Poetic quiz for children - tasks with answers

Poetic quiz for children - tasks with answers

In our article you will find several ready -made poetic quiz for children, with the help of which you can introduce them closer to the beautiful world of poems and poetry.

Poetic quiz for preschool children according to the works of Marshak and Chukovsky

Poetic quiz for preschool children according to the works of S.Ya. Marshak and K.I. Chukovsky
Poetic quiz for preschool children according to the works of S.Ya. Marshak and K.I. Chukovsky

Poetic quiz for preschool children according to the works of Marshak and Chukovsky:

1 competition "Guess"

Attention, players, now I will read the lines from the works, and your task is to correctly name the author and the name of the work. And in order to find out which team will be the first to answer, let's remember any count.

Counting 1 (speak with children):

They sat on the golden porch
Tsar, prince,
King, Korolevich,
Shoemaker, tailor.
Who will you be?
Speak as soon as possible
Do not delay good and honest people!

So, the players team will begin our game:

  • “And next to the hippos grabbed the tummies” (“Aibolit”, K.I. Chukovsky).
  • “No, your voice is bad - you sing very boring” (“The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”, S.Ya. Marshak).
  • “Hey, do not stand too close - I'm a tiger, not a pussy” (“Children in a cage”, S.Ya. Marshak).
  • “Wolves from fright eaten each other” (“Tarakanische”, K.I. Chukovsky).
  • “We must, it is necessary to wash yourself in the morning and evenings” (“Moidodyr”, K.I. Chukovsky).
  • “There were no mice in the house, but there were many pencils” (“mustachioed-striped”, S.Ya. Marshak).
  • “Who knocks on the door to me, with a thick bag on the belt” (“Post”, S.Ya. Marshak).
  • “Pisces walk around the field, toads fly across the sky” (“Confusion”, K.I. Chukovsky).
  • "Are the carousels really burned?" ("Phone", K.I. Chukovsky).
  • “They issued a lady at the station 4 green receipts” (“baggage”, S.Ya. Marshak).
  • “Only croofing -eyed on the ground climb the darkness” (“The stolen sun”, K.I., Chukovsky).
  • “And the kettle said to the iron:“ I can’t go further ”(“ Fedorino Woe ”, K.I. Chukovsky).
  • “The mouse Murka says:“ Well then, we will play in the zmurki ”(“ The Tale of the Smart Mouse ”, S.Ya. Marshak).
  • “A fly went to the bazaar and bought a samovar” (“Fly-Tsokotuha”, K.I. Chukovsky).

Physical education No. 1 “Once to rise, stretch” (can be found at the very end of the material).

2 competition "Continue the phrase"

Guys, I will now read out the beginning of the passage, your task is to finish it and call it from which work this phrase. Now begins the Chitaika team E

  • “In Africa, a robber, in Africa of a villain ...” (In Africa a terrible Barmaley. This passage from a work called Barmaley).
  • “The lady handed over to baggage ...” (sofa, suitcase, bag, basket, picture, cardboard and small dog. This passage from the work called “baggage”).
  • “It rolled, Olino Korchko rolled ...” (rolled, rolled down from our porch. This passage from the work, which is called “who will find the ring”).
  • “And then the heron called ...” (Please send drops. This passage from the work called “phone”).
  • “Yes, the soap is fragrant ...” (both fluffy, and tooth powder, and a thick scallop. This passage from the work, which is called “Moidodyr”).
  • “I brought oat porridge, he turned away from the cup ...” (He brought him radish, he turned away from the bowl. This passage from the work, which is called “mustachioed-striped).
  • “Suddenly, a terrible giant from the gateway ...” (Red and mustachioed cockroach, a cockroach, a cockroach. This passage from a work called a “cockroach”).
  • “The cat took the mouse and sings:“ Do not be afraid, baby. Let's play an hour or two ”... (in cat mouse, dear. This passage from the work, which is called the“ Tale of the Smart Mouse ”).
  • “Suddenly a little mosquito flies from somewhere ...” (And a small flashlight is on in his hand. This passage from the work called “Flus-Tsokotuha”).

3 competition: "Artists"

Now each team will show us one pantomime, i.e. He will play a scene without words. And the rivals should guess from what work this is and call the author. (Children play pantomims: "Aibolit" "," Fly-Tsokotuha "K.I. Chukovsky.)

Counting (speak with children):

Under the city by the river
Dwarf dwarves live.
They have a bell hanging
The gilded calls:
Come out soon!

The contest of the "Fantasers" team begins.

A mouse-mother ran,
She began to call the duck in the nanny:
- Come to us, aunt duck,
To shake our baby.
The duck began to sing the mouse:
-Ha-ha-ha, fall asleep, baby!
After the rain in the garden
I will find a worm to you.
Stupid little mouse
She answers her consumer:
- No, your voice is not good.
You sing too loudly!
A mouse-mother ran,
She began to call the toad in the nanny:
- Come to us, aunt toad,
To shake our baby.
The toad became important to croak:
-Kv-kva-kva, do not cry!
Sleep, mouse, until the morning,
I'll give you a mosquito.
Stupid little mouse
She answers her consumer:
- No, your voice is not good.
Very boring you sing!

And now the turn of the Chitaika team.

Kittens groomed:
“Tired of me to meow!
We want as piglets
And behind them and ducklings:
“We do not want to grunt anymore!
We want like a frog,
Pigs groaned:
Meow meow!
The cats snapped:
Oink oink oink!
The ducks started up:
The hens crossed:
Quarrels, quarrels, quarrels!
The sparrow rode
And the cow blurred:
The bear came running
And let's roar:

There are still many different fascinating Victorin waits for us ahead. The main thing is to love books, take care of them.

The book comes to the house of any.
Touch its pages,
She will speak to you
About the life of animals and birds.
You will see the spills of the rivers
You will hear horse stroke
Chuk and Huck come to you,
Timur and Uncle Stepa.
Her blizzard is not scary
And not terrible thaw
She talks to you
Like a smart fellow traveler.
Well, and suddenly it will be smoked
Do not be upset too much:
Like the best faithful friend
The book will scatter boredom.

Now let's say “thank you” to the members of our jury and our guests. See you, friends! (Children go to the group for fun music.)

Physical Culture No. 1 “Time to rise, stretch” (movements in text)

Once - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, straighten up,
Three - hands, three cotton,
Three nods with the head.
Four - hands wider,
Five - wave with your hands,
Six - sit in place quietly.
Finger game "Koshkin House"
Tilly-Bim, Tilly-Bim, (hands bent at the elbows, swing in different directions)
It caught fire (move your fingers and raise our hands above your head)
Cat house. (fold the palms in the "roof" above your head)
The cat jumped out, (we sharply lower our arms forward)
I bulged the eyes, (we fold the “rings” from the index and thumbs in front of the eyes)
The chicken runs with a bucket (we sculpt with palms pies)
Duck with a watering can, (rub your palms)
Goose with a helmet, (clap your hands briefly)
And the mouse with a sieve (we turn the palms folded together up and down)
They repaid Koshkin's house! (we wave our hands in front of you)

Physical Culture No. 2: “The children stood exactly in the circle” (movements in the text)

The children stood exactly in the circle,
And then they suddenly sat down.
They made a jump together,
Above the head - cotton.
And now everything is together
We will jump a puddle!
And now we are going in a circle
We smile at each other.

Poetic quiz for school children

Poetic quiz for school children
Poetic quiz for school children

Poetic quiz for school children:

1 competition "Poetry and the Sun"

Exercise: Remember the poetic lines with the key word Sun, the sun. What is the author of the lines.
Frost and sun; Wonderful day!
You will also doze off, a lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open the eyes closed in Neard ...

Under blue sky
Magnificent carpets,
Shiny in the sun, snow lies;
A transparent forest is one blacken
And the spruce through the hoarfrost is turning green,
And the river shines under the ice. (A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning")

The sky was breathing in the fall,
Less often the sun was shining
In short, the day became
Forests mysterious canopy
I was exposed with sad noise ... (A.S. Pushkin)

The grass is green
Sunny shines;
Swallow with spring
In canopy flies to us. (A.N. Pleshcheev)

Wouldn't the blind not notice them,
And the sighted says about them:
“It will pass - as if the sun will illuminate!
Will look at - give it! " (N.A. Nekrasov)

Niva are compressed, groves goals,
From the water fog and damp.
Wheel of Zasinigora
The Sun quietly rolled up. (S.A.Senin)

“Our sun is the sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you get
Winter with a warm spring,
You see us all under us. " (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess")

2 competition "Poetry and Nature"

Exercise: Guess the keyword - the name of the tree.

The crown of this tree with its curiosity and splendor is similar to the hairstyle of S.A. Yesenin.
And I know there is a joy in it
Those who kiss the rain,
Because that old maple
The head looks like me. ("I left my dear house")

This beauty "was embarrassed by snow, as if silver."
White birch
Under my window
She was embarrassed by snow
Just silver. (S.A. Yesenin)

The gray hair of the father Yesenin is similar to the color of this tree.
Like apple color, gray hair
Father spilled in a beard.
("I left my dear house")

What kind of tree Yesenin writes: “Locked, like an old woman, leaned on a key”?
Like a white scarf
The pine is tied.
Locked like an old woman
She leaned on the key.

The richest tree with a golden decoration on the crown.
In the Lukomorye oak green;
Golden chain on oak Tom:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around ...
(A.S. Pushkin)

A.A. Feta has these trees with a specialty of a teacher.
Learn from them - at oak, from birch.
Winter around. Cruel time!
The tears froze on them,
And the bark cracked, contracting.

An evergreen lonely tree from the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov.
In the north, wildly stands lonely
On the naked top pine ...

3 competition "Poetry, numbers and facts"

Exercise: Answer the questions:

  • What was the name of a peasant from a nail from N. Nekrasov’s poem “Peasant children”? (Vlas)
  • How old is he? (6)
  • With whom were the Russian troops fought in the poem by M. Lermontov "Borodino"? (with the French)
  • What Russian city is mentioned in this poem? (Moscow)
  • In what year did the battle of Borodino take place? (1812)
  • The nanny A. Pushkin was called ... (Arina Rodionovna)

4 Competition "Wisdom of Poetry"

Exercise: Name the rhyme:

"My friend" S. Mikhalkov
He is honest and fearless
On land and in water -
Comrade and friend
He will not leave ... (in trouble).

He does not ruin the nests,
Does not smoke and does not lie,
Does not hang on the steps,
Alien ... (does not take).

Suppose a student is studying for five.
He loves very much and does not study from books ... (tormented).
An excellent person from him ... (it turns out). (E. Uspensky)

For a kind word
No need to skimp.
Say this word -
What to give to get drunk.
With a word offensive
You can’t rush
To tomorrow
Yourself not ... (ashamed). (N. Rylenkov)

"Track" L. Martynov
What trace will you leave?
Trace to wipe the parquet
And looked obliquely
Or invisible strong trace
In a strange soul for many ... (years)?

5 Competition "Lame Pegas"

Exercise: Find errors.

  • Tell me, aunt, it's not without reason ... (Uncle. "Borodino", M. Romontov)
  • The rooster nourished in captivity is young ... (Eagle. "Prisoner", A. Pushkin)
  • Sinichka is my decrepit ... (Dove. "Nanny", A. Pushkin)
  • The cat will stop for a horse ... (horse. "Frost, red nose", N. Nekrasov)
  • A crow on the branches sits ... (Mermaid. "At the Lukomorye", A. Pushkin)
  • Heavenly birds, eternal wanderers ... (clouds. "Clouds", M. Romontov)
  • The moon was flattened by a gold with a gold with a golden water ... (a frog.
  • "I left my dear house", S. Yesenin)
  • The cat sings songs and nurses all ... (Squirrel. "Tale of King Saltan", A. Pushkin)

6 competition "Poetry and style"

Exercise: Learn the author of the lines.

A flock of clouds to the edge of heaven,
Dramed spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers deafly.

On a stream, pockmarked and colorful,
A leaflet flies behind a leaf,
And a stream dry and acute
The chill runs. (N. Nekrasov)

2. At the top there is one
The star is burning
My mind is
Always beckons
My dreams
She entails
And from a height
Joy pours me. (Lermontov —Motivo of loneliness)

3. The bird cherry is fragrant
With the spring blossomed
And the branches are golden,
That curls curled up.
Around the dew
Slides along the bark,
Greens spicy under it
Shines in silver. (S. Yesenin)

4. The storm of the signs of the sky covers,
Whirlwinds of snowy torments;
Like a beast, she will win,
It will cry like a child. (A. Pushkin)

5. I spent the night of the Golden cloud
On the chest of a giant cliff;
In the morning, she rushed off early
Playing funny in azure;
But there was a wet track in the wrinkle
Old cliff. Alone
He stands, thought deeply,
And he cries quietly in the desert. (Lermontov)

6. Open me a dungeon,
Give me the radiance of the day
Black -eyed girl
Black -groomed horse!
I will be young for the beauty
I'll kiss before sweetly,
I'll jump on the horse then,
I will fly into the steppe like the wind. (Lermontov)

7. White birch
Under my window
She was embarrassed by snow
Just silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn
In golden fire.
And dawn, lazy
Going around
Sprinkles branches
New silver. (Yesenin)

Poetic quiz for children with answers on the verses of Agnia Barto

Poetic quiz for children with answers on the verses of Agnia Barto
Poetic quiz for children with answers on the verses of Agnia Barto

Poetic quiz for children with answers on the verses of Agnia Barto:

"Continue the lines of the poem":

Our Tanya cries loudly:
I dropped the ball into the river.
- Hush, tanechka, do not cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

There is a goby, sways,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!

The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny remained in the rain.
I could not get off the bench,
All to the thread, wet.

Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore Mishka’s paw.
I won’t leave him anyway -
Because it is good.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in the box on the barrel.
A sleepy bear lay down in bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
Sleep shafts his head
He is bowing to the election.

I have a kid
I myself pass.
I am a kid in a green garden
I will take it early in the morning.
He will get lost in the garden -
I will find him in the grass.

Rope in the hand,
I pull the boat
On a fast river,
And the frogs jump
For me on the heels
And they ask me:
- Roll up, captain!

“Toys” - it is possible to ensure that the teams answer in chorus.
I read poetry to each team, I will start, and you will continue in chorus.

1. Aircraft.
We will build the plane ourselves
We rush over the forests ...
(We will rush over the forests,
And then back to mom.)

2. Elephant.
Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on the barrel ...
(Sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant does not want to sleep
The elephant nods his head
He is bowing to the election.)

3. Bunny
The mistress threw the bunny
A bunny remained in the rain
(I could not get off the bench
All to the thread wet.)

4. Horse
I love my horse
I will count the wool smoothly
(I will smack the tail
And I’ll go to visit)

5. Truck
No in vain we decided
Ride a cat in a car
(The cat is not used to skating
Overturned the truck.)

6. Mitty
I have a kid
I myself pass.
(I am a kid in a green garden
I will take it early in the morning)

7. Goby
The goby is swinging,
Sighs on the go:
-Oh, the board ends
Now I will fall

8. The ball
Our Tanya cries loudly
I dropped the ball into the river
(Hush, tanechka, don't cry
Do not drown in the river the ball.)

"What children live in the world?"
- Determine the names of the heroes.

We walk with a couple with ... (Tamara).

And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat ... (Lida).

Blue skirt, ribbon in the spit
Who does not know .......
……. Everyone knows (Lyubochka).

He has one question:
- Santa Claus will be soon
Give out gifts? (Greedy Egor).

A kind soul ... (Vovochka).

Touch her inadvertently
Immediately: - Guard!
Olga Nikolaevna,
He pushed me!
Oh, I pricked! -
Heard ... .. Zhelt (Sonya)

Chernobrova and curly
Red girl-fool!
Everyone whispers: - ... ..
It is impossible good! (Petrova Klava)

We look at the boy-
He is some kind of unsociable!
He frowns, smoking,
As if he drank vinegar.
It goes into the garden ……
Gloomy, as if sleepy.
- I don't want to say hello,-
He hides his hand behind his back. (Vovochka)

. We are friends - two …….
We called us "twins."
-What are unlike!
They say passers -by. (Doubles-yashki)

- I will not wear yellow-
Badly faded!
There are such people-
Serve everything on a saucer! (Lyalechka)

Presenter: And now we will play words

Tell me a louder
The word "thunder" -
(The guys repeat)
The word rumbles
Like thunder.
Say quieter:
"Six mice"-
(The guys repeat)
And immediately the mice rustle.
"Cuckoo on the bitch" -
(The guys repeat
You will be heard
And you say a word
"Listopad" -
(The guys repeat)
And the leaves fall,
And, as if in reality,
You see autumn;
Yellow Garden
And wet grass.
Say "spring" -
(The guys repeat)
And so it arose
Runes in green more often
The cheerful key is murmuring.
We and the spring call the key
(The key to the doors has nothing to do with it)

"Basket with lost things."

The basket contains various objects (or drawings) related to Barto's poems. The subject is considered guessed if the children call the hero, as well as the name of the poem. The game is held as a competition.

  • Little ratio - Andryushka “rattle”
  • Sweets - Tanyusha "Assistant"
  • Rope - Lida "Rope"
  • Glasses - Seryozha "Glasses"
  • Bints, iodine - Tanya and Tamara “We are with Tamara”
  • Phone - (Pupils “Why is the phone busy?”)
  • A skirt and a ribbon - (Lyubochka).
  • Flashlight - (flashlight)
  • Primer - (I grew up)
  • Teddy bear - (Bear - ignoramus)

Competitive reading of favorite poems by A. Barto

(Note: Poems can be used by the teacher not all, but by choice)
Everywhere Pavlika is honored:
Pavlik pancakes bake.
He had a conversation at school -
He said, opening a notebook,
How much soda, how much salt,
How many oils you need to take.
Proved that instead of oil
You can take margarine.
It was decided unanimously:
He spoke perfectly.
Who said such a speech
Can bake pancakes!
But, comrades, rush -
You need to save the house soon!
Where is your fire extinguisher?
Smoke falls from under the doors!
And the neighbors say:
- These are pancakes burn!
Oh, when it came to business,
Our hero was dishedsome -
Nine pancakes burned down,
And the tenth was raw!
It’s easy to speak.
It’s hard to bake pancakes!

That the talker is Lida, they say
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!
Drama circle, photo circle,
Horcrough - I have a hunt,
Per circle on drawing
Everyone also voted.
And Marya Markovna said
When I walked from the hall yesterday:
“Drama circle, photo circle,
This is too much something.
Choose yourself, my friend,
One circle is one. ”
Well, I chose from the photo ...
But I also have a hunt,
And per circle on the drawing
Everyone also voted.
And what a talker Lida, they say,
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!
I'm now until old age
In our class, the headman.
What do I want?
Become, guys, a pilot.
I'll rise on a stratostat ...
What is it, by the way?
Maybe this is stratostat,
When are the elders fly?
And what a talker Lida, they say,
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!
I still have a load
In German and Russian.
The task is given to us -
Reading and grammar.
I'm sitting, looking out the window
And suddenly I see a boy there.
He says: “Come here,
I'll give you Irisa. "
And I say: “I have loads
In German and Russian. "
And he says: “Come here,
I'll give you Irisa. "
And what a talker Lida, they say,
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!

The letter "P"
Five years Seryozha in January,
So far - four, fifth,
But they play with him in the yard
And adult guys.
And as on a sled, for example,
He flies from the mountains boldly!
Seryozha only the letter "p"
It spoils the matter a little.
A sister is angry with his brother,
Her name is Marina.
And he stands among the yard
Shouts: - Where are you, raspberries?
She repeats: - Press your tongue,
Press it stronger to the sky! -
He, like a diligent student,
It is taken for study.
Marina says: - “Cancer”, “stream”.
Marina teaches her brother.
He repeats: - "varnish", "rays", - -
Sighing guilty.
She repeats: - Say "Metro",
In the subway we will go to my uncle.
“No,” he answers cunningly, “
We’ll get on the bus better.
It’s not so easy to say “belt”,
“Frost”, “river”, “cold”!
But once on a January day
A miracle happened in the morning.
The older sister sneezed
He shouted: - Be healthy! -
But I could not yesterday
To say this word.
Now he loves the letter "R",
Screaming, rolling from the hill:
- Urra! I am a brave pioneer!
I will live in the USSR,
Study on five!

I grew up
I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal
I will collect my toys
And I will give Seryozha.
Wooden dishes
I will not give it yet.
I need a hare myself -
Nothing that he is lame
And the bear is too smalled ...
It is a pity to give the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw under the bed.
Give the steam locomotive Seryozha?
He is bad, without a wheel ...
And then, I need too
Play at least half an hour!
I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal ...
But I seem to be Seryozha
I will not give anything.

To school
Why today Petya
Wake up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.
He is now not just a boy
And now he is a beginner.
He has on a new jacket
Dead collar.
He woke up at night dark
It was only three hours.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.
He dressed in two minutes,
He grabbed the pencil case from the table.
Dad rushed after him
He caught up with him at the door.
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
Electricity was lit,
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.
He woke the whole apartment
Could not fall asleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed of
That she repeats the lesson.
Even grandfather dreamed of
What is it at the board
And he cannot on the map
Find Moscow River.
Why today Petya
Wake up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

Poetic quiz for children according to the verses of Nekrasov

Poetic quiz for children according to the verses of Nekrasov
Poetic quiz for children according to the verses of Nekrasov

Poetic quiz for children according to the verses of Nekrasov

Whose emotional excitement is so accurately drawn by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov in these lines:

a) "darkened in the eyes, the soul was trembling,
I gave it - did not give a golden ring ”?
- Hero of the poem "gardener"

b) "The person was a trace of a recent ailment,
Shame, despair, prayer and fright ”?
- Poor from the poem "Thief"

c) “stands under the pine little alive,
Without a thought, without a moan, without tears ... "?
- Daria from the poem "Frost, red nose"

d) "... walked thoughtfully
First, a big road ...
He was fun
That is sad. Excited
Wahlack Pirushko,
The thought worked hard in it
And in the song poured out "?
- Grisha Dobrosklonov from the poem "To whom to live well in Russia."

In what work of N. A. Nekrasov this picture of a summer day is drawn:

“Woke up: in the wide gaps of the barn
Rays look at the cheerful sun,
Cooing the dove; Flying over the roof,
Young rooks shout ... "
- "Peasant children"

In what poem Nekrasov depicted the impressions of a young man who fell into a big city:

“How wonderful the city is mutilated!
Spiers of his churches and towers
Go to the sky; Lush in it
Theaters, streets, dwellings
Lucks of the world - and around
Alcoholic cemeteries ... "?
- In the poem "Unfortunate"

To whom Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov dedicated these lines:

1. “You taught us humanely thought,
Hardly not the first one remembered the people.
You hardly spoke hard
About equality, about brotherhood, about freedom. "
- V.G. Belinsky; The dramatic poem "Bear Hunt".

2. “As a woman, you loved your homeland,
Their works, hopes, thought
You gave it to her; You are honest hearts
He conquered her. "
- N.A Dobrolyubov; The poem "Memory of Dobrolyubov."

3. “You did not give the enemy to doze,
Stigma and cursing,
And the mask of impudence was torn off
From a fool and a villain. "
- I.S. Turgenev; The poem "Turgenev."

4. “He led everything: Petersburg prison,
Inquiries, interrogations, gendarmes of courtesy,
Everything - and the opening steppe of Orenburg
And her fortress ... "
- T. Shevchenko; The poem "To the death of Shevchenko."

5. "... we will be better to take risks,
Than safe idleness
Give the rest of life. ”
- M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin; Poem "M.E. Saltykov. "

6. “Serve not fame, not art, -
For the good of your neighbor, live. ”
- Russian writer; The poem "Russian writer."

From what works by N.A. Nekrasov took these lines:

1. "I devoted to the lyre to my people"
- The poem "Elegy".

“Go to the fire for the honor of the Fatherland,
For conviction, for love ...
Go and perish impeccable.
It’s not for nothing that you die ... The matter is firm
When blood flows under it. ”
- The poem "Poet and Citizen".

“He is pursued by hulas
He catches the sounds of approval
Not in a sweet murmur of praise
And in wild screams of landscaping. "
- The poem "Blessed is a non -sounding poet."

“... the life of my fathers is barren and empty,
Flowed among feasts, meaningless
Debauchery of dirty and small tyranny. "
- The poem "Homeland"

“From jubilant, idly hanging,
Staining hands in the blood,
Take me to the camp dying
For the great work of love! "
- The poem "Knight for an hour."

“Belinsky lived then, Granovsky,
Gogol lived
There are still glorious two - three -
They studied all living things then ... "
- "Bear Hunt."

“Russia will show that there are people in it,
That she has the coming. "
- The poem "Unfortunate"

“Know and believe, friends: Blessed
Every storm of a young soul -
The soul matures and grows stronger under a thunderstorm. ”
- The poem "Sasha".

"Life of free impressions
Give the free soul,
Human aspirations
Do not bother to wake up in it. ”
- The poem "Song of Yeremushka."

“Who lives without sadness and anger,
He does not like his homeland. "
- The poem "Gazeta".

"… Russian people…
Will endure everything - and wide, clear
The road will pave the road to himself. ”
- The poem "Railway".

“Not dumb humility -
Friendly power is needed. "
- The poem "Grandpa".

“Volga! Volga! In the spring, much water
You are not so filling the fields
How great sorrow of the people
Our land has been overflowed. ”
- The poem "Reflections at the front door."

"Even the Russian people
The limits are not set:
A wide path before him. "
- The poem "Who to live well in Russia."

"The share of the people
His happiness,
Light and freedom
- The poem "Who to live well in Russia."

"Human will and labor
Divine divas do. ”
- The poem "Grandpa".

“Who, serving the great goals of the century,
Gives his life entirely
To the struggle for a brother - a man,
Only he will survive himself ... "
- The poem "Zina".

“Seta is reasonable, kind, eternal,
Sith! Thank you will tell you cordial
"Russian people!"
- The poem "Sowers".

"Other times, other paintings
I will see the beginning ... "
- The poem "Woe of the Old Naum"

Do you know the characters of the poem "Who to live well in Russia"?

1. “The breast is fallen; Like an indented one
Stomach; At the eye, at the mouth
Bending like cracks
On dry ground ... "
- Yakim Nagoy, a man from the village of Bosovo.

2. “A man with a shortness of breath,
Relaxed, thin
(The nose is heated, like a dead,
Like a rake of hands skinny,
Like the knitting needles are long,
Not a person - a mosquito). "
- Mason; The chapter "Happy".

3. "... was fragile on his feet,
High and thin to extreme;
On it is a frock coat with medals
Hung like on a pole. "
- Soldier; "Feast is the whole world."

4. “A man is damp, special,
The head is not worshiping. "
- Agap Petrov, the former serf prince of Utyatin.

5. "... tidy,
Mustard, pot -bellied,
With a cigar in the mouth. "
- Obolt - Obolduev, landowner.

6. “Through the forests dense,
Through the swamps are marshy
He came on foot, shelmet!
One, like a finger: a cap
Yes can, but in a cane
For a complete shell.
And at first it was quiet ... "
- German Vogel, manager.

7. “Long as hares winter ...
Nose with a beak like a hawk
Gray mustache, long
And - different eyes ... "
- Prince Utyatin (last).

8. “He wore a red shirt,
Supported subordinate,
Close boots;
Sanging a folding song Russians
And he loved to listen to them. ”
- Pavlush Veretennikov.

9. “You approach him to the first,
And he will advise
And will bring a certificate;
Where there is enough strength - he will help out
He will not ask gratitude
And give it, he won’t take it! "
- Ermil Girin.

10. “With a huge gray mane,
Tea, twenty years old,
With a huge beard,
Grandfather on the bear looked like ... "
- Savely, the hero of the Svyatorussian.

11. "Wonderive woman,
Wide and dense ...
Beautiful, hair with a gray
The eyes are large, strict,
The richest eyelashes,
Harsh and darkness. "
- Matrena Timofeevna, peasant woman.

12. "The face is thin, pale
And the hair is thin, curly,
With a shade of beauty.
... the bone is wide,
But very very emaciated
- Grisha Dobrosklonov.

Which of the characters of the works of Nekrasov ...?

1. “He already knew that he was already who to live for the happiness of a wretched and dark native corner”?
- Grisha Dobrosklonov; The poem "Who to live well in Russia."

2. ... "Forty medals faked on the horn - was in the forty -first rally"?
- Savushka; The poem "In the village."

3. ... "It works to death, drinks to half death"?
- Yakim Naga; The poem "Who to live well in Russia."

4. ... promised the master to “inflame oak”?
- A guy beaten by a master; The poem "Dog hunting".

5. ... When he grows up, there will be a “official and a scoundrel”?
- baby; The poem "Lullaby Song".

6. ... fell in love with the noble daughter and was cruelly punished for this?
- gardener; The poem "Gardener".

7. ... he brought to death his wife, friend, cook, daughter and all the same, according to him, “did not make anyone in life”?
- The hero of the poem "Moral Man".

8. ... lived in the village for forty years, and did not differ from the rye ear?
- landowner Obolt - Obolduev; The poem "Who to live well in Russia."

9. ... "He reads books and dugs around the light -
Looking for himself a gigantic,
Fortunately, the inheritance of wealthy fathers
Freed from small works "?
- Agarin; Poem "Sasha"

10. ... "I knew why he plowed and sowed,
Yes, it was not possible to start work "?
- plowman; The poem "Unfinished strip."

Poetic quiz for children from fairy tales

Poetic quiz for children from fairy tales
Poetic quiz for children from fairy tales

Poetic quiz for children from fairy tales:

"Remember the fairy tale"

Heals small children
Heals birds and animals,
Looks through his glasses
Good doctor ... (Aibolit)


Suddenly from the gateway -
A terrible giant,
Red and mustachioed ... (cockroach)


I am a great washbasin
Famous ... (Moidodyr)
Washings chief
And the moche commander.


Pigs bent - meow - meow,
Cats ... (grunted, drugged)


In Africa, the robber,
In Africa, a villain
Africa is terrible ... (Barmaley)


The people are having fun
A fly is married
For a dashing, Udereki
Young ... (mosquito)
"Fly Tsokotukha"


The sun walked across the sky
And the cloud ran.
Zainka looked out the window
It became Zainka ... (dark).
"The stolen sun."


No no! Nightingale
Not sings for pigs
Call it better ... (Vorona)


And the dishes forward and forward
In the fields, it goes through the swamps.
And the kettle said the iron
- I go more ... (I can’t).
"Fedorino Gora"


Only suddenly because of - by the bus
Because of the blue forest,
From the distant from the fields
Flies ... (Sparrow)


And behind him - then the people
And sings and yells:
- Here is a freak, so a freak!
What a nose, what a mouth!
And where is it from ... (the monster).


And I don't need
No marmalade, no chocolate
But only small,
Well, very small ... (children)

"Who is who?"

What characters do these fabulous names belong to?

  • Aibolit - (Doctor)
  • Barmaley - (robber)
  • Fedora - (grandmother)
  • Karakula - (shark)
  • Moidodyr - (washbasin)
  • Totoshka, coconut - (crocodiles)
  • Basement - (fly)
  • Barabek - (glutton)
  • Red, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)

Competition "Who is the author?"

Our is called "who is the author." Now I will read you an excerpt from the work, you need to guess the author of this work, well, the work itself.

1. My mirror, tell me the light
Yes, report the whole truth.
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All are blurry and whiter ...
A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"

2. Only the Kosai team sat down,
The whole island disappeared under water.
(N.A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Masai and Hares")

3. My phone rang.
Who says? - elephant!
Where? - From a camel.
What do you need? - Chocolate.
For whom?
For my son?
(K. Chukovsky "Phone")

4. lived an old man with his old woman
At the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

5. Fly, fly a petal,
Through the west to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Return, making a circle.
You will only touch the earth -
To be in my opinion.
(V. Kataev "Flower-seven-color")

6. - Are you warm, girl? Are you warm to red?
- Heat, frost, warm, father.
(Russian folk tale "Morozko")

Competition "Guess the riddle"

1. This girl is very small
And in a flower she slept.
The beetle danced with her,
The mouse was kept in mink,
She got into the country of flowers. (Inch)

2. This boy is very strange.
Carlo made from the log.
And he contacted the fox in vain
Become happy, you can't! (Pinocchio)

3. This small is very cunning.
He is with a tail, but famous.
I always walked in boots,
The giant won. (Puss in Boots)

4. This girl is very beautiful
But Buratino taught in vain. (Malvina)

5. This dog served Malvina,
And Buratino closed in Chulan. (Artemon)

Competition "Friends"

In the competition "Friends", you probably already guessed that you should call friends of fairy -tale heroes.

  • Crocodile Gene (Cheburashka)
  • Girl Gerda (Boy Kai)
  • Carlson (baby)
  • Pinocchio (Artemon, Malvina, Pierrot)
  • Uncle Fedor (Cat Matroskin, Dog Sharik)
  • Girl Ellie (Totoshka, Iron Lumberjack, Leo, Solomenny Scarecrow)

Poetic quiz for children by poetry - "Finish the verse"

Poetic quiz for children by poetry - finished verse
Poetic quiz for children by poetry - "Finish the verse"

Poetic quiz for children by poetry - “Finish the verse”:

Vereshchyni, Beloboka,
And her name is. (magpie).
(V. Kremnev)


Gray wolf in a dense forest
Met the redhead. (fox).
(S. Marshak)


Hey, don't stand too close
- I'm a tiger, not. (pussy).
(S. Marshak)


Watchmaker, squinting the eye,
It repair a watch for. (us).
(S. Marshak)


The hostess threw the bunny -
He remained in the rain. (bunny).
(A. Barto)


The ferret walks through the forest
Predatory, small. (animal).
(S. Marshak)


- Where did you dine, sparrow?
- In the zoo at. (animals).
(S. Marshak)


Bunny drumming loudly,
He is a serious business. (busy).
Everyone here is in the forest talent -
And singer and. (musician).
(I. Tokmakova)


The phone calls again
From him in his ears. (settled).
(A. Barto)


Tear flowers is easy and simple
Small children,
But to the one who is so high
It is not easy to disrupt. (flower).
(S. Marshak)


And they said the saucers:
- It would be necessary. (return)!
(K. Chukovsky)


There is a tigress through the boulevard -
Lyalya is not a drop of her. (fears).
(K. Chukovsky)


I didn't want to wash the kitten -
He ran away from. (trough).
(S. Marshak)


Trying trace of weaving, trying
I jumped over the snowdrifts. (hare).
(R. Rashidov)


On holidays on the streets
In the hands of the children
Burn, shimmer
Air. (balls).
(Ya. Akim)


What are you, Petya, do not get up?
That you are not songs. (sing)?
(S. Marshak)


Dropped the protein bump,
The bump knocked. (bunny).
(V. Schulzhik)


He is with a bell in his hand
In a blue-red cap.
He is a cheerful toy
And his name is. (Parsley).
(V. Levashov)


Singing a dandy all day
In the cage on the window.
The third year he went to him
And he is afraid. (cats).
(A. Barto)


- Your voice is so good
- You are very sweet. (sing).
(S. Marshak)
And Aibolite runs to the hippo,
And claps them along. (tummies).
(K. Chukovsky)


Lesoboka red cat
Lay down for himself. (stomach).
(I. Zambaev)


Leisya, the rain is cheerful,
You and I are friends!
It’s good for us to run
Barefoot (puddles).
(R. Rashidov)


You will read this fairy tale
Quietly, quiet, quiet.
Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog
And him. (Hedgehog).
The gray hedgehog was very quiet
And hedgehog too
And the child was with them -
Very quiet. (hedgehog)
The whole family goes for a walk
At night along the tracks
Hedgehog, hedgehog-mother
And the child. (hedgehog).
(S. Marshak)


And Aibolit stood up, Aibolit ran,
In the fields, in the forests, in the meadows he. (runs).
(K. Chukovsky)


And the rooster with prickly hedgehog
Cut the lard sharp. (knife).
(S. Marshak)


Pour as soon as possible
I am hot in a glass. (tea).
We are on a narrow plank
Let's run to swim in. (river).
(3. Alexandrova)


Our Tanya cries loudly,
I dropped into the river. (ball).
Hush, tanechka, do not cry!
Do not drown in the river. (ball).
(A. Barto)


And now brushes, brushes
We cracked like. (rattles).
(K. Chukovsky)


And in the swamp, the bear is dulling,
Bear under snags. (looking for).
(K. Chukovsky)
Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore off Mishka. (paw).
(A. Barto)


On the bench by the gate
Lena bitter tears. (pouring).
(S. Marshak)


The wolf is dulling in a dense forest,
Looking for a kumushka-. (fox).
(S. Marshak)


The animals trembled
To faint. (fell).
(K. Chukovsky)


Quietly snow is coming
White snow is furry.
We will clear snow and ice
In the yard. (shovel).
(M. Poznanskaya. "Snow is coming." Per. 3. Alexandrova)


Well, dress! There are all needles.
He is worn forever. (Christmas tree).
(V. Kremnev)


We are a puppy in water and in soap
Two hours with a washcloth. (washed).
(S. Mikhalkov)


The crumb-son came to his father,
And the baby asked:
- What is good and what is it. (poorly)?
(V. Mayakovsky)


There is a big fight in the river -
Two quarreled. (cancer).
(R. SEF)


In this river in the morning early
They drowned two. (ram).
(S. Mikhalkov)


I am flying a doll in the morning
I'm honey today. (sister).
(Yu. Shigaev)


- Hey chicken, where is your house?
- He's at his mother under. (wing).
(T. Volzhina)

Remember the name of the poem and try to continue it:

The house has eight fraction alone
At the outpost of Ilyich
There lived a tall citizen,
Nicknamed ……… Kalancha


You guys listen
I want to tell you:
We had kittens - we had kittens -
They are in a row …… exactly five
- We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
We bought a blue-blue
Presented …………. Red ball


This is just a coward is afraid
Go to the doctor.
Personally, I am at the sight of a syringe
………………… I smile and joking.


Look carefully -
This is just a boy Vitya
Mamin Vitya,
Papin Vitya
From the apartment number six.
He is lying in bed
With blankets on cotton wool,
In addition to buns and cakes,
…………. Doesn't want to eat anything.


We carry a cat with us,
Chizhika, dog,
Monkey, parrot -
…………. Here is a company!


The guys put on skates.
Passers -by raised collars.
Thomas they say:
- Winter came. -
In shorts
For a walk ............. Thomas come out.


The old man looked at his cow:
“Why am I, Burenka, I sell you?” -
I will not sell my cow to anyone -
Such cattle ................! You need it yourself


I love very grandmother,
Anyway - and she is rude.
I love my grandfather very much
But also grandfather …………. I object ...


I was spinning, I was spinning
And then I "landed"
From the bed in two steps
And ............. .. in hands ... with a pillow

Video: Agnia Barto. Poems for children

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