Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases with the letter “I” - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases with the letter “I” - table, treatment with affirmations

Official medicine has long recognized that psychosomatic studies are an integral part of treatment, for a qualitative determination of the diagnosis of the patient, as well as when prescribing an effective method of healing the disease. To overcome the disease - there are few tablets alone, a positive attitude of the patient and faith in the result are necessary.

The world -famous psychologist Louise Hay, thanks to her own experience, has created a whole methodology, with the help of which it is easy to diagnose her condition and in time to identify weaknesses in the body. The feasibility of applying its theory is confirmed by numerous positive reviews of not only individuals, but also doctors.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases with the letter “and” - from heartburn to immunity

In the table psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases The letter “and”, along with the list of diseases, attached variants of healing verbal attitudes. The specified psychosomatic analysis for each of the diseases will help to understand in detail the causes of the ailment. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD., AND Follow the active link.

Diseases and violations in the internal organs and parts of the body Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

The state of panic fear.


I am safe. The world takes care of me, and I trust him. I live a full life.


Curvature in the spine

Lack of life fitness and personal opinion. Inability to find new solutions. Enrace and incredulity.


I walk through life - freely and easily, with a high -raised head and a straight back. I have no fears - I trust the universe.



Unbelief in own strength, lack of guardianship, fear of responsibility and one’s own feelings.


I am satisfied with myself. I am a fearless and purposeful personality. Where I am - harmony and peace reigns.


Ileit Fear, dissatisfaction, anxiety. Painful condition. My soul is harmonious. I fulfill my tasks, as far as possible. I am pleased to look at myself and rejoice.
Infection: viral diseases Resentment, rage. Excessive temper. From this moment I will live in peace and consent with others.
Idiopathic paralysis: face muscles An attempt to hide irritation. Closure in the manifestation of emotions. I do not keep a feeling of resentment towards myself. I openly show my emotions.
Impotence Fear of maternal condemnation. Anger for a partner. Imposed by society, inferiority complexes. A feeling of pressure and coercion in sexual life. A hidden resentment. I allow myself to show sexuality as I consider necessary.
Excess hair growth: for women A hidden feeling of rage, imposed for fear. The need to find the perpetrators in their troubles. Lack of order and wellness. I am pleased to take care of myself and take care of as a child. I am happy to show my naturalness to the world. A sense of kindness is my main protection.
Stroke: blood circulation pathology in the brain. Loss of life stimulus. Refusal of change. A stubborn state and a negative attitude to changes in life. My life path is filled with events. I rejoice at everything new. Each period of this life is valuable to me.
Myocardial infarction In pursuit of material benefits, a feeling of joy of life was lost. All I do is filled with good and love. I let go into my life, fun and happiness.
Urinal channel infections An insulted feeling in marriage. Helpers experienced. Resentment and reproaches towards others. Old installations no longer affect my mood. I am a free person. I am waiting for positive changes in my fate.
Infectious colitis: amoebiasis Fear of extermination. Loss of their own importance. I respect my personality. My opinion is primary for me. I feel an excess of internal potential and the confidence that I can realize it.
Infectious colitis: dysentery Disappointment. Lost sense. I am happy that I live. My heart is filled with gratitude and happiness.
Itsenko-Kushwo: disease Negative attitude to life. Oppressed thoughts. Lack of plans and tasks. I am selecting for myself, exclusively positive thoughts. My soul is manifested in goodness and peacefulness to the whole world.
Sciatica Inability to openly prove oneself. Fear of material benefits. The desire to please everyone. I no longer beware of future changes. I know my true purpose. The world gives me everything I want.
Infection Symbolizes a sense of aggression, bitterness. My soul is in a relaxed and calm state. The world is a safe place.
Insulin addiction Unwillingness to recognize your feelings. Alienation, clamping, crushed resentment. Unbelief in itself and reciprocity. Excessive custody of parents is a spoiled child. I easily give and accept love. I do not evaluate myself and strangers. My manifestation of emotions is a disinterested feeling. I am a generous person.
Genital tract infections The rejection of their genitals. Installation in sinfulness due to the manifestation of femininity. Squeezing in the manifestation of sexual attraction. The deliberate punishment of oneself for feelings. My soul and body are in perfect condition. I accept personal femininity and consider it a natural nature. I calmly voice my own desires. I am not embarrassed to express my feelings.
Immunity: Weakening Oppressed state. Chronic stress. Waiting for unpleasant events. Discomfort or mental stress. Unwillingness to be in this company. I have care and trust in my inner foreboding. I choose, only a pleasant circle of communication to me. Alien opinion is not a decree. I allow myself to make decisions myself. My soul is balanced and happy, at the moment.
Think positively
Think positively

Information from the table provided can be used as a preventive or systemic treatment of diseases. An important aspect in healing is the regularity of the implementation of the methodology - targeted self -hypnosis, by the pronunciation of oral mental attitudes. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to constantly track the flow of your own negative mental forms, control and replace them in a timely manner for installations from the list.

Video: Psychosomatic work on oneself

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