Ecology quiz with answers: questions for primary grades, for young ecologists, questions for quiz: "Ecology - numbers and facts"

Ecology quiz with answers: questions for primary grades, for young ecologists, questions for quiz:

To introduce children to the surrounding nature and ecology, we advise you to conduct the proposed quiz.

Ecology in the form of a scientific direction was allocated in the 19th century to study the coexistence of all living things with what surrounds it. Today, environmental protection has become one of the most important tasks of mankind, so the closest attention is paid to the study of ecology.

To stimulate children and youth to study the ecology, invite them to participate in developing thematic quizzes, with which you can test their level of knowledge and hear new facts about our unusual and mysterious planet. After all, a quiz with competitive fervor and winners is much more interesting than boring tests, right?

Fundamentals of ecology: Questions of quiz for elementary grades

Scientists around the world are racking their heads on how to protect the planet from global environmental risks - the consequences of technogenic disasters, climatic changes, harm caused by the activities of our civilization. Since 1970, the United States of America has been celebrating the Earth Day, since 1993-in Russia, since 2009-in the UN Member countries (Mother Earth Day).

For children of grade 4, such knowledge of ecology will be useful:

  1. Science is studying ecology ...
  • interaction between living organisms and the environment+
  • animal world
  • natural protection methods
  1. What scientist does authorship belong to the name for this science?
  • Karl Marx
  • Ernst Haeckel +
  • Charles Darwin
  1. How many basic laws are the environmental processes obey?
  • eight
  • six
  • four +
  1. Choose one of the environmental methods:
  • trial and error
  • modeling +
  • Kramer
  1. Which of the following tanks store the most fresh water?
  • rivers and lakes
  • glaciers, icebergs, polar snow +
  • artificial reservoirs
About ecology
About ecology
  1. Who is a participant in zoogenic influence?
  • representatives of the fauna +
  • representatives of the mushroom kingdom
  • a variety of viruses
  1. On what day is the environment celebrated?
  • fifth June +
  • july fifteenth
  • twenty -fifth monthly
  1. Who is called environmental terrorists?
  • those who deliberately apply large -scale pollution +
  • participants of "green" rallies and parades
  • destroyers of rare species of flora and fauna.
  1. Do you think humanity has influence on the state of nature?
  • of course, very strong +
  • no absolute
  • it is not noticeable
  1. What environment is the air?
  • soil
  • water
  • ground-air +

School quiz for young ecologists: 50 questions

  1. Birds-giants
  • Ostriches
  1. A live lunch of aista
  • Frog
  1. Which Russian writer has a feathered namesake?
  • Gogol
  1. Which predatory bird has "cat" habits?
  • Owl, who at night hunts mice and other small living creatures
  1. Who lives in the birdhouses in winter?
  • Nobody
Children about ecology
Children about ecology
  1. To what fortuneteller people for advice turn to in living nature?
  • To the cuckoo
  1. Is Penguins birds or animals?
  • Birds
  1. Who has the ears on their feet?
  • At the grasshoppers
  1. Where do the fry and tadpoles come from?
  • From caviar
  1. The most "sunny" flower.
  • Sunflower
  1. Who "repaints" many times a day?
  • Chameleons
  1. What kind of fish make nests like a forth?
  • Soma and string
  1. Who needs to experience a triple rebirth to grow up?
  • Butterfly
  1. What is winter feed for toad?
  • Nothing - she sleeps to heat (located in anabiosis)
  1. Berry for every taste and color.
  • Currant: white, red, black
  1. Feathered chatterbox.
  • Magpie, which "wears gossip on the tail"
  1. Feathered doctor for trees.
  • Woodpecker
  1. Whose arrival marks the beginning of spring?
  • Rooks
  1. Who is a "quiet hunter"?
  • Mushroomer
  1. Tsigani birds.
  • Magpies stealing brilliant trinkets
  1. Trees for the production of matches.
  • Osins
  1. The most wise bird in the forest.
  • Owl
  1. What trees sing for their beauty and consider Russian symbols?
  • Birch
  1. What is the name of mothers who abandon their children, and why?
  • Cuckoos because they put their eggs in the nests of other birds
  1. What "stinging" grass is eaten.
  • Nettle
  1. What bird nature dressed in a tailcoat and did not teach to fly?
  • Penguin
  1. Which of the birds is “super -speed”?
  • Swifts
  1. What is the name of the Lilliput bird?
  • Hummingbirds - they grow no more than 2 cm
  1. What is the name of scientists studying animals?
  • Zoologists
  1. What are the inhabitants of the forest, which twice a year "change clothes".
  • Fox, bunny, squirrel
  1. A beast-knuckle.
  • Raccoon strip
  1. Who is a sanitary fish?
  • Pike that feeds on a sick and weak fish
  1. What animals are building houses and dams on rivers?
  • Bobra
  1. What animal no one will run away from?
  • From the cheetah
  1. What is the name of a large forest cat?
  • Trot
  1. Who has the hind legs in front of the front?
  • At the hare
  1. Who wears apples on their backs?
  • Hedgehog
  1. What can you call the non -shy hedgehogs?
  • Newborn
  1. What animals are "mowing"?
  • Hares
  1. Who screams louder than the rest?
  • Crocodiles
  1. What pests of gardening cultures are bred and milking ants?
  • Aphids
  1. Which fish do people have a piece?
  • The carp
  1. Which of the giraffe legs is the longest?
  • They are all the same
  1. Whose children eat milk of many mothers?
  • Hare
  1. How many pairs of spiders and beetles do spiders have?
  • Four and three
  1. Who loses horns in winter?
  • Moose
  1. Who sleeps upside down?
  • The bats
  1. Which animals are the least?
  • Shrews
  1. What insects do we "applaud" at night?
  • Mosquitoes
  1. Which of the birds lives in the forest for the longest?
  • Forest crow - life expectancy of more than a century

Quiz "Ecology - numbers and facts": 10 questions

  1. Where are living creatures on the planet?
  • In the biosphere
About living nature
About living nature
  1. Which representative of the flora works as a traffic light?
  • Medunitsa flower
  1. How much oxygen do we inhale daily?
  • From 350 to 700 l
  1. Who is the "water pig"?
  • Carp
  1. Which birds have edible nests?
  • At the haircuts-salons
  1. When did the first red book appear?
  • In 1966
  1. What trees Slavs revered as a symbol of strength and prosperity?
  • Oak trees
  1. On which country did the Chernobyl disaster occurred?
  • In Ukraine
  1. What is the main flower of the Japanese nation.
  • Chrysanthemum as a symbol of the sun
About the importance of ecology
About the importance of ecology
  1. What are the pryel bushes what seen?
  • That the track is trodden

Video: Victorina: "Visiting the Forest"

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Comments K. article

  1. Very interesting quiz, instructive

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