Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters "E", "I" - a table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters

An increasing place in non -traditional medicine is occupied by the methodology for the treatment of diseases, using a psychosomatic analysis of the disease. One of the ancestors of this treatment is the world -famous psychologist - Louise Hay.

Psychosomatic analysis of the disease includes a study of the causal relationship of the emotional state of a person and the body's reaction to a particular sensation. This healing technique differs from other methods of treatment in non -traditional medicine in that it does not require special additional costs and efforts to use it.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letters "E", "I" - from eczema to ulcerative inflammation

  • Compiled table, covers groups of diseases to the letter "E" and "I".
  • Separate columns are contained for each type of the disease for each type of the disease: psychosomatic consideration of the disease, part of the body or internal organ.
  • And also, the corresponding healing phrases are positive psychosomatic attitudes.

To find out about other diseases, on the letters   BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToLMNOPRFROMT, UF, xC, h, w, С Follow the active link.

Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

Nervous excitability and intransigence. Anxiety and irritability.


In my soul, harmony and peace live. I like it, to feel safe and love granted to the universe.


Enuresis: urinary incontinence

Feeling of fear of parents. Reaction to fear: often, the result of bad relations with the father.


Everything is fine. Parents love their child and do not condemn him for actions. My fears and excitement are in vain reactions.



The missing desire to live. Violence against their own psyche, mania of persecution. The exhausted state in the eternal struggle with stress.


Life is the highest value. I am joyful to possess such an invaluable gift. I am worthy of all the best. The Universe loves me.


Emphysema Fear and unwillingness, to be given the fullness of life. Confidence that this life does not belong to you. Refusal to gain favor from universal forces. I am with approval and joy, I accept my life. I feel like an inseparable part of the universe. My world - endowed me with a feeling of freedom.
The epidermophytosis of the foot Hopelessness due to loss of own significance. Inability, to develop freely - to move forward. My development occurs in a timely manner and without difficulty. I trust my decisions and aspirations. I have nothing to fear.
Endometriosis Bitterness from resentment and disappointment. Defenselessness. Discontent and reproach. Feeling with sweets feelings of the shortage of love. I enjoy my femininity. I am a confident and desired woman. I love my natural beginning and is grateful to the universe. I allow my own ideas to find the path of implementation.
Endocarditis The lack of joyful events in life. Old not forgiven resentments. Rudeness and emotional stress. Confidence in the inevitability of stressful situations. I surround myself with positive and joyful emotions. From this moment, in my fate there is a lot of joy - only a prosperous event occurs. I'm a happy person.
Ulcerative disease

The rooted thought of its inferiority and inferiority. The desire to please is unjustified helpfulness leading to the loss of self -esteem.


I am a respected personality. My soul is located alone and harmony. People value my care and kindness. The world is a fertile place for my existence.



Any violations in the language of the language signal that the connection with the department responsible for life pleasures, the eating of pleasure is interrupted.


The universe is generous to me. I enjoy his gifts with pleasure. Every minute of my life gives a taste of freedom and fun.



An unkind view of life. Possible grief from someone’s actions, not allowing to “close your eyes” to what happened.


From now on, I look at the world with kind and happy eyes. I see positive actions in everything. I like what I see around me.
Buttocks Denote strength and determination. Sagging and flabby buttocks - symbolize the loss of energy, loss of power. I am a confident and strong man. I rationally use my internal potential of power. I get everything conceived. I'm safe.
Ovaries Personify the manifestation of creative abilities. Express, mental desire. The balance of creative forces reigns in my soul. I easily show my creative abilities.
Peptic ulcer: stomach or duodenum Lack of respect for oneself. Excessive fear and anxiety for any reason. The desire to satisfy and adapt to someone. I am an interesting and creative person. I am pleased with my personal life, man. My heart is full of love and harmony.
Testicles A symbol of masculinity and male position. I approve of my masculine nature. I like to be a man. Showing masculinity is a safe solution.
Ulcers: inflammation Confidence that appearance has an insufficiently attractive appearance. Fear and uncertainty in their abilities. Internal fluctuations. I respect and approve of myself. I like my appearance. Everything goes calmly and good. I live a happy and filled life.
Be in harmony with your body
Be in harmony with your body
  • Psychosomatic introspection of diseases And the impact on the ailment using healing phrases is an accessible method for everyone. To achieve the effectiveness of the effects of pronounced phrases on the organ or disease, you should systematically monitor stream of negative mental shapes In his subconscious, timely replacing them with statements from the table provided.
  • Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases With mental attitudes is designed for independent study and application. The main ally in this type of treatment is internal psychological and emotional mood to achieve a positive result.

Video: Healing of your life, Tips Louise Hei

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