Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter A - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter A - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatic treatment is safe and has no age restrictions and contraindications. In this article, we will consider the methodology of Louise Hei, the reason and healing phrases for all ailments to the letter A.

This table from Louise Hei - for convenience, is created in alphabetical order, contains a number of diseases on the letter “A” and phrases that will help to deal with the disease, give an answer about the possible causes of the occurrence of the disease and the relationship, certain organs with emotional human condition. They will help to find, the healing method by exposing the positive attitudes on the mental body of a person.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a table of diseases from anemia to anus pathologies

The psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases will improve not only health, but also many life factors: social adaptation, career implementation, educational function.

Disease and pathology of parts of the body and internal organs Psychosomatic causes of diseases. Influence on the organs Healing phrases. Positive thinking settings
Anemia Incomplete complexes, passive mood, pessimism, fear of real events, lack of joy. I like my lifestyle, I allow my soul to rejoice. The world accepts me. I'm not afraid to be happy. Life gives me favorable events.
Adenoids Family troubles and conflicts, a sense of unnecessary: \u200b\u200ba person who feels the lack of parental attention. My baby is long -awaited: his parents love him and are happy to appear.
Alcohol addiction Disrespectful attitude to oneself, the loss of the meaning of life, a feeling of guilt, hopelessness. My choice and actions are correct. I respect myself with respect and love. My life is going here and now - every new day, filled with pleasant events.
Amnesia Denial of reality, fear or inability to protect yourself. I have enough courage, mental abilities to give myself the right self -esteem. Living is not scary.
Abscess Emergency, excessive resentment and thirst for revenge. I say goodbye to my negative thoughts and let them go to freedom. Now the past does not bother me. My soul is in harmony.
Amenorrhea. Gynecological pathologies The rejection of his feminine. Dislike of yourself. I am happy to be a woman. I like my body and everything that happens to it.
Allergy Rejection of your environment or any specific person. Denial of own significance. The world is a safe place for me. I am friends with everyone whom the Universe sends me. In this world, nothing threatens me.
Anorexia Dislike for the world and your body, endless fears, incredulity in relation to others. I choose life and myself. I like life and my body. I am not scared, to be myself and live the way I want.
Addison's disease An embittered state in relation to itself, increased excitability. I'm not angry with myself. I like to take care of my body. My thoughts and emotions, in perfect order.
Angina Inability to express your opinion. Limited in verbal formulation or depressed desire, increase the tone of voice. I allow myself self -expression and freedom of action.
Apathy Fear of showing your feelings. Emotional restraint.

My feelings are safe. I am happy to relate to the tests donated to me. I am not afraid to show my emotions.


Asthma Desire, hold back tears. Inability, inhale the air - for its own good. Lack of positive events. I independently control my life. My actions - do not depend on the opinions of others. I like my freedom.
Amnesia is sickle-cell Distrust of their own forces. My children's temper gives me strength - to be always a cheerful and cheerful person. God gives me, all the blessings of the world.
Appendicitis Fear of positive events. I have nothing to fear. Everything is done to me for the good. I completely trust life.
Anorectal bleeding Feelings of irritation and anger. Unjustified hopes. I am confident in my actions - life helps me.
Appetite: its absence The presence of excessive caution. Fears. I treat myself with love and care. I have no fear of difficulties. The world is favorable to me.
Arthritis of the upper extremities Punishment of oneself, remorse. My heart is filled with kindness and love for everything around.
Anus: pathology in the anus Rushing negative thoughts and emotions in oneself. Inability to forgive. It is not difficult for me to part with unnecessary things and events in my life.
Arthritis of the joints Resentment of criticism. Lack of self -love and the outside world. Love for everything beautiful is my credo. I appreciate and love myself.
Atherosclerosis Stubborn, overstrain. Sensation of bitterness. I am open to new and joyful events. My desire is to bring love to this world.
Appetite: immense eating food Holding emotions. Fear of defenselessness. Nothing will hurt me. I am in the absolute world and harmony with others.
Asthma in children Self -destruction. Unwillingness to exist. This baby is loved and adored. He is a welcome child in the family.
Anus: abscess The desire to renounce something. Anger from the sensed feelings. What I do not need is easy and painless, leaves me.
Arteries The artery is a stream of positive energy. Arterial disorders - a signal about the absence of a positive attitude in life. The energy of joy, spreads through my body - in unison with heart attacks.
Anus: itching, fistula, pain cramps Itching: flour of conscience. Fistula: unclean conscience, digging in the past. Pain spasms: Punishment of oneself, for bad deeds. Itching: I forgive myself and free from resentment. Fistula: The past no longer owns my subconscious. Pain spasms: past, I don’t remember anymore. I look into the future with hope.

Using, given in the practice table, you can significantly transform the physical condition and establish your life as a whole. The technique must be used daily - to achieve the maximum effect. To find out why we show ailments that begin at BATGD.Walk on an active link.

The founder of the methodology with valuable words
The founder of the methodology with valuable words

It is important to monitor the internal course: to track in time, the manifestation of negative thoughts and replace them with positive attitudes according to the table. The technique of affirmations is a practice convenient in use and compatible with other methods of human healing: a standard and preventive type of treatment of diseases.

Video: Healing of oneself - the advice of Louise Hei

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