Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "G" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

If you have been comprehended by the ailment and its name with the letter “G”, we advise you to study the methodology of Louise Hei on the treatment of ailments with affirmations.

The methodology of Louise Hay helps to cure the ailment using a psychosomatic analysis of diseases and the impact on the subconscious: healing phrases. This practice does not require special training and therefore gained wide popularity among lovers of non -traditional medicine.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "G" - from hemorrhoids to fungus

The psychosomatics table of Louise Hay diseases helps to reveal the causes of some ailments and gives options for positive phrases for healing diseases. This table discusses the options for diseases on the letter "G".

Disease and pathology of parts of the body and internal organs Psychosomatic causes of diseases. Influence on the organs Healing phrases. Positive thinking settings

An overestimated requirement for itself in the performance of certain actions is the desire to do everything faster than necessary. A crushed feeling of anger about loss. Fear of separation or loss. A person who is not able to share.


I have time to do everything on time. It’s easy for me to part or share. I find my free time for everything I like to do.



The loss of interest in actions - nothing seems important. Hopelessness in the situation. The feeling of routine.


Now I am establishing the rules of my life and following them. I begin a new period of my life.
Eye diseases

Disagreement with borrowed circumstances.


Now this life will correspond to my scenario - I will only do what I will be pleased with.



Anger for the lack of interest in your person.


All that is around me corresponds to my interests. I attract attention and enjoy life.



Increased vulnerability. Inability to express a sense of joy. Indulgence of dysfunctional thoughts.


Now I intend to show joy in full. My thoughts are pure and harmonious.


Herpes on the lips

The desire for sabotage from an unspoken resentment.


I am a peaceful person and do not want to harm others. In my subconscious, only good intentions are born.



Excessive criticism and underestimation of oneself. Fear and experience from the events.


I'm not afraid of anything. I treat myself with love and understanding. I approve of all my decisions.



An infringed manifestation of anger, inability to accept changes, stagnation in creative affairs, fear of standing up for yourself.


I can and want to create and implement my plans. I allow myself to be a bright and noisy person. I can defend my own goals and interests.


Breast: breast diseases

Unrealized maternal care: breastfeeding is a diet. Excess custody - suppression of independence. Feeling of secondaryness.


I am necessary and free in decision -making. The manifestation of maternal care is beneficial for me. I welcome the individuality of everyone who surrounds me. I am satisfied with my manifestation of tenderness.


Gastritis The feeling of vague and the inaccessibility of their actions. I like the events taking place in my life. I love and approve of myself. Living is safe.
A hernia of the intervertebral disc Lack of vital energy and support. The Universe protects and cares about me. I am safe and boldly go forward. I rejoice at every day.
Genitals Life beliefs of a man or woman. I gratefully, I accept my natural manifestation. I am not scared to show my true essence.
Hernia Lack of self -expression. The experience of parting. Everyday hardships and routine. In my soul, peace and peace. I like it, to manifest myself in various life areas. I love myself and my individuality.
Genitals: violations Fear of defeat. Loss of leadership. I accept myself as I am at the moment. I am happy to approve of the accomplishment of my plans.
Breast: mastitis, seals, cyst Excessive custody. Lack of independence. Total control. I'm safe. I like to show my position, and I respect, I am about the will of other people. Im free person.
Hepatitis Denial of the change of events. Fury, aggression. The responsible body for emotional irritation is the liver. My thoughts are easy and friendly intentions. I'm safe. My heart is open for new events.
Breasts: pathologies Inattention to oneself. Renovation from your own requests. Inability to take care of yourself. I am with love and care to myself. I feel an indispensable person.
Herpes on the genitals Awkwardness from sexual urge. Feeling of dishonor. The conviction of the sinfulness of the genitals. I am not ashamed of my body and sexuality. My feelings are a natural manifestation.
Breasts: part of the body Symbol - saturation, pregnancy and parental care. What I eat and what I give is in balance.
Herpes is ordinary A hidden resentment. Desire to spoil the results achieved. I am in harmony with the universe. They visit me, only positive thoughts.
Flu Confidence in the inevitability of the disease. Fear and pessimistic mood. Answer to a stressful environment. I belong only to my own rules. My subconscious mind is protected from external influence.
Lung hyperventilation: suffocation Fear of change of events. Unwillingness to move forward. I express confidence in the world. All changes, happen to me for the good. Any environment is safe for me.
Fungus Excessive conservatism. Fear of novelty and unwillingness to change anything. The past - overcomes the future. I choose life - here and now.
Hyperfunction: excessive activity Fear and nervous state. The feeling of an onslaught. It’s easy and free to live. I'm not worried about anything.
Gonorrhea Desire to subject yourself to punishment. I am with love and care, I belong to my own feelings of the body. I approve of my femininity.
Hypoglycemia Life disappointment. Disbelief in its own significance. My life is full of fun and good.
Dizziness Thinking workload with empty information. Lack of insight. I am a concentrated and balanced person. I like it, to live in joy and harmony with the world.
Pituitary Personifies the central leadership system. I control my thoughts on my own. My subconscious and body are in a coordinated state.
Ankle joint

Accusation of oneself. Inability to find a compromise.

The ability to be content with life, express ankles.

I worthy to be happy. I am letting positive events into my life.
Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth in women Suppressed aggression. Inability to control the feeling of fear. Excessive meticulousness. Lack of sociability. I care about myself. I am not afraid to show my essence. I like myself. The world is kind to me.
Shin Lack of life goals. Disappointment and collapse of ideals. I live, the best version of my life. I like what surrounds me.
Eyes: Astigmatism Denial of your own personality. Fear, see the true course of events. I accept the event I saw. I like to look at my appearance.
Deafness Denial, recluse, perseverance. I react to the sounds of the universe and joyfully accept them. I am part of the universe.
Eye disease: myopia Fear of future changes. I trust the universe and boldly walk along the destined path. My life is safe.
Glands A symbol of tension and suggestible equanimity. Lack of influence on the occurring phenomena. Unwillingness to intervene. I am the creator of my own life. I'm alright.
Glaucoma Inability to let go of a feeling of resentment. Emergency and depressed sensation. My soul is filled with kindness and love for others.
Eye disease: exotropy Fear, see reality in the present time. From this moment, I approve and love myself.
Eye disease: farsightedness A feeling of isolation from reality. I am in complete rest and safety. Nothing threatens me.
Eyes: strabismus A sense of inconsistency. Lack of desire to see everything in detail. I am not afraid to look at the world around me. My heart has gained calm.
Eye diseases in children Lack of desire, look at the ongoing phenomena in the family. This child has nothing to fear - he is under the protection of the universe. In his life, joy and kindness came.
Eyes: organ of vision A symbol of vision: future tense, present and past. I am with love and joy, I look at the world around me.
Eye disease: cataracts Denial, see the future. Lack of life joy. My world is created from joyful events. Ahead, an eternal series of positive phenomena.
Get your nails A feeling of neglect of parents. Lost, remorse. I like to get older. I trust my experience and boldly manage my life.
The fungal disease of the foot Lack of incentive to progressive development. Unwillingness to move forward. Fear and dependence on the opinions of others. I approve of my advance forward. I like to develop. I love myself.
Ailments and their treatment with affirmations
Ailments and their treatment with affirmations

By practicing healing techniques, using phrases from the table, you can change the attitudes of your thinking, configure the body to recovery. It is enough several times a day, in their free time to pronounce the words of affirmations indicated in the table until significant results are obtained. To find out what the ailments come from, which begin on BUTBATD.Walk on an active link.

Video: Healing of life from Louise Hei

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