it on leaflets.
Four rudiments
I made a notebook.
In every notebook
8 sheets each,
Will be satisfied
Sons and daughters.
(How many sheets are there?) (8 · 4 \u003d 32)


Cranberry matured
The summer is over
Moss green
The swamp is dressed.
Having taken the baskets,
5 gray mice
To do it for the winter
The reserves are in a hurry.
Each brought 8 berries,
Will be at the mice
Cranberry juice.
(How many berries were the mice collected?) (8 · 5 \u003d 40)


By bee advice
Build the hive of 7 bumblebees.
After all, there will be no summer forever,
And the mother of the children is rushing.
Each from bees
Let it bring
8 cells from wax for honeycombs.
The case is done, we must rush.
Fill the cells with linden honey.
(How many cells brought bumblebees?) (8 · 7 \u003d 56)


In the paws brought a tit
9 spikelets of wheat.
In every spikelet wheat
9 grains are stored.
How many wheat grains
Threw a tit into the ground? (9 · 9 \u003d 81)


Two ducklings enthusiastically
Divided in a bowl of pasta
Their usual diet -
18 pasta.
I divided 18 by 2
Dispute disputes
I put the end.
How much pasta did everyone get? (18: 2 \u003d 9)


From evening to morning
Three beans are repairing the hut.
To patch holes,
30 logs must be taken.
Not an ax and did not drink
The beaver's tools,
For the work of lumberjacks
Sharp have teeth.
Delicious and strong
Beaver people
Each for how much
Does the logs carry? (30: 3 \u003d 10)


Kondrat went to Leningrad,
And to meet - 12 guys.
Each has 3 baskets,
In every basket there is a cat.
Each cat has 12 kittens,
Each kitten has
There are 4 mouse in the teeth.
And the old Kondrat thought:
“How many mice and kittens
The guys carry to Leningrad? " (0)


Once on a hot summer day
In the blue tub
Ruise your children
Mom decided- Khryushka.
32 Water buckets
Pigs were brought.
4 per child,
Little piglet.
Try to count
How many children should I bathe? (32: 4 \u003d 8)


The monkey took out 42 bananas.
Sorry, now they will have to
Divide into six.
How many bananas will every monkey get? (42: 6 \u003d 7)


The fox in the field muffled,
I was waiting for mice at the minks.
16 caught
Sorry, dozed off.
The owl at the fox stole prey.
In the nest by Owl
8 white louds.
They are loud,
They want to eat very much.
How much mouse did every owl get? (16: 8 \u003d 2)


3 Belchik Mom-Belka
Waited near the hollow.
They for breakfast mom-white
9 cones brought.
Divide into three.
How much is each of them? (9: 3 \u003d 3)


Took Anton Lukoshko,
Anton went into the forest.
I scored mushrooms a little
And he is considered:
3 chanterelles, 3 waves,
3 Gruzda and 3 chernushki.
How many mushrooms are in a basket
Antoshka managed to put? (3 · 4 \u003d 12)


4 beaver, 4 foxes,
4 Zaborchonka, 4 squirrels.
How many kids are written in class?
Who will count the first of you? (4 · 4 \u003d 16)


Yegor has 3 fly agaric,
Olezhka has 3 rahs,
Vanyushka has 3 waves.
Found 2 sisters
3 chanterelles.
And Igor - 5 booths.
How many children are edible mushrooms? (3 · 4+5 \u003d 17)


So winter comes ...
Squirrels are storing nuts.
10 times the squirrel tore them from the bush,
I brought 20 nuts to the hollow.
I did the job -
And dozing now.
How many nuts did she carry every time? (20:10 \u003d 2)


Stupid little mouse
In cheese, the holes believed:
Top 3 and below 3,
Right 3 and left 3.
How many holes of everything?
Who will count for him? (3 · 4 \u003d 12)


Mom-little one bought books.
I read the children for a week.
And how many books
I did not count.
She read the mice
Every day on the book.
You guys do not yawn!

How many books are counted! (1 · 7 \u003d 7)


Mother Yezhikha for children
I went to the forest, catch mice.
For each hedgehog
I caught 2 mouse.
The mouse was only 10.
So who will answer?
For how many hedgehogs

Hede brought mouse? (10: 2 \u003d 5)


Tatyana embroidered beautifully
Two lilies and two tulips.
What wonderful flowers!
And how many are there? Will you tell us? (2 · 2 \u003d 4)


This flower has 4 petals
And how many petals
Two of these flowers? (4 · 2 \u003d 8)


Two nimble piglets
So froze that they were trembling.
Calculate and say:
How many boots to buy them? (4 · 2 \u003d 8)


Tow's name day,
The guests gathered.
Count them soon
Don’t be mistaken.
Birds Friendly Family:
3 cheerful sparrows,
3 crow, 3 magpies -
Black and white Beloboka,
3 cutters and woodpeckers 3.
How many of them, call them. (3 · 5 \u003d 15)


Red hat went to my grandmother.
Granddaughter carried hotels in the basket of the granddaughter.
She walked slowly along a familiar path,
She collected mushrooms, put them in a basket.
All the distance passed unnoticed,
Passing two kilometers per hour.
Three hours to my grandmother came.
How many kilometers have it passed? (2 · 3 \u003d 6)


On skiing the kids go on a hike.
A route passes around the field and grove.
Look, what a beauty is!
They walked all the way in three hours.
12 total kilometers passed.
How speed did they go? (12: 3 \u003d 4)


The fox of cheesecakes was baked,
I invited 5 girlfriends.
Here are cheesecakes. We need them
Divide into six.
All cheesecakes 36.
How many everyone can eat? (36: 6 \u003d 6)


A kitten ran along the grass,
And the puppy ran after him.
Who guys will count
How many legs ran there? (4 · 2 \u003d 8)

3 cats bought boots.
Pair for every cat.
How many legs do you have?
And how many boots do they have? (4 · 3 \u003d 12)


Two cheerful monkeys
There were books to buy.
And bought books for five,
To have something to read.
Only stupid monkeys
Books cannot count.
You help the monkeys
How many books they have, tell me. (5 · 2 \u003d 10)


Swans in our pond,
I'll come closer:
9 black, white 5.
Who managed to count them?
Speak as soon as possible:
How many swans are? (9+5): 2 \u003d 7


Two centipedes
We ran along the path.
Says one another:
- How many legs do you and I have?
I want to count for a long time
Nothing comes out.
Help give an answer -
Is it a lot or not? (40 · 2 \u003d 80)


3 girlfriends on the edge
They took loads and waves.
And, finding 3 mushrooms,
They sat down to count them at the bump.
Who is ready to help them
And name the number of mushrooms? (3 · 3 \u003d 9)


5 hares played a hide and seek with a fox.
And we’ll simply say - they were in the grass.
Now we will ask the guys:
- How many ears in the grass tremble? (2 · 5 \u003d 10)
10 palms pushed the boat.
How many fingers?
Did you count everything? (5 · 10 \u003d 50)


Mom-nasadka fled.
We found them behind the fence.
There are 12 paws swarm.
How many chickens are behind the fence? (12: 2 \u003d 6)


Eight foxes the mink play.
Who will count their legs? (4 · 8 \u003d 32)


Cat Vaska-Rybolov
Draised a big catch:
Large 15 perches,
3 times less crucian carp.
What is the cat?
Who is ready to answer us? (15: 3+15 \u003d 20)


At the hare in the fall, rabbits were born.
10 children.
Yes, trouble: cold occurs.
Help the hare to count
How many mittens to knit? (2 · 10 \u003d 20)


Mom brought to lunch
18 chocolate sweets.
I do not know what to do -
Divide them into three.
Help count!
How many brothers should I give me?
How much can I take? (18: 3 \u003d 6)


Warm rain pours in the morning.
You have to go for a walk.
6 babies-shirts
They are in a hurry for mothers in the forest.
How many green legs
Month of the mud of forest paths?
(2 · 7 \u003d 14); (4 · 7 \u003d 28)


Yas in the morning today to grandfather
I'm going on a bicycle.
And 12 km overcame in 2 hours.
At what speed
Two wheels are drawn to me? (12: 2 \u003d 6)


A dozen branches from the yard
Brought a goat for children.
I put them on the floor.
How to divide them into two? (10: 2 \u003d 5)


Sleeps -
And the cat does not blow in the mustache,
What will fall into a lazy person.
But Kotofei would not sleep
He would eat 5 pairs
Mice! (How much is it?) (2 · 5 \u003d 10)


Somehow to the hare for lunch
One neighbor jumped.
On the stump of hare sat down
And 5 carrots ate.
Well, children, tell me,
And decide as soon as possible! (5 · 2 \u003d 10)


5 Zaychat are sitting in the corner,
Clean the turnips on the floor.
Counted 10 pieces.
How to share - they forgot suddenly. (10: 5 \u003d 2)


Here are 8 rabbits
They follow the path.
Behind them after
Two are running.
So how many
On the forest path
Hurrying to school
Bunnies in winter?
Once in the forest with a thick
The hedgehog built a house for himself
Invited forest animals,
Count them soon:
2 hare, 2 foxes,
2 squirrels, 2 beavers.
It's time to call the answer. (2 · 4 \u003d 8)


Two large ducks
We went home from fishing.
In the bag, each of them
5 herring carried large.
Herring was salted
Forgot to count.
How many villages of duck
Brought from fishing? (5 · 2 \u003d 10)


3 Belchik Mom-Belka
Waited near the hollow.
They for breakfast mom-white
9 cones brought.
Divided into three -
How much is each of them? (9: 3 \u003d 3)


The cat embroidered a carpet.
Look what pattern:
3 large cells,
Each has 3 twigs.
Sat a cat on the bed,
Began to count the twigs
But it cannot.
Who will help her? (3 · 3 \u003d 9)


The dishes escaped from Fedora:
3 glasses, 3 cups, 3 saucers.
Who is ready to count
How many fugitives were there? (3 · 3 \u003d 9)


I took Anton Lukoshko.
Anton went into the forest.
I scored mushrooms a little
And he is considered:
2 chanterelles, 2 waves,
2 coarse and 2 chernushki.
How many mushrooms are in a basket
Antoshka managed to put? (2 · 4 \u003d 8)


Ants live together
And do not scurry idle.
3 carry a blade of grass
3 carry the blade
3 carry needles.
How many are there under the Christmas tree? (3 · 3 \u003d 9)

Natural, Kalan, Sivuchok and Kotik
Together joined in sea hunting.
For eight fish, each will catch,
How much is all? Sitting and counting. (8 · 4 \u003d 32)


Three cats bought boots,
Pair on each leg.
How many cats have legs
And how many boots do they have? (12 legs, 24 boots)


In the summer in a sunny day
The birds jumped-jump-slot,
We sat on two twigs
Four crooks,
And on the next two
Three owls were sitting,
And they shouted: “Wow, oh wow!”
You guys don't yawn
How many birds are all? Consider! (2 · 4+2 · 3 \u003d 14)


In the anthill of goosebumps
They sewed a shirt for the holiday.
One goosebump in hand
You need to sew four pieces,
How many seven goosebumps
Need to sew all shirts? (7 · 4 \u003d 28)


Butterflies flew in the field,
The petals of flowers were considered.
There are five of them on one flower.
You can count
How many petals there will be
If there are six flowers? (5 · 6 \u003d 30)


Hares in the forest fled,
Wolf traces counted along the road.
A flock of big wolves passed here,
Each paw in the snow is visible.
Wolves left the wolves one hundred and twenty traces.
How much, tell me, there were wolves (120: 4 \u003d 30)


Led by an owl lessons at school,
The wise owl taught to count where the birds are more:
“On the right you see four nests,
Each nest has four chicks,
The nests are eight on the left, and three birds,
Where is the chicks more? Rather, tell me! (4 · 4 \u003d 16; 3 · 8 \u003d 24)


There are two pigs in the sun
Lay, warmed their backs
And with them five lambs,
Kopitsy knock,
They play, rest
And they do not suspect
What are the children in the classroom
Their legs are considered.
How many legs? (4 · 7 \u003d 28)


We don't miss tea,
We drink two cups.
Eight cups, eight pairs -
We drink a samovar
We drink a cup of only pair,
How many cups are in a samovar? (2 · 8 \u003d 16)


And now the task is more difficult,
But first answer the questions:
How many legs does the beetle have? (6)
How many legs does the spider have? (eight)
I will read the task for you, and you count.
How many legs are there in a living corner?
I have in one box
Three beetles,
And in another I have
Three spiders.
Rustling in the corner with paper
Two hedgehog,
And in two cells they sing
Two Chizh.
Who guys would count
Helped me
How much are they all together
Have legs? (6 · 3+8 · 3+4 · 2+2 · 2 \u003d 54)


The fox taught her kids
Catch under the bushes of cheerful mice.
Mice heard a evil fox
And everyone hid under the Christmas tree in the forest.
There were only five mice,
Each mother has nine mice.
So how much, tell me, mice and mice
Are they sitting quietly under the spruce of branching? (9 · 5 \u003d 45)


We are only from the ship,
We are only from the campaign -
Eleven weeks
We stayed on the water,
How many days are these?
Count as soon as possible! (7 · 11 \u003d 77)


I learned to count the hedgehog.
Once in the forest is thick,
Under the birch bush
Forest mushrooms gathered,
All handsome men are removed.
Pupil, don't yawn
And the mushrooms soon count:
Five movies and five waves,
Five chanterelles, five bitter ones.
Who is ready to answer us?
How many mushrooms are there? (5 · 4 \u003d 20)


On the apple tree of the old, the fruits are sighted in the garden,
In the sun together, they were warming the sides.
Guys all these apples collected
And of course they were given to the kids.
Each boy was given two,
There were only eight boys in the morning.
But then the kids still ran to them,
Lovely, friendly our boys.
Twelve guys came running in total,
Everyone is very happy to eat on an apple.
How many apples did all the children eat?
Who will answer us quickly? (2 · 8+ 1 · 12 \u003d 28)


In the bird's courtyard of geese, children fed,
With whole families they were taken out.
There were five goose families in total,
Each family has twelve children.
Dad and mom and grandmother with grandfather.
How many geese gathered at dinner? (12+4) · 5 \u003d 80

Mathematical quiz with answers


Mathematical quiz with answers
Mathematical quiz with answers

Mathematical quiz with answers:

Compound tasks

Once in the forest with a thick
The hedgehog built a house for himself
Invited forest animals,
Count them as soon as possible:
Two bunnies, two foxes,
Two squirrels, two beans.
It's time to call the answer.
Answer: 8


I have on a shelf
Two green frogs,
Two bears and mouse,
And a wonderful cuckoo,
And there is also an elephant
And a puppy with a sewn ear,
A pinkish pig
With a red button on the belly.
Now I want to listen:
How many toys do I have?
Answer: 9


Birthday at the fox.
Who is this to knock on her house?
Wolf, bear, badger, raccoon,
Even gray Vaska is a cat.
Even a squirrel jumped.
How many plates do everyone need?
Answer: 6


Ivan brought pears from the garden.
Three gave his sister Lusha,
And he gave us four,
The last two he ate himself.
How many pears did Ivan bring?
Answer: 9


The gray cat sits at the window,
Lies on the matting of a red -haired cat,
The black cat plays with the mouse,
A white cat climbed into a basket.
How many cats? Do not shake, look.
How much did you count? Speak!
Answer: 4


Owl-Sova, big head,
Brought off the veins, built in a row:
Two brave, two inept,
One is so small!
How many louds?
Answer: 5


To the bear on the birthday
The forest people gathered:
Hedgehog, wolf, raccoon, badger,
Hare, moose, fox-dick.
Calculate as soon as possible
How many guests were there?
Answer: 7


Only I went into the bushes -
I found a boom,
Two chanterelles, Borovik
And the green moss.
How many mushrooms have I found?
Who is ready for the answer?
Answer: 5


I have toys:
Steam locomotive and two horses
Silver plane,
Three missiles, all -terrain vehicle ...
How much is together?
How to find out?
Help count!
Answer: 8


One two three four,
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Cat Murka, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and I -
That's my whole family.
Answer: 10


Red hat walked along the path.
Seven pies in a wicker basket
The granddaughter carried her grandmother to the holiday,
But on the path, the part distributed
Bunny, hedgehog, mouse and squirrel.
How many hotels did the girl have?
Answer: 3


Three chants, two snot, three pykhtelki,
Mishka Winnie composed two nozzles,
Only eight have forgotten.
And therefore owl
He only performed ...
Answer: 2


To Mom-Rolchikha and to Mama Belchikha
Four rafters fled, four squirrels.
Rather hand, a friend, raise it,
How many animals are all, answer?
Answer: 10


The sun shines brighter in March,
Bunny jumps on the desk
Irina and Olya,
The seeds and roofing toli
And two more guys
Sunny crumbs shine.
How many funny bunnies
Looking at the windows of this school?
Answer: 6


On a window under the window
We sat four.
In a few minutes
Three are still coming to us
And lead two more.
They say their friends.
Sat so little
We looked at the road.
And on it, skipping to us
The little boy was approaching.
I don’t understand only something ...
Was he in a row?
Answer: 10


Ants live together
And do not scurry idle.
Two carry a blade of grass
Two carry the blade of grass
Three carry needles.
How many are there under the Christmas tree?
Answer: 7


On the water - two ducks,
In the yard - two chickens,
Two goose - in the pond,
One turkey in the garden.
How many birds are all? Consider!
Name the answer quickly!
Answer: 7


Five kittens dig sand,
Three in the sun sunbathe,
Two bathing in the ash.
How many? Tell me.
Answer: 10


I visited the zoo
Monkeys there saw:
Three sat in the sand,
Two swayed on the board,
And three more backs were warmed.
Did you manage to count them?
Answer: 3 + 2 +3 \u003d 8


Along the path to the forest
Kolobok rolled.
I met a gray bunny,
Met a wolf, met a bear,
Yes, a rogue-lis
I met in the forest.
Answer as soon as possible
How many animals did he meet?
Answer: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 \u003d 4


Seven hedgehogs are cleaned,
Five ride on the leaves,
Three look from under the branches.
Count all hedgehogs.
Answer: 15


To a forest school for a lesson
The puppy fled, out of breath.
Behind him is five proteins, seven kittens.
They all want to study.
I ask you, don't be lazy,
Count them to work hard.
Answer: 13


New Year! New Year!
The round dance was spinning.
Gray Wolf with a Fox-Fox
So dance deftly!
Eight protein, three hare
Dance fun on the sidelines.
Count the fast
In a round dance of all animals.
Answer: 13


In a quiet river under the bridge
There lived a mustachioed old catfish.
His wife is a somikha and fourteen.
Who will count everyone together?
Sawn will be happy!
Answer: 16


There is an assistant to mom.
Look, children, yourself:
I washed five plates,
Eight spoons, five cups.
Help me counted dishes!
Answer: 11


Once in the forest with a thick
The hedgehog built a house for himself.
Invited forest animals,
Count them soon:
Two bunnies, two foxes,
Three funny teddy bear,
Two squirrels, two beans.
It's time to call the answer.
Answer: 13


We painted mugs -
Three and black three, blue,
Well, the reds are five circles.
Who is ready for the answer?
Answer: 11


Hedgehog walked through the forest
And the mushrooms collected:
Whites three and two naps,
Two chanterelles, three oils.
He found a big wave under the Christmas tree.
How many mushrooms have a hedgehog on needles?
Answer: 11


We decided to call guests
And friends called everyone:
Mom - five of her friends,
Dad - two of his friends.
I am with my brother - three children.
And now we count together
How many chairs you need
For owners and guests?
Answer: 13


Eight little rabbits
They sit on the lawn in a row.
3 brothers jumped to them,
They are very glad to be hare.
Another came running.
We want everyone to count.
How much do they bay down
Are they sitting on a lawn in a row?
Answer: 12


We thought their ducklings
And, of course, they are tired:
Eight swim in the pond
Three hid in the garden,
Two are sitting under a bush,
Five in the grass are fought.
Who will help from the guys
Count me all ducklings?
Answer: 18


Ducklings float, play, dive,
And the duck-mother watches them, believes:
Three colorful, three gray, five yellow ducklings -
It is very difficult for her to count everyone.
And you guys help.
How many ducklings? Tell!
Answer: 11


Soon the sky will shudder -
Rain will spill to the ground.
The seven goats were already hidden,
Six puppies climbed under the logs,
The calf went under the canopy
The rooster climbed under the porch.
Calculate without me -
How many animals hid from the rain?
Answer: 15


I pull the network, fish, fish,
There were a lot:
Seven perches, ten crucians,
One scurry - and that in the pot.
I will cook my ear, I will treat everyone.
How many fish will I cook?
Answer: 18

Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade

Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade
Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade
Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade
Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade
Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade
Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade

Mathematical quiz - 8, 9, 10 grade:

Signs of divisibility

Everyone needs to know
To get an answer without an error:
From natural ones, they are divided into two
Even numbers, odd numbers - no.

Natural without any work
Those only are always divided into three,
Which have the sum of the numbers, you look
Without a trace, it is also divided into three.

That you can’t back down for a minute,
For a long time there has been a saying in the light.
And those only numbers are divided into five,
At the end of which is zero or five.


Coordinate plane

We play our games,
Knows them and the dog Ricks:
The ordinate is the igrek,
And the abscissa is X.


Disclosure of brackets

If a plus is in front of the bracket,
I'm not afraid of anything!
I just lower the brackets,
Well, I keep signs.

If there is a minus before the bracket,
I’ll crush my brains.
I also lower the brackets,
Well, I'll change the signs.


Definition of the angle

In a person for shoulder,
And in the day - day and night,
Two rays were called angle
With the beginning at the common point


Similar components

These members are very convenient,
They are called simply - similar.
We will give an effective advice:
Replace these members alone.
Come up more with the polynomial into battle!
Similar members to mark with a line!
One, two to be fast,
Color, intermittent or wavy!
When adding, do not be timid:
As already taught - operate with brackets!
If the sign is "minus" - do not yawn!
Change the signs in each lilac!
About the formula (a+b)?


Topic: "Numerical expressions, expressions with variables"

You take any numbers
Apply signs of actions to them,
Or enter into brackets:
Get a numerical expression,
Not any other!

If the brackets are opened,
Fold, multiply, divide,
It will turn out to be a meaning
Numerical expression.

If in the expression
At zero you will find a division
No one will find the meaning
It makes no sense.


Topic: “Definition of degree. Properties of degree "

Work A on A take it, we’ll call it a square,
If you take three multipliers, then we will dignify a cube.
And if the multipliers n
And each is equal to a,
Everyone should know this:
We will call the degree!
If the degree with the same basis is multiplied,
Then we add the indicators
If the degree is divided,
Then we will subtract the indicators,
If the degree is built,
We will have to find the work of indicators!


Topic: "What is a function?"

Two variables met,
They made friends, got married.
They took the common surname,
The "function" was called their family.

The variable X does not obey anyone,
Independent is called
The argument is beautifully called
The head of the family is prescribed

The variable in the dependent is
She obeys the argument
By nature, they decided to give the name
The function from the argument was decided to name

All values \u200b\u200bof the variable x
The area of \u200b\u200bthe definite is constituted
Knowledge of the variable
The functions are called.

In the family, one rule is performed
Nobody and never violated:
For every knowledge of x, everyone knows
The only one answers!


Topic: “Determination of the polynomial. Addition of polynomials "

Friends, fold one marty, you will receive polynomials.
Polynomials to fold
You need to open the brackets.
If there is plus before the bracket,
Then safely remove the brackets,
You do not change a sign.
Well, if an important "minus" is before the bracket
The sign stands, he says to us:
“Smalls, friends, you remove
Only do not forget:
Signs all to one you certainly change! "


Topic: "Formulas of abbreviated multiplication"

If we are raising the amount in the square
We find the squares of the terms,
Their work by two is multiplied
And the results of the calculations are added.
If the difference, we determine the squares,
We subtract a doubled work.
If the sum of the expressions by their difference is multiplying:
We get the difference in squares.
The difference of the squares is easy to find, we can:
The difference in expressions for their amount is changeable.


The theme "Equation and its roots"

If you take two expressions with variable,
To equate them
Get surely
Equation with the variable.

If you replace the letter with a number
And to receive the right equality
The number will call the root
And this is how we will find him.

Contracting with the letter in the left side will collect
All numbers - we will transfer to the right.
If you move the terms
Then you need to change everything signs

We will give similar terms
And we will find an unknown factor
And - the equalization was decided,
It is not at all scary to us!

Mathematical quiz - 5, 6, 7th grade

Mathematical quiz - 5, 6, 7th grade
Mathematical quiz - 5, 6, 7th grade
Mathematical quiz - 5, 6, 7th grade
Mathematical quiz - 5, 6, 7th grade

Mathematical quiz - 5, 6, 7th grade:

Fishermen sit, guard floats.
The fisherman of the roots caught three perches,
Fisherman Eusei - four crucians.
How many fish did the fishermen dragged from the river?


Sasha and Kolya Fishes?
9 fish were caught.
The cat to the fish got up,
One grabbed and rushed away.
Count, guys, soon
How many friends have fish left?


There are three pigs in the sun
They lay, warmed their backs.
And with them five lambs
Hoofs knock.
They play, rest
And they do not suspect
What are the children in the classroom
Their legs are counted.
How many legs?


The cat was friends with a mouse
I bought slippers of slippers.
And all four paws
The mouse pulled out the slippers.
I ran along the path
May she stumbled on a grass.
A slipper fell from the foot-and sank somewhere.
The mouse did not find a slipper - and she went without a slipper.
How many slippers have a mouse left?


Five green frog on the sand in a row lie.
One of the five brothers wanted to swim,
The rest is reluctant to return to the swamp.
How much frog remains in the sand?


For a walk from a nursery
Ten babies came out.
Five of them sat on the grass,
The rest - on a swing.
How many guys did you sit on a swing?


Uncle Hedgehog went into the garden,
I found ten ripe pears.
He gave seven of them the hedgehogs,
The rest are the rabbits.
How many pears did his uncle hedgehog give to the rabbits?


Elephant, elephant, two elephants
We walked in a crowd on a watering.
And there are three tigers towards
They walked home from a watering.
Count quickly how many animals met?


Grandmother Nadia in the village lives,
It has animals, but does not keep an account.
I will be guys call them,
And you try to quickly count:
Cow, calf, two gray goose,
Sheep, pig and cat Katusya.
How many animals do my grandmother Nadi have?


Our Andrew has
Six coins and two pennies
For the purchase of a sweet buns.
How much money does Andryushka have?


Three large ducks
We went home from fishing.
In the bag, each of them
5 herring carried large.
Herries were salted, they forgot to count.
How many villages were brought from fishing?


To two hare per hour of lunch
3 neighbors jumped.
Hares sat down in the garden
And they ate 7 carrots.
Who to count guys, dexter
How many carrots have eaten?


From the yard 16 branches
Brought a goat for children,
I put them on the floor,
How to divide by four?


Hedgehog asked a hedgehog-fence:
Where are you from, fidget?
I stock up on winter:
See apples on me?
I collect them in the forest,
6 brought, yes 3 I carry.
The neighbor thought -
Is it a lot or not?


3 girlfriends, 3 sisters
2 braids braided.
I ask you a question:
How much did they have?


Three loud mom-white
Waited near the hollow.
They for breakfast mom-white
She brought nine bumps.
Divided into three,
How much is each of them?


There are two Ivan in our class,
Two Tatyana, two Stepans,
Three Katyusha, two Galins,
Five Andreev, two Polina,
Eight lions, four Sasha,
Five Irin and two Natasha,
And only one Vitaly.
How many did you count?


On the summer afternoon under the pine
The hedgehog found a forest surprise:
2 foxes, 5 mushrooms
They stand under the pine tree in the forest.
Well, then at the edge -
Rawers, all girlfriends
3 in 3 rows are worth
They look at the hedgehog.
Who is ready to give us the answer,
How many hedgehogs found mushrooms?

Mathematical quiz - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade

Mathematical quiz - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade
Mathematical quiz - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade
Mathematical quiz - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade
Mathematical quiz - 1, 2, 3, 4 grade

Mathematical quiz - 1, 2, 3, 4 class:

1. We all know the fairy tale "Turnip",
We can count everything.
We will try, guys,
All heroes to call you:
Granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse,
Grandfather and grandmother with him,
Well, try guys
Call everyone one number. (6)


2. Four mice-laughter,
Very friendly girlfriends
We went out in the field for a walk,
Five more came running
They sang very amicably,
All of them were exactly ... (9)


3. On the birch there are three bits
Sold mittens,
Five more arrived,
How much will they sell? (eight)


4. I have a brother Misha
And sister Irisha,
Count faster,
How many children are there in the family? (3)


5. Mom-smoke chickens
I led to the fruit garden:
- Look, kids,
A pear fell from the branch.
There are still five,
Who can count them?
But the chickens are not enough
And the task is difficult,
Help them guys! (6)


6. Five tits on the branch sat down,
Two galka flew to them,
Count quickly, kids,
How many birds are sitting on a branch? (7)


7. The hunter walked through the forest,
He went into the thicket of forests,
He met him here:
Hare, wolf, fox, bear.
Animals all up to one
They ran away from him.
Count all animals
And how can you quickly! (four)


8. I, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda -
Volleyball team.
Zhenya and Igor for now -
Two players.
And when they get sunk,
How many of us will it work? (6)


9. The lady handed over to the baggage:
Sofa, suitcase, bag,
Picture, basket, cardboard
And a little dog.
But only a call rang out
The puppy fired from the carriage.
Guys, consider it soon
How many things are left? (6)


10. I got up early today,
I counted all her dolls.
Three nesting dolls - on the window,
Two Marinki - on the Perink,
Pupsik with Katya, Pinocchio
And parsley in a cap -
On a green chest.
I thought I worked
But then she got down from the account,
Help me again
Count the dolls of everyone. (9)


11. A peacock walked in the kindergarten,
Another one came up
Two peacocks behind the bushes,
How many are there? Consider yourself! (four)


12. On a large couch in a row
Tanins are standing.
Two nesting dolls, Pinocchio
And cheerful Chipollino.
Help Tanyushka
Count toys. (four)


13. Hedgehog was walking through the forest,
For lunch, I found mushrooms:
Two - under the birch,
One at Osina.
How many of them will be
In a wicker basket? (3)


14. Under the bushes by the river
Live of May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (four)


15. Well, how many guys
Does he ride on the mountain?
Three in the sledges are sitting,
One is waiting. (four)


16. Andryushka put in two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey is a plush bear,
Together with the fox - a bunny of a scythe,
Following them is a hedgehog and frog.
How many toys did Andryushka have? (6)


17. Rada Alenka - I found two oils,
Yes, four in the basket.
How many mushrooms are in the picture? (6)


18. Six fun cubs
They are in a hurry for raspberries in the forest
But one baby is tired
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer,
How many bears ahead? (5)


19. Seven geese set off on the road,
Two decided to relax.
How many are there under the clouds?
Count, children, yourself. (5)


20. Earring fell in the snow,
And after him Alyosha,
And behind him Marinka,
And behind her Irina.
And then Ignat fell.
How many guys were there? (5)


21. Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,
Wolf, fox, baby-box
There were friendly neighbors
They came to the pies to the bear.
You guys don't yawn
How many animals? Consider! (6)


22. We went to the bazaar,
They chose the goods there.
Three carrots, two parsley,
Pumpkin, beets, celery.
How many vegetables will be? (eight)


23. Here he planned a hedgehog of friends
Invite for the anniversary.
Invited two cubs,
Three rabbits and five squabbles.
Calculate as soon as possible
How many friends have a hedgehog? (ten)


24. Five kittens are digging sand,
Three in the sun sunbathe,
Two bathing in the ash.
How many? Tell me. (ten)


25. Squirrel from the market returned
And I met with a fox.
- What are you, squirrel, carry? -
The fox asked the question.
- I carry my kids
Two nuts and three cones.
You, fox, tell me
How much will be 2 + 3?


The fox quickly counted
I counted exactly ten.
Oh, you are a red rogue,
She deceived the squirrel deftly.
You guys don't believe her
And check her answer. (5)


26. Dad elephant to the son
I gave four books.
Their elephant read
And he gave his friends.
He gave the book a hippo,
Two - sea sperm whale.
How many books have the elephant left? (one)


27. Uncle hedgehog went to the garden,
I found ten ripe pears.
Seven of them gave the hedges,
The rest are the rabbits.
How many pears did his uncle hedgehog give to the rabbits? (3)


28. Elephant, elephant, two elephants
We walked in a crowd on a watering
And there are three tigers towards
They walked home from a watering.
Count quickly
How many animals did you meet? (7)


29. Mom protein for kids
Gathered ten cones
I didn’t give everything at once,
Given just one.
The eldest is spruce,
Average pine,
The youngest is cedar.
How many cones do mom have a squirrel left? (7)


30. Grandmother Nadia in the village lives,
It has animals, but does not keep an account.
I will be guys call them,
And you try to quickly count:
Cow, calf, two gray goose,
Sheep, pig and cat Katusya.
How many animals do my grandmother Nadi? (7)


31. I planted five good
White beads-goroshin,
And sprouts from the ground
Only three seemed.
Three peas rise
How many have not been spent? (2)


32. On two babies-gluing
Four apples grew.
Three times more on one,
And how many apples are on another? (one)


33. In nine sat in an electric train
We are at the Sands station,
And in twelve, as usual,
Arrived at Vasilka.
How much time was we on the road?
Find the answer. (3 hours.)


35. To gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived,
And of them only three forty
Prepared lessons.
How many loafers-fractions
Arrived at the lesson? (four)


36. One evening to the bear
The neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, "scythe",
Wolf with a rogue-lis.
And the bear could not

Divide the pie into all.
From labor, the bear sweat,
He did not know how to count.
Help him soon
Count all animals. (7)


37. We are a huge family,
The youngest is me.
Do not count us right away:
There is a mane, and there is Vanya,
Yura, Shura, Kpash, Dasha
And Natasha is also ours.
We are walking along the street,
They say that the orphanage.
Calculate as soon as possible
How many children are we in the family? (eight)


38. Once for a luster for lunch
A friend-neighbor jumped,
On the stump of hare sat down
And they ate five carrots.
Who to count guys, dexter
How many carrots have eaten? (ten)


39. What are you limping, bug?
- wounded the leg on the bitch,
Before their six
Could crawl very quickly.
How many legs are the bug now? (5)


40. Five raven sat on the roof,
Two more flew to them,
Answer quickly, boldly,
How many of them flew? (7)

Mathematical quiz in the senior group of kindergarten

Mathematical quiz in the senior group of kindergarten
Mathematical quiz in the senior group of kindergarten

In preschool age, children are unlikely to understand complex mathematical tasks, so it is better to introduce them to this important science in a playful way. The easiest way is riddles about numbers.

Mathematical quiz in the senior group of kindergarten:

Friends cannot live without them
You need to calculate the cars,
Pencils, hairpins,
We will not write a birthday
We will not recognize the bus number,
They will not give us change,
We will not find out how many minutes.
Each new day comes
He gives a different number!


Live in a smart book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.


Live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.


The figure opens the score to us,
A thin nose completes her.


With a cunning nose sister
The score will open ...


A hundred moon would have appeared -
And then it would be illuminated
Night as a day!
But, it is a pity, the moon
It always shines us ...


It stands among the sheet
One when the notebook is empty.
Rusing your nose to the ceiling,
She scolds the student.
And like a heron in the middle of the swamps
He is pecking him for laziness.
At least she has one leg
She is slim, proud, strict.
Neither the crane nor a tit.
And just ...


High as a wand
And with a big tail,
The first one is always everywhere -
The dial ....


Two nuts Burunduk
I wanted to put in a chest.
Only he did not endure
And one nut ate.
How many chopper has nuts left?


Three tigers did not be sad,
Air balloon was made.
Two flew up at dawn
And suddenly disappeared from the eyes.
Kohl take away these -
What will remain with us?


Two tits sang the song,
Two girlfriends, two singers.
Here one of them disappeared
Apparently, she is tired of singing.
A hint is not needed here:
There were two, now ...


Swan swims in a notebook,
So something is wrong.
If you're completely Dunno
Get this figure.


Like a swan, a miracle bird,
The sea rushes like a queen,
What is it called?
Well, of course, the figure ...


The mushroom grew in the shade of aspen,
He was one at first.
Then the second fungus made his way
Near the first he found himself.
The owl began to consider them:
It turned out exactly ...


The cat played in cubes,
The cat lost the cube.
Head is spinning…
There were three, left ...


Now it's time to bananas
Count from the monkey.
One two three four five…
You can give three for breakfast.
If three for breakfast,
There will be no five of them.
Monkey, you're right:
There will only remain ...


What slides along the light surface
Student notebook
White swan is beautiful,
Which became red from shame
For a loafer, a spit
Naughty boy?
For which he is scolded
And they are deprived of sweets for lunch.
With a light stroke of the pen
There was a figure ...


People are given to everyone from God
For the head only!
Well, what, what, and legs?
Everyone has them for ...


Guess this figure!
She is a lot of arrogant.
You will put a unit with a deuce
And you will get a figure ...


The rich wolf wolf
There were two barrels of kvass.
There is another barrel here
The wolf cub rolled home.
Began to fold them together -
How much did he count?


Four geese walked in the garden,
One was planning to swim in the pond,
He decided to dive under the water ...
And how many goslings continue their way?


Seven paper ships
He made a master Vorobey.
I gave four bears,
What did the sparrows leave?


This figure is just a miracle.
She has her relatives everywhere.
Even in the alphabet there is
She has a twin sister.


That's the miracle! Come on, well,
Look better -
It seems to be a letter
But also the figure ...


Someone at night old chair
He turned down his back down.
And now in our apartment
He became digital ...


Two mouses gnawed at the crust,
Two - the cheese was dragged into the mink.
How many of them do we have in our apartment?
Two plus two - in total ...


The protein collected the cones,
Collected and counted.
I climbed onto the pine tree
I added to three - one.
There were three shiskes first,
And now how many of them have become?


Either the figure, or the fork,
Either two roads for a fork.
In a student notebook
I know for sure - everything is glad to her.


I had my grandmother, -
She has in her entire apartment
Three huge tables
Each legs - ...


If two turn it over
And look carefully,
So take a look again,
Then we will get a figure ...


Three tits on the feeder.
Two tits on the tub.
We can add:
All the blue will be ...


Traded a ram in the market,
He sold the sheep of baskets.
He sold seven baskets
And chewed, chewed, chewed ...
There are no more two baskets,
So we write, what's in response?


The mouse walked along the path,
She carried nine grains.
Four - gave the bird,
What did you put in the pantry?


Mom looks impatient
On the pages of the diary.
Waiting for a treasured assessment
The son of a native.
But again there are only four.
No beauty ...


On the hand of the baby
Lena loves to count her fingers!
She has surprised at her
Each time it comes out ...


If a hinged lock
Up raises the proboscis,
Then we will see here
Not a lock, but a figure ...


Vaska is a clever fisherman -
Catchs the fish on the hook.
He caught three at dawn
I caught three in the evening.
Three plus three will answer
How many fish do we have?


I looked at the number in the mirror
And she dreamed of her sister.
But only the properties of one
She did not know him.
And received a double.
Like a drop of water
Sister looks like her.
Yes, only down the spit.
(Six and nine)


And my friend Tone
I had a chance to sit down on a pony
And Tony has with ponies
It became the legs at once ...


She looks like a braid
But the grass cannot mow -
Not sharpened at all
And the figure does not mow ...


Curls in the wind of a braid,
And in the middle of the back is a strip.


We have a proverb
And she is known to everyone -
Cut only once
And it is necessary to measure ...


I am a number, less than ten.
It's easy to find me.
But if the letter "I" will order to stand nearby,
I am everything: father, and you, and grandfather, and mother ...


This dial with a secret.
And in winter and hot summer
Distinguish barely,
Where is her legs, head.


The figure is like a toy -
Do not hit her on the land.
Everyone is clear - this is ...


- How many legs do you have?
- We will quietly ask the octopus.
He cannot answer us,
But so we know - ...


The number six turned upside down
I turned into a new number!


So the dial, take a look
She has a focus -
You turn her over
And you will get the number six!


Nolik, become a unit,
For his own sister.
This is the only way when you are together
They will call you ...


Early in the morning by the river
The cornflowers bloomed.
Five - on the left bank.
Five - on the right bank.
I am vasilent flowers
I can easily count.
Because five and five
How much will it be, how not to know?


How much will weigh together
Two dumbbells with a number five?
Yes, no need to guess -
Not kilo, but whole ...


Nolik, become a unit,
For his own sister.
This is the only way when you are together
They will call you ...


Here is a unit, and nearby is zero,
It is important as a king.
If zero leans to one,
What number will it turn into?


He looks like a bun
He is puzata and round.
A cat looks like him
If it turns into a ball.


The ball jumps on the pages,
He is looking for his sister.
What has the form of a ring -
Without beginning and end?

Video: Musical quiz for elementary grades

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