Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter “M” - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter “M” - table, treatment with affirmations

A special methodology for psychosomatic treatment from Louise Hei is aimed at involving the patient in the healing process. The author of the method believes that a person is subject to the management of his own organism, through certain attitudes.

The concept of its technique includes: the arbitrary use of mental forms, for the positive configuration of energy balance in the body. The methodology allows us to use, in practice, in addition to the established healing phrases, independently selected speech formulations, based on the semantic plot of recommended healing sentences.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases to the letter "M" - from migraine to myocarditis

In the list, the diseases are involved in the letter “M” and the results of a psychosomatic interpretation of these diseases. In accordance with each indicated ailment - the table contains the selected healing verbal attitudes. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD.ANDHAndTo, L Follow the active link.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and violations in the internal organs and parts of the body Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

Fear on sexual grounds. Aversion to forced actions.


I trust myself with the course of life processes. I feel relief and relaxation. Let life itself choose a suitable path for me.

Resentment and accusation of a partner. Irritability from dissatisfaction, bouts of anger.


In my life, only good and good deeds occur. I am leaving, from the stereotypes of thinking assigned to me. I feel vigor and a surge of physical energy.


Malaria Lack of balance in life. Unstable relations with nature. I am part of nature and are in complete agreement with it. My life is safe.
Muscle dystrophy Unwillingness to become older. Loss of self -sufficiency. I get out of control by my parents. I accept my feature as it is.
Mastoid More often, happens in children. Anger and annoyance. Denial of the event seen. Fear interferes with the manifestation of truth. My environment is saturated with good and grace. I am a source of all positive intentions. I am easy and free to look at the world.
Muscles A symbol of life and movement. Refusal to acquire new skills. New joyful events decorate my life. I strive for development.
Uterus Personifies the source of creative manifestations. I love my body and feel comfortable in it.
Urine channel: inflammatory process Aggressive state. Resulting. Anger from assertiveness, from unauthorized persons. I am the creator of beautiful and noble deeds. My thoughts are visited only by pure and positive thoughts.
Meningitis: spinal -heart The accumulation of gloomy thoughts. Enrace for life. I free my soul from anger. My heart acquires peace and peace.
Sea disease: motion sickness. Fear of everyday difficulties. Awe before death. Inability to keep everything under control. I trust my fate of the universe. Divine forces take care of me. Where I am, it is safe to be.
Menopause Negative attitude to the process of inevitable aging of the body. Hostility to your own body. Lack of vitality. Fear from loss of attractiveness. I approve, any changes in my body. I like my age and appearance. I am grateful to the universe for the cycles sent to me.
Mononucleosis A feeling of indifference in relation to oneself. Disappointment from a lack of attention and love. Resentment due to the underestimation of its significance. I have everything I need to implement my plans. I am surrounded by love and care.
Menstruation: absence and violation The failure of the manifestation of their feminine nature. Negative attitude to female genitals. Fear and remorse. I consider my femininity a natural and natural phenomenon. My body has a perfect nature. I adore myself and my cycles.
Thrush: yeast infection Anger from the accomplishment of rash decisions. I am happy to perceive the consequences from the performance of my actions. I am able to independently influence my own decisions. The world is friendly to me.
Myopia: eye pathology The fear of future changes in life. Uncertainty in the future. Refusal to look forward with the hope of the best. I entrust my life to the universal stream. My universe chooses only the necessary events for me.
Corns Blind faith in its own old worldviews. Narrow thinking. Conviction, maintain past memories. Excessive fear. I remove all obstacles on the way to new changes in my life. I like new impressions that are included in my fate. I am satisfied with all my decisions. I revel in every day.
Brain Personifies the leading center. Symbol of control and management. I am doing my own stream of my thoughts on my own. My life energy is subject only to me.
Brain: Tumor Faith in false beliefs. Excessive perseverance. Unwillingness to make changes to the worldview. My existence is constant changes. Any information is available for my thoughts. I get, only the best renewal of my personality.
Milk glands Symbol of motherhood: care, quenching hunger and feeding. I am happy, give and receive help. My generosity is rewarded with mutual kindness.
Wrinkles: face Dissatisfaction with life. Oppressed thoughts. Disappointment and despondency. I believe in the boundless resources of my body. I am young and beautiful. My face, again, radiates the emotions of joy and bliss.
Mastitis The unrealization of maternal instincts. Compression in the manifestation of feelings. Lack of guardianship. I am a necessary person in the fate of other people. My love is gifting with affection and peacefulness. I allow myself to be a free personality, and to others to act at my discretion.
Multiple sclerosis Manifestation of cruelty. Sunnyness and severity. Terrible customs. Inability to show compassion. The energy of my heart is filled with peacefulness and positive. I am a happy and sociable person. The universe takes care of me.
Tonsils: Inflammation Rejection of creative ideas. Dead inner voice. Suppressed emotional state. Frighty and shudder. The creative stream of grace, penetrates into my heart and flows in a calm stream. I am a confident person. In my life, prosperity dominates.
Urine: incontinence Concealment of feelings. An excess of emotions, tension. I easily express my requirements and feelings. I boldly control my emotions.
Myocarditis A soul mired in an aspiration for enrichment. Neglect of a reflection for life. Again, I will settle the fun in my heart. In my actions, the manifestation of universal love is laid.
Why are we sick?
Why are we sick?

The creator of the provided method of healing, recommends taking her techniques - as an autonomous process of liberation from malaise. This is not just treatment, but a healing image of self -knowledge. Each separate mental installation is aimed at a general healing result for the whole organism: energy purification and restoration of the physiological feature for regeneration.

Video: Healing her life - Louise Hei

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