Biology quiz for schoolchildren - "experts of biology": examples of tasks with answers

Biology quiz for schoolchildren -

In our article you will find material for conducting a quiz on biology at school.

Biology quiz for schoolchildren 5, 6, 7th grade with answers - "experts of biology"

Biology quiz for schoolchildren 5, 6, 7th grade with answers -
Biology quiz for schoolchildren 5, 6, 7th grade with answers - "experts of biology"
Biology quiz for schoolchildren 5, 6, 7th grade with answers -
Biology quiz for schoolchildren 5, 6, 7th grade with answers - "experts of biology"

Biology quiz for schoolchildren 5, 6, 7th grade with answers - “Biology Experts”:

Breathes, grows, but cannot walk.



The old man is in the ground, and the beard is outside.


I am without leaves and without kidneys
He buried deeply.


I feed, sing oak
And it grows high.


Round, not the moon
Yellow, not oil,
With a tail, not a mouse.
(Form and color of the root crop turning)


Green on top,
In the middle of a thick,
By the end of the open.
(root crop)


The whip is green,
The wind is not worship
From him, there are an echo
From the knot, without buckle.
(subordinate roots of corn)


All grass is pale -skinned
From the top to the foot.
There are suckers on the root
Sneak the juices at the birch.
(roots - suckers at Petrov Cross)

In yellow-blue grass
Reding roots.
Elegant itself,
And the habits are okay,
Stealing from a neighbor
I'm going for lunch.
(The root of the semi-parasite at Ivan-da-Maria)


And sucks water,
And the stone is gnawing,
And the top itself
More tender, fluff.

One is digging in the ground,
The other bathes in the light;
And although they are friends,
They cannot change.
(root and sheet)

The stem is an axial organ of unlimited growth, usually increasing the top.

I fix up I'm running
And my name is ....
(escape - stem along with leaves)


There is a stalk with a trick,
Grows in the middle.
(insertion stems in cereal plants)


Gives time by ring
Annually fellow.
(annual layers in the stems of woody plants)


In the forest, it is equal to the forest
But he is not visible.
(annual layers, the number of which indicates age)


The stem is the location in space and the closing stem

The leaf into the thread has turned
And it curled onto the wand.
(modified leaves - a mustache of bean plants)


It will cling to the tree
And to the top of the snake curls.
And go to the garden under the fall
Bunches hang yellow.


A rooted stem

Creers without legs,
Not a snake
Sews tightly
Not a seamstress.
The mother's daughter has a lace.


In the garden on a meadow
Lies on the abdomen,
Does not fly and does not walk,
And leads children.


Brothers go to the meadow
Taping one after another:
The jackets are green,
Gilded caps;
Brother with a neighboring brother
Connected in a row with a rope;
The baby goes ahead
As if he leads the whole chain.
(vegetative propagation with a mustache - goose bastard)


Modified underground shoots

The brainchild lives in the dark
Pyreevo .......


I'm in the ground with a ball
I will wink with your eye
I will lead a thin edge,
If I were in sight.


Raw girl underground
Hid leaflets, kidneys.
That girl Luka's relatives
And is called …………

Liszt is a lateral body of limited growth.

It grows up in the spring
Falls in the fall.
(sheet - in deciduous plants)


Grow - turn green
Will fall - turn yellow,
They will lie down - blacken.
(leaves at different times of the year)


Smooth leaf on top,
But with a bike lining.
(Features of the structure of the sheet plate in the mother-mother)


No one scolds
And they tremble.
(leaves on long petioles in aspen)


When summer is dressed,
And the winter has come
And there is no bedspread.
(plant during leaf fall)


A shadow flies
Sowing a shadow on a stump.
The stump began to cry:
"Where is my
Where is my head,
Where is my fun time! ”
(leaf fall by oak)


They fall from the branch
Golden coins.
(leaf fall)


Like pines, like Christmas trees,
In winter without needles.
(coniferous deciduous plant - larch)


What is this girl?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman
Nothing sews anything herself
And in needles all year round.
(coniferous winter-green plants-spruce, pine, fir, cedar)


The flower is a modified shortened shoot, adapted for the formation of gametes and for cross -pollination.

He has blossomed in my garden,
In surprise everyone brought
Satin petals, muzzle pestles,
And inside on the threads
Flapping shoes.
(structure - flower)
He was a tight fist
And he became unclenched - he became a flower.
(Floral development - bud)


The child was dressed
At ten diapers,
The diapers moved apart
Their edges spread out
And the diapers are satin,
(Beton structure - rosehip)
Flower - like a bell,
White whisk ...
It does not bloom magnificent,
Whether it rings - not audible.
(Form and color - lily of the valley)


Both on knots and on sheets
Settled the moths - white and brave;
You touch - do not fly.
(The similarity of the flower with the moth is the valley)


I am sailing.
I keep the oars next to me.
I have a boat,
And I can't swim.
(Flower of peas)


It costs a small one
In a scarlet hat
And Prigoserian,
And the remote.
But not long -term red color,
The wind blew - there is no hat.
(shortness of flowering - poppy)


The flower has
The most red color.
That it blushes there is no -
He knows the whole world.
Puffing with scarlet flame
He is in the steppes, gardens,
Black tan
On hot petals.
Beads are grains
Sweet in pies.
(flower color, plant habitat and use of seeds in poppy)

Biology quiz with answers - 8, 9, 10 grade


Biology quiz with answers - 8, 9, 10 grade
Biology quiz with answers - 8, 9, 10 grade

Biology quiz with answers - 8, 9, 10 grade:

Inflorescences - flowers collected in groups.

Not a braid, not a basket,
Not a plate and not a bowl.
(inflorescence - basket)


White basket,
Golden Donets.
It lies in the dew
And the sun sparkles
(inflorescence - chamomile)


The petals are all white,
Tender, timid,
In the middle of a yellow eye.
You tear off a flower
You guess on it, you wove it
In the festive wreath.
(white - reed flowers, yellow - tubular in chamomile)


The tablecloth round
How snow is white
The teeth around
Shit without hands.
And on the tablecloth that

Karavay gold.


Yellow tablecloth,
White cut,
The frill of that teeth
Rounded ends.
(Basket inflorescence - chamomile)


There is grass - a field,
Sinai I am a "head".
Along the edges of the crown
Tents are funnels.
(the similarity of the inflorescence with the head, along the edges of which are located funnel -shaped flowers in a cornflow)


Not caring about the weather,
It walks in the sundress of fashionable
And one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.
(Birch with inflorescences - earrings)


Not an artist, not a painter,
And the brush has.
(plant with an inflorescence "brush")


Brushes hanging - White flowers
At Solovushka on a branch,
And the girl in pigtails,
And in boys in buttonholes.
(inflorescence "brush" - bird cherry)


Even at night an ant
He will not miss his house:
Way - track to dawn
Light lanterns.
On large columns in a row
White lamps hang.
(inflorescence "one -sided" brush " - lily of the valley)


This shrub is familiar to everyone,
Its flowers are shield
Fruits will kill a little frost
Put them boldly - immediately in the mouth.
(Blink inflorescence - viburnum)


At least the rank is not a khan
On the head of the sultan;
And with gold cubic
The armpits are hidden.
(inflorescence-pan-sultan stamens, and a cob with pestle flowers-corn)


Under a panicle - a broom
Silk strands hang.
(Metelka is located higher than cobs, silk long columns of pestlers - corn)


Rolled up,
Under the panicle is hidden.
(corn - cobs and its location on the stem)


Clover has a head
I turned around all peace.
Her pitching a cow,
And milk with a river.
(Clover - inflorescence head and milk properties of the plant)


He sits in the sun
And the mustache moves.
You will open it in the palm of your hand
The gold grain is filled.
(inflorescence - Kolos)


Spicy grass -
In umbrellas are the head.
(inflorescence complex umbrella - dill)

Fruits and seeds. Fruits are formed from the ovary of the flower, and sometimes from its other parts.

A tight house split
To two halves
And fell in the palm of your hand
Beads - pellets.
(Exclusing the fetus and the spread of seeds - peas)


The testicles are not defective
Packed in boxes,
There are a dozen in a row
Without chips and cotton wool.
(fruit with seeds - peas)


On a bitch are arkanchik
Holds a suitcase;
The cover opened
Everything rolled.
(Usyk holding the fetus - peas)


The kids are jumping - peppers
From the dear mother.
(Distribution of seeds in peas)


The house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit in the house side by side
Round guys.
(Fruits and seeds at peas)


All are very sweetly falling
To the green spatula.
(Young fruits are called a spatula and are a treat - peas)


A few guys
In one cradle lie
Under a furry blanket.
(fruit with seeds)


Dark ducks
Sleeps in the corner.
(fruit with seeds)



Long Camerus,
Along the partition,
And in the closet - the hut
(fruit-brush with seeds at cabbage)


Cups whiten on the stems,
They have threads and shirts.
(cotton fruits)


On the pillar - hut,
There under the roof - cotton wool.
Small guys
Sleep hard on Vatka.
(fruit with pubescent seeds of cotton)


On a bitch - a bitch,
In a round box
Lies the seed
Fluffy seed.
(fruit and seeds of cotton)


Full of a knife white sheep,
And the fiber is thick
True is three times longer than the body.
(fruit with seeds, whose hairs are three times longer, at the cotton)


Grandfathers are sitting on current
Full bags of tobacco.
(fruits with seeds before wrapping at flax)


Stands "oak"
Full of cereals,
The cap is covered,
It is nailed with a clove.
(Fruit with seeds in poppy)


Arrows - self -made,
It itself is being built
It itself is done
On the arrow of the town
700 governor,
Thousand Bukhar,
One and a half Tatars.
(Flower stalk with a fruit and numerous seeds in poppy)


The sun burns my crown,
He wants to make a rattle.
(Mack mature ripening)


I will throw powder,
Will become a city
Red Moscow,
White Lithuania.
(Sowing seeds and flowering of plants in red and white)


Without windows, without doors
The mountains are full of people.
(cucumber seeds)

Interesting tasks on biology for quiz

Interesting tasks on biology for quiz
Interesting tasks on biology for quiz
Interesting tasks on biology for quiz
Interesting tasks on biology for quiz

Interesting biology tasks for quiz:

In evolution, leap
Like air sip -
A new method of propagation -
Internal fertilization.
Will there be progress? No problem,
After all, this is aromorphosis.


Supply with birch
Exchanged substance.
We are such a relationship
We call mycorizo.


Two organisms are mutually useful,
Together are just iron.
Live alone? - A huge question.
Such cohabitation is symbiosis.


There is an iron under the stomach,
Selects insulin.
Two carbohydrates,
We all need it.
High glucose level
He will reduce in the blood “no”.
If there is little insulin -
You will have ….

We can cut the hydra boldly -
Restore its body.
This is not a sensation,
And regeneration.


There are special organs,
Their glands are called.
The body is disclosed
They are here and here.
Substances are distinguished
Into the ducts and outside -
We call exocrine glands.
If hormones are released directly into the blood,
And growth, exchange, love, depends on them,
Then we call these endocrine glands.
They function - we live normally.
Exocrine and endocrine glands


DNA - it is double
And the construction is not simple.
Monomer - nucleotide,
Of the three pieces consists
Behind the nitrogen foundation
As in the ranks - this is beauty.
Carbohydrate deoxyribosis,
Phosphoric acid.
There are four foundations
We will remember their names:
Cytosine + guanine,
And Timin + adenine.
DNA structure


What a miracle? Suddenly you can't
The body is controlled,
And their movements
Coordinate everything?
It’s hard for you and to your mouth
Bring a piece of bread ...
So know what is violated
Your cerebellum.


DNA contains
Inheritance Information.
DNA double
We call the reducing.
DNA gearbox


Ribosomes like beads
Climbed onto the DNA.
From DNA they read
Protein molecule code.
They build a protein chain they
According to information.
Together we call the whole process
Briefly: broadcast.


In the summer, there is no need for males.
Just a miracle of miracles!
This method of propagation
We call partenogenesis.


Here is the trouble - the boy was born
Hairy and with a tail.
Return to our ancestors
We call atavisms.


The organs have lost their purpose.
The prospect of organs is their disappearance.
A person has a lot of rudiments:
A goat, appendix ... even the third eyelid.


The pituitary gland emits somatotropin.
All people in the world are necessary.
If the hormone is highlighted little -
This is only the beginning.
Here, despite any years,
You will be a dwarf forever.
A lot of hormone - trouble again -
You will grow up a giant then.
But even if you have grown -
There will be a huge hand or nose.


Thyroid - an important organ,
There is no replacement.
Hormones will highlight a little -
There will be a myxedem.
Oxide intensity
In the fabrics decreases,
The rhythm of heart contractions
Very slows down.
They will not worry you
Films about spies,
And the child will be nerd,
If there are no hormones.
If there are many hormones in it
(often happens),
Then blood pressure
Very increased.
With a based disease
Hunger wakes up,
The patient often tired,
It is quickly annoyed.


Zhing in a net,
The core system -
Here is a double perianth,
(Everyone knows about it).
Two cotyledons here instead of one.
Repeat all this with me again.
The class is two -day


Veins in parallel or arc,
The perianth here is the simplest,
The uterine root system.
We will remember the topic about one -day.
The class is one -day


Your food got into your mouth,
She immediately became small.
Amylase and Maltose are contained in saliva,
Drink carbohydrates.
In a slightly alkaline environment.
Both proteins and carbohydrates
Everything we need, we eat,
So that there is no bacteria
Lizocym helps.
Look at them to us.
32 there are teeth.
We need everything as one,
They contain dentin.
Oral cavity


Swallowed food
It falls into the stomach.
Here are the glands of the stomach
Enzymes are highlighted
Squirrels are split here.
Pepsin and Gastrixin.
The stomach protects
Mucous mucin.
Lipase breaks down
Fat from milk.
And the main part of the fats
He is untouched so far.
There is digestion
In hydrochloric acid.
Such an environment is acidic
Not anywhere else.


After the stomach there is a breakdown
In the 12-peremple intestine.
There is digestion here
In an alkaline environment.
Fat, proteins and carbohydrates
Here they are digested on time,
After all, trypsin, amylase, lipase contains
Pancreatic juice.
The liver is also an important organ.
He is from the word “stove”.
Emulgage fats
Helps bile.
12-first gut


And this is a small intestine
3.5 meters long
Everything is sucked here, for sure.
We are grateful to her for that.
The villi is a lot here - do not count.
There is each capillary in the villi.
Proteins and carbohydrates of splitting products
Capillary is absorbed in the blood without delay.
And next to the bloodstream there is a lymph vessel.
All glycerin and fatty acids here
The villi will surely suck.
All food substances
They are absorbed on time on time.
And if anything has not yet been split -
It will help in that intestinal juice.
Small intestine


There is no life in this body.
The body breathes barely.
Life is hidden, this is the curiosity.
This is all anbiosis.


Can live without oxygen
Their name is anaerobes.


“I really need oxygen” -
So Aerobo told us.


Synthesis of organic substances
Due to the energy of chemical reactions.
Bacteria does not need light at all for this,
Studied chemosynthesis of vineyard.


The rest of the life of the past era
To this day has survived well.
Perhaps he is not famous for anything
But it is important to know it, because this is a relic.


Eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids
Not just given to man.
The eye, like guards, they guard,
They protect him from moisture and dust.
The organ of vision is the eye,
It has three shells.
The one that is white outside,
Let's call the protein.
So transparent ahead -
Compare with glass.
This part is simply calling it - the cornea.
The second layer - there are vessels in it,
Ahead he is a rain.
In it, the hole is a pupil,
And the pigments are different.
Receptors in the retina, in the depths,
Everyone clearly helps me to see me.
We will divide them into couples:
Some are cones, others are sticks.


Green fern sheet
Something is not entirely clean.
On the bottom of the sheet
Dark points for a reason.
They are called sporangia,
Small disputes in them ripen.
And for the disputes that ripen on it
We call him a sporophytus.
Disputes ripened, fell to the ground,
But after all, they did not disappear at all.
The debate on the basis suddenly sprouted -
They became small in the germs.
And on the germ - you look -
There are archegonia and anteridy.
They have gameta germ cells in them
Spermatozoa and eggs.
The sperm in the water will swim -
And fertilization will occur.
And after that there will be a zygote
(Remember all this very much).
So the smallest green embryo
And turns into a new propagation.
What is on the germ of gametes,
We will remember this very clearly.
They ask - we will answer at night and day,
We call the gamer gametophyte.
Propagation of fern


Plant leaves are modified.
Various organs all suddenly turned.
Needles of barberry, antennae peas,
The cactus of the thorns - everyone lives well.
One origin, but the functions are different.
We are such organs
We call homologous.
Homologous organs


Pisces and cancer of Zhabra have,
We do not need to explain:
Different origin,
One function is to breathe.
The function is one for them,
The structure is different.
We are such organs
We call similar.
Similar organs


Dominant genes
Act together.
The new sign has manifested
Very interesting.
It's just a surprise -
After all, they are unpaired.
And we just call
Their complementary.


Dominant genes,
But they do not appear.
Genes of another alleles
Just suppressed.
We call suppressors.
These are in the genotype
There may be aggressors.
And on this terrible note
We will finish our story.
This is a property in the genotype
We call ... Epistasis.


The white woman went out of the black man.
Everything in that issue is calculated correctly.
There will be a child Negro il Mulat,
It all depends on the number of dominant.
Genes are more dominant -
More and pigment.
And this property of genes
Called polymer.

Lesson - Biology quiz

Lesson - Biology quiz
Lesson - Biology quiz

Lesson - quiz in biology:


I make up my body support,
I help to walk, run, jump. (Skeleton)



We are attached to the bones,
We need to move together. (Muscles.)



I cover the body from above,
I protect and breathe.
I highlight the sweat
I am leading my body temperature. (Leather.)


Respiratory system

Two air petals,
Pink slightly,
An important work is done,
They help us breathe. (Lungs.)


Which tree has a head below,
And the talking root above? (Lungs.)


Between two luminaries
One in the middle. (Nose.)


Here is the mountain, and the mountain
Two deep holes.
The air wanders in these burrows,
It comes in, then comes out. (Nose.)


On your face
There is a house.
Two windows in it:
They pass the air
And the smells are distinguished. (Nose, nostrils.)



If there weren't him
I would not say anything.
Always in the mouth,
And you will not swallow.
He is always at work
When we speak,
And resting,
When we are silent.


White Streets chop kalachi,
And the red talker
Thirty -two hammer
One turns over.
(Language and teeth.)


Red doors in my cave,
White animals are sitting at the door
Both meat and bread - all my prey -
I am happy to give white animals.
(Lips, teeth.)


I will open a stable
I will release a herd of white sheep.
When we eat, they work,
When we do not eat, they rest,
We will not clean them - they get sick.


A pit with red edges.
Motionless in this pit
Two rows above the row
White stakes are standing. (Mouth.)


A small bag hangs:
It is complete, then empty.
The wagons run into it,
Food, fluids are taken.
The work is boiling all day,
We are not too lazy to help him.
Cooks food, nourishes us,
And what is not needed - drives out. (Stomach.)


Blood. Circulation

Water runs along the river
She is very red.
Ships are floating on it,
oxygen, food is taken to us,
They protect from microbes,
And how they can help. (Blood.)


It knocks day and night
As if it was started.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knock will stop. (Heart.)


Selection organs

Two beans hang,
Unnecessary substances pass
And they help to remove them. (Kidneys.)


Nervous system. Senses

He remembers everything
Watch, listen, say,
It helps to see.
The work of our whole body controls. (Brain.)


We tied up parts of the body.
We were called thin web ... (nerves.)


Each face has two beautiful lakes.
There is a mountain between them.
Name them, children.
My brother lives behind the mountain,
Can't meet me.
Two windows are closing themselves at night,
And at the sunrise themselves open. (Nose and eyes.)


Brother and brother live across the road,
And one does not see one another.
Small, round,
And you can do it to the sky. (Eyes.)


Under the bridge,
Under Sobole-Bolley
Two sables played out. (Eyebrows and eyes.)


One head has two brothers
They sit on different sides,
And they do not see anything and do not say. (Ears.)

Biology quiz "Tenth Kingdom"

Biology quiz the tenth kingdom
Biology quiz "Tenth Kingdom"
Biology quiz the tenth kingdom
Biology quiz "Tenth Kingdom"

Biology quiz "Tenth Kingdom":

About animals

He jumps across the field - the ears are hiding,
It will stand in a pillar - ears with a handful.
Answer: Hare.


An angry shortage,
Lives in the wilderness of Lesnoy,
There are a lot of needles,
And not one thread.
Answer: Hedgehog.


Small sprout, long tail,
Gray fur coat, sharp teeth.
Answer: Mouse.


A ball rolls in the forest, he has a prickly side,
He hunts at night for beetles and mice.
Answer: Hedgehog.


Who from high dark pines
I threw the bumps into the children
And into the bushes, through a stump,
Flashed like a light?
Answer: Squirrel.


Who on the branch bumps and threw the scraps down?
Answer: Squirrel.


The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
He lives in the forest, and hens in the village.
Answer: Fox.


Running down the mountain, from the mountain somersault.
Answer: Hare.


The animal we learned with you
On two such signs:
He is in a coat of gray in winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer.
Answer: Squirrel.


Lay between the Christmas trees
Pillow with needles,
Quietly lay
Then she suddenly ran away.
Answer: Hedgehog.


Small, white,
On the forest jump-jump!
On a snowball pumpkin!
Answer: Bunny.


Raining, rustling with grass, the whip crawls alive.
So he got up and hissed: come, who was very daring.
Answer: Snake.


The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the black howl,
He sleeps in a hut snow.
Answer: Bear.


The hedgehog grew ten times,
It turned out ...
Answer: porcupine.


My name is always called blind
But this does not matter at all
I built a house underground,
All pantries are full in it.
Answer: Mole.


Zubovato, grayish,
It is dulling the field
Loads and lambs are looking for.
Answer: Wolf.


Many troubles are hung up.
Wolf, the bear is there and the fox!
Our animal lives in alarm,
He takes his legs from trouble ...
Come on, quickly guess,
What is the animal called? ...
Answer: Bunny.


He is a hard worker,
He was born in a black fur coat,
And all his life he lives in the ground,
Who is this? It …
Answer: Mole.


Who is cold in winter
Is angry and hungry in the forest?
Answer: Wolf.


Huge cat
The whole fur coat is in stripes.
Answer: Tiger.


The nimble animal jumps,
And a son sits in his pocket.
Answer: Kangaroo.


A log is floating along the river,
Oh, and angry it is!
Those who hit the river,
The nose will bite off ...
Answer: Crocodile.


Raises the giant with a heavy load to the clouds,
And if it becomes stuffy, he pours himself out of the shower.
Answer: Elephant.


Slender, fast,
Horns branches,
It is worn all day.
It ….
Answer: Deer.


She, like a snake in the grass, flashes
The tail wags.
The tail will lose -
The other grows up.
Answer: Lizard.


The little animal jumps -
Not a mouth, but a trap.
They will fall into the trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.
Answer: Frog.


There are sailor shirts on all cones.
Answer: Zebra.


I am a humpbacked beast, but I like the guys.
Answer: A camel.


Lives calmly, does not hurry,
Just in case, wears a shield.
Under him, not knowing fear
Walks ...
Answer: Turtle.


Who has one horn?
Answer: rhino.


About pets

Called away without a comb
And washed without water
The soft chair climbed into
And sang in all ways.
Answer: Cat, cat.


The muzzle is mustached,
Striped fur coat,
Often washed
But it does not know with water.
Answer: cat, cat.


In front - Piglet, behind - hook,
In the middle, the back, and it is bristled.
Answer: Pig


Shaggy, mustache,
He drinks milk, sings songs.
Answer: Cat.


There are a fur coat, and caftan in the mountains, along the valleys.
Answer: Sheep, ram.


He grumbled by a living castle, lay down at the door across.
Two medals on the chest, it is better not to go into the house!
Answer: Dog.


Even on the iron roof
Walks quietly - quieter mice,
Will come out at night
And how does it see everything around the day,
Often sleeps, and after sleep -
She washes.
Answer: cat, cat


Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first employee in the village.
Answer: horse, horse.


Does not speak and does not sing,
And who goes to the owner - gives to know.
Answer: Dog


There is a shock in the middle of the yard, in front of the pitchfork, a broom behind.
Answer: Cow.


With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull,
Milk, not a cow.
Answer: Goat


Thick herbs floated,
Lugs were bloated,
Yes, and I myself am all curly,
Even the horns are curled.
Answer: Baran.


Beard and horns
Run along the path.
Answer: Goat.


Not my work
Wouldn't my run
You would have lived badly - a man.
But in the age of car and motor, I'm afraid
I will retired soon.
Answer: horse, horse.


About birds

They have wings, head,
Two paws, beaks and feathers.
Everyone appears from the egg.
Their songs from trees are heard.
Answer: Birds.


Without hands, without an ax, a hut is built.
Answer: Nest.


I'm knocking on a tree, I want to get a worm,
Although he disappeared under the bark -
All the same, he will be mine!
Answer: Woodpecker.


Red legs,
Long neck,
Pinches the heels,
Run without looking back.
Answer: Goose.


On the pole - the palace
In the palace - a singer.
Answer: Squat.


Sleeps in the afternoon
Flies at night
Passers -by in the forest scares.
Answer: Owl.


It stands on one leg, looks into the water intently.
He pokes at random at random - looking for frogs in the river.
Answer: District.


And he doesn’t sing, and does not fly to fly ...
Why then is it considered a bird?
Answer: ostrich.


Loof spatula, red paws,
Swims, dives,
Knocking loves!
Answer: duck, duckling


Amazing child! Just left the diapers
It can swim and dive, like his own mother.
Answer: Duckling.


Black, nimble,
Shouts "Krak" - the enemy worms.
Answer: Rook.


Leaves fall from aspen, a sharp wedge rushes in the sky.
Answer: Cranes.


Who sings so fickle
That the sun gets up?
Answer: Rooster.


He is silent during the day, and screams at night.
Answer: Filin.


Fidget is colorful, the bird is long -tailed,
The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
Beloboku's branches, and her name is ...
Answer: Magpie.


I was born in a yellow fur coat:
- Eh, goodbye, two shells!
Answer: chicken.


You will recognize him right away:
Black -blurate, black -eyed,
He is important for the plow,
Chervyakov, Zhukov finds.
Answer: Rook.


Where are you from, where are you from
Arrived to us, red -breasted?
- I flew around all Siberia.
- What is your name?
Answer: Bullfinch.


This is our old acquaintance:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long -legged, long -bearing,
Long -wing, awkward.
He flies to hunt
Behind the frogs to the swamp.
Answer: Stork.


He builds a house on a rock.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
At least around and beauty
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Slide from the cliff - slide off -
Two powerful wings
The owner ...
Answer: Eagle (eagle).


Bathed in the water,
Sukh remained.
Answer: Goose.


Does not build nests for himself,
The neighbor leaves the eggs
And does not remember the chicks.
Answer: Cuckoo.


For fish

Through the sea-ocean
The miracle giant floats,
Hiding the mustache in the mouth,
Stretched out a mile away.
Answer: Kit.


The tail wags, tooth, not barking.
Answer: Pike.


There are wings, not flying.
There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.
Answer: Fish.


He lives in the pool itself
The owner of the depth.
He has a huge mouth
And the eyes are a little visible.
Answer: Somb.


Not a blacksmith,
And with ticks.
Answer: Cancer.


She drank in her mouth.
She lived with a cart.
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
And now - got into the boiler.
Answer: Pila fish, pike.


Kolyuch, not a hedgehog.
Who is it?
Answer: ruff.


Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all me - ...
Answer: Octopus.

Comescent quiz in biology

Comescent quiz in biology
Comescent quiz in biology

Comic quiz in biology:

Mitosis of the animal cell.

A cell, having received a signal,
Abral announced to everyone:
“I start propagation
And I am preparing for division;
Here is my solution -
Providing doubling
Their DNA molecules,
I cloning myself! "

And doubling is coming!
It has a round dance in it!
Their function is one -
Helica - weaves,
Primaz Primer supplies,
Polymerase - lengthens,
Ligaza sews all ends ...
Everyone works actively,
And the product of work is visible.
DNA was one,
But, having become a matrix, she
Provided birth
Two sisters; and doubling
Like a miracle in reality
Performed. I can
Understand scientists admiration,
Molecules seeing propagation.
Nature set an example -
The scientific world gave PCR!
Threw a primer into the test tube,
Launched a tiemer clock;
And from morning to evening
The laboratory assistant has nothing to do.
DNA automate is cloning-
Copes millions
Two centrioli - centrosoma,
Like an important person:
In the cage near the nucleus
It is located.
Before us the center is a doubling,
Subsidiaries Discovery.
Of these, everyone is like a “star”,
He became a spindle pole.
Mitosis begins!
Four phases in it. Question
I will ask each of you:
What do we see in each of the phases?
The nucleus in the proshase swells,
And the nucleus in it disappears,
The whole chromatin is compacted,
And chromosomes "appear."
The nuclear shell is suddenly
Bubbles stands in a circle;
Chromosomes are visible everything
Chromatids in them are two.
Two shoulders and telomeres,
Dressing - centramer.
And on it - kinetochor;
In it, proteins are as a selection.
Motor proteins are small -
In a microscope, they are not visible.
Microtubules here
They go to them from the poles.
Chromosomes moving -
Motor proteins.
Here are chromosomes as one -
In the plane of the spindle equator!

The picture is clearly visible -
Metaphase plate!
If you put in a row
Chromosomes - you will be glad
Get a cariogram,
Remembering Papa Mama:
After all, they gave them
Chromosomes that are visible.

Anaphase. Chromatids chromosomes
Separated, and then
Everyone leaves each other
They are approaching the poles,
Bending in the center,
Looking in practice in practice.
Two diploid sets
Became in the cage. Very soon
They will be isolated .... -
All this will be ahead
In the telophase. Two nuclei.
Their shell is visible.
Chromosomes are not visible -
They are thinning.
Puffing, furrow;
She moves to the center -

We see a cytokinesis;
The process ends.
“Rights” the nucleus in the nucleus;
There were two subsidiaries!

Cognitive quiz in biology for children about plant parts

Cognitive quiz in biology for children about plant parts
Cognitive quiz in biology for children about plant parts
Cognitive quiz in biology for children about plant parts
Cognitive quiz in biology for children about plant parts

Cognitive quiz in biology for children about plant parts:

The pine trees have a smooth
And high,
Good for logs
and boards. (Trunk)


Mushroom sometimes on it
We will find a gurgla of the mushrooms. (Stump)


What will be sighed at the barrel,
So that the birch gives us juice? (Bark)


All of it at first was
At the birch shell,
And once successfully very
They used it for writing. (Birch bark)


In it, the tenants are quite small -
like birds or squirrels
and forest bees in it
acquire housing. (Hollow)


A flooded flurry
She broke off from the trunk. (Branch)


Where was the branch,
He sticks out of the trunk. (Bitches)


Under it, the spine,
Above him a spikelet. (Stem)


He crowns in plants
grassy thin stem,
and rows of grains
They ripen in it in the sun. (Ear)


What will the pood be thrown to the ground,
And after the centner will be collected? (Grain)


The sunflower is right away
All of them will appear to the eye
And the pumpkin and the melon
hidden in the middle. (Seeds)


Two sides with two ends
Full in the middle of the twins. (Pod)


Inside, he is stuffed tightly with grains,
Outside, the silk -stuck sticking out. (Corn cobs)


And Gorky is often
And sour and sweet, and sweet
then torn from the branch
then torn from the bed. (Fetus)


Where it became crazy, there under it
Potato has grown the largest. (Top)


Although he is edible at the hell
But Gorky is unusual. (Root)


She's at the Openka
straight and thin,
but in the shape of a barrel
At the booth. (Leg)


Oil and slippery always,
And they shine in the sun like a mica. (Hats)


As soon as they fly around
There are already flowers without them
They don't attract a look
Having lost beauty. (Petals)


From it in a short time
The flower blooms. (Bud)


That in the spring in the garden
Rushes in an even order? (Sprouts)


With the advent of heat
The leaf gave birth. (Bud)


In the summer on the branch
tremble in the wind
And closer to winter
Lying on the ground. (Leaves)


In the fall by the maple
Colorful ... (Crohna)


On a cactus and Christmas tree
Thorny ... (needles)


If it flies out of the Christmas tree,
The Christmas tree will take a bare look. (Needles)


Sharpically, any splinter
Stick on the stem of roses. (Spikes)


Some fetus
Inedible sometimes. (Peel)


And in the seeds, this is not subsidious,
And onions are of different colors. (Husk)


That the ripe nut
In the form of a solid armor? (Shell)


On the strawberry bed
Everywhere, there and there
In complete disorder
They crawl on the ground. (Strawberry mustache)


Not having mined it, a bee
I would not give us honey. (Nectar)


Than the fruits of the sled and softer,
The gutto is richer
This sweet or sour
The contents of the watery. (Juice)


What from pines flows
It seems like honey seems to be? (Resin)


I am a bud on the rose stem,
The first prospecting I am plants
I and the body of the vertebrates -
The culprit of wet revelations.


I am the escape and the dome of the church,
Both a snowdrop and a tulip.
But I am a "woman", believe me,
I give life to you.


Here sits on a branch
Little kidney,
Waiting for warmth and light,
To become …

Biology quiz on the topic "Flower"

Biology quiz on the topic flower
Biology quiz on the topic "Flower"
Biology quiz on the topic flower
Biology quiz on the topic "Flower"
Biology quiz on the topic flower
Biology quiz on the topic "Flower"
Biology quiz on the topic flower
Biology quiz on the topic "Flower"

Biology quiz on the topic "Flower":

There is such a flower in the garden
And he looks like a star.
It can be any color.
For the autumn bouquet
We will collect the flower beautiful,
It is called - ...
(Answer: Astra)


Like a garland,
The bulbs hang,
Spring breeze,
A row shakes them!
(Answer: lily of the valley)


I saw such a flower -
Golden rim.
He sat in the grass for a long time,
He became gray and flew away.
(Answer: Dandelion)


You see, the name is suitable,
But we never hear a ringing
From a blue forest bouquet.
(Answer: bell)


I walked on the path on the path
I saw the sun on the grass.
But not hot at all
The sun is white rays.
(Answer: chamomile)


This velvet carpet
There will be a fire until then
While autumn, cold
Do not come to us here.
Bright red heads
Summer all without stopping
So bloom that in the gardens -
Beauty - just "ah"!
(Answer: velvet)


Bushes bloomed in the garden -
How beautiful their flowers are!
Thin, delicate aroma
Fills the garden in the summer.
And until the cold
Will delight us ...
(Answer: Rose)


Sisters stand in the field:
Yellow eye,
White cilia.
(Answer: chamomile)


Turns deftly
He is behind the sun.
The field is like in yellow waves.
A flower grows here ...
(Answer: sunflower)


Delicate aroma,
Bell row,
On a green stalk,
Hang tight!
(Answer: lily of the valley)


Pacific face,
And the tail is prickly.
(Answer: Rose)


According to legend, my flower
The treasures opens.
They say that once a year
The miracle happens.
But I will tell you honestly:
I'm actually not a bloom!
(Answer: Fern)


Gramophoners carved
The color is pale blue.
On the path, along the fence,
In the hole, up the slope -
And curls near the legs
Delicate small ...
(Answer: Binding)


And when it blooms -
Be sure to fly away!
Only Dun on the "sundress" -
Flies away …
(Answer: Dandelion)


The yellowish sun
The rays are not hot
The yellowish sun
White rays.
(Answer: chamomile)


The color costs - gold
Princess - chamomile:
Silver dress,
Gold buckle.
(Answer: chrysanthemum)


Riddles about flowers for children
The very first, very tender
It will blossom in the forest - ...
(Answer: snowdrop)


White basket is a golden bottom,
It lies in the dew
And the sun sparkles.
(Answer: chamomile)


This rare flower is not at all simple -
Fluffy, and compare with the silver star.
You can find it only in the cracks of the rocks -
He is hiding there so that no one gets out
(Answer: Edelweiss)


The best ladies are cavaliers
Give bright ...
(Answer: Herberers)


At the top of the stalk
The sun and clouds.
(Answer: chamomile)


In the garden, on the path,
Under my window
The sun has blossomed today
On a high leg.
(Answer: sunflower)


There is a white skirt,
About love secrets fraught with:
Maybe he will say, or a mistake -
Guess us ...
(Answer: chamomile)


There is a cockerel in the garden -
Lilac scallop,
And the tail is combat,
A crooked saber.
(Answer: Iris)


Above the meadow of the parachute
They swing on a twig.
(Answer: Dandelion)


In the garden by the track
There is a sun on the leg,
Only yellow rays
He has nonsense.
(Answer: sunflower)


White rays in a yellow harness,
Girls guess on bright ...
(Answer: chamomile)


These red flowers
Lose petals.
Lose petals,
Turn into chests,
And what hide chests -
It will fall on the pies.
(Answer: MAK)


By the road there and here
Snow-white parachute
There is a straw on a straw
Only you get it - fly.
(Answer: Dandelion)


Bright, odorous
- Ah ah ah! Thorny!
(Answer: roses)


From elegant bright cup
Buckets are treated.
(Answer: Flower)

Like chamomile, but big
And garden, color,
The stalk is thick, durable in moderation,
And the name is a flower ...?
(Answer: Gerbera)


Drops of the sun is in a heapon
Appeared in the clearing.
This is a yellow sundress
Dressed up ...
(Answer: Dandelion)


On a green lace
White calls.
(Answer: lily of the valley)


In the stems, an acute threat,
Though this beauty ...
(Answer: Rose)


I look like the sun
Golden and tender.
In the early morning I bloom
And I congratulate everyone with warmth.
(Answer: chamomile)


I am fluffy ball
Beley in the field clean,
And the breeze blew -
The stalk remained.
(Answer: Dandelion)


Eh, calls, blue,
With a tongue, but I don’t call.
(Answer: bell)


There are lawns in our park,
They blossomed there ... Patetepons!
Purple, white, cherry colors ...
That's just the music is not heard.
(Answer: Petunia)


The pole rose, and on it
A bright flag burns with fire.
On the pole - flags,
Under the sixth - swords.
(Answer: gladiolus)


White branches, and Lilov,
Fragrance all day!
Name in one word:
So blooms - ...
(Answer: Lilac)


Wonderful flower
Like a bright light.
Lush, important, like a pan,
Delicate velvet ...
(Answer: Tulip)


White calls
I have in my garden
On a green stalk
Hide in the shade.
(Answer: lily of the valley)


We have nothing to call him
He himself will come
It will blossom gullibly
Right at the gate -
The sun is flooded
The color of the gold.
(Answer: Buttercup)


Loves Il does not love
My boy Sashka,
He knows for sure
Only one ...
(Answer: chamomile)


A warm wind blew cool
What kind of ball it was scorched?
The whole family is in parachutes
I flew past us ...
(Answer: Dandelion)


Whose tall tops
Will they pink on the edge?
Summer Red meet!
Blooms ...
(Answer: Ivan-tea)


Vasya, Vasenka, Vasily ...
He is not a boy, he is a flower.
The field flower is blue,
And he is called ...
(Answer: Vasilek)


It grows everywhere in the summer -
In the field and at the bumps.
He is elegant, violets,
(Answer: bell)


I'm good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where nightingales are whistling.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.
(Answer: roses)


Burned in the grass of dew
The flashlight is golden.
Then faded, went out
And turned into fluff.
(Answer: Dandelion)


Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
They will be tired of frost
In thin twigs ...
(Answer: Mimosa)


I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But rearrange the stress
And I turn into candy.
(Answer: Iris)


Bright blue sundress.
And green stalk.
Blossomed in a clean field
We are joyful ...
(Answer: Vasilek)


Well, what should I do?
I'm very prickly!
And with age for sure
I can't do better:
Needles grow my day by day ...
No one will ever hug me.
(Answer: Cactus)


He grew up under the sun burning
Green, thick and prickly.
(Answer: Cactus)


In childhood, with a yellow head,
In his youth-sound, gray-haired
But the old one does not happen
Poof white, flies!
(Answer: Dandelion)


In the spring it will bloom, the bright sun is warmed,
In the Alpine meadows and in the neighboring flowerbed.
It happens in red, yellow.
You name the name of the flower, children!
(Answer: Tulip)


Bright red color
Just pleases our eyes.
He decorates the cottage for us,
It helps from angina.
It will grow up at least there, at least here ...
His name is.
(Answer: calendula)


Not a pine tree and not a Christmas tree,
At least green and needles.
And he lives on the window
In a multi -colored basket.
(Answer: Cactus)


It grows on a thin leg
In Sittsevo Sitta Clothing,
You will always find him
Where rye ripens in the field.
(Answer: Vasilek)


Annual flowers
Yellow-red beauty,
Often redhead too,
We can see them.
Raises them easily without dexterity,
Flowers, like lace - ...
(Answer: velvet)


Here is a flower.
Similar to cloves:
The hat is magnificent and tail.
(Answer: cloves)


Golves and grows,
And all his life he only drinks water.
Place of residence - pot,
This is indoor ...?
(Answer: Flower)


From a distant country
To us for accommodation
Strange, green
The hedgehogs came.
And they live now
On the window almost every
In a flower small pot.
(Answer: Cactus)


It costs oak, full of cereals,
The heel is covered.
(Answer: MAK)


At the forest gatehouse
There is a sun on the leg.
The middle is yellow, the skirt is white.
(Answer: chamomile)


That flower has long been to Russia
Beded from distant countries.
Scarlet, slender and beautiful,
Called ...
(Answer: Tulip)


The boy is blonde
The wind will blow, become bald.
Who is this boy
It …?
(Answer: Dandelion)


I'm young like a chicken
The one who came out of the diapers.
If I have faded, my friend,
I became a white fluff
(Answer: Dandelion)


Gold and young
For a week he became gray -haired,
And the cash in two
The head was bald.
(Answer: Dandelion)


The first to get out of the dungeon
On the forest protaby.
He is not afraid of frost
Although very small.
(Answer: snowdrop)


Bouquets are collected from them,
At the birthday, they are awarded
And halls, halls decorate,
What is the name of that beauty?
(Answer: flowers)


Bees are spinning over them,
Collect from them nectar,
And thereby pollinate
Getting a crop.
(Answer: flowers)


Both the needles and the jacket are cleaned with streams,
And the first appears in Stalina ...
(Answer: snowdrop)

Biology quiz - "arthropods"

Biology quiz - arthropods
Biology quiz - "arthropods"

Biology quiz - "arthropods":

Lies a bunch of piglets,
Whoever touches them will screeches. (Bees)


His figure failed -
Much thicker than a bee.
Strips - like a wasp,
On the abdomen - droplets of dew.
Look, he plopped down on the hops -
Big, shaggy, fat ... (bumblebee)


In the fall, he will get into the gap,
And in the spring he will wake up. (Fly)


Flies cheeky,
Flies for sweet. (Bee)


I thought: I would not take my legs,
There is also border courage!
I met in the forest today
I have a cross between a goose and tits. (Caterpillar)


In a tailcoat green maestro
He takes off over the meadow in color.
He is the pride of the local orchestra
And the best jump in height. (Grasshopper)


Flies, squeaks,
Long legs drags,
The case will not miss:
He will sit down and bite. (Mosquito)


Angry mustachioed Barmaley
Drives guests from home. (Cockroach)


Who jumps above himself? (Flea)


He is green, jumping,
Absolutely non -inhabiting
In the meadow, it shrugs all day,
He wants to surprise us with a song. (Grasshopper)


I work in artel
At the roots of a shaggy spruce.
Bogram Trush log -
It is more carpenter. (Ant)


Warm day, spring, in May
Everyone will find out about me.
I'm not a fly, not a spider.
I am buzzing! I'm May ... (beetle)


On earth from darkness
You will see an asterisk.
If you come close,
You won’t find stars there.
Instead of an asterisk - a bug.
He is called ... (Firefly)


Hair, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are a lot of legs
It still cannot run. (Caterpillar)


Oh, what an insect
So far, there is unfamiliar?!
Creeps forward, does not bother,
It has a dress in peas. (Ladybug)


Winged fashionista,
The dress is striped.
Tall, though a crumb,
Book - it will be bad. (Wasp)


The spring jumps -
Green back -
From grass to the blade of grass,
From a branch to the path. (Grasshopper)


Babochkina daughter
All in small bright points,
Slowly crawls
The leaves are gnawing. (Caterpillar)


I love everyone to bother,
Shevel musted.
I crawl under the bed
I share blood with you. (Cockroach)


Two horns are not a bull,
Six legs without hooves.
Flies - so howls
Sitting - the earth is digging. (Bug)


I fly as I want
Sideways, back, I fly forward.
There are huge eyes
I am a flyer - ... (Dragonfly)


Those with whom I buzzed nearby,
Remember - I have a sting
And on the abdomen, a strip,
Because I ... (Wasp)


Bukishka crawled
By big chamomile.
But she fluttered in a hurry
And confused in the networks.
Guess children:
Who arranged the nets? (Spider)


Small, hunchbacked,
Rides, rushes,
It is not given in the hands. (Flea)


I'm crawling on the ceiling
I will never fall
I always clean the paws
I have suckers there. (Fly)


All velvet, but there is a sting. (Bumblebee)


She buzzes above the flower,
Flies to the hive quickly,
I gave my honey to my honeycomb,
What is her name? .. (Bee)


She shakes it all day
And she does not want to be silent:
He will tell everything, discuss everything,
He will angry everyone, wake everyone. (Dragonfly)


Zhu-uh, zhuh,
I'm not sitting on a branch
I always repeat the letter.
Knowing this letter firmly,
I buzz in spring and summer. (Bug)


Meeting with her is one trouble
Nose - like an acute needle
Fucks into the gap, it seems to be sleeping,
Just touch it - it will furious. (Wasp)


Someone sits under the stove there
Maybe a tiger or a top?
Do not scare, dear, what are you,
It's small ... (cricket)


He is not averse to sleeping all day.
But barely the night will come
Poin his bow.
Call the musician ... (cricket)


Noisy houses of row!
For a whole year amber honey
In barrels does not end!
And all summer all the people
It swings on the flowers. (Bee)


A rustling helicopter
Suddenly went on flight.
He flew over the meadow,
I rested on flowers. (Dragonfly)


Dolgoruky old man
In the corner a gamar fell in the corner,
Invites: “Moshki!
Relax the crumbs! " (Spider)


Walks the walker through the ceiling,
It bothers everyone, threatens health.
And how autumn will come
It will also begin to bite. (Fly)


In a clearing near the Christmas trees
The house is built of needles.
He is not visible behind the grass
And the residents have a million in it. (Anthill)


In the dark, like bulbs,
The lights sparkle.
What are the insects?
What are they called? (Fireflies)


Crawls around the grass
It hangs in a cocoon
But time will come -
He will fly into the sky. (Caterpillar)


Who above us upside down? (Fly)

Red, but not a horse,
Horn, but not a ram
They don't love him at home
And they will not buy it in the bazaar. (Cockroach)


I am not buzzing when I lie
Do not buzz when I walk.
If I circle in the air,
Here I will be pleased. (Bug)


The musical baby is very!
All with the overlap is striking.
And not only on the edge,
But also for the stove in the hut. (Cricket)


Who are they? Where! Whose?
Black streams pour:
Small points together
Build a house on a bump. (Ants)


A lot of threads,
But he doesn’t head in the ball,
Does not sew clothes for himself
And the fabric is always a tc. (Spider)


He flutters above the flower, dances,
The fan Middle waves. (Butterfly)


The bassisto pipe sounds.
Do not touch the soloist!
Let it sit on a flower
And drinks sweet juice in the intermission. (Bumblebee)


This baby puts on
The dress is red.
And he knows how to fly deftly
This ... (God's ladybug)


Guys without axes
Cut the hut without corners. (Ant)


She loves him, but torments him
He hates her, but seeks
There is - rejoices. (Flea)


The home -made mistress
Flies over the lawn,
Heat over the flower -
He will share the honey. (Bee)


Blue airplane
He sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)


On a narrow path -
Head and horns.
Who is slowly crawling
Your house is lucky? (Snail)


Martyn walked,
Tyn sees
I thought a little
He climbed like a cat. (Beetle and log)


Who sings for the stove,
Doesn't it allow me to sleep at night? (Cricket)


Suddenly lit on the grass
A real light.
This is with a light bulb on the back
Sat on the grass ... (Firefly)


First tc,
Then weaves
Will get tired -
Waiting for prey. (Spider)


They repaid light in the house -
There is still no peace.
Ru-chu, yes-Ru-chok.
Who is this? (Cricket)


Pothain from the pot:
Four legs, two horns. (Cockroach)


You can’t distinguish my tail from the head.
You will always find me in the ground. (Worm)


Not a bird, but flying
With a trunk, not an elephant,
No one tames
And she sits on us. (Fly)


Gray, little Denis
Hang on the rope.
Lives on the ceiling
In a dark corner.
It sews clothes for himself
And the fabric is always a tc.
Thinner than his yarn -
You will not find on sale. (Spider)


The cat has
There is a dog
How much do you have -
Never count. (Flea)


The aircraft is light fast
Above the fragrant flower.
Wings, tail and eyes.
This is a miracle ... (Dragonfly)


Suddenly lit on the grass
A real light.
This is with a light bulb on the back
Sat on the grass ... (Firefly)


Riddles about insects
Jumping champion
Drings, jumps along the meadows. (Grasshopper)


What a cow, tell me, while
Didn't you give milk to anyone? (Ladybug)


Can get into the apple,
And then eat it:
Everything that is delicious, eats
And crawls back. (Caterpillar)


He sleeps on the leaves by the track.
Like antennas, ears-roofs.
The rain is going on, whether thunder is thunder, -
The house will tame a curly! (Snail)


A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears the tailcoat and walks. (Grasshopper)


He is preparing a network like a fisherman,
And he never catches fish. (Spider)


Stallion of bay,
There is no wool on it. (Cockroach)


Red wings, black peas.
Who is this walking in my palm? (Ladybug)


Who flies over the flowers,
Flower juice collects,
He carries his house,
Does honey prepare from it? (Bee)


Not the sun, not fire, but shines. (Firefly)


Small baby
Yes, Buyan on the toe.
And in a voice call.
Flies - screeches,
Sitting - is silent.
Likes to bite
Everyone is afraid of him
The windows are shut
The doors are locked.
Who will kill him
He will shed his blood. (Mosquito)


He is without hands and without a machine
Subceter is thin silk. (Spider)


There are no legs and there are no pens,
There are no wools and thorns.
In the rain from the mink crawls
All paths fills.
He is useful, not a slug ...
What is his name? (Worm)


Naked, but with belts. (Worm)


I do not sew clothes, and the fabric is TKU. (Spider)


In the early morning she can't sleep
I really want to work
So brought the honey
Working ... (bee)


The flower slept and suddenly woke up -
I didn’t want to sleep anymore.
He moved, started.
He soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

Biology quiz - "plants"

Biology quiz - plants
Biology quiz - "plants"

1. Sitting on a stick,
In a red shirt,
The abdomen is full -
Stones stuffed.
(Rose hip)


2. Yellow chicken
Under Tyn is sulking.
Tolsta and yellow,
It spends all his life lying.


3. The caftan is green on me
And the heart is like a kumach.
It tastes like sugar, sweet,
And he looks like a ball.


4. Who loves me
He is glad to bow
And the name gave me
Native Zemlyatsu.


5. The head on the leg,
In the head of peas.
The sun burns the crown,
He wants to make a rattle.


6. I am not a pine tree, and not a Christmas tree.
Only autumn on the threshold -
I'll throw off all the needles from the branches
To a single one, just on time.


7. The amazing sun:
There are one hundred windows in this sun,
From the windows are looking
Hundreds of small tackles.


8. Grown in the field of the house.
The house is full of grain.
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house walks a shaking
On the pillar in gold.


9. Do not peck me, my friend,
Voicious cockerel.
I’ll go into the ground warm.
I’ll ascend to the sun with the spike.
Then there are people like me,
There will be a whole family.


10. Drowned, dried,
Pounded, tore,
Wiped, woven
They put on the table.


11. Mala baby
Golden Kubyshka.


12. Ah, don't touch me!
I will burn without fire.


13. Whoever touches,
It clings to that.
Linking and sharp
Needles stick out around.


14. In the meadow among the bugs
A commotion rose.
I pushed the family of daisies
Giant ...


15. In the summer they grow up.
And fall in the fall.


16. fall from the branch
Golden coins.
(Autumn leaves)


17. In the summer it is dressed,
In winter it undresses.
(Deciduous forest)


18. Round, mature, tanned
I came across a tooth.
Everything could not split.
And then under the hammer,
Clown once and cracked his side.


19. In a golden glomerulus
Oaks hid


20. On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
Warm coat rustled
And I dispelled this ball.


21. As if a snowball is white,
In the spring, she bloomed,
The delicate smell exuded.
And when the time has come,
She became at once
All of the berry is black


22. Loves garden and garden,
It grows along the roads.
If wet and warm,
It is good for everyone to spite!
She is delighted, you are trouble.
What is in the garden?


23. You injured your leg in the campaign,
Fatigue does not allow to go -
Rag: Soldier by the road
Ready to help you on the way.


24. If you tear the grass,
Hands, know, you won’t pull it off.
Doctor of all pharmacy cases,
Who treats the wounds?


25. In broad -leaved forests
And on the sidelines of the paths
You will meet her all in flowers,
Similar to peas.
But strong camphor bouquet
Flies and mosquitoes do not like,
He will leave a trace from the burn -
Her inflorescences are poisonous.
Be careful, my friend,
Admiring, don't lose your mind,
After all, from the plant infusion
It will help to cure the stomach.

26. No one scares

And the whole is trembling.


27. The dress was lost,
And the buttons remained.
(Rowan berries in winter.)


28. Merizes in the spring, cools in the summer,
It nourishes in the fall, warms in winter.


29. Blooms on the pitch of thorny,
A dressed snap -in -law is in a crimson.
Who will pick up
That immediately is wandering.
(Rose hip)


30. It costs high
Hanging far
Around smoothly,
Sweet in the middle.


31. The leaf is like the hands of mom
Warm, soft, first,
Turn - cold smooth,
There is no riddle here!
32. This bag of shepherd
will not take with it
But she will help you cope with the troubles
Gather in a clearing,
Prepare tea
She will cure her wounds
Stop blood!
(Shepherd bag)
33. They know everything that it is harmful and creeping
Only all this is wrong, know just in case
If your cat is pierced, if its tray is dry,
Get those roots and a decoction for him!
No stones and inflammation!
Here is a useful plant!
(Creeping dust)


In clearings in the spring
A lot of sun in the grass.
In yellow dresses at the beginning,
After a while changed.
White sundresses
Put on ...


Bloated in the meadows after a winter cold.
Then the leaflets will germinate, smooth outside,
Well, fluffy inside,
Turn around with your hand, look.
The lights are yellow, the cold is covered,
The snow has come down, they are already growing. It - …


The grass is called "Russian ginseng",
We value it for useful properties.
He is poisonous, what he succeeded,
But all the healing ...


I'm afraid to tear her away
And I'm afraid to touch.
She says to me: “Burn,
To defend yourself! "
But she, believe me,
It helps people.
Swar from her - my relatives,
And heals the wounds.
Bulsing, however, ugly
This prickly ...


The leaves are openwork, gray-green.
In meadows, roads or in the field born.
Bitter, plowing, and where don't throw
Our gaze will stop on itself ...


What a burdock and a bully,
Like a mischievous kid.
If you cling to
Then it will hardly unh will be unhooked.
He is weed, but for people
Medicinal simple ...


The beast beats, yes!
This is not nonsense to you!
So it was not for nothing that he was called
And also, you only knew:
He is lying with the treatment of grass,
And it is called ...
(St. John's wort)


Where the ways are overgrown with the past.
Sineva conquers timidly,
Heals everyone from different ailments,
And replaces coffee to us ... (chicory)


Violets bloom
In the forests, meadows both there and here.
Honey and healing,
Magic gulls from her.
For the aroma, for the delicate color of the girl
They called a trembling beauty-...


Simple modest grass,
But here all the rights are given to her
Cook cabbage soup, cook porridge.
It grows in our garden.
She is a weed, but it doesn’t matter
What is in the garden ...


A thousand leaves from a thousand diseases,
The grass is bitter, but very useful.
And gives all this grass disinterestedly,
What is it called? ..


On the road, a modest look,
But the wound will quickly heal.
It is not difficult to attach a leaf
And he will heal ...


Along the shores of the river and off the swamps
Unspressed grass is growing.
It is called "dog", "trailer",
But the grass, believe me, is not at all fierce,
And this, certainly, is not at all harm,
After all, grass is very useful ... (series).


He is a terrible weed by nature,
Filled all the gardens and gardens.
Malicious, creeping, but he is not a villain,
"Dog grass" is called ...


This grass is very refreshing
In tea, in compote, they add to salads.
If the leaves are dented,
They smell very much. It…


The flower has a sheet of three petals:
For love, wealth and glory.
But there is a magic leaf at the flower,
In four petals. Found? Bravo to you!
Eat, because this rite is ancient.
The bees are circling in the meadow, where it grew up ...


Annoying, harmful,
On the beds, in flower beds.
There is a creeper everywhere
And it catchs fear
What can not be dealt with at all.
The weed, but is famous for the benefit.
What kind of grass-girl?
The ubiquitous ...


In the meadows, this is marvelous
Lilac blooms beautifully,
Brightness, wonderful aroma,
Vitamins are rich.
I want to drink, help out
Very tasty…
(Blooming Sally).


Bee, butterflies fly,
Above the flower, playing.
It grows in the meadows
The grass is fodder.
Loves this herbs is immensely immensely,
And let's call this grass ...


Fluffy flowers
On prickly stalks,
But the devils scare
Fear is leading to witches.
For evil spirits, a commotion
He will arrange at once ...


It grows everywhere, small flowers,
And the fruits are all similar to the bag.
But the arguments are good,
These bags are not for passers -by.
Nature has such an idea
So that shepherd to grow ...


The yellow dried flow is ill -faced,
The stem is thin, silver.
Grass, all eternity rival,
But called ...


Looks like dandelions,
But all this is deceptive.
He, like a weed, is known
But still useful.
In the garden it grows,
Called ...


Grows everywhere: both there and here,
But they don’t tear her into the bouquet.
Yellow flowers
On the stems, at the top.
So inconspicuous,
But the bees are their girlfriends.
Useful, but not a turnip,
Ordinary ...


In open places:
On the edges, clearings
In purple flowers
Big divisions.
The aroma is fragrant
Gives us a little one,
And in the gulls radiant
We will quit ...


In love, they bloom with two -tone color,
Underwear, heated happiness.
Covered with purple yellow.
Two names in one ...

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