Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "D" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

The science of psychosomatic diagnosis of diseases is a widespread method in the treatment of human ailments. The founder of this technique became the famous psychologist Louise Hay.

Methods of treatment with Louise Hei showed more than one positive result in practice. Millions of people throughout the planet became adherents of the psychosomatic theory of Louise. Such a direction in medicine allows you to immediately cover and affect the two states of the human body - a physical and psychological state.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "D" - from diabetes to bone deformation

The table provides examples of diseases in psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases on the letter "D"as well as psychosomatic causes of the disease. For convenience, opposite each disease, there are a number of healing phrases that correct mental attitudes. Information about the ailments for the letters BUTBAT, G, Displayed in an active link.

Disease and pathology of parts of the body and internal organs Psychosomatic causes of diseases. Influence on the organs Healing phrases. Positive thinking settings

Loss of influence on the situation. The transfer of many troubles and subconscious retention in the memory of sorrowful moments. Lack of positive emotions.


I live here and now - it gives me a sense of joy. I begin to appreciate every moment.



An internal conflict with yourself, due to the desire to pour anger out. A feeling of hopelessness.


I am joyful to go beyond the conventions and become the author of my own life. I do not obey someone else's opinion. My life, absolutely suits me.


Respiratory disorders

A person considers his existence useless, forbids himself to live and breathe in full of the chest. Low self-esteem.


I have been granted life and the right to inhale the air in full breast. I am worthy to live and enjoy every moment.



There is no clarity and purpose in human life. The manifestation of uncertainty and inability to act in difficult situations.


I have an action plan, and I intend to carry it out. I am a purposeful personality. I have enough strength and will, fulfill everything conceived.


Children's diseases Excessive superstition and following generally accepted signs. Infantile state of adults. Faith in the invented situations. This child is under the universal guardianship. I insist on protecting his immunity, under any circumstances.
Breath The symbol is the flow of life. I live in love and security.
Dysentery Fear, excessive accumulation of aggression. I flood the subconscious only with calm and kind thoughts. My inner state is harmonious with the body.
Yeast infection: thrush Settlement of your requests. Inability to accept the help of others. Now I care about myself with pleasure.
Dysentery: amoebic The conviction that you are overcome from the outside. I am guaranteed to be safe. I control the situation. My heart radiates calm and peace.
Dysmenorrhea: violation of the menstrual cycle Dislike for yourself or the female sex. Aggression to your own personality. Rejection of their femininity. I'm good. I like my body and everything that happens to it is normal. I love my cycles.
Duodenum Anger from inability, to lead the process. I trust the world and his plans. I love myself and my environment.
Dysentery: bacterial Hopelessness, depressed condition. My soul is filled with vital energy, joy and love.
Diarrhea An attempt to escape from reality. Feeling of fear. I have nothing to fear - I'm safe. I live in the present and rejoice at life.
Dysbiosis Disagreement with the opinion of others. Condemnation of someone's actions. I accept people and their manifestation of individuality. I allow myself to be free.
Distrophy: muscle progressive Unwillingness to admit your own success. Denial of own significance. Loss of dignity. I love myself and my solutions. My achievements benefit me and people. I am a purposeful person.
Disk: displacement Timid state. The feeling of loss of life support. The Universe creates only favorable situations for me. I am happy to trust her with my life path.
Distrophy: muscular The desire to experience total control over the situation. Lack of trusting relationships. Inability to protect yourself. Feeling of fear. My life is a safe place. I love myself and approve of my actions. The world is favorable to me.
Dermatitis Deep feeling of guilt. Problem relations with parents. Unwillingness to perform some actions. Refusal to communicate with people. I take joyful events in my life. I forgive myself and others. My heart translates only positive emotions.
Pressure: hypertension Protest against liable obligations. Inability to refuse people. I am relaxed and satisfied with life. I allow myself to be what I am. I approve, freedom of other people. My thoughts are filled with peace and love.
Pressure: hypotension Submission, low self -esteem. Inability to protect oneself from external influence. Fear, confidence in their own weakness. I am with love and care, I treat myself. I am a confident personality. I like it to manage my own life.
Fruelment Unwillingness to consider real events. Stubbornness, rooting dogm. Refusal of the new. Fear of change. I am in the present moment of my life. I like to solve problems here and now. I allow pleasant events, enter my life. I see well those who are currently near me.
Deformation: Bone Excessive overstrain. Oppressed mental state. Dementia. Loss of muscle tone. I trust myself with the life flow of energy. I like to follow in his course. I am relaxed and pleased with myself. Life is my main joy.
Think positively
Think positively

In order to get an effective result of treatment, when exposed to healing phrases on mental activity, it is necessary to conduct a psychosomatic analysis of the state of the body according to this table. The phrases indicated for each disease will help adjusting psychological attitudes. The correct mental form is able to launch the internal reserves of the body and lead it to total healing.

Video: Louise Hay - diseases from the mind

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