Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "C" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

The theory and practice of psychosomatic treatment is based on the teachings and personal experiments of the famous psychologist and writer Louise Hei. In her writings, she describes a number of opportunities to get rid of the disease in a non -drug method.

Patients who have experienced the effect of healing in a psychosomatic method in practice, argue that treatment is absolutely harmless and suitable for any degree of disease. It is the mind that is the primary tool in the battle with the disease that accelerates the work of congenital restorative currents in the body.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "C" - from a heart attack to scoliosis

Psychosomatic table with the letter "C" - shows The causes of the origin of the disease gives instructions for healing the disease. For each disease, a separate column with a psychosomatic analysis of the disease and therapeutic mental attitudes is identified.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and pathological processes in the internal organs and parts of the body. Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.
Heart attacks

The predominance of material needs over mental desires. Very little true joy. An intense desire to prove anything to someone.


I open my heart for love and happiness. I decide on my own how much money I need to feel comfort. Release, only to your expectations.


Back: back pain

A symbol of vital stability. If the pain is observed in the right part - the isolation of feelings and the lack of moral support. The middle zone of the back is remorse due to guilt. Problems of the lower zone are fear of bankruptcy, financial instability.


All things are done safely - I cope with the tasks set in front of me. Failures - I leave in the past. My future is excellent and filled with income. I am gaining care and support for others.



In children, it arises from a lack of attention. For adults, this is a signal of defenselessness before difficulties, a contradictory feeling for protracted processes.


I give myself to the power of the universe and trust its life processes. I am protection and feel a confident and calm person. I am overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude.


Suicide Lack of positive events in fate. Inability to see something good in life is to find the right solution. In my life there are many options for events. I am easy, I find a way out of any situation. I am confident in my determination.
Raw: urticaria Anxiety due to a forced delay in cases. The child’s desire to draw attention to himself. I am with love and gratitude, I treat myself. I trust my fate to the universal forces.
White hair Conviction of the correctness of their actions - subordination and pliability. Excessive stressful situations. I am satisfied with what I have for a given period of time. Harmony and confidence spread in all areas of my life.
Dry eyes Eyes filled with anger. Inability to forgive and let go of resentment. Stubbornness and maliciousness. Lack of love. I look at people with a sense of compassion and understanding. I get rid of old grievances and reproaches.
Spleen Insanity. Annoying thoughts and actions. I am confident in my significance. Life, for each planned, a separate path. I adore myself.
Joints: knee, elbow Denote the ability to easily promote in the future. I am heading for upcoming updates without obstacles. The forces of the universe give me the most prosperous events, lead me along an easy path.
hay fever Nervous overstrain. A feeling of disappointment and guilt. Fear of the future. Persecution mania. My fate is in complete security. I am an inseparable part of the universe.
Convulsions Fear and nervousness. The desire to cling and take root for something. I trust myself with the universe. I am relaxed and happy.
Heart Personifies, concentration of sensuality and control over safety. My heart fulfills the rhythm to the beat of fun and love.
Feet: Diseases Fears of approaching upcoming changes. Fear to go forward. Uncertainty in their own strength. I boldly and confidently, I go towards new adventures. My steps are light and solid movements.
Heart attack: heart attack The preference for material wealth, in return for spiritual peace. The crowding of positive from personal life. I put happy feelings in my heart. I radiate peace and friendliness.
Feet Symbolize the understanding of life, their own personality, the public. I freely perceive the changes of the real world. I have nothing to fear.
Sinusitis: inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses Intolerance in relation to the neighboring environment. In my world, peacefulness and joy rules. I claim that my heart is filled with harmony and compassion.
Strigerating lichen: dermatomycosis A critical judgment in relation to oneself. Malaise. Excessive sacrifice. Passion, mock yourself. I am a free person. Others are not allowed to show a sense of power over me, without my permission. I approve of all personal actions.
Bruises: bruises Meaningful torture of oneself. Life minor retribution. I am with a good heart, I go along the life path. I save and love myself. In my world, everything is safe.
Tetanus The need for spiritual reassurance and cleansing thoughts of anger. I allow the universal forces, fill my soul with joy and sprinkle the whole body with happiness. My feelings acquire a positive color.
Syphilis Exclamation of the body. Very loss of energy. I choose my true purpose. I am satisfied that I have been sent by God's strength.
Old age Falling into childhood. Manipulation of the attention of others. The desire to get more love and guardianship. Evasion of reality. I am under the protection of the universe. My world - generously gives me its favor on every segment of life.
Skeleton: bones Denotes a human life case. Broken structure. I have a perfect body and well -being. I like my body.
Back: malaise in the upper zone Lack of love and realization of personal feelings. Lack of moral assistance. I let go of the memories of the past. With a pleasant trepidation, I expect a coming to my life of new feelings.
Scleroderma Evasion of life difficulties. Unwillingness to take responsibility. A careless attitude to personal life. I am a purposeful person. I entrust myself to the life stream and trust his choice. My fate is in a stable position.
Back: diseases of the middle zone Refusal to discuss problems. Feeling of obedience. Excessive attachment to the past. I expel the burden from my heart about the past and open it for the future. My thoughts are full of tenderness and commitment.
Weakness Overwork. Emotional mood needs a break. I reassure a stream of thoughts. My mental actions are relaxed and harmonious.
Back: diseases in the lower zone Concern with material income. Excessive anxieties due to shaky financial situation. Lack of money. The universe distributed wealth on me. I easily achieve your goals and get what I want. I trust the universe. I have a prosperous fate.
Dementia Anger for life. Refusal of humility with reality. Disappointment and hopelessness. I live in the most favorable moment for me. I exist in a harmless world.
Back Life foundation. I feel strong help from universal forces. The universe protects me.
Colon mucosa: colitis Linking in past insults. Excessive digging and unwillingness to change anything. Negative thoughts, clog the channels of cleansing from toxins. I like to live in the present tense. I can easily get rid of the cargo of past beliefs. My thoughts are transparent and pure forms.
AIDS Unprotected and disappointment. Confidence in personal unsuitability. Dislike of your own personality. Lack of significance. Sexual fault. I am a talented and holistic person. I am an universal creature born to a happy life. I respect myself and the manifestation of personal feelings.
Death Denotes leaving the living road. I allow myself, with a sense of gratitude, to accept any life result. I give my fate to the power of God forces - to accompany a new fateful step.
Spastic colitis: intestines, colon Distrust and anxiety. Inability to give. Fear of missing something. Living is safe. I love my existence. The world gives me the best benefits. Everything develops perfectly for me.
Solar plexus Intuitive focus. An unintentional response. I have inner strength and preservation instinct. I trust personal forebodings.
Abdominal cavity Fear, horror. Violation and inhibition of life flows. Nothing threatens me. I choose the care of universal forces. The world skillfully protects me and my internal processes.
Spasms Excited reflection. Experiences inspired by fear. An unhappy stream of thoughts. I can freely control my thoughts and emotions: to let go, disperse and concentrate. My consciousness is subordinated to me. My soul is relaxed and happy.
Fistula The channel of cleansing the body is blocked. Fear and irritability. I am in safe time for myself. I am a person pleased with life.
Synovitis: thumb of the foot Lack of fun and sympathy in life. Inability to enjoy happiness. I gratefully perceive my own life. Every day is full of grace.
Gas accumulation: flatulence The thirst for possession of something. Fear. Inability to "digest" some ideas. Incredible moral tension. I weaken the grip and let go of all unnecessary. My life - acquires new vivid emotions.
Disk displacement Deprivation of patronage. Indecision and passivity. The world sends me help in full. I can realize any of my idea. Everything is going well.
Tapeworm Confidence in their own unsuitability and sacrifice. Lack of reaction to external pressure. Intuitive fears. I share my good intentions and feelings with other people. I do not condemn my emotional state. I am free from convictions, man.
Stuading: shoulders Little difficulties lifted upon themselves. Excessively overwhelming burden. Long -term lack of support. I walk along the road of life with my head raised and straight back. I am a flexible person. My life is a stable and joyful way.
Scoliosis Inability to move along the life path. Stepping in place, preserving old memories. There is no unity of personality. The cowardice and incredulity of nature. I am proud of even posture. I'm in a safe position. My world - leads me along a convenient road. I trust the universe. I love this life.
Choose ourselves
Choose ourselves

At the time of treatment, healing phrases can be read out mentally, or aloud. The main thing, have an inner intention to get a favorable effect of healing. This technique is designed on a psychological impact on human consciousness. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToLMNOP, R Follow the active link.

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